The Minecraft Games.

By DoubleTroubleWriting

1.5K 46 5

24 players enter a hunger games arena. One will become the victor. Who will be brave enough to survive the Mi... More

The Minecraft Games (A Youtubers Survival Games)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

111 3 0
By DoubleTroubleWriting

Chapter 6

Team #Merome

“Mr.360Gaming and Bodil40 from team Troll have been defeated, Team Troll has lost.” Christians voice filled the air, “You're surroundings are changing. Don't stay in one place for to long”

“Do you think they drowned?” Jerome asked looking down the sewer hole which filled full of water. Mitch was glad they had decided against going down there and hadn't been caught in the flood.

“Probably, where do you think Sky and Ty are?” Mitch asked shifting from one foot to the other, “And Seto, and Noah and Palmer.” Jerome shrugged and stood up looking towards Mitch.

“Maybe they'll kill each other and it'll leave just us.

“Most likely. Let's keep moving in towards spawn. Everyone's headed there” Mitch glanced around them now a lot more, since Antvenom's attack. Jerome was becoming worried about his buddy. He seemed to jump at every movement and he was afraid he'd have to be the one to take down Mitch. He knew he was to be the one to take down Mitch. Jerome wouldn't let his best friends death by on anyone’s hands but his.

Mitch was shaky as they headed towards spawn. He had to get rid of Jerome now. He had to do it. He wasn't going to let his best friend die by anyone else's hands. No one would get the honor of killing Jeorme except for Mitch.

Jerome didn't even see it coming until the stone sword had plunged completely through his stomach and ripped back out. Mitch watched as his Bacca fell to the ground a hole straight through him. Dropping his blood covered sword he fell to his knees beside the dying boy.

“I-I'm sorry Jerome..I-I didn't want anyone else to kill you.” Mitch whispered pleadingly as Jerome clutched one of his hands to the wound.

“It's alright Mitch, I understand. I was going to kill you tonight” Jerome mumbled closing his eyes, “See you in the winners circle Biggums.” Mitch sniffled tears running down his face.

“See you in the winners circle.”

Team Dynamite

Palmer and Noah were in a rush of panic to escape the mountain side as the cave they had once been in was caving in on them. There bags were stuffed full with there supplies and they were sliding down the mountain so fast they had no idea where they were going, all they knew was they couldn't stay here. The two tumbled forward when they hit solid ground and into the grass.

“I knew we stayed put for so long” Palmer muttered to himself getting to his feet scrambling to pick up the food that had slid out of his backpack. Noah copied his movement and through the pack on his back.

“Yeah let's go, head in towards spawn.”' The two began to move stopping roughly 10 feet from spawn.

“Jerome from Team #Merome has been defeated” The two froze as they watched Mitch on the ground sobbing uncontrollably into his hands. Palmer made a motion to circle around and Noah followed until they were on either side of him.

“Hey Mitchy. Loose your favorite Bacca?” Noah called out mockingly as he appeared from the woods and Palmer from the other side. Mitch rose to his feet gripping the iron axe, ignoring the bloody sword on the ground.

“I Told him I was going to win and I will!” He shouted charging full force at Palmer. Not expecting him to charge Palmer took a hard swing to the chest. He countered back with a swipe into his side which already seemed to be injured.

Noah darted across the grassy land and grabbed Mitch by the back of his hoodie yanking him backwards letting the sword pass through his torso like budder. He dropped to the ground near Palmer.

“Good Job Noah” Palmer mumbled closing his eyes. The canon sounded then another.

“Palmer from team Dynamite has been defeated.” Christian called out, “Mitch from team #Merome has been defeated. #Merome has lost!”

Noah smiled to himself. It was down to the final 6. Himself, Seto, Nooch, Preston, Ty, and Sky. The only one he felt worried about was Nooch, the rest were pieces of cake. He raised his sword and grinned.

Time to Strike.

Team #Skylox

“If you keep your weight off your left foot you might be able to move easier.” Adam exclaimed keeping his grip on Ty's waist tightly as they hobbled forward. Seto walked to the right of them keeping a respectful distance his hand on his stone sword.

“Maybe we should let him rest, there's a river near spawn we can clean his wound out with the water to assure it wont get infected” Seto offered. Adam figured he was smart so he knew this kind of stuff and going down to the water seemed like the best idea.

“The water from the rapids up stream should be the cleanest, go up and get some while I unwrap his ankle.” Adam nodded his head and hurried upstream. Ty shifted on the shore as Seto unwrapped his foot pulling him closer to the water. Ty knew something was up the minute Seto grabbed his ankle and went to yell for Adam but couldn't.

Seto grasped the wounded boy by the throat tightening his grip so Deadlox couldn't speak and shoved his head down under the water. As much as it pained Seto he had to do it. Kill Ty then Adam.

Ty couldn't breathe as he struggled under the surface of the water unable to even bring his nose above the surface. His lungs felt like they were going to implode and his body forced himself to breath in sucking the water down his throat and into his lungs. He began to squirm and cough under the water only inhaling more water until he was yanked to the surface.

Adam caught Seto just in time to get Ty to the surface. He slammed Seto into the nearest tree and sunk the wooden sword straight threw the boys forehead until it stuck to the tree behind him. He ripped Seto's stone sword from its sheath and placed it in its own then rushed back to Ty as a canon boomed.

“Seto from team Confidence has been defeated! Confidence has lost!”

“no no no!” Adam plugged Ty's nose and began CPR. He was glad this was one of the medical things Ty had taught him. “Come on Ty!” He kept going blowing air into the boys lungs then pulled away watching small amounts of water flow out of the corner of his mouth. Adam set his head on Ty's chest and listened for a heart beat.

But there was nothing. With the canons boom Ty was dead.

“Deadlox from team #Skylox has been defeated!” Sky closed his eyes and began to sob. He hadn't been fast enough to save his best friend.  

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