By OnolexTim

79.4K 12.5K 2.4K

Uyai(Beauty) had always been ashamed of her gangly figure, she was too tall for her age with no curves whatso... More

Uyai (One)
Uyai (Two)
Uyai (three)
Uyai (four)
Uyai (five)
Uyai (six)
Uyai (eight)
Uyai (nine)
Uyai (ten)
Uyai (eleven)
Uyai (twelve)
Uyai (thirteen)
Uyai (fourteen)
Uyai (fifteen)
Uyai (sixteen)
Uyai (seventeen)
Uyai (eighteen)
Uyai (nineteen)
Uyai (twenty)
Uyai (twenty-one)
Uyai (twenty-two)
Uyai (twenty-three)
Uyai (twenty-four)
Uyai (twenty-five)
Uyai (twenty-six)
Uyai (twenty-seven)
Uyai (twenty-eight)
Uyai (twenty-nine)
Uyai (thirty)
Uyai (Bonus)
Uyai (Thirty-one)
Uyai (thirty-two)
Uyai (thirty-three)
Uyai (thirty-four: part 1)
Uyai (thirty-four : part 2)
Uyai (epilogue)
Uyai (appreciation)
Author's Note.

Uyai (seven)

2.2K 360 87
By OnolexTim

"Eh? My water pot?" how was she going to produce a water pot when she had given hers to Edem? She looked down at her feet and watched as her toes picked up debris from the muddy soil, immediately a foot away from her slippers which she had unconsciously discarded in the midst of her tryst with Edem. She frowned at her predicament still trying to avoid her little sister's annoying smirk she was trying so hard to hide, but with difficulty, if the little twitches at the angle of her lips was not obvious enough, her whole expression screamed 'I've caught you! and you won't get away with it .

Obviously she couldn't avoid her for long, since she began to annoyingly tap her foot in impatience. She looked up at Edem and said sorry with her eyes hoping he'll understand, then she  pretended to remember "Oh! I think I gave you mine. Where did you keep yours? Didn't I warn you to be careful? You know a lot of water pots do get missing sometimes. Probably one of the maidens may have mistaken yours for theirs." she wisely took her water pot from him. The other just stood there more confused than ever.

Unbelievable! Uyai carefully looked at her sister. She didn't know whether to feel insulted or amused that sister thought her to be such an pliable fool. For God sake she attended secondary school and graduated with flying colours. She even passed her WAEC with no stress. Had she really forgotten that her twig of a sister had one thing going for her? Her brain? She was tired of being played a fool when she knew she wasn't for goodness sake!
"Why? That's so careless of you." she turned to Edem with a serious face.
Shocked that she was directly facing him. He made a choking sound.

Uyai just raised an eyebrow. She so wanted to hit him for chasing her sister behind her back. Well, technically it wasn't really behind her back, but still she hadn't fully approved of him dammit!
" bad" he chuckled nervously "I-Its my first time so am bound to be carefree, guess I was just careless." he whispered the last and Uyai read the hidden meaning.

"That's right! You were careless, too careless even."

"Its never going to happen again." he silently said, it was his way of apologising.

"Of course it won't. I'll make sure of it." she retorted. Uyai was having none of it. His apology fell on deaf ears.

"Err...what's going on here?" Affiong asked looking back and forth between the two. She couldn't help but think something indeed strange was happening directly in front of her; that the two were involved in a silent communication she wasn't sure was pleasant. Besides that, her little sister was acting too bold for her liking. What indeed was going on that made her little sister scowl darkly and her secret lover looking so remorseful? Why the hell was she being left out of the loop?

Now they were now in a staring contest. Affiong felt so left out.

"Uyai!" she whispered yelled "Do you two know each other?" she said now addressing the two.

"No oo!" They immediately said in unison. All it did was arouse her suspicion. She was clearly missing something and she was going to find out. She sincerely hoped it wasn't what she was thinking.

She quickly shook her head at the thought.

"Never seen her before. I am from the neighboring village remember?" he schooled his feature into a clueless one, while staring deep into her eyes as if to charm her to believe; and she almost did. Almost.

"Yes me too. Who is he?" Uyai feigned ignorance, she wanted to add. Me, twig, know any man,or a man knowing me how is that possible? But to avoid the satisfaction it'll give her sister, she had to keep her mouth shut.

Unnoticed to Affiong she had thrown the ball to her court.

"Him?" Uyai nodded "As he said he is from the neighbouring village."

"Indeed, then what brings you to our village?"

"I-I..." he started

"Can't you see he came to fetch water? Why all the questions?"

Uyai looked at Affiong as if she had lost her brain. Of all the excuse she could come up with, she just had to bring that one, she had really lost her brain cells.

She turned to Edem and acknowledge him with a blank expression " You mean to say you  came all the way from your village just so you can fetch water here?"

"I-I..No! I mean y-yes?" he shrugged.

Was he answering or asking?

"Really?" she frowned.

"Yes?" he said again.

"Is that a yes or a no?" Uyai asked. It was beginning to get extremely annoying; the fact that they thought she was so stupid.

"Its definitely a yes!" Affiong butted in. Uyai just wished she would shut up.

"Right. And he just happens to be the only man here in the stream. Fetching water must really be his hobby." she scowled at her sister. Could you at least be wise for once. "I believe there must be something special about our stream that made you come all the way. Is it the water? Or rather something else?"

"Ha.Ha" he choked out a nervous laugh, scratching his head.

Uyai raised an eyebrow. She was so not amused.

"I am curious though. Don't you have sisters?"

"I do." He replied immediately.

"And of course your sisters can't fetch water. Tell me, are they handicapped?"

"God forbid it. No!"he rebuked.

"Let me guess, the water in your village stream must be so badly contaminated, you had no choice but to save them the trouble by directly coming here right? You're such a nice brother." She said and began moving with her water pot to where the water was flowing steadily.

"Exactly that." he said and Uyai paused. She looked back at him. He was more stupid than she thought. Apparently he doesn't understand what it means to be sarcastic. It was ridiculous even after everything they both knew, he couldn't even come up with a more believable excuse. She couldn't help admit that the two were so right for each other. But mind you, he still wasn't getting her approval. Definitely not in this life.

"Indeed. Sister why don't we fetch the water." she turned to Affiong. "You. Why don't you help with a water pot since yours is missing."  she shoved one water pot into his hands while she carried the other.

"S-Sure." He grunted as the water pot hit him a little too hard.

"After you." she made way for them and noticed as they stole a glance at each other. Uyai not only noticed that, she also noticed that Affiong was being so compliant which was so unusual.
She knew she had to be wary. Affiong was too quiet, too quiet and it gave her the chills. Still she couldn't help but enjoy this moment; this moment of having an edge over her sister.

"Here, let me help you." Her grandmother said, and she bent forward enabling her to bring the water pots down one by one from head. "I don't know why you insist on carrying two water pot, and with your tiny frame I wonder how you achieve that. Don't you know its not good for your posture? Carrying one is enough" she complained

"Mama you keep saying that, don't you think its better? It'll save me the stress from going back and forth. Besides, I'm a strong girl mama." she huffed when the last pot was brought down. She straightened her back and her back bones readjusted with a crack.

"You see what I tell you. It is not healthy. Its a wonder you're still tall like an iroko."

"Of course mama. I have good genes." she laughed playfully

"Indeed you do. Your grandfather gave you that. I remember he towered over every one in the village. I still think he was awarded a Chieftaincy title for his height." Her eyes grew misty remembering her late husband. Uyai knew grand mother missed him a lot.

"I am indeed lucky, who knows my height might take me places." she laughed trying to change the atmosphere and it worked, for grandmother let out a hearty laugh.

"That reminds me, who is that young man I saw with your sister?"

"Young man?" Uyai frowned feigning ignorance

"Yes. That young man that Affiong just left with."

"Oh him."

"Yes him. who is he, I don't believe I've seen him in this village before and trust me, I never forget a face." She was right, she never forgot a face. What many women her age had in deficient, grandmother had in abundant. She knew basically everyone in the village, kudos to her amazing social skill.

"He is from the neighbouring village."

"What is he doing in our village then? And why is he with your sister? Don't tell me its..." she widened her eyes. Seemed she figured it out already.

"Yes mama." she nodded solemnly, not having the mind to admit otherwise.

"Really? Has he gotten your parents approval?" she queried

"No that I know of, apparently he had gotten Affiong's" Uyai scowled.

"This is not good." Grandmother shook her head. "I doubt your parent would be too happy about it."

Uyai shrugged. What could she say, Affiong was head over heels and none too wise about it. Poor Effiong. She didn't know if he still had a chance.

"Do tell me, what do you know about this young man?" Grandmother frowned folding her arms as she waited for her answer.

"Nothing much. All I know is that he's a sweet talker and a fast worker. He's definitely not to be trusted." She scowled remembering the time she found him in the stream publicly caressing sister never minding the fact that he was the only man present. Her scowl deepened when she thought of him doing the same with other women. It was indeed a possibility.

"I have a bad feeling about this young man." she rubbed her chin.

"Me too mama. Me too."

"You will do me a favour. You will monitor the two of them. Make sure they're not involved anything inappropriate that will leave her with regret and destroy our family's reputation. I don't trust your sister either, she's a careless one; easily driven by lust."

I am already on it. she wanted to say. "Okay mama." she said instead.

"Come dear, lets go prepare a meal for your father before he visits the kitchen." She adjusted her wrapper carefully tucking the edge between her waist. "Let's hope your sister knows what she's getting herself into."
she sighed. Uyai strode behind her.

"Mama, what are we cooking?"

"Affang soup."

"Yes!" she fist pumped.

Grandmother chuckled."Since I've already prepared the Affang why not?"

"Is it the leftover?"

"Of course. Did you think I would throw it away. You're not allowed to waste food you hear? As long as am alive at least. Now hurry up and go cut the water leaves, so we can be done before your mother returns."

"Ok mama."

"Have you swept the veranda?"

"Eyoo! No I havent." she had forgotten and there was little time left before mother returns from the farm.

"Don't trouble yourself, I will do it." she waved.

"Thank you mama." she smiled. She was a lucky granddaughter.

"Tell me, how do you know my little sister?" She stopped Edem when they were far from hearing range. She made sure they were concealed by the tall palm tree with its leaves as their shield.

"I just met her so how can I know her?" he denied.

"Don't play me for a fool, I witnessed you two in a staring contest and it seems like she knows you more than I do." She glared arms akimbo.

"Of course not! what would make you think that. Its only you I know dear. No one else matter, just you." he took both her hands why staring deep into her eyes.

"I don't believe you." she glared, forcefully pulling her hands from his hold, she folded it instead and looked away from his eyes to avoid being entranced.

"Come here." he gently pulled her into his arms even with her groans of protest, she still couldn't resist being in the confines of his strong arms. "You know how I feel for you my dear Affiong; my love for you knows no bounds. You see, I even left the young women in my village just for you. So why would I go for the less attractive sister when your beauty blinds me at every turn." he said and paused. Then he winced as he remembered his last remark. In fact right now he was expecting an angry scowl. He felt like hitting himself. Why did he have to make that comment. The less attractive sister, he had said. He avoided Affiong's eyes but was surprised when he felt arms tightened around him.

His eyes widened.

"You think so?" she smiled. Edem smiled back albeit reluctantly. It was more like a grimace, but of course she couldn't tell while basking in the fact that her beauty outwitted her sister's. It seemed their sibling relationship was a bit strained. At least in Affiong's end. Her little sister did care for her. That much he could see.

"Of course." he nodded in affirmative. "I love you."

"Oh! Edem, I love you too. she tightened her arms around him delving further into his embrace.

Behind them, wearing a disbelieving and heartbroken expression was Effiong, who had come to deliver the fire woods per Uyai's request, now here he was standing still leaving the logs to freely fall from his arms to roll on the ground, while he watched the woman he had claimed to love confessing love to another man.

Hey guys!
Sorry this is the least I can do. I might not be able to post soon due to my upcoming exams. Meanwhile stay tuned. Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me as you read. 

P.S Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy. Cheers!


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