Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Team Dynamite

Noah and Palmer had successfully scaled the highest mountain they could fine and hid out for the first night in a cave. They had found a chest up there and along with there items they had picked up they were pretty stacked.

“So that makes 4 dead tributes” Noah exclaimed writing Quentin on the stone wall on the side of the cave. Below it were three other names.

“So Dartron was killed off spawn, Brice was killed during the night, CaptainSparklez was killed before nightfall, and Quentin's cannon just fired. That's four deaths by noonish on the second day. Were doing pretty good.” Palmer had listed off the names that were carved into the wall. The two thought that making a list would be easy to keep up with the number of people alive.

“I think everyone's scattered pretty well. Mitch and Jerome are obviously out hunting and they probably have been alnight. Sky and Deadlox would be somewhere they could see around them, high up like us, Ian and Jason are probably on the run.” Noah mumbled almost to himself looking out the mouth of the cave.

“Nooch, Woofless, and Preston could be one of those underground tunnels we saw.” Palmer added getting up walking himself over to stand by his teammate. There mountain was right against the dome do no one could sneak up behind them.

“Right. As for Tyler and Kyle I'm surprised Tyler's not dead yet.” The two had passed Kyle carrying Tyler into a small opening into a tree. They would have attacked but neither had a weapon and Kyle had a nice wooden axe hanging from his belt. But now the two were both armed with stone swords and some what decent armor.

“I'm impressed Sparklez died before him. Maybe he got caught by #Merome. There one of the teams we need to worry about. Them and Hot and Spicy. The rest seem easy.” Noah shrugged and walked back into the cave digging out a piece of pork and chowing down on it before leaning against the cave wall.

“I wouldn't put it past, Bodil and Mr.360Gaming. There really sneaky. Plus Antvenom is still alive. Maybe Sparklez got Brice during the night and James(BlueMonkey) got the captain while he was asleep. Ant could be chasing him down as we speak.”

“Most likely. But its gonna kill me until I know where the other teams are” Palmer exclaimed looking out into the distance, “I can't see anyone. Bunch of campers.” He shuffled inside and sat down under the names on the wall. But little did they know they were being watched as they spoke.

Team Troll

“Bodil get down from there!” Double shouted up at his teammate. Bodil stood on top of a high up block and jumped to the next.

“There's a chest at the top! I wanna see what's In it!” Bodil called back, “Calm down Triple I'll be fine.”

“Stop calling me Triple!” He shouted back followed by the Bulgarians laughter. Bodil was great at parkour and this was no exception. He had seen the chest that awaited at the top, it was a double chest and bound to have some good loot.

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