Confilcting Pasts of Krinx

By BlarrDeHarr

9.9K 259 137

Many people wanted me to write this story, so here it is! Hopefully this is enough to satisfy people, this is... More

A Point In Madness
Deadly Thoughts
Steam Group
Such Horrible Things
Safe, Hopefully
Singing...... Vlog?
Feelings Part One
Feelings Part Two
Otaku Ranks
Ch. 1 - 10 *Code At The End*

We Are One

551 21 12
By BlarrDeHarr


“You have failed us, what is your defense?” My boss asked me, I looked down, thinking of my family, thinking of a defense. I remember Minx looking back and thanking me, giving the safe signal at me as they ran out the door, they didn't look back after that.

“Michelle is a very dangerous person, one that used to be in this very organization, yes?” I ask, looking around at all of the shadows surrounding my boss.

“Yes she is, where are you getting at?”

“You told me to take out a civilian and her girlfriend, one that would offer little to no resistance. Instead, as soon as I knocked her girlfriend, Kristen, I recognized her. She was a trainer here, I believe she even trained me. After I knocked Kristen, I recognized Michelle, we used to work together, which means she knew my weakness. She pushed me into the wall, hitting my left side, blinding me for a few moments as she then proceeded to knock me out. I didn't have the correct information going into the mission, and the targets both knew my weakness, so overall, I didn't have a good chance of defeating them. That is my defense, sir!” I say in the end, saluting to them. They seemed surprised at how well I conducted myself, as I did have the pressure of not only having my life on the lines, but my family's also.

“I believe that we need to give him another chance, I trained Michelle myself. I am surprised that you never contacted me about this mission...” I heard a British voice say in the darkness.

“I trained Kristen also, she beat me many a times, and I have been in this organization for more years then most besides Michelle's trainer, no one can beat her...” An American voice said, a woman's no doubt.

“Enough!” Boss yelled, revealing his accent, it was a Swedish accent. He then quickly composed himself. “Very well then, ZiegsDen, Amanda, I do believe we need your help. Track down Michelle and Kristen, and bring them in. Got it?” Ziegs and Amanda both said 'Yes Sir!' as boss finished. “Good, dismissed!” I heard a chorus of chairs as two lovely ladies approached me, one with red hair, the other with brown hair, a monocle, and a top hat.

“Good day, my name is Ohmwrecker, MaskedGamer, Ohm, Otaku, or whatever you feel like calling me.” I say, saluting to them as they approached to great me. Amanda salutes back and looks to Ziegs, who wasn't saluting back. She had to be the highest ranking officer here then.

“My name is ZiegsDen, its good to meet you. Let's talk somewhere more, private then here... Shall we?” She says, walking out the door I walked into this room. Amanda signals me to move ahead, as she takes back.

~~~~Three Months Later~~~~ Ziegs~~~~

“You sure this is where she would hide?” Amanda asks me, through the com.

“Of course it is, now, are you in position?”

“Of course I am, Lady Ziegs...”

“Don't call me that”

“I'm sorry, m'lady....” I could hear her snickering through the com. I sigh, making her laugh really hard and loud.

“You are just like your cousin...” I say, without thinking. Her laughing stops, I could mentally see her frown apparent on her face, and I felt bad. I felt really bad after that comment.

“You mean it?” She asks me, slightly surprising me. “She always was the better one, at everything...” She sounded depressed, we both were so to speak. We had to hunt down our best friends and family, and bring them in. Luckily my monocle covers part of the dark lines underneath my eyes. This mission was stressing us both out.

“That's not true, you don't annoy me as much...” I say, trying to make her laugh again. I needed her to laugh again, we both needed her to laugh again.

“Thanks Ziegs... I'm sorry for being such a downer...” She says, her voice slightly lighter this time. “You should never be a downer around a Lady such as yourself.” She says, I could hear her smirk across the com. I was glad she was smiling again. I wonder how Ohm is doing, with his family. He was able to go and see them, resulting in him leaving the organization, he asked me to help him in locating 'Krinx', as the boss man likes to say, so they could travel together. I was just glad he was able to leave. I had been helping people to escape for years now, and so has Amanda. We even started an organization ourselves. 'Krinx' runs it now. Over 100 agents have been recruited by them. Including Cryaotic, Deafinition, TheDiamondMinecart, every member ever in TeamCrafted, EatMyDiction, Tesh, Entoan, AndyTheBalrog, and of course, many more.

“What did I say about that?” I say, smirking myself. She then starts to laugh, as I started to grin like a fool. “Anyways, your in position?”


Two months, they got me out two months ago. Correction, they got me and my family out in one month, just as they promised they would. I was walking up to 'Krinx' when I got a message from Ziegs.

Ziegs – In position, expect more soon.

I showed Minx the message.

Me – They know now, thanks for the warning Ziegs.

Ziegs – No problem, Amanda is moving in, will knock when done.

Me – Okay, see you then.

“All we have to do now is wait, like we did with all the others....” I said absentmindedly. Minx looked over at me and smiled.

“Everything is going to be fine, we wouldn't have been able to do anything like this without them, they know how to handle themselves..” I smiled at her.

“You are the best older sister anyone could ask for!” I exclaim like a little kid. She rolled her eyes and pushed my shoulder slightly.

“I am your number one Ohmie...” She says with a smirk on her face. I grin and nod my head excitedly.

“Come on you two, we need to get ready for them...” Krism says, laughing at our exchange. I look over at everybody, thinking about who it would be this time. h=Hopefully its Ken, he refused to come with me when I was extracted. Hopefully we can see him soon... but for now, we have to set everything up for them.


“Amanda, we need to leave, the guards know!” I say through the com, hiding in the vents.

“Not yet, I almost have it!”

“Amanda, think about what this would do to Krism if you failed in getting away!”

“Leave then!”

“You don't mean that, we work as a team, which is why, I am telling the best interests of the team!”

“Ziegs, I can do this, if you want, make sure they have something else to look at while I am in here...” I sigh.

“Fine, I have something up my sleeve, just so you know, the explosion you are about to hear, means you got five minutes and five minutes only. Got that?” I ask her, already placing the bombs along the vents.

“Of course, and Ziegs?”


“See you on the other side. Deal?”

“Deal!” I say as I jump out of the vents and into the conference room, across the building from where I was a few minutes ago. The guards all look at me, then into the vents. I smirk, and jump away as I set the bombs off.


Any minute now, we will hear my phone go off, we will hear the knock, we will see them. Any minute now... If we don't, I have no idea what will happen... Minx will have to hold Krism while fighting her own feelings of anger and hate. I would be frozen in place, watching the whole scene standing next to Cry. Who am I kidding? Ziegs and Amanda are the best team in the entire business besides Team Krinx. “Ohm, don't worry yourself, they are going to be fine.” I say to myself, repeating it until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw a mask, a mask kind of like my CIA mask, but one with a plain face, two circles for eyes, and one straight line for a mouth. It was Cry.

“Don't worry Friend, those chicks are bad-ass. They can handle themselves...” He says, I then hug him, a lone tear running down the side of my face, slowing at my cheek, falling faster next to my chin. It landed onto Cry's shoulder.

“Thanks man. We need to get ready...” I say, pulling away from the hug.

“We stand above the crowd friend, we stand above the crowd.” He says as he walks away from me, starting to get ready for the new comers. We were told that at least four were coming, one was an unknown variable.


“Come on guys, follow me, through here!” I whisper yell to them, they all understand as I take them through a hole Ziegs had made previously. I look down at my watch, two minutes left. All had agreed, even the unknown variable. We all make it to the truck, no sign of Ziegs. One minute left.

“You there left?” I heard her say, it sounded as though she were gritting her teeth.

“Yeah, you alright?” I question worriedly.

“Yeah, I was just shot. No biggie.”

“Really Ziegs? You were-just forget it. You need to get looked at if you were-” I heard an explosion through the com. “Ziegs?”


“What the fuck was that?”

“My last grenade going off, I thought it was a dud until I saw smoke. See you in a few seconds!” I hear her say, I then turn and see Ziegs running up the hill with twenty guys chasing after her. I grab my gun and I shoot them all down, except for one, Ziegs shot him as she was running.

“About time you made it. Times up now.”

“I know, I told you to be here within five, you were here, and so was I!” She says, holding her side. “Now drive! I would prefer not to bleed out...”

“Of course, M'lady!” I say, she smacks the back of my head as I start the truck and drive away from this institution.


My phone beeped, I jumped in joy when saw it was from Ziegs.

Ziegs – Coming in now, two severely wounded, none dead.

I heard one single knock.

“Its them!” I say, signaling Cry to open the door. Cry opens the door revealing Amanda holding Ziegs up, and, the Lat Night Crew. “Doctor!” I shout as soon as I see Ziegs.Russ had blood on him and he was holding Red up, her leg seemingly broken. Snake and Scott were standing together next to Russ, and someone else was next to them. It was, Ken! “Ken!” I shout and run over to him, hugging him.

“Calm down, Ohm. I decided to come, I'm sorry about not coming earlier, I needed more information about what they were doing before I could make my mind up. Sorry man for worrying you..” Ken says, not hugging me back. I look over at Minx, concern was on her face as she looked over at Ziegs and Red. Minx then walked over and knelt next to Ziegs, holding her hand. Krism was hugging Amanda, squeezing the life out of her.

“Thank you so much for coming back alive..” Krism kept repeating that to Amanda, not giving her a chance to reassure Krism that she was alright. Russ was holding Red's hand, crying and apologizing to her. Scott was assuring Russ that she was alright along with Cry that they all were alright. I locked eyes with Snake, we both nod our heads at each other. I walk over to Minx, locking eyes with her. She nods, and calls everybody to a meeting in the auditorium of our base. After everyone had gathered, she raised her hand, signalling everybody to halt their conversations, and to listen to her.

“We have newcomers, thanks to Ziegs and Amanda. They are, CinnomenToastKen, Russ Money, DamnNoHtml, TheDreadRed, and msfactualplays. Better known as Ken, Russ, Scott, Red, and Snake. Please welcome each and every one of them with open arms, and remember, we stand above the crowd!” Minx yells, and everybody cheers. Minx signals me up to the stage, and I bow to everybody like I normally do. Most bow back to me, others can't due to injuries that they acquired from the CIA extraction.

“Thank you Minx, my number one Ohmie” I say and everybody laughs. “and big sister” Minx glares as everyone laughs harder. I glance around the room, my face suddenly serious. “Do you think about, everything you've been through. You never thought you'd be so depressed. Are you wondering, Is it life or death? Do you think that there's no one like you?” I say to the entire crowd. Everyone except for the injured and new salute to me. “We are, we are, we are, we are the ones!” I say, and glance around. “We get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd. We are one, we are the ones. We get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd. We are one!” Minx steps forward.

“The life I think about, is so much better than this. I never thought I'd be stuck in this mess. I'm sick of wondering, Is it life or death. I need to figure out who's behind me!” I step next to her, and we start at the same time, this time having a few people from the crowd say it along with us.

“We are, we are, we are, we are the ones! We get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd! We are one, we are the ones. We get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd. We are one!” Minx steps back, and I take over.

“The life I think about, is so much better than this. I never thought I'd be stuck in this mess, I'm sick of wondering, Is it life or death?” I say, and the crowd becomes louder.

“We are the ones, we get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd. We are one, we are the ones. We get knocked down, we get back up and stand above the crowd. We are one!” Two thirds of the crowd is now repeating after me.

“We stand above the crowd, we stand above the crowd, we stand above the crowd!” I say.

“(Crowd)” They repeat then say, “(We stand)” I quickly follow this up.

“We stand above the crowd, we stand above the crowd”

“(We Stand)” They repeat.

“We stand above the crowd” Now the entire crowd is saying the next lines.

“(We are the ones)”

“We stand above the crowd”

“(We get knocked down get back up)”

“We stand above the crowd”

“(We are the ones)”

“We stand above the crowd”

“(We get knocked down get back up)”

“We stand above the crowd” Minx and Krism then join in in the last three lines.

“We stand above the crowd” I say.

“We stand above the crowd” Minx and Krism say along with me.

“We stand above the crowd” We say with Cry as he walks up. We then salute the crowd, and they salute back. We signal them to disperse. Everything was working, we had all of our friends back, except for Pewds. He has been in Sweden this entire time. He left right before everything happened. I'm glad he is safe, we all are safe.

“Ziegs is going to pull through!” I heard Minx shout over to me. I grin, everything is alright.

This is the end, we are fine, everything shaping up to this point has guided me to this life, I was always meant to be here. Everyone was meant to be in the place they are right now.

We are fine.

We are one.


Hopefully you guys have enjoyed Krinx. Unless I get more ideas, this is the end. Yes I did lie in the last chapter, I just wanted to surprise you guys! Or at least try to. Do you want the entire story as the last chapter? As in next chapter?

~See you around!



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