Their love is destinated...

By suba30

20.3K 6.3K 1.2K

Change is beautiful.. when we are brave enough to evolve it with the destination.. Lets see a broken relatio... More

Their Love Is Destinated..
1.. Happy Starting..
2.. Agitated with her arrival..
3.. Encountering the Past..
4.. Repenting for their Sin..
5.. Purab's concern for Pragya
6.. Abhi and Pragya's Meeting
7.. Pragya's Discomfort
8.. Dev's Unease And Abhi's Ardour
9.. Abhi's Hunch For Pragya
10.. Abhi's Innervation
11.. Revelation Of The Past
12.. Wounded Hearts
13.. Pragya To Help Abhi..
14.. Meeting Of DEVAKSHI
15.. Abhi's Envious Nature
16.. Abhi's Strangeness
17.. Blooming Bonds..
18.. Unwanted Misunderstandings..!..
19.. Moving On With The Reality..
20.. Dev To Stand For Sonakshi
21.. Tanu's Entry..
23.. Abhi's Regret..
24.. Abhi's Fluctuate Feelings
25.. Upside-down Trials
26.. Tanu And Bulbul's challenge..!
27.. Burning Bridges Between Love And Hate..
28.. Collided Hearts
29.. Just You And Me

22.. Mehra Family And Tanu..!..

613 234 46
By suba30

Hey everyone ❤️

Back with your favorite story..

Part 22.. Mehra Family And Tanu..

              💜 ❤️ 💜 ❤️ 💜

"Holding on to something.. which might probably not happen.. Because deep inside your heart.. there is a resounding hope.. that says..
it will happen..!."


No Purab.. Have you gone mad..!?.. Ragini sounded with frustration.. Purab sits opposite to her over the bed and says.. Ma.. please.. Infact I too don't want this.. But.. you know about Abhi nah..!?..

So what..!?.. I know that Abhi wants to marry her.. But that doesn't mean, she can stay here.. How could you just say that Purab..?!.. No.. I will not.. Think about what everyone will say if she stays here, and more over we didn't forward our talk with her parents about this wedding.. She said strictly and turned to see Abhi walking in..

Ma.. I know that you will not allow this.. But Tanu wants to stay here and wishes to get attached with our family.. so that you all can understand her well before marriage.. please ma..!?.. Said Abhi softly and Ragini gave him a tight glare.. without uttering a word he stood beside Purab and held his arm.. who gave a soft sigh..

Ma.. Please nah.. Just say yes, for my sake..!.. Purab pleaded in front of her and she shrinks her eyes at him.. while he continued.. Okay fine.. Just give permission for her to stay here for one week.. If you find her awkward in any point.. then you yourself can make her out of house.. please ma..!.

With a bitter face she nods her head and walked out the room.. while Abhi felt relieved.. he thanked Purab.. who said.. I did this only for you.. because even I don't like her.. You know that very well Abhi.. and after the drama what she did yesterday.. Bulbul is hell angry on her.. I don't think you are doing right.. but even then.. it's upto you.. Purab left the place..

And Abhi recalled the yesterday's incident and the very first was the thing which Tanu asked.. "Abhi.. You refused to marry the girl of your mom's choice..!.. you love me right..?....

Just then he heard the beep sound of his mobile and pulled it out of his pocket.. It was a message from Tanu.. he slided to check on it..

What did Aunty say..?. was the message..

He kept the mobile back inside the pocket without minding anything.. and again his mobile beeped.. with unknown hesitation.. he pulled it and gave a unpleasant sight at his mobile.. the next second his lips stretched for a linear smile of sublime.. as the message was from Pragya..

Today you will receive all the purchased things from Karan's shop.. also my planners for decoration.. will be coming there to finalize everything regarding the wedding.. Take care.. Bye..!.
Abhi read the message and at once his face went dismayed..

He dials her immediately.. and after several rings... she attended the call saying..

Hello.. Hi Abhishek.. She greets him..

Abhi let out a cough and says.. did you send me any message..?!.

Haan.. yes..!. she replied monotonously...

Why did you send me blank message.. ?! Asks Abhi with a soft giggle..

Pragya shrinks her eyes and excused for a minute.. sliding the screen she opened the message box.. Abhishek.. I had sent you the message clearly..and you are saying it is blank..!..

Why should I lie Pragya.. if you want you come and check my mobile.. the message I received is blank.. and why did you send me message, you could have called me nah..!?.. Replied Abhi..

Pragya kept quiet for few seconds and said.. Today the planner will come to your house and he will plan everything according to your decision.. okay. and things from Karan's .. .. before she could speak further the call ended and she wondered what happened suddenly.. She tried calling him back.. but it was not reachable..

Here Abhi laughed hardly as he ended the call.. You have no other choice Pragya... now you have to be here.. he said and heard his mobile ring.. He thought it must be Pragya and picked it.. But this time it was Tanu.. he ignored the call and went to fresh up..

After an hour...

Abhi was staring at his mobile and joshed his smile by stepping down.. he saw Tanu standing with a bright smile along with her bags.. Abhi gave a confused sight..

While Purab came towards him and voiced huskily.. She is here to stay from now onwards.. you take her to the guest room.. I'm leaving now.. as Bulbul and Sona are waiting for me in car.. I have to drop tem in parlor and after that I will go to office.. bye..!., Purab left the place quickly without giving a chance for Abhi to speak..

Abhi could clearly see his ignorance towards Tanu, and his fury on him..

As soon as Purab left the place.. Tanu looked all over the house and ran towards Abhi.. she was about to hug him.. but he stepped back saying.. I had already said you to keep distance between us.. By the time you would have known about my mom.. so it's better if you behave well..

Tanu gave a irking sight and says.. This is too much Abhi.. is it wrong even to hug you..!?.. we are gonna get married nah.. and no one is there at home now.. what is your problem then..!?..

You are my problem.. why can't you understand that..!.. thought Abhi.. while Tanu shook him saying.. you didn't even reply for my message.. and then I called your number.. it was busy.. I tried to landline... Purab picked the call and informed that Aunty has given permission for me to stay here.. By the way, to whom you were talking to by the way..?!..

Abhi stood in thoughts of Pragya and how his five minutes conversation with her was so easing.. he felt Tanu tapping his shoulder.. who said.. Abhi.. I'm asking you something..!..

What is it Tanu..?!., He irked his voice and she says .. Nowadays you are you are behaving very annoyed with me Abhi.. is everything okay..?!.

Nothing like that Tanu.. I have some important work and I'm leaving now.. your room is upstairs in left side.. go and take some rest.. Abhi voiced coarsely and walked away.. as Tanu gave a disdained look at his ignorance..

It was around 3 pm..

Abhi walked inside the house after parking his car.. he saw his sisters busy with the laptop.. and his mother speaking with someone in mobile.. he looked around for Tanu.. but she seemed to be nowhere.. he gave a comfort sight and walked towards the girls..

He saw them discussing about the decorations and wondered why didn't Pragya come home still..!.. just then.. he heard Tanu's voice and flipped his face.. and saw Pragya walking behind her..

He gave a stealing smile and Tanu replied the same.. but Pragya blinked her eyes and stood behind Tanu.. who walked towards Abhi..

Wow Abhi.. your choice is always perfect.. Pragya is really superb and I loved all her works.. She just showed me some pictures of her previous works and I'm so excited and looking forward to see her wonders..

And I decided.. I want Pragya to be our wedding planner and that's final.. Tanu said rounding her hands around his arm.. while he stood quietly looking at Pragya..

Bulbul looked at Sonakshi and smirked saying.. I still can't believe how did bhai fall for this ugly cat.. she is just completely disgusting.. Yuck..!!. she made faces.. when three of them settled in the sofa.. while Tanu sat next to Abhi very closely by still holding his arm tightly.. and Pragya sat opposite to them along with Bulbul and Sonakshi..

So.. have you both decided about the decorations...!?.. Pragya asked looking at them and Bulbul cheerfully nods her head and shows something in the laptop.. while Ragini came along with tea for everyone..

Abhi relieved himself from Tanu's grip and moved few inches away from her.. as Ragini gave him a furious look.. she served everyone except Tanu.. and Abhi stayed quiet even after noticing it.. and Tanu asked.. Aunty.. where is my cup of tea..?!..

Oh.. I'm sorry Tanu.. I thought you won't like to have tea.. that too prepared by me.. Ragini said sternly and Tanu sighted Abhi with a query..!?.. Just then Pragya got a call and she moved away attending it..

While here Tanu vexed her face and smiles forcibly saying.. No issues Aunty.. I'm here to get adapted to this house.. So I would like to try out each and everything of this house..

Saying so she picked up the cup of tea.. which was Pragya's and started to sip.. she was about to spit it but managed to gulp it somehow.. while Bulbul and Sonakshi fumed at each other..

Bulbul was about to speak.. but stopped as Sona held her fingers tightly.. She gestured her and Bulbul looks at Tanu saying.. Tanu.. don't you have any common sense.. that cup of tea is Pragya's.. and without asking about it.. you just sipped it..!?..

Tanu gave a swindling smile and said.. So what.. she didn't have it nah.. Aunty will give her another one.. You are asking as if I have snatched her life.. It's just a cup of tea Bulbul..!. Don't over react.. she smirked saying so.. while Abhi looked at Pragya.. who was walking towards them..

It's okay Bulbul.. leave it.. we should not expect everyone to be kind and affable.. As like our Pragya.. sometimes we should let something as it is.. And who knows.. who is destinated for whom..,?!., Sonakshi said sipping the tea..

Tanu gave staring faces at them and Abhi said looking at Pragya.. So Pragya.. if everything is finalized, when are you gonna start the work..?!.. We have only five days left.. right..!?.. And I want everything to be perfect and cordial in your way..

Yeah.. the work will be started from tomorrow and my assistants will be here to look after all the arrangements.. Pragya said..

And Abhi sounded much deviant.. Assistants..!.. but.. why not you Pragya.. I mean.. I want everything to be perfect in Bulbul's wedding.. And only you can make everything perfect..!..

A minute of silence prevailed.. and Pragya said... No Abhishek.. I'm sure about them.. They are not less than me at any work.. they will take care of everything.. you no need to worry about that.. I will assist them about everything..

That's not fair Pragya.. Remember, promised me that you will be with me throughout my wedding.. I don't want to hear any excuses from you.. you should be here and that's my wish..!.. Bulbul voiced with an array.. and Ragini gestured her to keep quiet.., And then Pragya nods her head saying Okay fine.. As you wish..

Bulbul hugs her gently and thanked her.. where seeing that Tanu asks.. Do you girls know each other before.. you both seem to be very close..?!.

Bulbul with a pride smile said.. haan.. Pragya is my best friend and more than a friend she is my sister.. And not only that.. she is very close to our family.. Infact we all wished to see her in your place..!..

Tanu looked at her bemused .. while everyone gave her a strong stare.. including Pragya.. and Bulbul says.. I mean.. we wished bhai should marry a girl like Pragya.. isn't it ma..!?..

Ragini nods her head.. and Abhi too smiled unknowing to himself.. which was noticed by Tanu..

She stood up with an excuse and walked upstairs.. and here Bulbul giggled as soon as she disappeared.. Pragya too stood up saying that.. she needs some water.. while Ragini asked her to come along with her.. Abhi excused and walked away..

Are you happy now..!?.. Sonakshi asked and Bulbul replied.. Not exactly.. I just wish that she should know Pragya was the girl whom bhai rejected..!. did you see her face..?.. how it went fuddled when I said about Pragya.. she was even envied..

Bulbul.. what ever you do.. better be careful..!. I'm saying because of bhai.. we can't predict his mood.. so, be cautious around me.. Sona says with a worry..

No Sona.. bhai won't say anything.. if so.. then why didn't he say anything now.. and nowadays he is getting much closer to Pragya.. So.. for now he will not bother about Tanu..!. This is the right time for us to make her away from bhai..

Just then they heard the calling bell.. Sona stood up and walks to the door, opening the door.. she saw Dev standing with his glowing smile.. and she gave a surprised sight at him..

With Ragini and Pragya in kitchen..

I know what you are going through.. Please don't pester about Tanu.. You are here for our happiness.. and I'm responsible for your happiness.. Did you get that Pragya..!?.. Ragini says tracing her cheek.. and Pragya smiled saying.. I know Aunty.. you always wanted my happiness.. I will not let you wistful at any cost.. She nods with an assuring smile and Ragini hugs her..

A while later...

Pragya walked out of the kitchen.. when she saw Dev, Bulbul and Sonakshi engaged with talk.. she joined them and noticed Abhi walking down in disarray..

She excused and walked towards him.. He avoided her gaze and walks across her.. and she understood that there is something surely that made him annoyed..

He stepped out of the house towards the front yard.. and Pragya followed him.. Which was noticed by Dev.. He gave a furious sight at Abhi and Pragya who went behind him..

Why is di getting friendly with him..!?.. I have already asked her to stay away from him.. But she is..!.. I'm not gonna let him again, to hurt her.. Dev strikes hard in his mind and was about to stand up.. But Bulbul grabs his attention towards her laptop and he was all the while restless thinking about Abhi and Pragya..

With Pragya..

Walking out of the house, she saw him yelling with someone in mobile.. She steps towards him and stood behind him.. She waited for him to end the call..

And once he ended the call.. he turned and was startled to see her standing with a calm face..

He gestured her as what..?!.. and she says.. I'm here to check your mobile.. shrinking his eyes on her... he asked why..!?.. And she replies.. I want to see whether what you said is true or not..

Abhi clutched his mobile tightly.. as he caught her words.. that she is talking about the morning message..

Why.. why should I lie to you..?!.. Abhi stammered his voice while Pragya bit her lower lip and gave a cheesy smile.. and Abhi looked frazzled..

Abhi continued saying.. Am I looking like a liar to you..?!.. Pragya folded her arms with a stern eyes and says.. That will be proved once I check your mobile.. let me see how genuine you are.. now give me your mobile soon..

Abhi inserted the mobile in his pocket and says.. Oii.. I don't want your gentleman certificate.. better drop this matter here itself.. Pragya started to step forward making Abhi slide back with a jerk..

He observed her mirthful sight glancing over his face.. and her curly hair strands bouncing over her shoulders.. as her lips quivered with the curve of joyous smile... he inhaled her sandal fragrance that hit his nose and springing his thoughts close to her completely..

His esteem over her just stayed a fraction of second.. as then he realised his tract and stepped back suddenly.. while Pragya walked on his steps accordingly.. she tried pulling his mobile out of his pocket, but he denied her by running away from him..

Tanu who was watching them from the balcony was puzzled.. She reminded of Bulbul's words.. which she said about Pragya a while before.. and then she recalled how Abhi ogled at Pragya.. She immediately dials someone and walked into the room..

And here.. Abhi and Pragya relaxed themselves falling over the grassy ground.. Okay fine.. I accept that I lied to you.. are you happy now..!?.. Asks Abhi huffing his breath..

And Pragya says.. But may I know why you did that..?!.. Abhi blinked his eyes at her saying.. hmm.. it's just, because.. I.. .. he stressed and she lifted her brows.. I was missing you Pragya.. he said finally...

I know you are feeling awkward because of Tanu's presence.. But that doesn't mean you should be away from me.. It's very hard to forget our past Pragya.. But we can keep our present remarkable right.. I meant about our relationship.. Said Abhi while Pragya puzzled her sight at him..

We are friends.. right..?!., he asks and she nods her head with a soft smile.. That's fab.. so.. shall we go for a coffee..?.. asks Abhi

Now..!.. but Dev is here to pick me to home.. so not now.. some other day.. Pragya denied him..

I will speak with him.. he won't say anything.. Abhi assured.. Pragya jerks and sat over the grass saying.. No Abhishek.. I said nah.. Not today.. She again refused him..

Just then.. he saw Tanu walking towards them and they both stood up.. as she neared them.. she pushed Pragya slightly and took her place next to Abhi..

What is it Tanu..?!. Abhi voiced with a evade eyes.. Abhi.. I just want few minutes with you in private.. she says sternly looking at Pragya..

Tanu.. We can talk later.. Because now, I have to discuss regarding the wedding arrangements with Pragya..

You can discuss with her later too.. As I'm your to be wife.. and I should be important to you than anyone.. Tanu says and tried pulling him away from the place..

Stop it Tanu.. why are you behaving like this.. Can't you see that I'm busy with Pragya.. Is the way you behave..?!. Abhi rudely says and pushed her away from him slightly..

Pragya who stood silent all the while.. says.. Abhishek.. she is right..!.. we can discuss later too.. and it's already late.. Dev must be waiting for me.. I will take a leave.. take care Abhishek.. bye..!.. she looked at Tanu and greeted her the same and left the place..

You are infeasible Tanu.. what was the need to behave like this in front of her..?!. asks Abhi throwing the ray of irk at her..

Leave that.. may I know what is going in between you two ..?!. She asks and Abhi shrunk his eyes at her, who continues.. Don't give me that look Abhi..!.. from the day I'm back.. you are behaving so weird with me.. just like.. as if you don't love me.. nor you wish to marry me.. May I know what is in your mind..?!..

She opened up her words in front of him.. while Abhi stood fragile thinking.. Shall I say her the truth..?!..

Inside the house..

I wish you both to stay here for some more time.. Please Pragya.. how about dinner tonight with us.. Bulbul asks pleadingly..

Pragya gave a blank look.. No Bulbul.. ma will be alone at home.. may be some other day.. Dev says and Pragya accompanied him saying.. also.. she is getting fine day by day.. so, we are making sure that.. we should spend more time with her..

That's okay Pragya.. But before wedding.. we all should gather for a dinner night.. Promise me.. Bulbul asks and Pragya smiled promising her..

We will leave now.. I will be here tomorrow and start with all the arrangements.. and please, everyone give a try with the wedding outfits we purchased.. if there is any clamour.. I will the do the reformations before wedding.. says Pragya..

Waving bye to everyone .. they were about to step out... but stopped seeing Tanu.. who was storming inside the home..

She gave a strong enraged eyes at Pragya and walked upstairs.. and behind her Abhi too entered with much annoyance..!


Will be continued..

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Thank you..

With love..

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