CesarxMonse One Shots

By f0rblueskies23

39.8K 587 137

Just some one shots that I write for my favorite On My Block Couple. More

"You Got Jumped In."
"Don't Bone Monse."
"Clothing's Optional."
"I'm Pregnant."
"I Kinda Like It."
Clothing's Optional pt. 2
Dinner Date.

Slow Dance.

7.4K 86 20
By f0rblueskies23

How could I be so stupid! I should have just kept my mouth shut. Why did I have to go and tell him my dad still wasn't home. I could be perfectly happy lying in bed right now. But no, I just had to get my Cesar fix didn't I! Now I'm stuck at a party- at my own home I might add-trying with everything in me to avoid Cesar so I didn't have to dance with him.

Slow dance.

Those two words send a shudder all throughout my body. Why did he have to go and ruin a perfectly good evening for us because he wanted to dance. Why was it so important anyways?

"Monse!" Olivia shouts over the music, "Do you want a beer?"

I turned my head toward where I heard her voice. Her and Jamal were in the kitchen next to the fridge. I could see Cesar from the corner of my eye standing by the island. He was nominated DJ for the event, so he was currently looking through his phone for a good song to put on. I let a sigh of relief that he was distracted. For the moment. I know it's only a matter of time before he comes for what he wants.


Jamal's voice startled me out of my thoughts, "Oh, yeah I do. Thanks."

Jamal raised a questioning eyebrow at me. Crap. He knows that something is up. He and Olivia make their way over to me. When they pass Cesar on their way over, Olivia makes sure to tell him to put something good on. He looks over at me then and smiles wide, "oh for sure."

I feel all my insides begin to melt. How is it possible that a smile could make me feel like I could faint? All I want to do is go over to that smiling face and kiss it.

Olivia hands me my drink, "So, are you having fun at your party?"

I scoff and roll my eyes, "This is so not my party."

"Your house. Your party," Jamal's says as he scans the room, "oh crap, Ruby is being smothered by Jasmine. Come on Olivia, we've gotta save him."

Sure enough Jasmine was knocked out, her entire body covering poor Ruby. I could only see one foot sticking out from underneath her. I let out a giggle as I heard Ruby's muffled voice saying that he was going to have to shower in bleach.

As I watched my friends attempt to lift Jasmine and free Ruby, the song that was playing went from something mid-tempo to slow. My heartbeat quickened, and my eyes widened as I felt him next to me.

"How about that slow dance?"

He was so close that I felt his breath on the back of my neck. I turned to look at him and he had that same stupid smile on. God, how could I say no when he looked so good.

"Right now?" I asked breathlessly. It was hard for me to focus when he was this close to me. He moved closer to me, as if he wasn't close enough, and placed a hand on my hip, "Yes, right now."

I let out a shaky breath and nodded my head, "Okay."

Wait...what? Did I just say okay? Am I really ready to make that statement? Am I ready for everyone to know? Jamal? Ruby? Olivia? God, I think I'm going to be sick. I can't lose my family over this. I can't be the one to break it up.

But then again, how bad could once dance be? Maybe it's like Cesar said after all, it's just a dance.

A buzzing sound took me out of my thoughts. Cesar pulled his hand from me to pull out his phone. He looked down at it and all amusement from his eyes disappeared. "I'll be right back," he mumbled, walking away as he said it.

I could still feel the touch of his fingers on my hip. How can one boy make me feel like this? How could CESAR make me feel like this?

I shook my head, trying to clear the fog from him being so close. Why did he leave? I was just about to give him what he wanted. What could have pulled him away? There's only one thing that he worries about more than anything....... his brother.

Of course, that's it. His brother, Oscar, is probably trying to get him involved in some stupid gang thing. Well not tonight buddy. Cesar is going to stay with me tonight. Tonight, I will win.

I head off in the direction that I saw him go. I find him in my bedroom with his back towards me. He's got something in his hands. I walk further in to get a better look. He's counting money. A big wad of it. No doubt from something involving the Santos gang.

I could feel the anger building up inside me. Not at Cesar, but at his stupid brother. Why can't he just leave Cesar alone? "What are you doing?"

Cesar jumps a little out of surprise and sticks the cash in his pocket before turning around. "Are you ready for our dance?"

Oh no. He's not getting out of this. "Where did that come from, Cesar?"

"Don't worry about it," he replies, "Worry about this." He walks towards me then and wraps his arms around my waist. I don't want to just forget what I saw, but when he's this close and he's got that smile on, it's hard to remember why I'm so angry.

He leads us over to the bed and lets us both fall on it. He's above me now, using one arm to support him and the other to graze my side. I can't help but lock my eyes on his. His smile is infectious. He always has a way to make me smile.

I rest a hand on his cheek as I search his eyes, "Are you okay?"

His eyes get warmer at my words. He rests his forehead against mine and closes his eyes, "I am now."

I close my eyes and take in the moment. Cesar has been one of my best friends for as long as I could remember. He's always been there for me, and I for him. We would protect each other, because we're more than friends. We're family.

But in this moment, I felt more. I felt every fiber in my being telling me to protect him. My heart ached to protect him, to comfort him. I would take on the world for him. I would risk anything to make sure he was okay. Because in this moment, he is mine. And I am his.

"Cesar," I whispered. I opened my eyes to look at him. His eyes were still closed, a ghost of a smile on his face.

He hummed in response to me, lifting my shirt slightly to rub soft circles on my hip.

I dropped my hand away from his face and he frowned at the disconnect. I bit my lip to hide the small smile I had because of it. I could hear the music from the party start to pick up again. Jamal and Ruby were shouting something I couldn't understand. Obviously too drunk to care where Cesar and I were.

I needed him. I needed him to know that I wanted him. That I will always want him. That nothing matters but us here, right now. "Cesar, go close and lock the door."

His eyes flew open at that. "What?"

I could see the questions and excitement in his eyes. He didn't see that coming. Usually when we have moments like this with people around us I push him away after a few moments.

I raised my head and placed a feather light kiss to his, "Close and lock the door."

He looked at me for a moment, most likely wondering what was going on in my head. But at last he said, "okay," and got up from the bed to close the door.

As soon as the lock on the door clicked he was walking back to the bed, taking off his shirt in the process.

And for the rest of the night, and some into the morning, we showed each other how much we meant to each other. We had each other, and for now, nothing else mattered.  

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