We Are One

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“You have failed us, what is your defense?” My boss asked me, I looked down, thinking of my family, thinking of a defense. I remember Minx looking back and thanking me, giving the safe signal at me as they ran out the door, they didn't look back after that.

“Michelle is a very dangerous person, one that used to be in this very organization, yes?” I ask, looking around at all of the shadows surrounding my boss.

“Yes she is, where are you getting at?”

“You told me to take out a civilian and her girlfriend, one that would offer little to no resistance. Instead, as soon as I knocked her girlfriend, Kristen, I recognized her. She was a trainer here, I believe she even trained me. After I knocked Kristen, I recognized Michelle, we used to work together, which means she knew my weakness. She pushed me into the wall, hitting my left side, blinding me for a few moments as she then proceeded to knock me out. I didn't have the correct information going into the mission, and the targets both knew my weakness, so overall, I didn't have a good chance of defeating them. That is my defense, sir!” I say in the end, saluting to them. They seemed surprised at how well I conducted myself, as I did have the pressure of not only having my life on the lines, but my family's also.

“I believe that we need to give him another chance, I trained Michelle myself. I am surprised that you never contacted me about this mission...” I heard a British voice say in the darkness.

“I trained Kristen also, she beat me many a times, and I have been in this organization for more years then most besides Michelle's trainer, no one can beat her...” An American voice said, a woman's no doubt.

“Enough!” Boss yelled, revealing his accent, it was a Swedish accent. He then quickly composed himself. “Very well then, ZiegsDen, Amanda, I do believe we need your help. Track down Michelle and Kristen, and bring them in. Got it?” Ziegs and Amanda both said 'Yes Sir!' as boss finished. “Good, dismissed!” I heard a chorus of chairs as two lovely ladies approached me, one with red hair, the other with brown hair, a monocle, and a top hat.

“Good day, my name is Ohmwrecker, MaskedGamer, Ohm, Otaku, or whatever you feel like calling me.” I say, saluting to them as they approached to great me. Amanda salutes back and looks to Ziegs, who wasn't saluting back. She had to be the highest ranking officer here then.

“My name is ZiegsDen, its good to meet you. Let's talk somewhere more, private then here... Shall we?” She says, walking out the door I walked into this room. Amanda signals me to move ahead, as she takes back.

~~~~Three Months Later~~~~ Ziegs~~~~

“You sure this is where she would hide?” Amanda asks me, through the com.

“Of course it is, now, are you in position?”

“Of course I am, Lady Ziegs...”

“Don't call me that”

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