Project 6

By dangerousyara

156 12 13

In the government of Olith the Project 6 is a huge occasion. While this is a group of teenager's normal ev... More

Chapter 1: THERESA
Chapter 2: DANI
Chapter 4: DANI
Chapter 5: THERESA
Chapter 6: DANI
Chapter 7: THERESA
Chapter 8: DANI

Chapter 3: THERESA

29 3 2
By dangerousyara

A picture of Joseph, since I couldn't really find an actor.


The building was bright and white, just like every building basically in Section A. Its hallways spread out far, making it look like some sort of psychiatric ward. The only colours in this building must be the paintings on the walls. I admire that. Nothing in this world is better than the colour green. Some people might see it as a sick colour but if you haven't seen any single leaf in your own Section you start to love the colour more. 

   Mom grabs my hand and looks at me. I frown, there is nothing I should be afraid about. She has nothing to be afraid about. It is just a blood sample proving probably nothing at all. Besides, I am strongly convinced I haven't done anything wrong at all. Maybe those soldiers weren't even chasing me. Maybe there was someone behind me doing something bad.

   ''Theresa Gardener,'' a voice calls from the hall. ''Your turn.''

   I swallow. Although I might have nothing to fear about the result, it might be the big needle that is going to be pressed in my arm that is causing my pounding heart. At least it will be over after a couple seconds.

   Mom pulls me up instantly when I am called and follow obediently behind the doctor with her besides me. She squeezes my hand but I wiggle hers out of mine and let it hang besides me. Physical connections would only make my tension much worse. I already have a feeling I am about to pass out in that room. 

   A strange burning odor fills my nostrils once I enter the small room. It has a small bed, a desk and two chairs facing each other. The woman, a tall blonde lady, signals for me to sit on the chair as she sits on the other facing me. Something tastes like metal on the edge of my tongue. I question if that is what I think it is, or just my imagination. Whatever it was, it was caused by the thing that was happening in front of me.

   ''She has quite a thing for needles,'' mom explains to the woman. ''Could you do something against it?''

   ''Sadly, no,'' the woman looks at mom. ''Do not worry though, Theresa. It will be over soon.''

   I shake my head and close my eyes, letting everything just come my way. Later this evening I will be back at home in the bathtub, warming myself in the water and smells. Everything will be completely fine. Well, is it? I have my doubts as I think back to those guards. They weren't quite friendly towards the person they were following. But perhaps it was not me.

   The needle does not hurt as much as I expected to. It is rather the pull which takes out my blood that cringes me fully. Luckily for me that is over within the second and the only thing I feel is the band aid covering it up.

   ''Woa, that is faster than I can remember,'' I breathe looking at it as if it were some sort of treasure. ''How did you do that?''

   ''It is something new the government inserted,'' the doctor explains. ''It is way quicker.''

   ''Amazing.'' I speak.

   The woman smiles before she hands mom something. Then she whispers something in my mother's ear before she answers with a nod and pulls me up. 

   ''You did great,'' mom tells me. ''Now let's go. We have to be in hall A right away.''

The people are loud. The sound is vibrating through my ears. Everybody is confused or nervous. I mean, they are right. Who would want to get sent to the freaking Project? 

   I am being led towards the chairs in the front where the participants are sitting. One empty seat was next to a red haired guy who looks at me the moment I sit down. He smiles softly.


   ''Hi.'' I reply back, kind of awkwardly. I have no idea what this guy wants, I hope it will just be a normal talk like normal people do. 

   ''My name is Joseph, or just Joey for short.''

   ''Good to know,'' I answer still a bit absently before I realise how rude I sound, then I turn back. ''I am Theresa.'' 

   ''Nice to meet you.'' He smiles before the speakers besides the stage turn on, warning us that we have to be silent. As if it will also be a reason they are going to send us to the Project. Everything could get you sent to the Project these days. 

   ''Silence, everyone,'' a woman speaks up behind a microphone as she waits for people to become quiet. ''Welcome. My name is Angela Collins. I will announce the results of the samples today.''

   ''Fun.'' Joey mumbles. 

   ''David Clarke.''

   We watch the crowd as a small boy from about sixteen years old stumbles towards the stage. 

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