courage | the marauders era ✔️

By -pandory

336K 6.5K 3.4K

▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ "𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚... More

0.0 | authors note
0.1 | goodbye beauxbatons
0.2 | hello family
0.3 | makeovers
0.4 | the train to hogwarts
0.5 | sorting hat + meeting new . . . friends
| kylie plait |
| emma evergreen |
0.6 | sisterly arguments
0.7 | james' confesson, lillian's regret
0.8 | gossip + mr & mrs evans
0.9 | before hogsmeade
1.0 | how far did she fall?
1.1 | unforgettable eyes
1.2 | gifts, parties, arguments . . . what an exciting time.
1.3 | hot cocoa with a slytherin
1.4 | contract + sollution = happy couple
1.5 | kicking summer off . . . with a nap.
1.6 | more parties and more sleep
1.7 | discoveries
1.8 | letter from the ex
1.9 | "crazy and possesive. must be a charmer" "fuck you."
2.0 | aurors and an ex who's becoming a problem
2.1 | charms lessons, i love 'em
| i need help cause im struggling with something |
2.2 | fake friend
2.3 | welcome back, miss evans
2.4 | oxford academy
2.5 | tragic
2.6 | funnerals + exams
2.7 | the end of a magical journey
2.8 | weddings, birthdays, next it'll be christmas
2.9 | friends and foes
3.0 | catastrophe strikes
3.1 | nine months of agony and broken promises
3.2 | the end
sequel update, part two

1.7 | "they're disgusies" "you sure you don't have a kink for corsets?"

4.4K 100 8
By -pandory

Rosie's POV:

Finding Dorcas was a pure accident. Lily and I were out to find Alice, which was who we were assigned to, when we saw her in a park. She looked completely different from the other Dorcas as well.

Her brown hair was tied in a messy bun, and she was wearing some leggings, tennis shoes, and a tank top. One thing I noticed though, was that her chest area was smaller, so the fake Dorcas did get implants. A football was being kicked from foot to foot, while she was listening to some music from a stereo. "Let's go."

"Hey." Lily greeted awkwardly. "Um, who are you people?" She asked. "I'm Lily Evans, and this is my sister Rosie." "Dorcas Greyland." She replied, still kicking the football. "Petrificus Totalus." Lily casted quickly, making Dorcas stiff as a board. I immediately did a few charms to make her invisible, and things along that line, then we quickly lifted her, and ran all the way back to Gringotts, where we got the goblins to get the blocks of her. "Lily?" "Dorky!" They hugged fiercely, and then she turned to me in confusion. "Who's this?" "This is my twin sister, Rosie. Now quick!"

Back at the Potter residence, we explained everything to her. Ky and Em came back with Mary, who was once again, completely  different. Her black hair was braided down the side, and she was in jeans, a jacket, converse, and had a camera slung around her neck. "Dorcas! Lily!" They once again hugged and I smiled lightly. "Alright kids. Now we need to find Marlene and Alice." Sirius said as he held a clipboard. "What's with the clipboard?" Dorcas asked, voicing my unsaid thoughts. "I'm trying to look professional woman!" He exclaimed dramatically, making Remus roll his eyes. "Who's that?" Mary whispered to Lily. "Right. This is Rosie, my twin sister, yes we don't look alike, we know. By the way, James is dating Lucius Malfoy, Sirius and Remus are dating, Em is dating a Ravenclaw named Evan, Ky is kind of on and off with this Hufflepuff and Rosie is single." "Single and ready to mingle." I added jokingly. Mary laughed. "Wow. That is a lot to take in." I shrugged. "Let's get some rest. Tomorrow we'll look for Marlene and Alice."

In the morning, I woke up and immediately took a shower. I got dressed in a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a grey shirt, and a pair of vans. I threw my hair up in a half bun and grabbed my sunglasses. It was time to go look for Marlene and Alice.

"Okay guys. Ky, Em and I will go look for Marlene and James, Sirius and Remus will go look for Alice." I began as we sat down in the living room after breakfast. "Okay." James agreed. "We'll use the charms and hopefully have them back here by three." Clearing my throat, I thought of Marlene's face and muttered the incantation. "Point me." My wand began to glow and rise from my hand. "Come on guys. Let's go."

We ran to the floo, where it was pointing us. "Diagon Alley?" Ky suggested. "Let's go with it." After flooing to Diagon Alley, it pointed us out into the muggle street. "How are we going to hide your wand?" Em asked with a troubled look on her freckled face. "I don't know." I answered frustratedly. "Do you have the invisibility cloak?" Ky asked hopefully. "No, James has it." "Damn." She cursed. "It's not like we can put on a costume and hide the wand under it." "Lightbulb." I grinned. "Come on!"

"Really?" Ky groaned. "Yes!" We were staring at ourselves in Victorian era dresses. My wand was hidden under my skirt, still glowing away. Em charmed my skirt so I could see through it, to know where to go. "We'll act like it's a costume party! Besides, they're disguises." "Are you sure you don't have a kink for corsets?" "Fuck you." "This is so bloody embarrassing." She muttered. "Come on." We exited the leaky cauldron and walked up the street, gaining a lot of attention. "Excuse me Miss? Where are you going dressed like that?" A woman asked as she held a toddlers hand. "Costume party." I replied in my best posh voice. "Do I sound good?" I asked in my real voice. She nodded and left. "Let's go ladies."

After a long walk, we finally made it to a salon. "There she is!" Em exclaimed. "Okay, lets get out of these ridiculous clothes." We went into the alleyway and quickly changed, stuffing our dresses into Em's bag. "Let's go." "Wait!" Ky hissed, pulling us back. "How are we gonna get her to come with us? There are people inside there." I cursed. "Let's wait until she finishes." I suggested. "That's the best we've got. Let's do it." Em agreed. "What do we do while we wait?" Ky asked. "Easy. Let's get manicures and pedicures!"

After getting our nails done, we needed to stall time, so we decided to get our hair done in the most complicated style there was. When we were finished getting our hair done, we paid and left. "Okay, it's four, so let's just wait." After waiting thirty minutes,  Marlene left the place. We quickly followed her, and when we finally got to an alleyway, Ky pushed her in while we started doing spells to keep her invisible ect.

After getting her memories back at Gringotts, we took her back to Potter Manor. "Hey guys." I greeted tiredly, falling onto the couch. "Woah. What happened?" "You will not believe the day I just had." "Try me." James came, stumbling in with Alice covered in glitter and feathers. "Holy shit! What happened?" Luc asked, jumping to James' side. "Everything's fuzzy. I need sleep." "Same." And right there on the couch, I fell asleep.

Authors Note:

HOLY CRAP GUYS THIS LEGIT HAS 560 READS!!! Thank you all so much!
Cookies for everyone!
(::) (::) (::)

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