The Silent One: Sinners And S...

By MrzHyde_

664 29 0

Almost 13 years have come and gone. Alice hasn't aged a day, neither did Tate. He made Alice change him. Bein... More

Not Another Word
Let Him Die
My Hand
Where You Came From
Your Husband
Endless Journey
The Lost Children - Part One
The Lost Children - Part 2
My Hell
A Watcher
Something's Coming
Keep Her Safe
A Miracle
A Part of Me
The Sound of Wings
The Upper Hand
All Eyes On Me
Crazy Train
A Message
Release the Beast
Let The Fun Begin
A Night to Remember
A Monster in Disguise
Save The Boy
Lights Out
Show Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Death Wish
Reunions and Departures (Part 1)
Reunions and Departures (Part 2)
A Promise
Kira's Plan

Cursed Creation

15 1 0
By MrzHyde_

(Kira's POV)

I sat in the car quietly, observing my creations. Technically, I didn't make them, but I played a part in their creation. I laid my head against the window, and looked up at the sky. It was such a dark night, with the moon illuminating the surrounding areas. The way the stars sparkled, made it look as if they were dancing in the sky.

For a moment, I closed my eyes, and recalled a familiar time. Back when things were much simpler. I was sitting on my throne, with my two most trusted angels, Lucifer and Celestial, by my side. Only Lucifer, at the time, was my lover. We shared a unique bond, and were closer than I had been with any other angel.

I had just created Earth and all of the animals and plants, when I decided it was missing something. That was when I created Adam and Eve. I had made the most pure and innocent creatures. They were my pride and joy, as I did not have any children.

Although, Lucifer did not see them that way. He said that they were flawed and were an abomination. We argued for years as we watched the two grow up. I finally said that I would put his theory to a test. I casted myself down to Earth and spoke with them.

"My children, do not fret. For I have come to seek your trust, love, and loyalty," I said as I presented a single seed in my hand.

They watched in awe, as I planted the seed where I stood. When I was done, I brushed the dirt from my hand. They both shared a curious look upon their faces.

"I have given you plenty of animals and plants that will feed you through your lifetime. The only thing I ask is that you do not pick the fruit from this tree. It is a sacred and very important tree. Do you understand?" I asked them.

After nodding their heads, I placed a hand on both of their faces. They smiled at me, and I back at them.

"I wish you luck, my children," I said before ascending back to Heaven.

I was greeted by Lucifer, who had been waiting for my return. He looked almost disappointed, but managed a smile.

"I still think you are wrong about them," I said as I passed him.

He grabbed my arm, and I turned around to face him. His face only inches from mine. I could see the lust and jealousy in his eyes.

"You choose those things over me?" He asked.

"Those things you are referring to are called humans. I have enough love to share with all of my creations," I said as I pulled my arm away.

I began to walk away, and he didn't try to stop me. He just stood there, enraged. I didn't bother to look back as he called for me.

"Kira, you can love them, but don't expect me to!" He yelled.

Those were the words that sent a sharp pain through my heart. To think that he would never approve of them, upset me dearly. I sat upon my throne alone, and watched over my angels. Occasionally, I'd look down at my beautiful creations. I did not see their flaws. It was as if they were a part of me, and I could never imagine making a mistake.

Later that night, I was joined by Lucifer in my room. He sat patiently on my bed, as I sat at my vanity, having my hair brushed by Celestial. When she was done brushing my hair, I dismissed her. Lucifer and I were now alone. I turned around to face him. He was already staring at me. I watched as he got on his knees and took my hands in his.

"Please forgive me, my queen. I'm sorry for my actions. Will you ever forgive me?" He asked as he looked up at me.

"Will you learn to love my creations?" I asked.

"I don't love them. I love you, and only you. I would die a million deaths to be with you," He said as he looked down.

I stood up, and walked away from him. I was conflicted with his words. The tears welled in my eyes, as I took a deep breath. I wanted to scream at him, but I also wanted to hold him in my arms. I wanted him to just accept the humans for what they were.

Just then a hand touched my shoulder. When I turned around, he pulled me into a passionate kiss. I never wanted that moment to end. He pulled away, and stared deeply into my eyes. My heart burned for him.

"May I?" He asked as he ran his fingers along the sleeves of my gown.

I nodded my head, and he slowly pulled them down. The silky dress slipped right off my body, and hit the ground with a soft swoosh noise. Then a clank sound, as the medals on the sleeves hit the ground. He admired my body in silence, as I stood there. I closed my eyes, as his fingertips traced my bare porcelain skin. It sent a tingling sensation down my spine.

He pulled me close to him, our bare skin touching each other. The sound of his wings unfurling echoed throughout the entire room. Within seconds, we were lifted off the ground. Floating in mid air, as our bodies drifted over my bed. Slowly sinking into the silk sheets, with our legs intertwined.

That night it had rained on Earth and in Heaven. Time worked differently in Heaven, than it did on Earth. One day in Heaven, was like a week on Earth. As I sat on my throne, I decided to check on Adam and Eve. They were sitting under the sacred tree, which had almost grown to its fullest. It grew quickly because it was the tree of knowledge. The knowledge of good and evil. The magical seed came from the weeping willow tree that sat in the middle of Heaven.

Celestial joined me on the throne, greeting me with a smile. I smiled back, before searching the crowd of angels for a familiar face. Below me there were angels practicing their sword fighting techniques. Lucifer was their teacher. Although, I could not find him amongst the rest.

"Is Lucifer still asleep?" I asked Celestial.

"I'm afraid I haven't seen him today. Would you like for me to search his room for him?" She asked as she stood up.

I put a hand on her arm, and motioned for her to sit down.

"That wont be necessary. Let him rest. It's a quiet day in heaven," I said.

Just as I said that, the Heavens began to shake. I held on tightly to the throne, as I looked around in panic.

"What is happening?" I asked in confusion.

I could hear the bricks from the buildings crumble and fall. Something wasn't right. My wings unfurled as I let go of my throne, allowing myself to fall to the ground below me, landing softly on my feet. I tried to gain my balance, but the ground below me shook violently.

Celestial grabbed my hand and led me to the willow tree. Only when we got to the tree, it was bare. No leaves remained on the tree, as if it were dying. That could only mean one thing.

"Celestial, I need you to go to Earth and find Adam and Eve. One of them ate the forbidden fruit," I said in a sad tone.

She nodded her head, before descending to Earth. I touched the tree and cried. I felt betrayed and unwise, for thinking they'd actually listen to what I had told them. Lucifer was right, and I was wrong. At that moment, I wanted to be held by him. To be reassured that it wasn't my fault.

"Kira!" Celestial called from the gates.

When I looked up, I seen that she was carrying something in her hands. I quickly rushed to the gate. When I opened them, I could see what was in her hands. A long, scale covered creature with black eyes. There were no legs or arms, almost resembling an overgrown worm. It wiggled in her hands, as if it were trying to free itself from her grip.

"Is this one of your creations?" She asked.

"I do not recall this creature. Who ate the fruit? Is this what happened to them?" I asked as I ran my fingers along its scales.

"It was Adam, but Eve lied and said it was her. I know it was him, because I could see the apple core stuck in his throat," Celestial said as the creature tried to snap at her. "After I saved Adam, Eve told me that this thing told them to eat the fruit."

I grabbed it just below the head, and stared into its eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked in a demanding tone.

The creature hissed at me. So, I dropped it on the ground, and held my palm open to it. I did that to kept it from slithering away. Gabriel handed me a sword to kill this abomination.

"So be it," I said as I lifted the sword into the air.

Just then, before my eyes, a naked Lucifer laid before me. He held his hand up to shield himself from the blade. In that moment my chest felt hollow, and I felt betrayed.

"No. No!" I screamed as I dropped the sword.

"Kira, please," He pleaded as he reached for me.

Gabriel picked up the sword, and pointed it at Lucifer. I watched with tears in my eyes, as the love of my life sat before me, begging for my forgiveness. I didn't know whether to show him mercy, or watch him die for his betrayal. The rage was boiling in my blood.

"Leave us!" I said.

"My queen are you su-" Gabriel managed to say before I interrupted him.

"Leave!" I screamed as a steamy tear dripped down my face.

Once we were alone, Lucifer stood up in front of me. He tried to touch my face, but I smacked his hand away.

"Please, understand that I did this for you. To show you, that with temptation, they would break your trust," He said.

"No, Lucifer! It was you that broke my trust!" I yelled causing the Heavens to tremble.

"I'm sorry, Kira. Please, forgive me," He begged as he sunk to his knees.

"You do not get to call me Kira. It is my queen to you," I said as I closed my eyes.

His fingers traced up my arms then my back. I could hear the ruffle of his wings unfurling, and within a moment we were floating. I held my eyes shut as we ascended through the air. Only when the light of Heaven began to fade, I opened my eyes. We were so high up, I could see everything.

"Kiss me, my queen. Let me show you that I still love you," He said when my eyes met his.

Once again I closed my eyes, and kissed him as the universe around us began to spin. I held onto him with one arm around his neck, and reached for my angel blade with the other hand. A single tear escaped my eye, as I raised the dagger into the air. In one swift slice, I took his wings from him. I watched as he fell, his fingertips barely grazing mine, as he reached for me.

He was falling. Further and further he went. I watched his soul leave his body in a bright orb, before shielding my eyes as it shattered. With him, it fell as well. Once he was out of view, I could feel the energy in my body draining.

I began to fall, only I wasn't going where he was going. He would fall for for what seems like an eternity, until he crashes into hell, where he will spend the rest of his long miserable life. As I grew closer to the ground, I could see all my angels gathering to catch me. I came crashing like a comet, landing safely in their arms. That didn't stop my body from aching. It was as if every bone had been broken.

The heavens were no longer shaking, but it still felt like my world was crashing around me. Gabriel took me in his arms, and carried me to my room. With weak eyes and blurred vision, I could see Celestial following closely behind. After laying me in my bed, I dismissed the both of them. I laid there by myself for a moment. My mind blank, yet so many thoughts running through it as well.

When it finally hit me, a tear trickled down my face. The anger built up inside me, until I gave in. I was torn beyond belief, and needed to feel something. After the adrenaline set in, I stormed out of my room, and headed straight for the gate. I descended the stairs of Heaven, until my feet touched Earths surface.

I was now standing on top of the highest mountain. With steamy tears running down my face, I let out a scream that could be heard for miles. When I finally took a breath, the echo of my scream was all I could hear. Storm clouds formed in the sky, before it poured down harshly.

I closed my eyes, spreading my arms as far as they would go. My feet began to lift off of the ground, as I began to glow. It was so bright, I could see the light even with my eyes being closed. The wind rushed around me, as the electricity sparked in my fingertips. I could feel the ripple of the universe escape my fingers.

"With temptation, comes punishment. I give you death. You will live to be a certain age, and then you will die. I rid you of your immortality. That is your punishment," I said to all of my creations.

When I opened my eyes, the brightest light poured from them. It caused a ripple to engulf the entire planet. Before I could leave, there was one thing left I had to do. I teleported myself in front of Eve, who was holding a sick Adam. She looked at me with saddest eyes. At first I didn't want to save him, but I couldn't leave Eve alone. I motioned for her to lay him down, and sighed as I put my hand on his head.

He threw his head back, while his body thrashed around. It was almost as if I was performing an exorcism. In a way, I kind of was. I was ridding the evil toxins from his body. When he finally laid still, I pulled my hand away. Eve kneeled to his side, as he slept peacefully. I turned to walk away, but Eve grabbed my arm with a confused look in her eyes.

"I am leaving. The two of you are free to do as you wish, but you will never see me again. Goodbye my children," I said before pulling away.

A tear streaked down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I closed my eyes, as I teleported myself back to the stairway of Heaven. I took one last look at my cursed creation, before ascending the stairs. I returned to my Kingdom where I'd be alone, or so I had thought.

I opened my eyes, just as the car came to an abrupt stop. Emrick's arm was the only thing that stopped me from hurtling forward. When my eyes adjusted, I could see her. She was breathing heavy, as she stood with her hands on the hood of the car. It was if she was the force that stopped the car. I knew exactly who she was.

"Alice," Tate said as he stared at the blonde girl in front of the car.

(Pic is of Kira)

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