The Stalker-- sorry My Stalker

By Peace_life_Nh

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"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching. Sometimes you can't control w... More

Chapter 1: Cuts
Chapter 2: Unexpectations
Chapter 3: Help!
Chapter 4: Judy
Chapter 5: Weird
Chapter 6: Death seems better than this
Chapter 7: Oh no
Chapter 8: Days.
Chapter 9: hm.
Chapter 10: Names
Chapter 11: Scare me
Chapter 12: Lies
Chapter 13: owner
Chapter 14: what?
Chapter 15 Part one: Cries
Chapter 15 Part two: Cries Blake's P.o.v
Character selections. (In my mind)
Chapter 16 Part one: Beg
Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 16 Part three: Beg Blake's P.o.v
A/n: Important!!
A/n yoooo
Chapter 17: Trust
Chapter 18: Hot
Chapter 19: Vulnerable
Chapter 20: Dead roses
Chapter 21: He knows
Chapter 22: Forever
Chapter 22: Forever Blake's P.o.v
Chapter 23: Confusion
Chapter 24: Break
Chapter 25: Chica
A/n What's up?
Chapter 27: Masochist
Chapter 28: Strays
Chapter 29: Blushes
New Character Selections: Part One
New Charater Selections: Part Two
A/n Amazing
Chapter 30: Ooze
Chapter 31: He
Chapter 32: will
Chapter 33: kill
Chapter 34: her
Chapter 35: soon.
Chapter 36: Sinner
Chapter 37: Blue
Chapter 38: Fear
Chapter 39: Drunk
Chapter 40: Wicked
Chapter 41: Company
Chapter 42: Guilt
Chapter 43: Burnt out
Chapter 44: Ditching
Chapter 45: Ice Cold

Chapter 26: Daze

57 2 0
By Peace_life_Nh

Chapter 26 whoaaa wowzaaaa. Lmao. Have fun enjoy thisss chap.

Past Chapter.

Read if you dare .

I chuckled forgetting everything that happened earlier.

Oh, what a daze I laid in.



The dreaded fucking place.

Another year of waste.

I walked through the hallways only happy to see my friend. Finally fifth period.

"Abby," I said getting her attention. She laughed. Staring at her phone.

"Cornelius at it again!" She stated. I scrunched my eyes.

"Cornelius--who?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. Closing her phone.

"Book character Trini." I opened my mouth letting out an 'oh' then continued walking out. The grey looking hallways and the notorious people to walk through.

"Is it too late to drop out of precal?" I asked joking of course. She walked with her jeans and near crop top sweater shoving people along the way.

"If you don't wanna get your diploma." I sighed. Huffing in exhaustion. I'm failing. The hallways were so suffocating. While you hear everyone's conversation.

Everyone's stupid conversations.

"Derrick! Derrick Derrick Derrick." This chick said loudly for no reason. He was standing right next to her. I rolled my eyes. Walking forward. I and Abby glanced at each other.

"Derrick! Derrick Derrick Derrick." Abby and I mocked. Laughing to ourselves. The girl probably scoffed.

"Sick of stupid people," I stated. Abby snarked.

"More annoying people." I nodded agreeing. Fake people. Abby was twirling her braids snickering at them.

"Robert you're so sweet! I can't believe you got me this!" This girl that talked shit about everyone said. I laughed. Abby looked like she was gonna punch someone. This was all frustrating every day. We get it. Tone it down.

"Oh my god Robert!" I mimicked in a valley girl approach.

"You're so sweet I can't wait for you to cheat on me again!" Abby mocked. We both laughed going into the café.

"Idiots idiots," I stated like a mafia man. Gloria sat frozen eating her food.

"Why did you just become Italian?" She asked. I shook my head not even knowing myself.

"Who are these idiots?" Gloria cut in. Abby scoffed. Taking out her computer. I let Abby explain.

"Do you really have to ask?" Abby said smartly. Gloria shrugged chewing down on what looked like rice and pork.

"Thought it was someone specific." She said. Moving her high ponytail away from her face. I nodded.

"No just people in the hallway," I said cutting her some slack from Abby's words. Gloria let out an 'ah' I opened my phone playing around with it. Staring at text messages from Thomas. I wonder why I torture myself as he still hadn't replied.

"Who's the new lover boy, Trinity?" Abby questioned. Typing up a storm. Important paper probably.

"No one knew. Just the frustrating guy Thomas." I stated. She let out an 'ah' going back to her paper. Grabbing her hair in anger.

"The book of Homer is highly infectious. I don't understand any of it." Abby exclaimed. Gloria stepped in before I could. It's confusing but its interesting.

"It's a really good book," Gloria exclaimed. "What are you having trouble with?" Abby flustered massaging her temples. Trying to control her anger.

"Right now this fucking computer." She said showing Gloria on the other side of the black table. I let out a grimace. Staring at my pictures on my phone.

Some were worse than others. I deleted them. Then looked on snapchat to see people's stories. I gripped my black sweatshirts hoodie sleeves. Feeling cold as the wind breezes along. I started chuckling looking at Gloria's snap.

She was running in the cold.

Liam must've taken the video. They need to date already. They had been friends for such a long time. Just date get married.

I was so amused in the video till a guy in a hoodie walked by. I tried zooming in the video. What?

"What's wrong?" Gloria asked. I chuckled nervously. Putting my phone down staring at my concerned friend. Shaking my head.

"Forgot about my chemistry homework." I somewhat lied. Which made me realize fuck I do have chemistry work. I sighed looking at the video again.

This mysterious man is really getting me on edge. I sat back examining my texts from yesterday night with Thomas. Narrowing my eyes.

"You know he's gonna take me out today," I said annoyed. Didn't mean to sound annoyed but it just came out. The girls both laughed.

"To where? Chuckie cheese." Abby amused. I rolled my eyes smirking.

"Yes of course. We're gonna dance with Chuckie himself." They were chuckling I rolled my eyes smiling along.

"No no that's not happening. I don't even know Abby." I concluded breathlessly. Gloria shook her head.

"If he wasn't gonna catch a case before. He definitely gonna catch a case now." I laughed shaking my head. I appreciate Thomas in a weird way.

'Well, you are attractive to him' shush self-conscious. Yes, it's his star-like eyes. That's what gets me.

'Or is it his use of money huh?' Yes, totally him getting me wendys was awesome. (LOL)

"How much money do you think I'd get?" I joked. Sounding like a gold digger.

"Charlotte wouldn't stand a chance," Abby stated. I laughed. Charlotte oh god. She needs to just have a sugar daddy already.

"Once upon a time not long ago she was a hoe." Gloria sang. We both were dying.

"Is a hoe." Abby corrected. I nodded. Out of the three of us minus the other two we were missing I was the only person to eat lunch from the cafe.

That saddened me.

"I'm gonna get my lunch," I stated. Going up on the short lunch line getting the slop they provided kinda sucked. Oh well.

The only thing that looked edible was the greasy pizza. Even then it sucked. I got it anyway.

I didn't eat breakfast and my stomach would start grumbling if I waited.

"That food again," Abby said as I approached the table. Gloria then stated.

"I hate that shitty food. They had hair in it I swear someone spit in my food." I grumbled.

"Yeah, I'm eating cancer," I said sadly.

"Have fun," Abby stated. I nodded. Grabbing my phone. Oh Thomas what have you planned for me. I was so lost in his texts. I was so mesmerized in what we spoke about I didn't realize my friends were talking to me.

"I wonder if she even realizes we're talking about her," Gloria whispered loudly just to get my attention.

"Yeah haha, Trinity Elena we are talking about," Abby whispered. Gloria nodded. I gave a monotoned look. Then laughed.

"She's addicted I swear," Gloria whispered to Abby. I rolled my eyes.

"Like your obsession with Liam," I whispered. She choked from drinking her iced tea. Abby laughed smirking. Shrugging and nodding.

"Yes, she's right Gloria." I gave Abby a look. Don't get me started.

"Nah uh you and your Cornelius. Don't think I forgot." Abby rolled her eyes.

"First of all, it's Mark now." She said pointing her finger. Flipping her braided hair. We all were dying.

"You looked like a white mother trying to take care of her disobeying children," Gloria stated. Abby's expression was killer.

"Gloria what the fuck," Abby said. While I exclaimed.

"That was so specific." I died. Oh gosh.

"It was right though." She chuckled I was dying. That kind of laughter that it isn't that funny but your hysterical anyway. The best kind of laughter. Till you look like a fool.

"Why can't it be the weekend?" Gloria whined. Abby scoffed tapping her shoulder.

"I have to watch those twerps Saturday. Getting that money okurr." Abby stated.

"Okurr." Gloria echoed.

"Okur--okay." They laughed at me as I tried to choke out the word. I shrugged.

"I swear her Black Hispanic heritage is getting lost." Abby joked.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. They were right though.

"Yo quiero bebio bleach." Oh no, Abby.

"Stop Abby." I laughed in hysterics.

"I'll take some." Gloria chuckled. Oh gosh, what losers we all were.


"Stoichiometry it's not that hard guys."

I stared at my teacher. Dumbfounded. While I saw all the other students writing down things. I had just finished.

"So the answer will be in a decimal?" This guy answered. No, it can't be in a decimal idiot. The teacher applauded him.

"Yes correct." Fuck. I took my fingers acting as if it was a gun. Just blow my nonexisting brains out.

"Kill my self," I mumbled. Putting my head on the desk. God, can my life get any harder?

'I wouldn't say that' oh fucking well.

"Guys up here I understand this lesson is hard to understand. But--" I zoned out when he said the but.


We're all gonna fail anyway.

'Your gonna fail'


"How many moles of HCl are needed to react with 0.87 moles of Al?" I stared at my teacher then looked away. Oh god please, please.

"Jamaire first step." While Jamaire was saying some bullshit. Wait some correct bullshit. I stared dumbfounded again.

I must be so dumb. If he got it right and I don't even know what we're doing.

"Trinity, what is the mole ratio?" Oh fuck. I was staring at the problem on the black chalkboard. Wishing the answer would pop out right in front of me.

"Trinity." I blinked my eyes. I have no idea what's happening. I shook my head looking down.

"Sorry I don't even know what's going on," I stated. He had a sorrowful glance. Going to the next person.

Great how embarrassing. The bell would ring soon thank god.

"Trinity." I turned my head towards the teacher. Hearing the bell ring.

"You need to go to extra help." He said grading quizzes. I nodded walking out huffing.

"Someone kill me," I whispered in the hallway.

"You're cute babe." I looked to the corner of my eye.

"Fuck couples," I mumbled walking to find Abby.

"Trinity!" I heard someone squeak. I turned my head. Oh shit. No way. Jackie and Chase. That's the couple of course.

So ironic..

"Where have you been?" Jackie said. She was glowing. Her curls were popping. She had a new outfit. I laughed. Playing with my hair to ease the tension.

"Living life Jackie," I mumbled. Chase looked me up and down laughing I frowned. His expensive shoes and his swagger style. Cute face. But I think that's it.

"I gotta go but text me." She squealed walking with Chase. Scurrying down the halls. I stared at the tan locker next to me. A sad face etched on. I gave a slight glance. Feels like me.

"Bing Bing Bing." Fuck the bell.

I raced to my next class seeing Abby on the way before the late bell rang.


"We're gonna be seventeen! How awesome is that?" I stated. Abby's aunt had picked us up from school. Abby was driving. Her aunt looked scared. As she jerked at the stop.

"Yes kinda." She said. Even though it was nearly eight months away I couldn't wait to be seventeen.

I don't know why. I just couldn't wait. Being sixteen was overrated. I was staring out the window seeing the house I usually walk past. The abandoned rustic house.

Abby jerked to a stop again. That's where I saw my house.

"We're here." Abby's aunt said. I chuckled.

"Thank you," I said getting out of the car. Walking up the concrete steps.

"Now you're gonna let me drive home." Her aunt had gotten out of the car. I was laughing as Abby protested.

"Come on auntie I want to drive it's three minutes away!" I laughed walking in through the house.

Through the corridor to the living room. I took my black coat off feeling the warm house.

Going through the discolored white banged up doors. Seeing my sister sitting on the couch. I waved.

Going to my room. Dropping my coat and heavy bookbag down on the bed. I closed the door. Finally breathing. Books littered on the edge of my bed.

I tried making them organized. Guess not organized enough.

I turned the television on seeing what time it might be.



I dug out for my phone that was in my coat just to check if I got any messages. Nope. Oh well. Let me do my homework.

I stared at my grayish bookbag. Butterflies all over it. Pen and highlighter and dark marks all over it. Such a dirty bag.

I started laughing. I actually thought I was gonna do my work and not procrastinate.

"Not doing that shit now," I said to myself.

I probably should. I looked for the remote trying to change the news channel searching under my hello kitty covers. Yep. I've had them since I was a kid.

I turned the channel to see The Steve Wilkos show on. "Is he cheating on me or is it my imagination?"

Maybe after the show, I'll do my homework. I felt a buzz come from my phone unexpectedly. I looked down picking it up from the bed.


Dragonfly. I'm coming a little earlier today.

I saw another message.


Smh.  autocorrect I meant darling

I started chuckling. Dragonfly. I had almost forgotten. I had gone to his contact name. And changed it to Thomas Dragonfly. It was cute. Or so I guess.

I looked at my door seeing someone open it. That can't be him. I felt my heart flutter. Then I saw my sister's blonde highlights.


Oh, shut it.

"The lie detector states that was a lie!" I brought my attention back to Steve Wilkos. The person was hitting and punching him. Cursing. I started laughing.

"Can you please change it?" My sister whined.

"And what would you like to watch? Love and hip hop Miami?" I asked. She frowned at me. Hand on her hip.

"Yes, why the hell not?"

"Watch your mouth," I stated. She turned her head grumbling. Thomas cuteness was popping into my mind as the drama-filled show played.

Goodness get him out of my head. I got up digging through my pockets trying to find some lipgloss walking to the bathroom.

Oh, shit my hair.

I took it out the ponytail smiling. Parting it with my fingers. Crooked. Oh well. I took the pink lipgloss going across my lips.

Too much. I wiped most off. Fuck I need more.

I applied more like a dumbass. Now it looks like I caked that shit on. I opened and closed my lips. Moving it all around.

I made dumb expressions in the mirror. Now we gotta be strong when he gets here. No falling for the helpless. I was mimicking in the mirror.

Maybe I'm the helpless one... No no. Of course not. I said taking some of the lipstick off.

'Stop touching it'

Fine. Fine. I looked one last time. Fluffing my hair. Twisting the knob of the bathroom. I heard a door open. Signifying someone was in the living room.

It was close to four. So that couldn't be my father. I heard two guys laughing. My heart was fluttering again. I ran to the room shutting the door. Sitting on my bed.

Thomas. Maybe I should just go see him.

I traveled out of my room. Seeing Luke and Thomas backs. I saw Thomas turn around. He looked surprised.

His sprinkling hazel eyes. Lips smirked. He motioned with his hand for me to go into the room. Pointing at my brother's room making angry faces. I laughed about going to my room.

Then I overheard quickly.

"Hey, I'm gonna use the restroom. Give me a second." I had a damn smile. Fuck no don't smile.

"Trinity, what are you doing?" Serenity asked rudely. I turned my head. Serenity was making up her bed. I was in a daze.

"Trying not to smile," I said staring at the television. Then turned my head jumping back. The door opened abruptly. Thomas' face was right there. God, why is he so fucking cute goodness kill me?

Such pretty eyes. His stance was leaning against my dresser that held the television.

"Dragonfly," I said grinning. He chuckled trailing his fingers through his hair. Couple strands hitting his forehead. He had a navy blue button up and black skinny jeans.

"Will you ever let that go?" He questioned raising a brow. I laughed shaking my head. Running my hands through my hair. Ooo ouch. Gotta comb that.

"Ew." Serenity said. I rolled my eyes getting up pushing him out the room. I hated that I was so happy to see him. See his sparkling eyes and teeth.

His cute pink lips. Damn it, Trinity.

'Remember he's just playing you. He's not trustworthy remember.'

I started getting a sour taste in my mouth almost as if someone stuffed a sorta sweet candy in. Then having it turn to a bitter acidic taste.

I could feel my grimace forming.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I knew he was coming. I didn't know with my brother. He was grinning poking me. I scolded him.

"You know he's still mad at me." I specified. He nodded the whole mood changed. His whole face scrunched up as I said that. He shook it off.

"He'll get over it, Trinity. The question is will you?" He asked. I shrugged. It was an awkward silence. I looked down at my feet. Then my stomach. I looked at his face. Then down at my feet.

"I think I'm gonna go walk to the store," I said turning the corner in my room.

"Here let me come with." He said overhead. I thought he was behind me but he wasn't. I got my coat on. Checking to see if I had money.

Even though he didn't want money. Oh shit. The hood guy.

I was in pure contemplation staring at my pink walls in my tiny room with my nagging sister. Biting my lip. Screw it.

Gathering my things I had a couple dollars.

"You say it's down the street okay!" Thomas yelled walking into my room rolling his eyes.

I put my shoes on chuckling. He had what looked to be a tan trench coat. That suited him well with his brownish-red shoes. He looks so classy.

"Let's go," I said buttoning my coat. Once we had got outside the frigid weather hit my chest.

"It's freezing," I said buttoning the rest. At this moment I wanted to go back into the house. But it'd be awkward since he was right next to me.

"Thomas." I exaggerated.

"Darling." He responded. I chuckled. Remembering his texts.

"Dragonfly." I hummed while walking down the leaf filled street next to him.

"You know dragonflies are the only insect that could fly forward and backward without having to change their body," Thomas said unexpectedly I smiled wow.

"That's quite interesting. I don't know never knew that." I said while we crossed the street store in view.

"We are all dragonflies, Dragonfly." He smirked. Then scoffed.

"You're calling me dragonfly now?" I questioned looking at his half smirk. He walked ahead of me turning around. Hands to the side raised.

"Whatever floats your boat dragonfly." Oh lord, I'm in a daze get me out.


A grin was plastered to my face as I heard the bell of the store ring.

I saw the register guy he had a smile. A nervous smile. I went and traveled looking for what maybe I should get.

"All this junk." Thomas twirled a bag of Doritos. I looked at his fingers laughing. Going towards the coolers.

"Do you think I should get a red bull?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Are you going to pull an all-nighter?" He asked walking through another aisle. I rolled my eyes smiling. The bell of the door rang signifying someone came. I traveled toward farther distances seeing cereal bars and healthy protein shakes.

Then I saw a dark chocolate Hershey's bar and all that nonsense disappeared. Yes. I'm getting junk. I'm practically junk. I'm exhausted tired pimple face junk. I turned my head. Thomas was nowhere in sight.

Maybe he left the aisle he was in. I reached the cash register then turned my head. There were four isles in this medium sized store which shocked me.

I didn't even realize it.

Then blue eyes.

I got taken aback at how close he was. But he had such pretty eyes. I think he has good intentions. A smile ran to my face. A somewhat happy smile.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked. He didn't answer. He just moved away. I scrunched my eyebrows. Weird.

"Trini are we going to leave?" I saw Thomas' head pop out. I turned my head ready to talk to the Hood guy but he wasn't there. I turned to the cash register.

The guy seemed calm. Guess he must've left.

"On the house darling." Here we go again. I gave him a raised eyebrow.

"I hope he's not forcing you to do this for me," I whispered. He bagged the items that I had chosen. I took a step back bumping into Thomas' chest. I moved forward. But his arms wrapped around my waist. I chuckled.

"Let go, Thomas," I said chuckling. He squeezed me tighter.

"Trinity." He groaned yawning. I stared at the man joyous. He gulped. I looked down. Shit.

"Come on Thomas let's go."

"Drag me along." He whispered. Putting his weight on me. I rolled my eyes trying to trudge out of the store.

"Thank you!" I yelled. I pushed Thomas off me. Resulting in him rolling his eyes smirking. I shivered it's cold.

"Come here." He motioned with his finger.

I did. He wrapped his arm around me walking back. I must've been a blushing mess. As we strolled down the damp streets.

"Why'd you say thank you to that guy? You paid him not the other way around." I heard Thomas mumble. I should've raised my suspicions when he said that but I was too immersed in his scent. No one ever held me like this.

Gosh I must be desperate.

"I try to be polite Dragonfly." I spoke nearly teeth chattering. Gosh it's so cold. Then again could be worse his body heat was keeping me warm enough.

Once we got to the front steps. I regretted it. I turned around from the screen door. Thinking out loud.

"What are you even doing with my brother today?" I regretted saying that too. He smirked.

"Why do you want to know?" I rolled my eyes. Maybe just to know. If we could talk, hang out.

"No reason," I said he chuckled eyes narrowed.

"Get something to eat. Get gifts before Christmas for my mother. Might go to the strip club later." My eyes sparked strip club? I turned around going to open my door. Taking it from my mind.

"Ah ha! Jealousy." I gasped turning. He walked up a couple steps wagging his pointer finger. 

"Of you never." I said as if I was so shocked. He rolled his eyes.

"Not of me. The strip club." I scoffed now I was rolling my eyes.

"Why would you wanna watch them when you could watch me?" I covered my mouth right after I said that. He bit his lip amused. Eye brows furrowed.

"I should take that deal. Free admission?" He hummed questioning. I rolled my eyes. Walking down a step. Shaking my head.

"Not anymore." I testified. His face glowed with a bright smirk. I grabbed his cheeks. Pursuing my lips.

"You're not gonna get anywhere being cocky like that," I said biting my lip. I let go turning going to the door. I shrieked he picked me up.

"No cockiness here, Dragonfly." I weigh a ton, Jesus. Put me down.

"Put me down Dragonfly!" I yelled. He did.

"Shh, your brother will hear." His hazel eyes made me calm even though of what he said.

"Hurry let's go." He whispered. I smiled. Going opening the door. He wrapped his hands around my waist again. I was blushing. Opening the door.

I felt lips on my cheek. My face heated incredibly.

Before he ran through the doors.

I bit the inside of my cheek.


Listen to the song it's a pretttyyyy good song.

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