A Beneficial Friendship {Mont...

By montgomerydelacruz16

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I watched him from across the room. He had a soft smile toying at the ends of his lips while he looked down a... More

Cast and Characters
Authors Note
Authors Note 2
Twelve (Flashback Chapter)
Authors Note
Authors Note - Season 3 Opinions
Twenty (Flashback Chapter)
Authors Note - Season 4


3.4K 37 10
By montgomerydelacruz16

One week later...

"So, is you'll have me back... I'd really love to be on the squad again." I pleaded with the cheer coach. Right after my abortion and me temporary mental breakdown, I just stopped showing up to cheer practice. After three or more missed practices and or two or more missed games with no excuse, you're automatically considered off the team. Now that I was back to normal again and doing good, I really wanted to rejoin the team. I could see all of the cheerleaders watching me, wondering what I was doing, with the exception of Jessica who I'd told. "And you're fully back to yourself?" She questioned and I vigorously nodded my head. "I know that I screwed yall over and I'm so sorry..." "It's okay, honey. I understand that you were dealing with a lot. The spot is yours." She interrupted me with a smile and I squealed before wrapping her up in a tight hug. "Thank you so much! I promise you won't regret it." I grinned and she chuckled with a nod of her head. "Go ahead and go get changed into practice clothes. You can go ahead and come back today." She instructed me and I quickly obeyed her and ran off to the locker room. I changed as fast as I could, not wanting to irritate the coach on my first day back, and then ran back into the gym after putting my stuff into my cheer locker. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail, not even concerned with the hickeys that my boyfriend had left on me the night before. Even a week later, I was still so giddy about Montgomery officially being my boyfriend now. Our parents were even thrilled because as it turns out, they always thought that we should be together because we're so much alike. I was the happiest I've ever been in my life. I skipped over to Jessica with a grin and she laughed before pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so glad you're back, Evie!" She smiled and I did the same. "I'm so glad to be back! I finally feel like my life is going back to normal." "With the exception of Monty being your boyfriend now. That's definitely not going back to normal, that's new." She chuckled and I jokingly shoved her before turning my attention the the rest of the squad. "Hey girls, I'm back on the squad." I smiled shyly while sending them all a wave. They had all kind of ditched me since everything happened, even more so after the pictures of Monty and me came out. They were also all very close to Sherri, so that didn't help my case either. I was fine though. My friends' that mattered were still around, I have an amazing boyfriend, my family has been great lately, my grades are back up, and I'm back on the cheer squad. I didn't care what anyone thought about me or had to say about me anymore. "Well you've sure got a lot of catching up to do for tomorrow's assembly." Sarah, one of my teammates, said in a snide tone. "That's fine, I've always been a fast learner." I shrugged my shoulders and then spoke up again. "Will someone show me the routine?" I questioned and they all looked at each other hesitantly. They all continued to stand there with their arms crossed. "Oh for fucks sake... I'll show you, Eve. Come on." Jessica snapped before grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the other side of the gym. "Don't let them get to you." Jessica said once we were out of their hearing range. "Don't worry, I'm good. They don't phase me." I smiled and she did the same while nodding. "You know the assembly is for the baseball team tomorrow, right? We're all required to go to the game and cheer for them too even though we don't perform at their games." Jessica explained to me. "I was gonna go tomorrow anyways, so no biggie." I waved her off. She began teaching me the routine and after a couple of hours of nonstop practice, I got it down pat. "Told you I've always been a fast learner." I smirked at her as we walked back into the locker rooms along with the rest of the squad to change. As soon as I started to change, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. "What?" I questioned confused while looking around. "Try not to be such a whore and be covered in hickey's tomorrow. It's not a good look for our squad at the game." The captain named Lydia spat. "They're just hickey's." I chuckled with a roll of my eyes before continuing to get dressed. "Plus, I'm not a whore. My hickey's are from..." "Don't even say it." Sarah interrupted me with a tone while standing next to Sherri protectively. "I'm gonna try to understand yalls thought process for a second... so, I was supposed to tell Monty no whenever he asked me to be his girlfriend just because Sherri, someone that I was never even really friends with, dating him for a couple of months?" I scoffed and they all nodded their heads. I could hear commotion in the hallway, and I knew that the baseball team was making their way into the locker room. Monty and I had rode together this morning, so it was perfect timing. "Y'all may not have ever been all that close, but y'all are team mates so you should've had some sense of loyalty to her." Lydia snapped. "I did. My loyalty to her was not ever coming on to him while they were together. My loyalty was the fact that I was going to talk to her about Monty and me before anyone else found out until a little perv posted pictures of us. I'm happy though, so I don't regret my decision at all." I snapped back and they all stood there in silence. Whenever I saw Sherri open her mouth to speak, I put my hand up to stop her. "I don't have time for yalls nonsense anymore. Just leave me alone and we won't have any problems." I told all of them before waving bye to Jessica and walking out with my stuff. As soon as I rounded the corner into the gym, Monty stood up from his spot on the bleachers with a smile. "How'd it go, baby?" He asked once I reached him and I shrugged my shoulders. He pulled me in for a kiss before we made our way out of the gym. "Practice itself was fine because I stayed with Jess but I was just ambushed in the locker room." I rolled my eyes and he looked back over his shoulder angrily. The rest of the girls were coming out, so they saw him. "I'm glad y'all are out here now." He called out to them before spinning me around, placing his hand on my butt, and passionately kissing me. I laughed into the kiss and then he pulled back with a little smirk and a glint in his eye. "I just wanted them to see me kiss my girlfriend since they're so concerned with our relationship." He smirked and I playfully rolled my eyes at him before looping my arm through his and dragging him out of the gym. "You get caught up into the drama too much." I chuckled as we were making our way to his jeep. "Na, I just don't like people fucking with you is all." He responded and I sweetly smiled at his words. "Guess what I haven't told you today?" I grinned cheekily and he raised his eyebrow with a little smile, knowing what was coming. "I loveeee youuuu." I said in a goofy voice, causing him to laugh. "You're such a weirdo." He laughed while unlocking his jeep once we reached it. "But... you're my weirdo." He added after a second with a goofy little grin. "And you're a cheesball." "I'm a cheesball? Really? Coming from the girl who calls me pet names like pumpkin, sugar, boo, snookums, and honey." He laughed in response and I did the same. "Hey! You like those names, don't deny it, baby." I chuckled as we were hopping into his jeep. As soon as we were in and he cranked it up, he looped his fingers through mine and placed our joined hands down on my lap. "I was gonna go to Bryce's, you wanna come with me?" He asked after a second and I shrugged my shoulders. Somehow, Monty and Bryce ended up making up a couple of days ago like nothing ever happened. That's guys for you though. "Are you sure you don't want it to be a guys night? You haven't had one of those since we started dating and you used to do it like three times a week." I suggested but he shook his head. "I'd rather have you around then have a guys night any day." He smiled and I blushed. I still couldn't get used to this. I loved it though. "Alright, I'll come with you." I smiled and he turned to me with a smirk. I knew that he had a dirty joke up his sleeve. "Oh baby, you'll definitely be coming with me later." He joked and I sarcastically laughed before smacking his arm. He was right though. We would definitely be having sex later because we have a very active sex life. We practically can't keep our hands off of each other. "Lydia told me I can't come to school with anymore hickey's tomorrow." I chuckled and rolled my eyes at her ridiculous demand. "But I like people knowing that you're mine." He whined as we pulled into Bryce's driveway. I immediately recognized all of our friends cars in the driveway, so I knew that all the other guys were already there. As usual though, I'm the only girl. "I'm always the only girl." I whined this time and Monty chuckled while helping me out of the jeep. "Invite Jessica over then." He suggested and I shook my head. "I don't think Justin wants her here. He likes to come over here to get away from her." "You are right with that one." Monty responded while I jumped onto his back for a piggy back ride. Something I had started doing all the time now. "Lucky for me, my boyfriend loves having me around." I giggled happily before kissing his cheek. "At least you know it." He looked up to me over his shoulder with a smile and I grinned back at him. Our relationship is like it's straight out of a cheesy romcom but I couldn't get enough of it. We walked through the sliding glass doors of the pool house and everyone chuckled at the now expected sight of me on Monty's back. "What's up, Monteve?" Justin laughed, using the stupid couple name that Jessica had named us. "Please don't ever say that shit again." I laughed while Monty stood in front of the couch and allowed me to fall back off of him and on to the couch. He sat down next to me and immediately wrapped both of his arms around my waist, pushing one of his hands underneath my shirt so that he could feel my skin. He layed his head down on my shoulder and I chuckled to myself at how much of a snuggler he is. No one would expect that or some mushy romance out of the mean, bullying, angry, Montgomery De La Cruz. I reached into my purse and pulled out a cigarette and lighter and Monty lit one up with me. "Mind if I bum one?" Justin asked and I shook my head before handing him one and my lighter. "So I heard your back on the cheer squad, Evie. That's good." Justin said to me after inhaling his cigarette. "Yeah, I am. I'm happy that coach let me back on." "They needed you. You're the only one who can fucking keep rhythm." Alex said in a snarky tone and we all laughed. "Hey now, my girl is on the team, dude." "My point exactly." Justin and Alex said one after another. "Jess isn't too bad. And as much as I hate to admit it, Sherri's pretty good too." I told everyone and they all agreed with me. "How'd she act whenever she realized that you're back on the team?" Bryce asked with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes. "She didn't say anything but her little goons did." I said and they all laughed at my words. Once Bryce lost to Alex on the game, he handed the controller over to Monty. He had to sit up to play, so he untangled himself from me before getting lost in the game. "Y'all got any weed? I wanna smoke." Monty spoke up for the first time since we'd arrived. "Don't I always?" Bryce smirked before pulling out his bong and packing it. We all passed the bong around and before I knew it, hours had gone by and Monty and I had both passed out on the couch. "Shit, what time is it?" I whispered in a panic while sitting up and pulling out my phone. The time said 12:05am and I knew that we were in trouble with our parents. The only way we were gonna be saved, is if they were still up and at one of our houses working heavily on the business and not paying attention to the time. "Babe, we've gotta go." I said while shaking Monty awake. Bryce was asleep on the other couch, Justin was asleep and a chair, and everyone else was gone. All of the lights and tv were turned off too, so I figured Bryce's mom came out here and did that. "Damn, what time is it?" Monty groaned while rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "After midnight. We've gotta go, like now." I rushed before jumping up and grabbing my stuff. He immediately panicked too and rushed to grab his stuff before we ran out the door. "They're gonna kill us." I mumbled as we were hopping into his jeep. "We'll just tell them that we fell asleep. We don't have to include that we fell asleep because we smoked a shit ton of weed." He assured me before speeding off down the road. I nodded my head, trying to convince myself that he was right and that we'd be fine. Once we pulled into my driveway, I sighed in relief whenever I saw his parents car there too, two other cars, and all of the lights inside still on. "Saved by the business." He chuckled and I did the same. We hopped out and jogged through the garage and then went in through the side door. As soon as we walked in, everyone looked up from the paperwork scattered all over the kitchen table and smiled at us. "Hey, guys." My mom smiled and we both returned it while waving. "Monty, Evie, this is Bob, Rachel, Daniel, and Elizabeth. They own a business that we're making a deal with. Everyone, this is my son Monty and his girlfriend and their daughter Evie." Monty's mom introduced us. We both waved while awkwardly still standing in place. "I ordered pizza if y'all want any." My mom spoke up. Once they all looked back down, we looked at each other and grinned. Pizza. We both had the munchies bad and that pizza was going to taste amazing. We practically ran each other over trying to get to the pizza and I felt all of the adults eyes on us. "Well children, are y'all starving?" Monty's dad chuckled and we both couldn't help but to blush. "They're not starving, they're high." My dad laughed and I was surprised that not only was he so okay with it, but that he actually said it in front of these other people. They must be cool or something or he never would've said that in front of them. Monty choked on his pizza at my dads words and that just cracked them up even more. I patted his back until he calmed down and then he started laughing too. "I mean, do y'all not see their bloodshot eyes? And you can smell it all over them." My dad laughed again and then once they all got a good look at us, they laughed too. "I remember those days. Fun times." Elizabeth chuckled and now I knew for sure that they're cool. "So, you're not mad?" I asked timidly and all four parents shook their heads no. "Teenagers will be teenagers." Monty's mom shrugged and we both let out a sigh of relief. "You two have gotten yourselves into far worse situations anyways." She added after a second. I glanced at Monty out of the corner of my eye and saw sadness written all over his face. He knew that she was talking about us getting pregnant and having an abortion and he was still really torn up about it. Hell, we both are. After that, they all went back to work and we finished eating. "We're going to my room." I informed them before grabbing Monty's hand and pulling him along behind me. "We're all just gonna spend the night here, son. So go ahead and go to sleep." His dad informed him and he nodded his head. "Oh, and use protection this time, boy!" He yelled up to him after a second and we both furiously blushed before practically running up the staircase. I could hear all of the adults laughing down stairs and I had a pretty good idea that they'd been drinking while trying to get through all of that paperwork. "They're definitely drunk." Monty chuckled once we reached my room as he shut the door behind us. "Ya think?" I questioned sarcastically with a little smile before grabbing some pajamas and changing. He slipped down to his boxers and then tossed himself onto my bed. He opened up his arms with a cute little grin, asking me to come and lay with him. I chucked and got the tv sat up before laying down with him. He quickly wrapped himself around me and I snuggled into him as close as I could. "They trust us." He muttered after a second while playing with my hair and I nodded. "I'm surprised." He added and I nodded again. "Me too. I guess they're just so happy we're finally together that they don't even care about the rest of it anymore." I told him my theory and now it was his turn to nod. "Hey, Eve?" He got my attention and I looked at him. "I love you. I never said it back earlier." He smiled and I grinned before connecting our lips. The kiss quickly turned heated and I pulled away for a second. "Would it be weird to have sex with our parents downstairs?" I questioned and he smirked at me before answering and pushing my pants and panties down. "You just have to be really quiet." "I can't make any promises, but I'm willing to try." 

"So, every girl will wear one of the baseball team members extra jersey's for support." Our coach explained to us with a grin after the assembly and right before the baseball game. We were all standing in the gym, getting ready to head outside. She began passing out jersey's randomly and I scoffed whenever she handed me Bryce's extra jersey. "I am not wearing Bryce Walker's jersey." I chuckled and everyone looked to me. "Why not? Y'all seemed like pretty good buddies whenever he sold you a bunch of drugs for you to overdose on." Sherri responded with a smirk and my eyes widened at her words. I never thought she'd actually be the type to get that cut throat over a guy. "Oh, so that shit was true?" Sarah smirked too and I turned a bright shade of red. That was something that I did not want to talk about with these catty ass girls. That was something that I didn't want to talk about with anyone for that matter. Monty and I hadn't even discussed it. "What I did or didn't do is none of yalls business..." "Except it was my business whenever Montgomery and I were searching for you everywhere just to find you passed out at Eisenhower Park overdosing and not too far away from death. It was my business whenever I sat up at the hospital all night long to make sure that you were okay because I genuinely felt bad for you. Clearly trying to be a good person and friend to you was a mistake." Sherri interrupted me. Everyone was looking back and forth between us, not knowing where this was going to go. "I'm not interested in arguing with you or bringing up the past, Sherri. We all know that I haven't always been the best person and that I've made some mistakes. As far as me hurting you, I really am sorry. I think that in time, you'll realize that it's really not that big of a deal. You and I only even remotely became friends because of your relationship with Monty. Y'all were only together for a couple of months too. If Jeff is okay with it, which he is, then I have faith that eventually you will be too. Until then, just know that I am sorry." I said and everyone's eyes widened at my words. They weren't expecting me to be nice and mature about it. I'm sure they all assumed that it was going to turn into a very dirty fight pretty quickly but I'd changed a lot in just a few weeks. Sherri looked down at the shirt in her hands for the first time and quietly chuckled whenever she opened it up. I immediately recognized the number but I wasn't expecting her to do what she did next. She looked up at me slowly and then extended her arm out to me with the jersey in her hand. I stood still and stared at her, not knowing what to do or really what was even going on in her head. "We should trade. You should have this one." She whispered and my eyes went wide while everyone else's jaws dropped. My words must have really hit her heart and made her not hate me anymore. Or at least hate me less. "You're really doing that, Sher?" Lydia scoffed and Sherri rolled her eyes. "Evie's right... it's not even that big of a deal. I've just been very bitter and jealous so I've been making a big deal out of something so trivial." She responded and now my jaw dropped. "We shouldn't be fighting over a guy. What does that make us look like? You're a wonderful person and a beautiful girl, Sherri. You're going to find someone who loves you very much. I promise." I softly smiled at her and she did the same with a nod of her head. "And you've already found someone who loves you very much." She responded immediately and I couldn't help but to grin at her statement. I gently took Monty's jersey out of her hand and she took Bryce's out of mine. "We're okay, Eve." Sherri smiled at me. I smiled back at her before pulling her in for a quick hug, something that I never would've done before my recent change. "Holy. Shit." I heard Bryce laugh as the baseball team exited the locker rooms, fully dressed and heading outside for the game. "Mon, you've gotta see this shit, dude." He chuckled again after a minute while turning around to see Monty. Sherri and I pulled apart at the sound of his voice and both stared at him with our hands on our hips. "What am I looking at?" Monty asked confused once he got to the front with Bryce. "Sherri and Evie were hugging." Bryce told Monty and his eyes went wide with surprise. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're such a fun show to watch. Carry on, Walker." I rolled my eyes and Sherri chuckled under her breath. "Hey now, I'm just having some fun." Bryce laughed with his hands up in surrender. I hate that phrase that he uses. Something about it just really creeps me out and I can't pinpoint why. "Well, I think that's good. There's no reason to fight. I'm proud of you two." Jeff spoke up with a smile and I whispered a thank you with a small smile. There he went being so sweet and perfect again. "Yeah ladies, Monty can't possibly be that good in bed." Bryce laughed and Monty rolled his eyes before punching his shoulder. "Boys, we have to get out to the field now. Flirt with the cheerleaders on your own time." The baseball coach said before rounding the corner of the locker room hallway. "Some of us don't have to flirt with the cheerleaders because we've already got one." Monty grumbled under his breath before cheekily blowing me a kiss and then following the rest of the baseball team out." Once we were all changed into our jersey's, we headed out too. Jessica and I walked together and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I didn't want drama in my life anymore. I want to finish out high school on a peaceful note. "That was pretty cool of Sherri to give you Monty's jersey like that." Jessica said while motioning to his jersey that I was wearing. "Yeah, I think so too. I wonder what changed in her mind so quick." I said curiously and Jessica shrugged her shoulders. "Probably how nice and mature you were to her even after she was hateful to you." Jessica guessed and I assumed that she was right. Once we reached our designated spot on the bleachers, we all engaged in small talk for awhile before the baseball team ran onto the field to start the game. I cheered as loud as I could for Monty and surprisingly, all of the girls' laughed happily and not to be mean to me. I guess they were all just standing by Sherri's side and going along with however she chose to feel about the situation. By the time the game was over, which we won, everyone had made plans to go over to Bryce's for a little swimming and hot tub party. I met up with Monty whenever he came out of the locker rooms and we rode together in my car over to Bryce's. "Baby, I gotta ask you a favor." He spoke up as we were pulling in to the driveway and I looked at him expectantly. "There's gonna be a lot of guys' here so... so can you try to not strut around too much in your bra and underwear since I know that's what you're gonna swim in?" He questioned timidly and I laughed at his question. "Mon, I'm a taken woman now. I promise I'll have modesty." I chuckled and he grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you, babe! I know that I can seem really over protective at times... it's just..." "Pumpkin pie, don't worry about it. I understand and it makes me feel good." I smiled, using a cheesy pet name to let him know that I wasn't mad or upset at all. "Pumpkin pie? Now that's definitely a new one." He laughed while lacing our fingers together as we walked to the back of the house. "I've gotta test them all out. See which ones get the most reaction out of you." I smiled with a small shrug of my shoulders and he laughed again. I loved hearing him laugh and I loved even more knowing that it was me causing him to laugh. "Now what kind of reaction are you looking for? Happy, embarrassed, sexual... which one?" He questioned and I grinned before responding. "Happy. Definitely happy because that's all I want you to ever be." "And that's all I ever am with you."

"I'm so happy that you're here!" I grinned at Jessica once we walked into the back and I saw her, Justin, Zach, and a random girl sitting in the hot tub. "Well, I'm only ever invited if it's a party. I'm not allowed to attend the guys' nights." Jessica smirked while throwing an eye roll towards Justin. "Sue me, Jess. Not all guys want to be shoved up their girlfriend's ass all the time." "Well maybe they should be." They jokingly argued back and forth while Monty and I watched entertained. They pecked each other's lips with a chuckle before turning their attention towards us. "Are y'all gonna get in or just keep standing there staring?" Justin laughed and Monty and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders before stripping down to our undergarments, just like everyone else. "I swear, I would kill to have your body, Eve." Jessica ogled and I waved her off with a chuckle while climbing in next to her. "Girl, have you seen your body? It's perfect." "Omg, Justin, I wish I had your beautiful hair and eyes." Monty joked, using a fake girl voice. "Oh, that's so sweet of you, Monty! But have you not noticed that you have the perfect jawline and abs?" Justin joked back and everyone in the hot tub laughed while Jessica and I playfully rolled our eyes. "Fuck y'all." I chuckled and Monty shoved my shoulder before wrapping his arm around it. "I still can't get used to y'all being a real couple now... I'm not saying that I don't like it, it's just so different." Zach chuckled and both Monty and I laughed in response. "Good different or bad different?" "Definitely good different." Zach, Jessica, and Justin all responded to me at the same time and that just made Monty and me grin ear to ear. "I think it's a good different too." Monty grinned at me before kissing my forehead. "Take some damn hints, Justin." Jessica said and we all laughed at her words. A few minutes later, I noticed Hannah approaching us. "Hannah!" I smiled and she shot me a soft smile and a wave. "Come get in with us." I suggested while waving her into the hot tub. "But I don't have a bathing suit..." "None of us do. Get in in your bra and underwear." Jessica shrugged. Hannah looked around for a second before timidly nodding her head and stripping off her clothes. Hannah isn't like Jessica and me. She's very shy whenever it comes to things like this. Mainly because she hasn't exactly been treated the kindest by guys at our school. "Hannah, if I can expose myself after pictures of me naked came out, then you can too." "Those were definitely not just naked pictures." She laughed in response while easing up some and hopping into the hot tub with us. "I could probably just sit here naked and it wouldn't be anything new to anyone." I laughed, causing Monty to look at me with his eyebrows raised. "Oh take a joke, I'm not really gonna get naked." I playfully rolled my eyes and shoved him. "It would be nice on the eyes if you did though." Bryce smirked as he climbed into the hot tub, hearing the end of our conversation. Monty immediately tensed up and pulled me closer and everyone looked at Bryce like he'd lost his mind. "Did you really just fucking say that?" Monty snarled. "It doesn't matter, Mon..." "Yes the fuck it does." He snapped back at me. "Chill, dude. Much worse is said about her in the locker rooms whenever you're not around." Bryce chuckled and we all looked at him crazy again. Is he fucking serious? Me personally, I could give two fucks less what Bryce Walker has to say but Montgomery... he is not cool with guys talking about me like that. "Oh really? Like what?" Monty smirked and the rest of us tensed up at the sight of that smirk and the tone of his voice. That's not his cocky "I'm so hot" smirk, that's his I'm gonna fucking end you smirk. "Lots of shit. How nice of an ass she has, how perky her tits are, how sexy her tan skin is, how beautiful she is, how she has some mean dick sucking lips..." "Bryce!" Justin cut him off, trying to get him to stop while he's still potentially ahead. Is Bryce really that stupid? "No, it's cool, Justin. Why don't you tell me over here, Bryce? Ya know, so she doesn't have to hear the shit said about her and everything." Monty said with the same smirk and the same tone while climbing out of the hot tub. "She's still gonna hear but whatever, dude." Bryce chuckled while climbing out behind Monty. He's got to be super fucked up to be this oblivious to what's actually going on. "So, what else?" Monty asked and I watched him place his hands behind his back. "Shit, this isn't going anywhere good." Zach whispered and we all nodded our heads, not taking our eyes off of the scene in front of us. "You stopped it last time, Eve. Maybe you can stop it again?" Justin suggested and both Jessica and Hannah looked at me confused since they never officially heard about that night. "Yeah, I mean... what Bryce said last time was way worse." Zach added and the girls looked to me for answers. "I'll tell y'all later." I mumbled to them before climbing out and walking over to Monty and Bryce. "Okay, boys. Let's just separate." I said while getting in between them. Bryce didn't even try to hide the fact that he peeked around me and took a nice look at my ass before speaking. "I think I speak on behalf of the entire male population whenever I say that I am so glad that you had that abortion so that you still have your banging ass body and it wasn't ruined by a little bastard baby." He smirked and everything that happened next happened so quick I didn't even have time to brace myself. "Fuck, he pulled that shit out again." Justin growled while quickly standing up. Monty shoved me out of the way and swung at Bryce, connecting with his jaw. I stumbled backwards but Justin quickly caught me right before I fell backwards into the hot tub. "You have got to stop getting in the middle of his fights." "And he's got to start acting like a civilized human being instead of a raging psychopath." I quickly responded to Hannah. Justin and Zach started pulling Monty off of Bryce, who by this point was being beaten to a pulp on the ground. "Don't ever talk about her or to her again!" Monty yelled while getting some more hits in. "And if I ever hear you talk about my fucking kid again, I'll kill you!" He yelled in such a demonic voice it scared me. I'd seen him fight tons of times, everyone has. I've seen him angry a million and one times, everyone has seen that too. But this time, it was different. He was completely losing control and I didn't know what to do. I stood planted in place, my eyes wide with fear. A feeling I never wanted to feel towards my own boyfriend. I looked around and everyone's faces matched mine. Even the onlookers who aren't in our group. I noticed Sherri and some of the other cheerleaders among the onlookers, also looking scared. Justin and Zach finally pulled Montgomery off of Bryce and they both started trying to calm him. "Hey man, listen to me. Calm down, it's over with." Justin tried but he was still raging. There was a fire burning in his eyes that I'd never seen before and a growl coming out of him that I never wanted to hear again. I've always liked knowing that he can protect me but right now, he was taking shit too far. He needs to get his anger in check, it's out of hand. "Monty, chill man. It's all good." Zach tried next but Monty still continued his actions and stared down at Bryce with pure hatred. I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I decided to give the term "slapping some sense into him" a try. I walked straight up to him, reared back, and slapped him straight across his face. Right on his cheek. Everyone looked at me in shock but Monty slowly started to come down from his blind rage. "You've officially lost your mind, Montgomery." I said directly to him while looking straight in his eyes. "I was defending you! And you're gonna fucking slap me?!" "Grow up and learn how to defend me the right way, instead of always beating people to a pulp, or don't bother defending me at all. Because if you ever pull some shit like that again... we're done." I immediately responded in a hard tone before grabbing his flannel off of the chair next to the hot tub, putting it on, and walking off. Hannah and Jessica both quickly jumped out of the hot tub and chased after me, willing to offer me support if needed. I was more than surprised whenever Sherri and the rest of the cheerleaders came after me too. "Where's my purse? I'm leaving." I said to the girls once we got inside and I started looking for my purse. "You're gonna leave him here?" Jessica asked surprised and I vigorously nodded my head with tight lips. "I don't think I've ever seen anything like that before. People can be such assholes...." "Sherri, you know just as well as I do... Monty and Bryce are assholes." I interrupted her before grabbing my purse and walking off. "What about your clothes?" "Fuck 'em." I shrugged my shoulders at Hannah before continuing to walk off. "Evelyn, where are you going?" Monty's voice rang through my ears just as I was opening the front door. "Away from you." I muttered before walking out. "Oh yeah? Well fuck you too then!" He yelled but I just slammed the front door behind me in response. I stomped my way all the way to my car, not feeling any emotion other than anger the whole way. As soon as I sat down in the drivers seat and started my car though, I immediately started to bawl. Monty and I had officially just had our first fight as a couple. And surprisingly, it hurt even worse than any of the other fights that we've had.

I was laying on my couch, crying, watching sappy romance movies, and eating ice cream straight out of the container whenever I heard a knock at my front door. I sniffled and crinkled my eyebrows together in confusion before looking at the digital clock on the table box. 2:30AM... who would be knocking on my door at that time. It couldn't be Monty because he would've just walked in, knowing good and well that my parents and his are out of town for the next to days to finish up the business deal that they started. I heard another knock on my door since I was taking awhile, so I got up to check it out. I peaked out of the curtains and saw a couple of cars in my driveway, they both belong to my friends. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself confused before walking to the front door. "She doesn't want me anymore... so why are we here?" I heard Monty slurring to them through the door. He's obviously very drunk. I sighed and opened the door. I was greeted by Jessica, Hannah, Justin, Zach, and Monty who was being held up by Justin and Zach. "Uh... hey?" I chuckled confused and they all gave me small smiles, except Monty, before pushing past me and into the house. "Your parents still aren't here, right?" Justin questioned while dragging Monty over to the couch and I shook my head. "Good because we all need a place to crash." He explained as he sat Montgomery down on the couch. "Um, okay?" I chuckled awkwardly and Jessica sighed before sitting down on the loveseat and looking to me. "Long story short, another fight broke out, Justin and Zach jumped in, and Hannah and I had some choice words with Bryce ourselves. So, we were all kicked out but we can't go home because we're drunk and it's so late and we've all already lied about where we are." She explained and I nodded my head before growing confused again. "Y'all could've just gone to his house." I said with more venom than I intended while gesturing towards Monty. "No, we couldn't because he needs to be taken care of tonight. He's sloppy drunk." "And I'm the one in charge of taking care of him?" I responded immediately with crossed arms and they all rolled their eyes, knowing that I was holding a grudge. "Told y'all she doesn't love me anymore." Monty slurred while tossing himself down onto the couch, groaning as soon as his head hit the edge of the couch and he closed his eyes. He definitely has the spins. "Evelyn, I can't listen to that shit one more time. Please, please... for the sake of my sanity, fix this." Jessica pleaded with me and I couldn't help but to let out a small giggle at her dramatics. "I don't know what you're laughing at, she's serious. Ever since you left, he's whined, cried, drank himself into oblivion, slurred on and on about how much you hate him and how much he loves you, how he can't lose you. We've found out a lot of interesting information coming straight from the heart of Montgomery De La Cruz tonight and we can't take it anymore." Hannah added with a groan and now I giggled at her dramatics too before speaking up. "Yeah, the cold and dark heart of Montgomery De La Cruz." I grumbled and they all groaned. This isn't anything new to them. Every time Monty and I get in a fight, even before we became a couple, I always hold an unnecessary grudge way too long. He's the only person that I do that with though. That's just part of our tornado and volcano relationship that we have going on. "That's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano, I love you too much to walk away though." Monty slurred while rapping the lyrics to "Love the way you lie". "Oh dear God." Zach chuckled with a roll of his eyes while helping Monty roll over onto his side in case he started to throw up. We really do have some good friends. "That's another thing we can't take anymore, the singing of cheesy ass song lyrics!" Justin yelled exasperated with his hands in the air and now I really couldn't help but to full on laugh. "Y'all have never seen him this drunk before, have y'all?" I chuckled while walking into the kitchen and grabbing the trash can before dragging it into the living room and placing it next to him. "Is this how it always is?" Jessica asked in a dramatic tone with wide eyes. "You haven't seen the half of it. Y'all are lucky he hasn't stripped down butt ass naked yet because he's "hot"." "Please don't do that, Mon. If you're hot, I'll get you the box fan from Evie's room." Justin pleaded with him and then I really lost it. "Oh, you thought I meant temperature hot? Na, he gets naked because he decides he's too appearance hot for clothes." I laughed and after a second of staring, they all cracked up too. "I'm too sexy for my shirt." Monty slurred from the couch with a small smirk toying on his lips and we all laughed. I couldn't help but to smile affectionately at him, until I remembered Jessica saying that he got into another fight with Bryce after I left. Right after I told him to get it together or I was leaving him. My affectionate smile turned into a hard glare and everyone groaned again before throwing themselves back onto the couch and love seat. "For a split second there, I thought we were making progress." Hannah mumbled. "Yeah, and for a split second there, I thought that he was making progress." I snapped and I watched as Monty rolled over, turning his body away from me. He wrapped himself up into the fetal position and it was honestly kind of sad. "Evie... Bryce was talking about it again." Zach informed me sympathetically and I felt my chest ache and a knot form in my stomach at the mention of my dead baby. Why the fuck did he think it was okay to keep talking about the abortion that we both deeply regretted? And to keep insulting the baby that we both wished was still growing inside of me? "What did he say this time?" I questioned in a mumble while sitting down on the edge of the couch, right by Monty. Suddenly, I wanted to be close to him. "You don't wanna know." Jessica shook her head. I looked down at Monty and noticed him grinding his teeth, something that he does whenever his anxiety is acting up and he's forcing himself to hold it in so that no one will know. If it was just us here, he'd open up about it. But the rest of them have no idea about his severe anxiety issues. "Evelyn, he fucking loves you... and he loved that baby too." Justin told me, thinking that Monty was asleep. "Yeah, well... the second part doesn't really matter now, does it?" I mumbled before getting up and walking into the kitchen, hidden away from them. I gripped onto the counter and started to cry, making sure I was silent though so that they wouldn't know. I wanted my baby back so damn bad. I wish I could go back in time and do everything right. I wish I would've made the right decision and chose to be a mom, tell my parents, get my head straight, and had my child. "Evie?" Hannah said, knocking me out of my thoughts. I tried to quickly wipe my eyes, but I knew that I was caught. I turned around and tried to fake a smile for all of my friends' and my very drunk boyfriend who they'd helped in there too, but I wasn't very convincing. "You don't have to pretend with us, Eve." "I'm fine." I lied to Jessica, but they all saw right through it. Monty moved his arms from across Justin and Zach's shoulders and stumbled over to me. "Come here, baby girl." He slurred before opening up his arms for me. I stood in place for a second but then I fell into his arms with a sob. I'd never cried like this in front of anyone but Montgomery but here I was bawling my eyes out with a whole audience. An audience of people that truly care for me though. I clung on to him for dear life for a few minutes before he drug me over to one of the chairs at the kitchen table and sat down, pulling me down into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I laid my head down on his chest. He absolutely wreaked of liquor and weed, but I didn't care. Not in that moment. "Why did I do that? I want it back." I cried and through my blurry eyes, I saw tears welling up in both Jessica and Hannah's eyes as well and Justin and Zach looked more sympathetic than I'd ever seen either of them. Jessica approached us timidly before kneeling down in front of me and speaking up. "You did what you felt like you had to do at that time. No one blames you for the decision that you made." She comforted but I shook my head vigorously and Monty stroked my hair. "I do. I blame myself for the decision that I made." I whispered and I noticed a stray tear make it's way down her face. "I made the decision too, Evelyn." Monty tried to comfort me but I shook my head again. "I had already made the decision before I even told you. No matter what you said, I could've kept it if I had wanted to. I did this. I did this to us." I cried, fully taking all the blame. "As soon as I found out, I told Jeff that I was going to have an abortion. He tried to talk me out of it, Jessica and Hannah tried to talk me out of it, all three of them said that I'd regret it and... and they were were all fucking right." I growled infuriated with myself, talking directly to Monty now. I watched out of the corner of my eye as all of our friends' took that as their cue to leave and walked out of the kitchen. I heard them making their way upstairs into the two guest rooms. I figured that Jessica and Justin were taking one and then Hannah and Zach were taking the other but Zach would let Hannah have the bed and he'd make a pallet on the floor. "Baby, look at me." Monty said gently, trying to lift my face up towards his. I wouldn't budge though, just shook my head and continued crying. "Evelyn... look at me." He commanded this time, still using a gentle tone. He seemed like he'd sobered up some from my emotional outburst. I finally raised my gaze up towards his and as soon as our eyes met, tears began quickly falling from his eyes. "I love you." He whimpered. "God, I... I fucking love you so damn much, baby. I can't live without you, I'm serious. All night since you left, I've felt fucking dead inside at the thought of you leaving me. Because... because you said that you're going to and... and I can't lose you. You are everything to me. I've got it bad for you, Eve. And now seeing you so upset again about the abortion.... it's killing me and I'm terrified that you're gonna lose yourself again..." "I will never lose myself again because I have someone to live for now." I interrupted him before connecting our lips. Once we pulled apart, he looked deep into my eyes and pushed some hair behind my ears before speaking up again. "You've always had someone to live for, babe." He whispered and my heart swelled at his words. "You really love me, huh?" I whispered with a soft smile toying at the ends of my lips, finally feeling a little bit better. "You're just now realizing that?" He chuckled while adjusting me on his lap so that I was straddling him. "No, I just didn't realize to what extent." I clarified and he kissed me again before talking more. "Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. You're my fucking heart beat, Evelyn. Without you, I'm nothing. My love for you grows more and more every day. One day, you're gonna be my wife and hopefully not too far down the road, I'll be able to say that our baby is growing inside of you again... I wish it still was, honestly. Which I know sounds crazy coming from me of all people. But like I told you the night that I admitted all of my feelings to you, you're it for me. You should've been it for me the whole time. I will do anything to keep you mine forever..." "I am yours forever, baby." I interrupted him in a whisper before roughly pulling him into me for a passionate kiss. His hands slipped under the back of my shirt and his warm touch on my skin set me on fire. "I'm so in love with you, baby." I whispered before connecting our lips again. "I'm never leaving you." I said again before going back in for more kissing. "I don't deserve you." I added, pulling him back into me. "You're my whole world and I'm gonna be a De La Cruz one day and I'm gonna give you as many babies as you want." I said, kissing him yet again. I was never too good with words. I was struggling to put together such a beautiful speech like he did. I knew something I could do though... I could show him how much I love him. I felt him hardening against me and I grinded into him, quietly moaning into his mouth at the feeling. We continued making out and I continued grinding into him and moaning every time until I felt that he was hard as a rock. "Let me show you how much I love you." I whispered into his ear. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, he picked me up and carried me upstairs and into my room. I gently nipped and sucked on his neck the whole time, me leaving hickey's on him for the first time ever. "Put 'em everywhere, baby. I want everyone to know that I'm yours." He whisper moaned as soon as we were in my bed and I was continuing to mark him up. He had never been really okay with hickeys before because he was always playing the field and fucking multiple girls all at the same time. So for him to want me to leave them all over him, that for some reason proved to me that he's serious about us. As I continued my work, I slowly crept my hand down and then started to rub my hand over his hard member. After a couple of minutes, I slid his pants and boxers off and tried to make my way down with my mouth but he stopped me. "Get up here." He said before gently pulling me on top of him. Our faces were centimeters apart and I gave him a confused look because Monty loves getting a good blow job. "Don't fuck me, baby girl... make love to me." He whispered and my eyes immediately filled with tears and my lip quivered. The man whore Montgomery De La Cruz actually just said that he wants me to make love to him... not fuck. "I love you, Montgomery." I said sure of myself before pulling him in for a kiss. I put every ounce of love that I could into it and I slipped his shirt over his head. He gently pulled my pajamas off before reaching his hand down to finger me. I grabbed his hand to stop him and brought it up to my heart. "Do you feel that?" I asked and he nodded his head. "It's beating because of how much I love you." I whispered and he smiled at my words before kissing me again. "Want me to go down on you?" He asked after a second and I shook my head. "No... I just need you." I whispered and he nodded his head in understanding before reaching down and slowly guiding himself into me. We both moaned at the feeling, probably too loud considering our friends were here too. "Please love me forever... because I'm gonna love you forever." "I'm gonna love you even when I'm gone." We moaned back and forth to each other. I thrusted my hips at the same pace as him and we were perfectly in sync. For the next two hours, we showed each other how in love we are and whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears to reassure the other one another of our love even more.

"Can I start planning yalls wedding yet?" Jessica asked me as we were shopping in the mall. I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes at her before speaking. "Don't get so ahead of yourself there, Jess." I chuckled. "Y'all are definitely gonna get married though. It's so obvious." She responded with a grin and I couldn't help but to blush at her words. "And I can say that I've known since day one that y'all were going to end up together eventually." She added with a smirk and I playfully smacked her arm. "You wanna hear something really sweet?" I asked and she nodded her head. "The other night, after y'all went to bed, we ended up having sex..." "Oh, I know. We all heard." She interrupted me with a chuckle. "Anyways... he told me to make love to him instead of fucking." I told her and she immediately said "aw". "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Evie." She swooned and I couldn't help but to blush again. "I'm really in love with him, Jess." I sighed and she looked at me confused. "What's with the sigh?" "Because what if he hurts me..." I whispered and she rolled her eyes. "I think he's even more in love with you than you are with him. You have nothing to worry about." She told me while walking off to look at the blue jeans. "He told me that he wants to marry me and have lots of kids one day." "Exactly." She immediately responded while rolling her eyes again. "Monty's not the type to say stuff like that. He's not the type of guy that says what the girl wants to hear to get into her pants. He's just himself and girls fall into bed with him. So for him to say that to you, he means it." She added after a minute. I paused my actions and looked at her with a soft smile after running her words through my head. "You know what? You're right." I said and she nodded with a smile. Before either of us could say anything else, we were interrupted. "Who knew that I'd see my girl here?" Monty smiled while walking up to us and kissing my forehead before wrapping his arm around my waist. "What are you doing here?" I chuckled. "I had to get some baseball stuff and I saw you in the window whenever I was walking by the store." He explained while holding up his bag of baseball stuff from the sports store in the mall. "Don't lie, Monty. You came here looking for her." Jessica laughed and he guiltily smirked. "Okay, so maybe I remembered you saying that you were going to the mall today and I thought that there might be a chance of me running into you." He admitted with a cheeky grin and I playfully rolled my eyes at him and Jessica laughed with a shake of her head. "You can't get enough of me, huh?" I chuckled while turning my back to him and continuing to look at clothes. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his chin on the top of my head. "I can never get enough of my baby." He flirted and Jessica fake gagged with a laugh. "Don't you gag over there... Justin is wondering around here looking for you too." Monty laughed at her and I watched as she tried to hide her happiness about it. "When can I plan yalls wedding?" I smirked at her, making a joke about her earlier statement. "The same day that I plan yours." She retorted and I snorted with a laugh. "You two are planning weddings in here? That's why y'all can't be left alone." Monty joked while pulling away and gently smacking my butt. "Oh Monty, I've been planning yalls wedding for years." Jessica said to him seriously and he laughed. "You and me both." He smirked and I blushed at his words. "I can't believe that you wanna marry this crazy thing." Jessica joked while pointing at me. "Who wouldn't? She's a real catch." He smiled before grabbing my face with one of his hands and connecting our lips. "Okay, y'all stop. You're embarrassing me." I chuckled and they both laughed. After a little while longer of shopping and finding Justin too, the guys went their separate way and Jessica and I went to the food court. After getting out food and sitting down to eat, we started conversation again. "What kind of birth control do you use?" I asked her and she took the container out of her purse to show me. "And it doesn't make you feel weird?" I questioned and she shook her head. "Okay, I go to the doctor in a couple of weeks so I think I'll ask for that kind. I mean, you haven't got pregnant yet so obviously it works." I chuckled and she did the same before looking at me seriously. "You want me to be honest with you, Eve?" She questioned and I nodded my head. "I think y'all want a baby." She said and I spit my food out with laughter. "You think we want a baby? Don't you think if that was the case, then I'd still be pregnant right now instead of having an abortion?" I questioned and she shook her head. "What I mean is... I think y'all want a baby because of the abortion." "Like a chance to make things right?" I questioned and this time she nodded her head. "We do both wanna make things right and we wish that we didn't do it but... we don't want a baby right now. We just want a baby in the future." I shrugged my shoulders and after staring at me for a minute, she nodded her head. I could tell that she wasn't buying it though. Where the hell did she get the idea from that we wanted a baby right now? Because we're upset that we had an abortion? Because we regret not keeping our child? I shook her weird theory out of my head and changed the topic. Once we were done eating, we left the mall and then I dropped her off at home. The whole way home though, I couldn't get her words out of my head. What would I do if I got pregnant again? What would Monty do if I got pregnant again? Would we be happy? Embrace it? Or would we be upset and make the same mistake again and have another abortion? This is exactly why I can't wait to get birth control in two weeks. Because then, I don't have to worry about it at all.

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