Clothing's Optional pt. 2

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Monse smiles to herself, knowing that she could gain the upper hand here. She smirks herself as she replies to him, "Compared to the two minutes you lasted it's not that bad."

Cesar's mouth drops from a smirk into a gaping O shape, "It was not two minutes! More like five."

"Three tops."

He lets out a laugh, "You're delusional. I could make it last for hours if you want."

She takes a step closer to him and stands on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "You have a lot of talk Diaz. Prove it."

And just like that she turns and walks away from him. Knowing that she left him dazed. She's sure he wasn't expecting that. If she was going to give in she was still going to make him work for it.

It takes a moment for Cesar to process her words, but once they do he's smiling.

He yells after her, "I'll see you after school Monse! Be sure to conserve your energy, you're gonna need it!"

Monse can't help the huge smile that appears on her face at his words. So much for never happening again.


The day has been incredibly long for Cesar. He feels as if the day has been intentionally longer. Everytime he glances at the clock he swears he sees it moving backward instead of forward. His trigonometry teacher is talking but he has no idea what about because all he can do is replay in his mind the conversation he and Monse had in the hallway earlier. Pfft, two minutes. He was going to make her pay for that little comment. Three o'clock couldn't come fast enough. Suddenly the bell rings and Cesar jumps up from his seat. It's lunch time which means two things to him. One, he gets to see Monse again and two, they're halfway through the school day already.

He makes it to the cafeteria, grabs his food and heads over to the table the crew claimed at the beginning of the year. Ruby, Jamal and Olivia were already there. All three were sitting on one side of the table so Cesar decided to sit on the other to kinda even things out.

"I don't know why you just don't tell your dad the truth," Olivia says to Jamal as Cesar sits down.

"You're new here, so I'll give you the short version," Jamal responds, "My dad was a football god when he was in school and all he wants is his boy to follow in his footsteps."

"But his boy," Jamal points to himself, "doesn't want to break his neck on the field. So to make everyone happy, I fake injuries to avoid real ones and my dad is happy I'm on the team. A win win situation."

"That is," Olivia starts, "one of the craziest things I have ever heard."

"Clearly," Cesar and Ruby say at the same time. Jamal has been freaking out about football since the sixth grade. Nothing they could say would change his stance so Cesar, Ruby and Monse have just learned to endure it.

"So, I was thinking we should have a little crew time after school today at my house. Sound good?" Ruby asks, changing the subject. Cesar was just about to object but someone else speaks up first. "That sounds great Ruby. I know I'll definitely be there," Monse says as she sits down next to Cesar.

Cesar's brows furrow slightly in confusion at her words. Didn't they already make plans for after school? "How about you Cesar? Do you have any plans?" she asks him. Everyone turns their attention to him. What kind of game is she playing here? "Nope, I'm free. I'll be there Ruby," He responds. Jamal and Olivia both say they're free as well.

"Great! Everyone head over right after school then," Ruby exclaims before jumping into to some story about something Jasmine did in class earlier. Cesar looks over at Monse, still not quite sure what she was doing. Was she going back on what they talked about? She had a smile on her face and seemed to be engrossed in Ruby's story. But he could tell there was something else going on in her mind. He knew her well enough to know that.

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