I See You

By JimmyDeath

184 2 1

Jadea's life was perfect, until it was turned upside-down. Now she lives in sunny California with her Aunt an... More

Author's Note
Chapter 0; Prolouge
Chapter 1; All About Us
Chapter 2; See You Soon
Chapter 3; Day One
Chapter 5; Babe!

Chapter 4; Oh God; Why?

24 0 0
By JimmyDeath

Friday, Feburary 24th


Everywhere I turn I see his face, staring back at me. It's so frustrating; can't he tell that I just want to be left alone? Why won't he just disappear? He follows me everywhere.

*'What you writing?' Simiyon sat down next to me looking over my shoulder to read what I had written in my diary.

I slammed my book in his face before he could read my inner most thoughts and secrets. He knew I hated people reading over my shoulder and was doing it purposely now just so he could annoy me.

'Oh Jadea, you cut me deep' He put an obviously fake; agonised look on his face as he spoke those words. Suddenly his name was called and he left to go investigate what it was the teacher wanted.*

I had joined a club as was requested in the year 12 guidelines. My club was track seeing as it was the only sport club that he wasn't already; part of, vice/president of, or student helper for, only he decided since I was the new girl, he'd join to give me a friend to lean on in my times of struggle while running long distances. I had tried to tell him that I was fine and didn't need his help, but nothing fazed him; he quit football (or what Americans think football is) and joined track. He usually was off running his laps so I could avoid him easily but today the teacher had other plans.

*'Today we'll be having a race between our best two runners; Simiyon and Jadea. As I always say nothing gets the blood pumping like a little bit of competition.' Coach Kippers announced happily.

'Oh God, why me?' I groaned quietly.

'Because you are just as fast as or maybe even faster than the great Simiyon, and have become noticeable.' Marie came up behind me; I guess I wasn't as quiet as I thought. She had long bright red hair that shone like the sun and dark eyes that intensified her beauty even more.

'Last time I over-achieve.' I pouted

'Ha-ha-ha-ha, only in sports. His academic scores suck.' She laughed at my display of annoyance.

'Oh goodie.' But she didn't hear me because I had already made my way to the track.

I was always a runner, I loved it; I was the best of the best when to track and now was no different. Coach shot the gun and we we're off. I was halfway around the track within seconds and Simi wasn't too far behind, but I wasn't going to let him catch up, I sped ahead and was at the finish line before he could realise I had sped up.

'Wow, 18.5 seconds. That's good enough to go to the Olympics. Simiyon how does it feel to be beaten by a girl?' Simi had just finished his lap with a time of 29 seconds,

'I was going easy on her.' He shot back with an annoyed look on his face.

'Of course you were that's why I beat you without breaking a sweat.' I chimed back happy with myself for humiliating him in front of his friends.

He glared at me angrily and walked away.


'So, where do you live?' Marie asked me as we got dressed out of our track gear.

'That way; somewhere.' I responded.

'I live that way too. I'll walk you.'


We walked out while talking about plans to have a sleepover, when Simi and his mates cornered Marie.

'So how has your day been Ranga? Eaten any souls lately?'  Simi asked with a smug look on his face.

Marie just glared at him and tried to evade them but they wouldn't budge 'Where do you think you’re going? You haven't answered my question.'

'Simi get out of her f*cking face.' I shouted in his face as I shoved him away.

'Yea "Simi", get out of her face.' His mates sniggered behind his back.

 'Ah Jadea, standing up for the little people as always I see. Now move so Marie can answer my question.' He smirked in my face.

 'If I beat the crap out of you, will you move?' I asked.

 'I'll move for a kiss.'

 'Piss off.' With that I pushed him away again and dragged Marie off to the safety of the library where we walked straight into Carla.

 She had blonde hair, glasses and was a brain in all her classes. 'Oh, Carla. I'm sorry. Are you okay?'

 ''Yea, I'm fine. Oh Marie, what's wrong? Was that ass-hole Simiyon teasing you again?' Her face turned from annoyed to sympathetic in seconds. 'Let’s go sit down.'

 'That's it we're having a sleepover this weekend and we're dying my hair red.' I stated.

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