My First Love [COMPLETED]

By anjanadstifler

1.7M 45.4K 2K

If I am willing to get the love and care which I never got in my life I do not mind waiting endlessly. I love... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Important Note: Change of Title
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 30

24.3K 627 52
By anjanadstifler

Please motivate me by commenting and voting guyz... I love reading comments..

"Luiz?", I called him once he was about to leave.

"Yeah", he said.

I patted on the space of the bed beside me which was empty and gestured him to sit there.

He came and sat.

"I have some questions to ask you.", I said.

"Lara, not now.", he said.

"Please....", I said with puppy eyes.

He sighed.

"Okay.", he said.

"How did you come to know that David was the one who kidnapped me?". I asked.

"The next day morning I regretted leaving you outside. I felt like I was too harsh to you. So, I decided to call you back. But one of the security guard said that you left. At first, I thought probably you might have left to your home. Then I called Abilo.", he said.

So, he realized that he did a mistake. Sounds good!

"He said that you never went to your home. I was cursing myself like hell for being irresponsible. I asked for my CCTV footage and observed you. You cried almost the whole night and slept on the ground itself.", saying that he paused.

He brushed his hair with his fingers in frustration.

"You looked so vulnerable.", he said.

"I am sorry!", he added.

"I am glad that you realized that you did a mistake Luiz. I am sorry too, the curious behavior of mine made me do all that. But trust me, I never had any bad intentions.", I said.

"Its okay.", he said.

"Okay. What happened after that?", I asked him to continue from where he left.

"It was early in the morning, and a guy wearing a mask came and placed something on your face because of which you fainted. You have no idea how tensed I was. I quickly ran out to see if any note was there. But there wasn't any. So, I didn't suspect David at first. I thought it might be any of my business rivals. But after a day, I got a ransom call from that mofo!", he said.

Mofo? What does that mean?

I decided to keep that question for later.

"Why did you not pay him ransom? Is it more important than me? Of course, it might be more important for you because you don't care for me. But how can someone prioritize money over someone's life?", I asked him with a lava of anger building inside me.

"Please do not jump onto the conclusions Lara. Try to understand. Had I would have given him the ransom, he might or might not have left you but for sure, he would have killed me. I had to save your life as well as mine.", he said.

What he said, made sense to me.

"But it was really risky!", I told.

"I know it was really risky. But I had to save yours as well as my life. Added to this, I also felt that I couldn't do justice for Maryam's death due to lack of proofs. So, this was the time and chance to punish him legally.", he said.

"Hmm. He did deserve a punishment.", I said.

"He killed Maryam, he kidnapped you, he tortured me a lot and now that he is dead, my mind will be in peace.", he said.

"Yeah, I never knew people keep a watch on each other just to find a chance to kill them.", I said.

His eyebrows furrowed.

"Did he tell you how he killed her?", he asked, his body was more alert.

Umm... I didn't know if I should tell him or not.

"Tell me Lara.", he insisted.

"Okay. When Maryam went to her home, all alone, without security, David's men informed him about that. They followed her all the way and finally after reaching her home, after sometime, they rang the doorbell and when she opened the door, they attacked her. When she tried to harm one of his men, David shot her from behind.", I said.

Luiz stayed still for few minutes merely staring at the wall.

Maybe he is imagining what happened that night.

Everyone pays for their sins. Sooner or later! 

Then he sighed.

"He deserved it.", he said in a very sad tone.

I wanted to ask him what happened after he came from Brazil but I decided to keep that question for later.

"Luiz.", I called him to divert his attention.

He looked back at me.

"You are taking good care of me now. What is the reason for this change?", I asked him.

"You are in this situation because of me. I couldn't bear it when I saw you crying hard in the footage. You looked so helpless. When you were shot by David, you fell in my arms. I saw it in your eyes Lara... there was a genuine concern in them.", he said.

Genuine concern? Not only that. It is Love!!

"Okay one more question.", I said. But he stopped me.

"No Lara. Now shall I ask you something?", he asked.

"Yeah.", I answered.

"Why did you run back towards me after I was shot, when you could have just ran away from me?", he asked.

"You would have run away if I was in the same condition?", I asked him.

"Yes. I mean, probably not. I am not sure.", he said all confused.

"Why?", I asked.

"Because your safety is my responsibility. However, my life is more important to me.", he said.

"Do you remember our vows during our wedding day?", I asked him.

He just stared blankly at me.

I wanted to tell him that I wanted to protect him because I love him so much. But I decided to cut the word LOVE and replace the word with the word CARE.

"I wanted to protect you because I care for you.", I said.

"Thank you. It meant so much to me.", he said.

I smiled at him.

"We shall have lunch now.", he said.

"Luiz one last question. Please... please....", I said again with puppy eyes.

"Tell.", he said in an irritating tone.

"What does mofo mean?", I asked him.

He stared at me with wide eyes and then, he bursted into laughter after a few seconds.

Why is he laughing this much?

"What happened?", I asked him.

"Nothing. If you don't know, then you need not know.", he said, still laughing and left the room.

Hey my High Fliers!!

LARA is sooo cute yet innocent!

Make my day by VOTING, COMMENTING, SHARING and FOLLOWING me on Wattpad.

Love you all <3 XOXO

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