Best Friends 2 (18+) | TAEKO...


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Jungkook and Taehyung honestly thought revealing their relationship to everyone in the house would be the har... More

Best Friends 1
Best Friends 2
Best Friends 3
Best Friends 4
Best Friends 6
Best Friends 7
Best Friends 8
Best Friends 9
Best Friends 10
Update 2

Best Friends 5

8.7K 264 52


"How much longer?" I huff in annoyance as the makeup artist continues to poke and rub at my eyes.
"You're almost done." She replies politely.
"And then you get to have your hair done." I hear Jimin say from somewhere on my left.
"I never would've agreed to this if I'd known all of this prep was required." I say irriatably.
"Yes you would've. You would do anything for Jungkook." Jimin replies easily.
"Did you get to see Jungkook before they took him away?" I ask.
I came here straight from work so I arrived alittle late. David had to pick up the rest of my shift so I could leave early and I still hadn't been able to tell him this is where I would be. He still thought I had a dentist appointment.
"No. I think Seokjin and Yoongi hyung were the only ones who got to see him." Jimin says.
"Ok. You're all done." The makeup artist and the hairstylist say, almost in unison.
Jimin gets up and stands beside the chair as i move to sit in it.
"What kind of outfits do you think we'll get?" Jimin asks, sounding a little too excited.
"Its probably nothing too fancy. I don't see them spending a lot of money on us." I reply as the hairstylist quickly runs a comb through my hair.
"I hope it's something nice." Jimin says.
"Yeah, yeah." I say.
The hairstylist trims my hair and flat irons it before parting it roughly in the middle of my forehead. I head into the next room to get my outfit (which was nothing really but a black suit with a black button up that had white poka-dots all over it) and change, slipping on the ring and the clip on earrings they gave me as I walk into the room next room. Everyone was circled around Jungkook, talking and laughing with one another.
"Ok, ok. We have to get ready to go." One of Jungkook's Managers says as he walks swiftly into the room.
"Taeji hyung, can we take a picture first?" Jungkook asks as they break the circle up.
His Manager looks as if he really wants to say no but caves and takes Jungkook's phone as he hands it to him.
"We're only taking one so make it count. 1..2..3." He says, snapping the picture and then promptly handing the phone back to Jungkook.
"Alright, I need to lay down a few rules before we leave. One, Jungkook is the only one allowed to speak to the press while you're on the carpet. I seriously doubt they'll say anything to you, but if they do, immediately direct the question to Jungkook. Two, you're representing both Jungkook and SM Entertainment, so make sure you keep that in mind at all types and don't do anything that will tarnish either of their reputations. Got it?" Taeji demands and we all nod.
He leads us outside to and instructs us to get in the last of seven limousines that were waiting outside.
"Hey JK. Send me that picture." Seokjin says as we begin to drive off.
"I'll send it to you all." Jungkook replies as he pulls out his phone.
"I hope I don't look bad. Even though your Hyung counted down, it still took me by surprise." Jimin says with a grin.
I pull out my own phone to take a look at the picture.

"Oh, it came out really well." Jimin says, looking pleased.
"Its too bad Yugyeom couldn't come today." Hoseok says.
His group had an all day rehearsal today. I guess they'd been having them all week; that was why he'd been able to get me into the building yesterday.
"He'll be coming to events like this soon enough." Jungkook replies.
"Hopefully." Seokjin adds, always being the realistic one.
When we arrive at the award show, cameras are going off before we can even get out of the limo. It was a bit nerve wracking, having to stand there and let these people take countless pictures of you, not to mention the interviews.
But Jungkook handled it all like a pro, knowing how to handle each interview so that coming tomorrow morning, nothing but positive articles would be written.
We had to stand off to the side at one point, to let Jungkook's group Golden7, take a couple group photos together and do a couple interviews. The others were making small talk with the rest of Golden7's guests, when a cute girl with chocolate brown hair and dark brown eyes approaches me.
"Ah, so you must be the famous Kim Taehyung I've heard so much about," She says with a smile. "I'm Somi."
Jealousy immediately burns hot in the pit of my stomach, but I fake a smile nonetheless.
"I've heard a lot about you too." I say.
"You're so lucky to have him. He's such an amazing guy." She says easily, but there's an undertone to her voice that makes me feel guilty.
"Have fun tonight." She says, smiling before she walks away.
Once we make it inside the building, Golden7 follows Taeji down a hallway while the other Manager takes us directly into the main room, leading us to three empty tables directly infront of the main stage.
"There's a lot of Jungkook fans up in the crowd." Jimin says proudly as we take a seat.
Yoongi reaches towards the middle of the table and grabs the piece of paper laying there.
"What is that?" Hoseok asks curiously. "Its the itinerary for the show. Golden7 opens up the show with a cover of Rainism," Yoongi says as he glances over the list. "And later on Jungkook performs a song called Begin."
"Is that another cover song?" Seokjin asks.
"No that's his new single; it came out this morning. I can't believe he's going to perform that here." Jimin says, sounding excited.
Almost an hour later, the lights dim to almost complete darkness as the show begins to start. The lights come back on as the music starts and in the middle of the stage is Jungkook, dancing to the intro. Two other members come out, dancing with him as he begins to sing.
I've heard Jungkook sing before, but I've never actually seen him perform. It was captivating and it was turning me on.

My eyes were glued to him the entire time, so much that I hardly noticed that the other members had come out, not to mention a whole slew of backup dancers.
I snap out of it as everyone begins to clap, signaling the end of the performance.
"That was really good." Namjoon says loudly, trying to be heard over the screams of the fans.
"Our maknae is all grown up now." Hoseok adds.
We focus on the stage once more as the show contiunes. They announce the nominees and winner for Song of the Year and Best Group by the time Jungkook and the others make it back to the tables.
"You guys did good JK." Seokjin says to him and everyone nods in agreement.
"Thanks." Jungkook says with a grin.
The show continues on for another hour before Jungkook has to leave to prepare for his next stage. During that time he cheered for his band mates as they performed in pairs.
While he was gone, he actually won an award for Best New Artist so Golden7's leader went up to accept it for him.
He stops by our table on the way back to his.
"Who wants to give him the award?" He asks.
Everyone looks at me so i just take the award, feeling alittle nervous about having to give it to him.
Once again, the stage darkens but this time a single light turns on, shining on Jungkook as he stands in the middle of the stage.

He stares down at the stage as the music plays in the background, looking up and taking a deep breath as he begins to sing.
"Amugeotdo eobtdeon yeoldaseosui na." He sings into the mic.

When I was fifteen years old, I had nothing
The world was too big and I was small
Now I can't even imagine now
I was scentless and completely empty
I pray

He looks down at our table now, staring at each of our hyungs as he contiunes to sing.

Love you my brother, I've got brothers
I discovered emotions, I became me
So I'm me
Now I'm me

Jungkook takes another deep breath, and I jump alittle as our eyes connect.
"You make me begin." Jungkook sings, never once breaking eye contact.
He continues to sing, pouring his heart out into the lyrics; by the time the song was over, everyone is shedding tears.
Jungkook smiles and waves at the fans cheering for him, his eyes shinning with unshed tears, before he walks offstage.
I think back to how Jungkook was when he first arrived at Seokjin's house; how timid and quiet he was. It was hard to believe that same boy was just standing before us now, singing infront of thousands of people.
He thanked our Hyungs for that- and me.
I think back on our relationship; every kiss, every laugh, every painful moment shared, and the constant fear of being found out. I was his first and even though he technically wasn't mine, I thought of him that way because he was the first person I ever truly loved.
And that's why I found it hard to move on and give myself completely to David. Even though I had moved on, I was still in love with Jungkook.

"I don't have a guest bedroom, but you can take my room and I'll sleep on the couch." Jungkook says as he opens the door to his apartment.
Of course I forgot that I didn't have a key to David's apartment yet and after I tried several times to reach him, Jungkook offered to let me stay at his place.
I wasn't actually calling David but Jungkook didn't know that. I was hoping he would offer to let me stay with him, which is excalty what he did.
"Jungkook, I was wrong." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.
"A-About what?" He asks nervously.
His eyes kept flickering to my lips, so I decide to oblige and kiss him.
He stands still for a moment, shocked, before desire takes over and kisses me back. We both deepen the kiss as we stumble into the living room and collapse onto the couch.
"Tae, I can't do this." Jungkook says breathlessly as I begin to unbutton his shirt.
"Why not?" I ask as i trail my hands down his chest, making him bite his lip.
"Because you're still with David-" the word turns into a moan as i grind against him.
"But I don't want David, I want you." I say.
"Maybe you should of thought about that before you decided to date him." Jungkook replies.
"Listen, I've had a boner since Rainism and since it's your fault, you have to deal with it." I say, taking his clothes off and then my own.
"Really?" Jungkook asks with a smirk, moaning deep in his throat as i kiss him again.
I pick him up- which isn't as easy as it used to be- and carry him to his bedrooom.
Kookie pulls me down on top of him as i set him on the bed, grinding against me so hard that we both turn into a moaning mess.
"What was that you said about trying to move on?" Kookie asks with a smirk.
"Shut up," I say as I enter him, pounding him hard for that comment he just made. "Bet you wish you hadn't said that now."
Kookie had his eyes shut tight, pleasure written all over his face but he still managed to give me the finger which makes me laugh.
"Faster Tae." Jungkook moans out, so I do, burying my face into the crook of his neck as Jungkook begins to moan louder.
His arms circle around my neck, holding me there as his hips begin to buck up as fast as mine were, both of us moaning now.
But I cum inside him before I can finish my sentence; he cums too on the both of us a moment later.
I stand and grab a towel from the bathroom, wiping him and then myself off before I climb back into bed.
Jungkook straddles my lap as i lean back against the pillows.
"I love you. I really mean it." I say as I kiss him lightly on the lips.
"I love you too. I always will," Jungkook replies, his smile turning into a smirk. "Want to go another round?"

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