Just a Chase

By ZimBob

17.3K 472 237

Jackie Gold's senior year has come to a close and she's ready to have the best summer before heading off to U... More

Just a Chase
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

2.9K 139 63
By ZimBob

Anita paced back in forth, annoying not only me but also half the people in the lounge at the airport. Grant nudged me, "You think she's every going to stop pacing around like that?"

I looked up from my cell phone, shrugging my shoulders, "She likes being annoying."

"Annoying?" Anita barked, "Who the hell delays a flight just because of a little rain?"

"We're in a thunderstorm warning, Anita. I'd rather know I'm safe on that flight than go out there and end up on some island with cannibals."

Anita sat down beside me, pulling a Gatorade out of my duffel bag, "A little rain shouldn't scare people."

"Unless we get hit by a lightening bolt and die." I muttered.

A small child sitting across from us burst into tears. He was about the same age as Max. He clung to his mother, "Mommy, are we going to die?"

His mother glared at us.

"Hey, buddy." Grant smiled warmly at the small guy, "If we get hit by lighting bolt, Superman would save us."

"Really?" The boy calmed down, wiping his face with chubby hands.

Grant nodded, "Of course. Superman saved me once and I wouldn't be surprised if he saved us. Okay, but I'm sure we'll make it to California safely, alright?"

The boy nodded, giving Grant a lopsided smile before jumping off his mother's lap and, playing with some toys on the floor.

"Nice save." Anita grinned.

Grant chuckled before standing up, "You guys want anything from the store? I'm kinda hungry."

"Pringles would be great," I said.

Anita said she did not want anything. As Grant walked away, Anita sighed, "God, I think I love him."

"You think?" I muttered.

"Okay, I love him." She rolled her eyes, "but I don't want to be the first to say it, you know. He hasn't said anything yet. Is that weird? When did he tell you he loved you?"

I remembered that day. Grant took me on a casual date. We spent time at the arcade and watched a quick movie before we headed to the lake I confessed my love to Nick to when I was a kid. Before we even got out of the car, he told me. I was shocked. We've been dating for 8 months and I liked him a lot but it definitely wasn't love. I returned the statement regardless.

I perched my lips, "We'd been dating for eight months or so before he said it."

Anita stared at her hand, counting the last few months, "It's been nine months... fuck."

"Anita, don't stress yourself. Grant will tell you when he is ready. If you are ready, I wouldn't shy away from not telling him." I shrugged, "I told a close friend I was in love with them and they rejected me. I doubt Grant would reject you. You guys are dating."

She calmed down, "That was Nick, right?"

I nodded, turning away from me.

"Still hurts, huh?"

I nodded again, scratching my right eyebrow. I could tell Anita wanted to ask me something else but if she didn't get the hint-

"Do you still.... Love him?"

I shrugged. Of course I still loved him. Jesus. I never stopped loving that complete jackass.

Anita tapped my shoulder, her eyebrow raised, "You still there?"

I sighed, "Of course I still love him, Anita. It's kind of hard letting someone you loved for years go like that. Especially the way he ended it."

"I'm sorry," She sounded sincerely sorry, which was surprising for someone like her.

"I'm glad you don't hate me anymore."

She laughed, "Who said I didn't?" She joked as Grant made his way toward us. He carried Pringles and some beverages for us. He tossed me my Pringles and I thanked him.

"Flight 76534H will be boarding in five minutes." The speaker overhead sounded.

"Finally!" Anita snapped, grabbing her belongings and heading for the front.

We arrived to California in about 4 hours and 23 minutes. Anita became grumpy cat in a matter of minutes after boarding the flight. Since the flight was short, we only got snacks, which pissed Anita off. She was a complete bitch to the flight attendant because of it. Grant managed to watch two movies while I listened to some music most of the time. Of course, I had Anita poking me every five minutes to tell me that she hated the flight attendant or she got the wrong drink. You know Anita will never be satisfied once one thing is wrong.

It took us another hour to get our belongings and make our way out of the terminal. Anita was running around like a hyper active child who devoured a bag full of Halloween candy. She really enjoyed one thing about California. The sun. We made our way to the exit, engulfed in the sun.

"God, this makes me want to sit in a bikini all day." Anita groaned, throwing her hands into the air and taking a deep breath.

Grant smirked, "I won't mind that at all."

They gave each other googly eyes and I snorted, "Ew guys, find a room!" They giggled, "Or die. Actually dying would be better."

"JACKIE!" I was tackled from my side. Before I had a chance to respond, another set of hands were on me. Aunt Brandie hugged me tighter while Uncle Jade hugged me from behind. They finally released me, giving me a chance to breath.

I laughed, "Hi guys!"

"We've been looking for you guys for hours." Aunt Brandie said.

"Our flight got delayed because of some stupid rain." Anita snapped. Not at Aunt Brandie but in general.

Aunt Brandie turned to Uncle Jade, "Why don't you grab the car with Grant?"

Uncle Jade nodded, gesturing Grant to join him. Aunt Brandie threw her arms around Anita and I. "So, how have my favorite girls been?"

"Great!" Anita and I answered at the same time.

She raised a knowing eyebrow and glanced at both of us, "Really?"

We nodded. Of course, everything was fine.

Uncle Jade finally arrived and we all boarded the car. The care ride was surprisingly short. We pulled up to a gigantic house that resembled something off of a movie. This summer would be too awesome. I grabbed my belongings and raced into the house. The lights were off. I made my way to the living room, hearing Aunt Brandie and Uncle Jade following my footsteps on the beautifully wooded floors.


A dark figure jumped in front of me. I screamed, eyes locking on dark ones. OHMYGRAVYSHIT.

Nick's lopsided smile reduced down to a firm line as Aunt Brandie and Uncle Jade gasped behind me.

My anger boiled into something and before I knew it, I punched Nick in the face.


Hey Lovely Fans! 

Thanks so much for staying tuned for this! I know I haven't updated in a long time and there are reasons for that. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back in the game and by game, I mean start writing again!

I'm out! *Poof*

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