I'll Protect You, Always (Sup...

Door Supernaturalattack

147K 4.3K 2.2K

If you grew up knowing that there was something off about your life, just to find out that you're not human... Meer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Edited Epilogue (2018)
Original Epilogue (2014)
Author's Note

Chapter 21

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Door Supernaturalattack

"Marcus, we're not going to get to the bottom of this if you don't talk to me," the counselor stated with a sad half smile. Castiel continued to not speak and stare at her with alert eyes. 

The counselor turned to me and kindly smiled, "Do you think you can get through to him? Frankly, I didn't even know he had a friend. So, hopefully that means you understand him." My eyes widened, and I sat there gaping at her for a moment. Finallly I realized a way to keep us from both getting int trouble and turned to Castiel. 

"Okay, well Marcus, are you ok?" I asked Castiel. 

Castiel just stared at me and then shook his head. 

"Okay, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" 

Castiel quickly nodded his head and then leaned over to whisper in my ear, "What are you doing?" 

I nodded my head and acted like he had actually said something important. 

"I'm improvising." 

I pulled away from him and turned to the counselor, "He wants you to tell me what's been going on with him. He wants me to hear it from you. It's too hard for him to say it," I said and shook my head sadly, in false sympathy. I had to admit my curiosity over the boy was getting the best of me. Why did he have meetings with a shrink? What was wrong with him?

She smiled and responded with, "Gladly. Well I've been having these meetings with Marcus for about a year now, everyday. Sometimes he talks to me, but most days he just sits and stares at me. He's depressed and dare I say it, suicidal. He's told me on multiple occasions how he has hurt himself. So many suicide attempts. He feels so lonely. He tells me how he feels like his parents don't care about him. He's such a troubled boy." The entire time she talked she stared at Castiel with a sympathetic look. That was very awkward, talking about him like he wasn't in the room. But, I had to know, and Castiel couldn't tell me.

I sat through her little talk nodding and throwing in a little 'uh ha, yeah' here and there. Castiel didn't say anything and looked very uncomfortable shifting around in his seat. When it was time to finally go back to class, Castiel and I stood up. 

"Wait, um Marcus could you please wait outside the door while I talk to your friend for a moment." 

Castiel looked terrified, but I nodded at him and grabbed his hand, "Be careful!" His words flooded into my head, and gave me a newfound sense of security around him. 

I let go of his hand and mouthed, "I will, go." 

He took one last look at me, walked out, and closed the door behind him.

The counselor gestured for me to take a seat again. I warily stared at her before I slowly lowered myself on the seat in front of her. 

"Look, I just wanted to say I think it's wonderful that you're taking the time to be Marcus's friend. I can't remember the last time he had one. You are the only person I've ever seen him let himself open up to. But I have to warn you, like I said, he's troubled. I don't want to see you getting hurt by getting caught up in his sad life," she plastered the same false smile onto her face and again stared sympathetically at me. I stared back at her in disbelief. She was a counselor for god's sake! She should have showed some freaking real sympathy. What a bitch! 

"Well thanks for the advice, but I don't think that's going to happen," I quickly shot up and stormed out of the room.

Castiel looked up at me as soon as I opened the door, and I immediatly grabbed his hand. I began to lead him down the hall as he pelted me with questions, but I was so angry I couldn't bear to turn around and tell him. As we walked out of the office, I didn't stop to smile at Mrs. Blake, I just continued walking. I dragged Castiel all the way to our next class and I soon figured out that our last class was AP Chemistry. Oh joy, I was so excited. Not. When we arrived we were about five minutes early. There was a teacher siting at a desk at the far end of the classroom. She looked up and squinted her eyes at me. Well that was different, she didn't smile. 

"Are you lost?" she questioned me. 

I shook my head, "No, I'm Annabelle Caster. I'm your new student." The teachers eye lit up in realization, and she nodded slowly. Her eyes scanned me up and down and landed on my hand wrapped around Castiel's. I followed her gaze to my hand, and I released Castiel's hand.

"Yes, well, like most places at this school we don't have a seating chart so take a seat wherever you like. It's nice to see you, Marcus," she said finally acknowledging Castiel. He was still sort of getting used to being called Marcus so he just glanced at her and followed me to the right side of the classroom. We had tables instead of individual seats. That meant we would have to be with other people. '

Great just what we needed.' I thought to myself as I stared across the table to the chairs directly in front of me. 

"So Annabelle, what school did you go to before this school?" asked the teacher. Now looking at her stand up I could finally get a full view of her. She was Japanese and had long black hair that went to her hips. It was wavy and a little messy like she didn't brush it in the morning. She was wearing a white long sleeved T-shirt. Her pants were maroon, and she was very skinny. She looked to be somewhere in her thirties. Her eyes were a dull brown, and her shoes were maroon flats with small bows on the tips.

"I was home schooled for all of my life so this is all very new to me," I explained. 

She actually looked very stunned to hear this and replied, "Wow. That's very interesting. What made you want to come to a public high school for the last two years before you go to college?" 

I was taken aback by her question and knew I had to make up something quickly, "Nothing really I guess. Just that I wanted to try something new. I was very antisocial in homeschooling. I just hope I can get past that." 

My teacher listened intently and then said, "Oh I'm so sorry. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Ms. Satoshi, most just call me Ms. S." I smiled at her and then the bell rang.

Within moments students started to pile into the classroom. Ms. S gathered a group of papers, and started to pass them out to all the students. 

"This is our daily warm up. I printed it out for you today. No writing the warm up down today." 

A weak chorus of whoops echoed throughout the classroom. At the last minute two girls ran into the classroom laughing very loudly. They were about the same height. One had dark brown hair and the other short blonde hair. They were both very petite. They were wearing practically identical floral dresses. The dresses hugged their waists perfectly. 

Ms. S sighed, like this was a daily routine and said, "You're late again ladies." 

They stopped laughing, and the blonde looked at the clock, "No we're not we have one more minute." 

Ms. S looked at her and practically glared, "You will be if you don't find your seats." They both shrieked slightly and ran over to our table.

Everyone had avoided our table as they walked in, and I was very grateful. Now these too loud mouth prissy girls were running over to us. I could feel Castiel become instantly nervous next to me. I grabbed ahold of his hand under the table and gave him a reassuring squeeze. 

"Why are they approaching us?" he asked me. I shrugged slightly because honestly I did not want to have to explain to them him that they had to sit with us. 

The girls reached our table just in the nick of time. The bell rang, and they started giggling like maniacs. 

"Now, if you will all please do your warm ups," Ms. S returned to her seat and started fooling with papers. The blonde girl looked up from her paper and stared at me. I didn't know what to do, and she wasn't breaking eye contact with me. She then broke out in a huge toothy grin. 

"Hi I'm Bethany, but you can call me Beth. You must be new," she reached her hand out across the table for me to shake it, but I was too nervous to take it. She seemed nice enough but I had literally never met a girl my age. My throat felt dry, and I couldn't speak.

"Um uh uh yeah. I'm Annabelle. This is my first day."

Beth continued to grin and dropped her hand getting the hint that I wasn't going to take it.

"Awesome! You're going to love it here! Everyone's so nice! This is my best friend, Sasha." Sasha wiggled her eyebrows at me and then winked. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and I tightened my hold on Castiel under the table. Was she flirting with me?

Beth laughed, "Oh don't mind her she's just fooling around, she already has a girlfriend. Who would get very angry if she found out you were flirting with anyone else so stop." She looked at Sasha and playfully hit her. Okay so I wasn't imagining her wink. 

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Whatever. What she doesn't know won't kill her."

 They continued to talk and bicker like this for another ten minutes. My nose was scrunched up throughout their entire conversation. My eyes were wide, and I couldn't stop staring and listening to them. They sat there for a couple minutes arguing over if Sasha was a good girlfriend or not. Finally, I stopped staring at them and did my warm up. When I glanced over to Castiel's paper he was already done. 

My jaw dropped, and my eyes went wide, "Cas, how did you finish that so fast?" 

He shrugged and whispered, "It was very simple. I learned this all a very long time ago. Many of my previous vessels were professors and teachers. Why do you think I've been your teacher for all these years?" I looked away from him just to find Beth and Sasha staring at me.

"What?" I asked them. Did I have something on my face? 

"Did you just call him Cas?" Sasha asked with her head slightly titled to the side. Crap! I didn't mean to call him that. I was just so used to calling him that. 

"Um yeah, that's his nickname. You know because his name is Marcus. The last three letters sorta sound like Cas. I don't know I've just always really called him that," I said in a shaky voice an dtried to sound as convincing as possible. 

They both smiled, and Beth exclaimed, "That is the cutest nickname! You two are so cute together. The nerd and the hotty. I love it. I ship it!" Everyone around us shushed her. 

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Not this again. You can't ship people. They're probably not even a couple, Beth. Remember when you did this to me and Christina?" 

Beth nodded excitably, "Yes and what did I tell you? You two were always meant for each other. Look at you guys now! You're in love! I'm a match maker!"

I laughed awkwardly and looked at Castiel. He was watching them both very intently. 

"So how did you and Marcus meet?" Beth asked me, like she did not even notice how uncomfortable she was making me. 

I was quick to answer and said, "We've been friends for as long as I can remember. He was always there for me. He's my best friend." 

Beth smirked, "Awwwww that's so cute. I wish I had a boyfriend like that." She stared off into space like she was imagining her perfect boyfriend, which she probably was. I looked at Castiel his emotions changed. One minute he was calm and collected, and then his emotions were all over the place. He was happy, confused, upset, unfocused, excited, and overthinking everything.

I watched him go through all these emotions with a blank face. He then stopped on one emotion. The emotion I never thought he would feel directed at me again. Love. He stared back at me with adoration and longing. His head tilted slightly, and he smiled at me. My heart rate sped up, and he leaned into me. He kissed my cheek, and I blushed profusely. Beth's breathing hitched across the table, and she started squealing. 

"Oh my gosh you two are the cutest thing ever! I don't think I'll ever get my chemistry work done with you two at my table," Beth smiled and slowly rested her head on Sasha. Sasha smiled at us and gave me a thumbs up.

"I didn't know you were so cute, Marcus. You two should sit at out table at lunch tomorrow. You seem really chill," Beth said to me. 

I gave her a slight smile, "Okay." 

Ms. S walked to the front of the classroom, "Okay, that should be enough time. Will everyone please pass up their papers?" I collected all the papers at the table and gave them to the table in front of us. They passed it to Ms. S. 

"Okay, time for the experiment we talked about yesterday." 

Mrs. S grabbed three beakers and began to go over the chain of chemical reactions on the board. From then on I sunk into my work. I tuned everything out except for Ms. S.

Finally the finale bell rang and everyone stood up. Beth was the first one to stop us before we walked away and said, "It was really nice talking to you guys. Here's mine and Sasha's number. Text us. Well see you tomorrow." They walked away talking frantically back and forth. Castiel grabbed both his and my backpack, and I followed him to the front of the school.

The front of the school was crowded with kids waiting to be picked up. Soon though I spotted the very inconspicuous 1967 Chevy Impala sitting in the parking lot. I grabbed Castiel's hand, and I ran across the street avoiding traffic. As soon as Sam and Dean got out of the impala, I let go of Castiel's hand and ran up to Dean. I ran right into his arms and momentarily relished in the feeling of his huge arms circled around me. He released a breathe of air as I collided with him. 

"Hey kiddo, how was your first day of school?" Dean stared down at me and patiently awaited an answer. I felt very protected with them here. I finally had a family that picked me up from school, treated me like a regular kid, and momentarily felt semi normal. Dean was my older brother no matter what anyone said. As was Sam of course, but for some reason I always felt a stronger connection to Dean. Dean and Sam had taken care of me in ways that only real family could. I could tell he missed having someone to take care of.

"It was pretty good. Everyone here is too happy and nice, though. I have a lot to tell you," I mumbled into his chest. 

Someone cleared their throat, and I turned to see Sam standing there with his arms out, "Don't I get a hug?" I grinned and practically tackled him. I knew I had only been away from them for a couple hours, but the last time I was away from them for that long I was being tortured. So, I tried to make every minute count with them.

I let go of Sam and turned around. Castiel was awkwardly watching the whole scene play out. I realized that my perfect moment had finally arrived. So, I slowly walked up to Castiel. He stared at me with wide eyes, and I gave him a sly grin. I took the hem of Castiel's collar and pulled him to me. I kissed him full on the mouth, and without hesitation his mouth moved with mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and continued to kiss me with so much passion, I thought he might explode. I finally pulled away and rested my forehead against his. He was breathing heavily, and his eyes were full of lust.

In a split second Castiel was on his knees screaming for the second time today. I didn't touch him, and I kept Sam and Dean away from him. When he finally opened his eyes again, I ran over to him. 

"Hey, are you alright? What was it this time?" Castiel looked around like he didn't really know where he was and then he looked at me. 

"I remember everything."

 My eyes widened, "Everything as in.." 

Castiel sat up and said, "As in everything. From the fire to getting my memory wiped to you, Annabelle. I remember everything about you. I remember that I love you, Annabelle."


Ok here is the chapter! I know I have been taking a very long time I have just been really unmotivated. I hope you liked it though. Hope you're all having a great summer! Bye my lovelies!

It is now almost four years later that I am editing this and I still hope yall had a great summer!!

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