Dance First (Dance Moms ALDC...

By anon-sirekl20

59.1K 607 323

Aurelia was a prodigy of many talents. After taking a break, she has now appeared back in the limelight with... More

B A C K S T O R Y + C H A R A C T E R S
P A R T o n e
chapter uno
Character Outline
The New News
Intro, Interviews and Pyramids
A Day of Dance Moms
Dancing in Drama
Reckless Awards
Sad Goodbye, Happy Hello
Walking the Carpet
When it goes Wrong
Luck is Half the Game
Winners Don't Lose
Gone Like the Wind
Finally Having to Fight
Exposing Truths
We're Nothing More Than Friends
I'm a Rockstar
Laughter is a Cackle
Uh Oh Go Back to being Plastic

The Other Side to Them

1.3K 20 7
By anon-sirekl20

Warning; the next chapters will be a lot slower to update, so I will try to make them longer (I mean 6000 words long - this one's 5771) This is due to school, so I will update once or twice weekly.

Special shout out to  kenziewhitnnie and her amazing books!


The hour between Kendall's departure and the awards stretches on. I'm sure it's been three hours at least and the clock on the wall is wrong, but unfortunately my phone agrees with the clock.

The moms have left to get sandwiches for us when the producers come over to Jojo and pull her into the corridor. We all give each other nervous glances before they come and take Adam as well.

Kalani bites her lips, anticipating what is to happen. "Girls, and guys, we'll be fine. Whatever the producers throw our way we can stay strong." We all nod our heads anxiously, and I throw a worried look at Brynn; she'd just been talking to Jojo and Adam earlier.

"Hey, Brynn," I usher her over, breaking the tense silence. "Do you think I look nicer with my braids or bun in this picture?" I ask innocently and Mackenzie giggles as she comes towards me as well.

"Definitely the braids," whisper-yell Kenzie and Brynn excitedly in unison. Cameron and Marcus crack up as well, and Nia starts playing chopsticks with Kalani.

"Wait, Aurelia. I can't believe it's your first time in Maines," says Isaac as everyone starts crowding around my dressing table.

I giggle at everyone. "I feel so popular right now," I say, and Kalani rolls her eyes, smiling and muttering about how many followers I have on social media. "But also a tad claustrophobic." I get up and, holding Brynn's hand, I whisper. "Hey, you wanna show them our hip hop routine we made when we were bored." She agrees and we perform it.

Everyone is laughing while we do silly faces. I let Brynn outshine me because she's such an amazing dancer and no one on the elite team really appreciates that. Suddenly we are interrupted by the door opening and Jojo and Adam come back in.

"What did they want you for?" Asks Cameron, ever the curious one.

Jojo shrugs her shoulders. "They were just telling me when they wanted me to redo my solo because they didn't record it very well."

"Yeah," chimes in Nia. "Back in Season One we had to do the dances twice at every competition. One for the judges and again for the cameras because they wouldn't let us record then. You're all lucky now that you only have to do it once at this competition." We all roll our eyes and grin at Nia; she's always bringing up that she's an original.

"What did they want Adam for?" Asks Kalani, the points not quite adding up.

"You'll find out on Monday," he smirks, winking. I'm slightly surprised because Adam has always been the quiet dancer who didn't speak and only danced.

A few minutes drag on and Jojo sits right next to me and Brynn, which is an unusual feat since she only talks to me when we're with the whole group and getting carried away with chatting. Jojo gives Brynn a sideways glance.

"Brynn, I'm just going to say this because this is what I think," says Jojo suddenly, her eyes narrowed at my best friend. "I'm really surprised," She continues. "That Abby didn't call you out for your leg always being bent in that arabesque and how your feet were always sickled."

Brynn bites her lips and stares at the ground. I feel so shocked that Jojo is saying this. She's supposed to be the bright, loud, optimistic person, not this. (A/N this is not what I think of Jojo, but this conflict will be resolved later, I promise, so no hate to Jojo please.)

"Like, even I could've danced that better and ballet isn't even my forte." None of us move. We're all sitting there with our eyes wide, with tears in Brynn's.

"Yeah, I'm actually glad Jojo voiced that. Brynn, it's true. I'm not sure how you even got in this team because you're, like, the worst," Adam agrees, snarling at Brynn. This causes her face to crumple. I am so angry right now. Everyone knew Brynn has a crush on Adam and I can't believe him and Jojo would just allow this to happen.

"Oh shut up Jojo!" I say angrily at her. "I thought you were a nice, positive person, but now you've really shown your true colours. You're nothing but a brat who wants to tear everyone  down. But I have something to tell you; with all your multiple personalities, you'd think  one of them at least would've been likeable? Well no!" I am close to tears myself, so Kenzie quickly steps in as well.

Jojo just smirks at me and rolls her eyes. I hug Brynn as she weeps into my shoulder.

"Jojo, if you can't appreciate how beautifully elegant and talented Brynn is then keep your opinions to yourself. I hate to quote Abby, but; if God has a problem with Brynn, I think he'd tell her don't you? So you have no right to judge her and accuse her falsely," Kenzie says calmly, and then turns to Adam.

"I'm just disappointed, Adam. You didn't deserve to be able to dance in that group dance with all those talented dancers and certainly not with my sister. You don't have to tell me that you're coming back next week, it's not hard to tell, but let me just say; you're not going to enjoy and us girls are going to make it hell. For both of you." Maddie is the only one who isn't expressing a side in the conflict and I give her a swift glare. She immediately looks guilty.

Jojo stands with Adam close behind. "It's hardly our fault that Brynn's terrible; we're just telling her the truth." They shake their heads just as the moms and Abby come back in.

"Don't listen to them," Nia and I tell Brynn as us three excuse ourselves to the bathroom.

"Next week is going to be terrible," says Nia. "But you do know that was staged. The producers obviously didn't just ask Adam and Jojo to redo their solo or come back next week, they also prompted them to say that to Brynn. I know it's hard, but you'll get a lot of that next week."

My mouth gapes open slightly. That'll be the reason Maddie remained neutral; she knew too.

Brynn sniffles and dabs at her eyes and nose with a tissue. "Don't worry, I'm used to it. I just didn't expect them to ask one of our own team to do it," She says and I give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Seriously, Aurelia, please don't hate Adam and Jojo on this, they're just doing what they have to. "

I tell her that I won't and we go back to the dressing room and munch on our sandwiches. Everyone is so quiet because no one wants to tell the moms what happened or bring up another fight.


"Moving onto our junior elite soloists," announces the announcer. I block out the names until it gets to the top two soloists. Nia and Jojo both did their solos almost flawlessly.

"Our second place soloist with 296 points goes to...act 62 Nia with Better Than This!" Nia smiles and collects her award, but I secretly wanted her to win. 

"And the overall soloist of the junior elites goes to...drum roll please... with 298.7 points, act 39 Jojo with Cold Gaze !" My clapping is slightly quieter than usual, but no one notices. I keep a smile on my face for the cameras, not letting them see my true feelings. 

A few categories later it is the mini duets/trios division.

"In first place of our mini duets/trios category, please clap your hand for...Fire Dissolve, act 93 Milla and Red with 286.5 points!" The minis didn't place at all! Abby looks so mad as Kenzie, Kalani and Nia hug the two girls.

"Our overall high-scoring duet/trio in the junior division is..." Kalani and Kenzie clench each other's hands tightly. "With 290 points act 154 Kalani and Mackenzie with You've Forgotten Me. Well, can I say girls, after this performance I don't think many people will be forgetting your spectacular dance!" Says the announcer and a few cheers come from the audience to back that up. Kenzie is grinning so wide I think her cheeks might explode while Kalani squeezes Mackenzie happily.

The tension rises as we come to the group dance awards. Third place passes and so does second. We've either won or not placed at all, and I hope it is not the latter.

I clench Josue and Maddie's fingers so tightly that they gasp, their fingers turn red.

"First place goes to... For My Juliet act 396 with 287 points." I scream, even though it can't be heard over the cheering of my team mates. We all run upstage to the announcer as Maddie takes the award and we all collect our medals.

"Which dance studio do you come from?" The announcer asks, even though it's clearly written on Maddie and Brynn's jackets. The rest of us are only wearing plain jackets because we're not officially part of the ALDC...yet.

"Abby Lee Dance Company!" We shout into the microphone and the announcer chuckles at our excitement.


Abby high-fives Nia and Jojo as soon as she sees them. She then proceeds to pick up Mackenzie and Kalani as she hugs them both.

She then turns to Maddie, Brynn, Cameron, Adam, Josue, Marcus and I.

"Well done you seven! Especially you Aurelia, your excellent thinking saved the whole group number and we still placed first!"

I grin as Isaac hugs me. "Is everyone ready for tomorrow? Unfortunately Kendall won't be joining us, but the boys can tag along if you want." Abby offers and we all depart to our hotel.

Maddie, Brynn and Mackenzie come over to Kalani and I's room and we hang out and play some really weird and foolish games. At dinner we mess around with the boys.

Adam and Jojo apologise profusely and we tell them that it's fine.

Can't wait for all the events that will happen tomorrow!!


"Wake up sleeping beauty! We have a photo shoot to get too!" Yelps Kalani, sounding far too enthusiastic for my liking. 

"Five more minutes," I groan, but Kalani whips the covers of me. 

"I already did that," She says as I cry out at the sudden coldness. 

I shower and brush my teeth and get changed into pale blue jeans, a grey tee-shirt with the word infinite on it, a black scarf and black shoes. I pack a spare outfit for the Ellen Show, but the outfit I'm currently wearing will be the one I wear for the meet and greet at ten today. 

I brush my hair and put the front section in two braids leaving the back down and put in two pale teal roses in. 

Kalani and I rush down to breakfast, guzzling it up. The other girls are ecstatic as much as we are while the boys are eating as well; they're going to tag along for the photoshoot and watch the meet and greet. 


We arrive and get changed into lots of cool outfits and do shots on our own, with a few others or as a whole group. 

My favourite outfits are really snazzy dance costumes which Brynn, Maddie, Mackenzie, Kalani and I all wear together as a group while Nia and Jojo get new headshots done. 

(Just pretend it's the girls modelling there)

The boys are constantly complimenting us and I find myself feeling very red in the face everytime I try on a new outfit. Soon, the two hours are over and we drive to the meet and greet event. 

We still have half an hour and Abby runs through what type of questions some people will ask. I feel confident as she tells us who enters first and where we sit and we quickly rehearse our dances. We're performing Pretty Reckless as our group dance without Kendall, Brynn and I's duet from last week, Kalani and Kenzie's duet, Maddie's solo from a few weeks back, my solo from last week and Nia and Jojo's solos from this week. The schedule is jam-packed, and with a break in between there is not gonna be a lot of free time in the next few hours. 

As fans start arriving Abby reiterates the instructions. 

"The moms will go on first and we'll talk a bit for about five minutes before we call you girls in for your group dance. You'll run back offstage and wait in the wings before we announce you. First is Brynn and Jojo, Nia and Mackenzie and then Maddie and Kalani then Aurelia last.  We'll have a talk about Aurelia joining the team, what they can expect for this week's episode and general talk about me and the moms and some dramatic moments that have happened." Abby pauses for breath and I squeal with excitement; this is my first meet and greet ever (other than movie premieres)!

"Then we'll let the fans ask us questions and we'll finish with signing and photographs. Does that sound alright?" We all nod our heads and giggle, hugging each other excitedly. 


The lights are blinding from the wings, and I suddenly feel very self-conscious. It's not like movies where the only people you're acting to are the crew and the camera. It's not like dancing where you know what you're doing next and you know what type of character you are. No, I have to go out on that stage and be me. 

Kenzie is braiding and unbraiding my hair when they call the moms on. 

"So, what do you think about Aurelia Ellery, the new member of the junior elite team?" The hostess questions the moms. They all sit there in thought for a moment before Ashlee speaks up. 

"Well, personally I think that Aurelia is a beautiful and great person and truly speaks up for her friends and what she believes in. I think she really makes my daughter laugh but challenges her at the same time." 

Jessalyn's brow crinkles. "You're only saying that because you don't want Maddie to be the favourite. Have you seen the way she treats my daughter? She just ignores her all the time."

"I disagree," says Melissa. "I think Aurelia is a beautiful amazing dancer, but I don't think she is better than Maddie, no one can beat my Maddie."

"Melissa–" my mom tries to defend me and in the wings Maddie whispers to me that all their words are probably prompted. 

Holly intervenes. "Aurelia is a good dancer, but she doesn't seem like too much of a team player to me. I know she loves dance, but she does pick favourites. Even when all the girls are together she barely talks to Nia and Jojo and completely ignores them at times. Aurelia really needs to understand what it is to be co-operative with all her team mates," says Holly and Kira nods her head. 

"As much as I love her as my own little daughter," says Kira thoughtfully. "I feel like she was too soon to come and although she makes the team even better, it was still really amazing before she came along and I feel like Abby is setting us up for something or saying that we're not good enough."

"I'm not trying to say that," interjects Abby. "It's just a few of you need to push a bit harder and work to the extreme, not just to what you think is alright."

I bite my lip as they start talking about other things. I thought the moms loved me?


After showing our dances and talking amongst ourselves and showing off the weird things which I invented yesterday to do in our hotel rooms, we are onto the fan questions. 

"This one's for Kalani," says a fan and we all smile at her. "Is the show really scripted? And if so, which parts?"

"Well, it's not actually scripted, but the producers do prompt you or pull you off to the side to ask you to do something. Most of the scenes that are like that we make up afterwards and we don't really mean what we say too much." The fan smiles and nods her head. 

"Maddie, do you or did you feel threatened by Aurelia, especially when she joined the team?" I incline my head in interest at this question. 

"I mean, Aurelia's not really on the team yet," laughs Maddie uncomfortably. "But I think now that she's a teammate and I've really gotten to know her I think she's just one of my friends and it's just casual now at competition. But like, obviously beforehand I was quite threatened because she was one of the few who could actually beat me and I just thought of her as another person I had to win against." Maddie smiles and the girl seems satisfied. I giggle a little bit. 

"This question's kinda for all of you, but can you tell us one thing that annoys you each about someone in the team.  But I don't want any of you to take offense," one small girl says meekly. 

Mackenzie starts off with, "One thing that annoys me about Brynn is that she's always chewing gum really loudly right in my ear and it's like really annoying but hilarious at the same time."

"Umm, well sometimes Kalani acts like she doesn't know who I am for fun, but I always feel a bit upset because a lot of people prefer her over me and it kinda touches me," says Nia and Kalani runs over and gives her a reassuring hug, whispering that she won't ever do that again. 

"One thing I don't like about Nia is that she's never on social media because I'm like 'hdy did you see that photo so-and-so posted' and she's like 'no' and I'm just like 'great, well this is awkward' and it's kind of frustrating," says Brynn. 

It's now my turn and I'm not sure what to say. "Umm, well one thing that annoys me about Jojo is that she's always rolling her eyes and I can never tell if she's trying to be funny or serious." We all laugh at my last point. 

"Maddie," says Jojo, trying to sound serious but grinning manically at Maddie. "Sometimes when we're hanging out at each others sleepover and we're like doing flips in the pool or something like tht, sometimes you unintentionally act like you're better than all of us." Maddie looks slightly shocked at this. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I do not mean to be like that. Aurelia, since no one has done you yet I'm going to say that when you're speaking about something you really like you adopt this British accent and I'm just like 'whoa look who's posh here' and I can't keep a serious face." She says and we all laugh.

"I didn't even know I had a British accent," I laugh to the audience. 

"Hang on, no one's said anything bad about me yet," Mackenzie whines. 

"It's cos you're perfect," calls Brynn from across the stage. Everyone immediately awws at this. 


After signing t-shirts, phone cases and autograph books and taking more selfies than I can remember, we manage to escape without much drama. By that I mean a few fans dissing on Nia and I by saying that Nia's rubbish and that I don't deserve to be on the team, but Abby brushes them off. 

"Oh my God I'm starving!" Yells Kenzie and Jojo as soon as we leave, they giggle at each other and clutch their stomachs. 

"I think you've all been excellent so you all deserve a burger and milkshake," beams Abby and we all run off ecstaticly. 

After eating a chicken burger and a strawberry milkshake, Jojo, Nia, Ashlee, Jessalyn, Kira, Holly and Melissa and the boys go back to the hotel to hang out while Maddie, Abby, my mom, Kalani, Brynn, Kenzie and I get ready for the Ellen Show. 

I change into a pale blue off the shoulder dress with white and pink flowers on it. 

I try to tame my hair, but end up with it still in it ringlets. I decide to pin it up with a light blue rose. I wear light oak heels. 

Maddie wears a black lacy dress that really suits her and black heels as well. Her hair is straight with nothing in it and she has on subtle eyeshadow like me. 

Even though Brynn, Kalani and Kenzie won't actually be on the show, they still dress up and all three of them make up a cute vlog together to post on the twitter and YouTube. 

 Kenzie wears a cute white and green leafy dress with her hair in a waterfall braid. 

Brynn wears a pink and black rose dress with pink eyeshadow and makeup with black strappy stilettos and I think she looks utterly gorgeous in it. Her hair is in natural curls and left down. 

Kalani is wearing a flowery top and shorts that connect together with a flowing skirt at the back. I guess the theme is obviously very floral here!

Before we go on, Ellen's producers tell us that when she calls us we'll perform our duet, which we actually made up in the two hours we had between the photoshoot and the meet and greet, and lunch and the Ellen Show. We nod, confidently, however and rehearse it backstage. 

"Now, recently I've been watching this show called Dance Moms, and there are two very special girls on there who have caught my eye. I'm sure you all know who they are because they too have starred in a few movies and wowed the world with their amazing dancing abilities. Please welcome Maddie Ziegler and Aurelia Ellery performing a duet!"Says Ellen excitedly and we both professionally walk on and take our positions. 

We decided on a jazz acro duet with a patterned acro costume with all different kinds of blue. We perform it perfectly, having only had two ours to choreograph it and rehearse it. The audience claps as we walk of the stage and we quickly got to our dressing room qnd change into our dresses. The girls come in and congratulate us, saying that the best view was obviously from the wings. 

We join Ellen onstage and she is ridiculously funny. 

"How many brothers do you have again Aurelia?" Asks Ellen and I smile. 

"I have three older brothers. Eben, Finis and Hiram. Hiram is currently on tour who knows where, Finis is shooting in Australia - I think - and Eben is mucking around while he produces his new album, so I don't really get to talk with them a lot at the moment."

"And you have just one sister?" Ellen motions to Maddie. 

"Just? Yeah, I only have one sister but I definitely think one is enough," says Maddie, making the audience laugh. "But if you've seen our show, then like our whole team is kind of our sisters and we're all best friends, no matter what happens." She adds. 

"So," says Ellen after talking to us a bit about our careers. "Can you tell us why you have an English accent sometimes and other times an American accent?" She asks and my eyes go wide and I burst out laughing. "What?" She looks incredulously at me and Maddie is giggling beside me. 

"Okay, okay. First I'll tell you why it's funny. Basically, we had a meet and greet today and we had to say one thing which annoyed us about each other and Maddie said..." I burst off in laughter, clutching my stomach. 

"I said," continues Maddie for me, recovering from her fit of giggles. "That sometimes when Aurelia gets really happy or is talking about something she likes, she adopts a British accent."

"And in my whole twelve years of living I have never been told that, and then today I've been asked about it twice! And it's just really, really weird and I find it funny. "

Maddie, Ellen and I are all giggling for about two minutes before we settle down. I can still hear laughter from the wings, and I know  the girls and Abby will be hysterical after this. 

"So to actually answer it, though, it will probably be from when I was three and I went and lived in England for about two years with my aunt while my parents were getting a divorce and I must have picked it up then," I say. 

"Well thank you girls for coming, but before we move onto the next part I have one question for both of you; who's the best turner?"

We both exchange glances and immediately point at each other. 

"No, Aurelia is a way better turner than me," says Maddie with her hands up. 

I shake my head violently. "I can only do like forty on a good day and Maddie can do like fifty on a bad day."

"That's not true!" Exclaims Maddie, smiling but wagging her finger. 

"Okay, let's see who can do the most pirouettes. Maddie, you go first," says Ellen and Maddie takes the centre. 

She manages thirty three before she gets tired and stops. 

"Now let's see Aurelia."

"Wait, can I like do contortionism instead because I'm like better at acro and Maddie's better at turns so we kind of balance each other out."

"You gonna show us your contortionist tricks then?" Asks Ellen and I nod. 

I go into a simple triple fold, then push up through my toes into an elbow stand ring straight and then onto my hands in a handstand split. I stand up normally as the crowd gasps. 

"Wow, that's certainly something," says Ellen.  "Well, moving on from that extraordinary display, we're going to play a popular game called ABC Dance Challenge. We're going to use our random letter picker on this screen to choose a letter and the first person out of us three–" Ellen points to herself, Maddie and I. "To get into a position starting with that letter and shout it our gets a point."

The crowd all screams and Ellen presses the button. 

"C!" Yells Maddie and I stand there frozen for a minute as we all look at each other. 

"Chinstand!" I shout and I quickly roll onto the floor into a chinstand. Simultaneously, however, Maddie shouts "Cabriole," and jumps into the air just as Ellen starts doing the can can. 

We call it a draw and move onto our next letter.  "P!"

"Umm, err..." I say looking awkwardly around. 

"It's a good job I've been brushing up on my dancing skills," says Ellen before going into a very slow and wobbly turn. "Pirouette!". 

"It is two one one to Ellen and the next letter is R."

"Releve," I say immediately going onto demi-pointe. A second too late Maddie says reverence, but I've already scored the point. 

By the end of the game Ellen has twelve points, I have ninr and Maddie has six. "We can now pronounce Ellen as the winner," Maddie and I say together, holding up Ellen's arms. 


"So, do either of you have any boyfriends back home?" Asks Ellen, raising her eyebrows suggestively. Maddie immediately goes red in the face. 

"Oh do spill," I giggle, elbowing her lightly as she hides her face in her hands.

She shoots me a glare and we both smile contagiously. "Okay, fine. You probably don't know him, but I have a teensy tinsy crush on a boy I met when I went on the Australian tour–"

"Is it Jack!" I screech excitedly. 

"Wait what? How did you know about him?" Maddie looks so surprised and she flushes ever redder. 

"Brynn told me." I say, flicking my hair and trying in vain to conceal my laughter. 

Maddie narrows her eyes at me. "Oh, you sure you don't have anyone too? You know, like Aiden."

I gasp and shake my head. "No, Aiden and I are like best friends - as in outside of dance kind of. I only really see Aiden at hip hop class and tumbling, so we spend most of our breaks having fun."

"Do you miss him?" Maddie asks teasingly and I roll my eyes. 

"Well obviously yeah. There's no one to laugh at my amazing jokes. All you guys do is go 'huh, what? Oh yeah very funny' and I'm just like 'are you kidding me'. Rather Aiden actually knows how to have fun." I smirk and Maddie and I look at each other for a second before bursting out in laughter. 

"Moving on," says Ellen, still chuckling a bit. "How did you actually join Dance Moms, both of you?"

Maddie takes a deep breath and looks at the audience. "Well I was an original member so when the producers came to our studio they made us audition and I got in. My mom said that I couldn't do it unless Mackenzie was allowed to as well, so I guess that's how it all started."

I mess up Maddie's hair and she goes to mess up mine but I dodge. "My story is a lot more simple than that. I came back from training in Ohio and I needed a studio to practice at whilst I was in LA and I normally go to Club Dance, but Abby called my mom and asked for me to be on the show so my mom took me to the ALDC and got me all signed up and here I am." I turn my head sideways and smile. 

"So what season and episode are you currently filming?"

"Well we've just finished episode seven yesterday of the sixth season, so we've got quite a bit to go before we finish."


We continue on with a few questions before Ellen suddenly cuts in. "So, Aurelia you were saying earlier that there was a special someone you were missing and–" I nod my head for her to continue, but I suddenly hear a loud 'boo' and someone touches my shoulder. I jump up into a standing position with my eyes wide and my muscles tense. 

Everyone is laughing and Maddie is rolling around on the sofa. I turn around to see a familiar face. "Oh my gosh! Aiden!" I run round the sofa and hug him. 

"I've missed you so much," he says, breathing in the scent of my hair. 

"And also," says Ellen as the rest of the audience aww Aiden and I. "We heard that a few of your fellow Dance Moms crew are here. Please welcome to the stage Idella Ellery, Abby Lee Miller, Mackenzie Ziegler, Brynn Rumfallo and Kalani Hilliker!" The girls run over and hug Maddie and I whilst my mom and Abby walk on slowly. 

"So, if you had to pick one of the girls to live with for the rest of your life, who would it be?" Ellen asks Maddie and I. 

"I mean, I already live with Mackenzie so probably not her and Brynn practically lives at my house anyways because she comes over for a sleepover on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays pretty much every week." Says Maddie as Kenzie pouts and Brynn laughs. "So I'd probably pick Kalani because she's so independent and organised and everything so she'd have to look after me twenty four seven."

"I agree with Maddie on Kalani because she's like a mother figure in a way because she takes care of everyone and she's three years older than me as well. I'm older than Kenzie so I'd probably be spending hours looking after her and making sure she doesn't do anything stupid so I wouldn't have enough time to dance. Brynn's my age so I'd go with her. " Brynn hugs me and Aiden puts his arm round my shoulders. 


After a lot more fun I feel ready to fall asleep standing. Abby escorts us to the plane and we hop on. I'm almost asleep when my phone pings. It's Ezra on the group chat. 

Ezra: hey, what happened to that group sleep over of ours???!!!

Aurelia: OMG! I'M SO SORRY I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!! Can we please reschedule for next week bc I was on the Ellen Show and couldn't get back in time!

Jana: seriously it's fine, I'm so honoured to see you next weekend!

Kimberley: aren't you a tad bit annoyed that she chose fame over us Jana?

Jana: She didn't, she had no choice. 

Aurelia: thanks for being so understanding and supportive gals! I promise you we can have it next Sunday!

I try to ignore Kimberley's passive agressivemessage as I drift off to sleep with my head on Aiden's shoulder. 


Ooooo! A bit of hostility in Aurelia's out-of-the-show dance friends! Team Aiden 101 so far, but is Aurelia? (should I call it Aidelia  or Isaelia or is that cringe - please comment your favourite ship names for Isaac and Aiden!)

Bit of a filler chapter for all the new embellishments that are coming next chapter! I know, slow update, but again, next chapter should be good.

245 reads are you serious guys! Love you all so much! Special shout out to kenziewhitnnie (Go check out her awesome Across the Fandoms - Brynn Rumfallo x Carson Leuders book!)

Please feel free to comment, vote or ask questions because I love getting feedback and constructive criticism.

By the way, none of my chapters will have been properly edited so please point out errors



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Aliyah is a 13 year old girl and has been dancing since she was 2. 11 years of dancing has done a lot for Aliyah. Her mom Heather believes she could...
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When Katie Rose is given the opportunity to join ALDC LA, she jumps at the chance. However going to the studio brings lots of drama into her life. Wi...
2.1K 112 29
Paige Hyland, despite her history of reality TV, was a normal college student. She turned in assignments when they were due, and took her exams in he...
135K 1.6K 36
When 2 more girls join the aldc what will happen Will the girls like them Will the moms not But will Abby love them both Will one meet a boy along...