Alex Lawther Imagines

By lil_bbz

24K 397 34

Imagines....nothing too exciting [request whatever you want and I'll try and do it] -sorry if my writing suc... More

"Shit, it's cold."
"I missed you loads."
"We're gonna melt to death."
"I thought I lost you."
"I just had to love my best friend."
"What would I do without you?"

"This just doesn't seem to be my day."

1.1K 23 8
By lil_bbz

It was one of those days. Nothing seemed to go accordingly. Jubilee was absent and in place was a sense of melancholy. The events of the day seemed to be competing with each other, each situation trying to be worse than the other.

There was nothing more that I wanted to do than to go home, scream into my pillow and cry myself to sleep. I wasn't having any of anyone's bullshit. Unfortunately, I had 2 hours left of school. 2 hours left with people I don't want to be around and work I don't want to do.

The day dragged on and on, but finally, the bell rang. The shrills from the nettlesome ringing brought a feeling of release. Quickly, I grabbed my bag by its strap, shoved everything in it and abruptly dashed out of the classroom door.

As I pushed the poorly painted school doors, the splatter of rain and the light breeze greeted me. The calming weather cloaked me and it was as if nothing else that had previously happened mattered, none of the yelling, odd stares, hurtful words, stress, none of it mattered...for now at least. My weight shifted from one foot to another as I walked home, listening to Maisie on repeat. My footsteps thudded against the pavement, the splashes of water rolling over my shoes.

I'd arrived home and suddenly the weight that was lifted off of my shoulder as I walked home returned, I sighed as I dropped my bag in my living room and trudged to my room. As I got closer and closer to my bedroom door, I discarded my jacket and unnecessary articles of clothing.

I sighed loudly, moved towards my record player, selected Strange Days from my collection and threw my body onto my bed. The thick and warm covers transporting me into my own world. Nothing else existed in my little realm, just my wails of distress and Jim Morrison's voice. My breath became ragged and my body shook rhythmically.

"Y/N? What's going on? You alright in there?"

I suddenly became tense, not knowing who was in my room. Only one person had the key to my flat, Alex. My best friend since year 4. The innocent boy with fluffy brown hair and a soft voice that helped me pick up my belongings after a boy knocked them out of my hands. The boy who'd make me tea when I was ill.

"Hey, Alex." I sighed, mediocrely attempting to sound tired rather than emotionally drained.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, why would you think that?"

"You always listen to Strange Days when you're sad."

"No, I don't....yeah I do."

I felt my comforter shift and a weight rested next to me. Arms wrapped around my frame and I could feel Alex's breath on the back of my neck, which conjured a small smile on my face. He held me tight assuring me it was safe, nothing could interfere with the moment. I grabbed his hands which rested in front of me and held them tightly.

"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you can tell me what's going on."

"This just doesn't seem to be my day."

"I hate everyone, for the past couple of months school has gone to absolute shit. I'm losing my friends, people are such assholes and the only thing I can seem to manage is my school work. I mean these aren't things that I can't handle, but it's just one of those days where it's just all going wrong. One thing leads to another, disaster on top of disaster. Everyone's worse than usual. Alex.....I just, I'm tired of all of this bullshit."

I felt Alex take an intake of breath, the grip on my hand tightening.

"Bad days are always going to happen, and they'll be terrible, sometimes unbearable. But just know with bad days, there will be good days. And no matter what day, no matter what type of day, I'll be there to face it with you."

I turned and faced Alex, his features barely noticeable in the dark space, but I could still see the blue in his eyes and the freckles that formed constellations on his face. I felt him lean in, his head nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

"I know you're sad, but I want to cheer you up. What can I do to see you smile?"

"Give me a random fact."

"May 29 is put your pillow on top of your fridge day."


"Apparently an apple, potato and onion all taste them same if you don't smell them."
I continued to ask for more and more, it was funny hearing about odd phobias and national "holidays", but at some point Alex started running out.

"I don't know....hmmm let me think."

"I've got one."

"Spit it."

"There's a boy and he has a deep fascination for this girl. He thinks she's the perfect person, her flaws and traits mix perfectly. He loves her smile and her hair, the look of joy that plasters on her face when she's talking about something she loves. He loves the fact that she helps and cares for others. He loves everything about her. The only problem is that this boy doesn't know how to tell her how he feels and he's afraid she doesn't feel the same."
He paused, then continued.

"The boys name is Alex and the girls name is Y/N."

"I have a fact for you." I replied

"There's this girl who thinks her best friend is the best person in the world. She loves the feeling and sentiments he makes her feel. He can always make her smile. Ever since they met in year 4, they were inseparable. She likes him very much. Their names were Alex and Y/N."

Alex leaned in, our noses touching. He brushed his lips against mine, checking to see if it was fine. I leaned in, sealing the gap completely. We pulled back after a couple of seconds.

"Get some rest Y/N, I'll be here."

"Thanks, Alex."


I woke up the feel my head rested against Alex's chest and fingers toying with my hair. I opened one of my eyes and saw Alex looking down at my loose strands, concentrated on braiding the random sections.

"Morning Sunshine."


He looked down at me and he didn't look away, his gaze fixated on me. I felt conscious, but I didn't bother to look away. I felt tingly, the kind where you're uncomfortable but comfortable at the same, a literal oxymoron. My fingers were numb as I searched through the heap of the blankets for his hand. I held it and gripped as hard as I could. I felt better with just his presence, his grip an instant remedy to my mood. Thanks Alex.

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