Love You Better

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

773 0 0

Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

12 0 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

The same day
"Good morning class. We will be starting a new lesson on relationships and mental health. As you know any relationship whether it's a family member, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or even a best friend has all of its problems. For example we can bring up one of the relationships in this class. The ex boyfriend was upset with the ex girlfriend because he thought that she was using him for sexual encounters.

"Uh Mr Jackson, I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure it's okay to bring up the past relationships of other students in this class?" Miles asked.

"Yeah Mr Jackson, I mean I did expose Morgan for this back in August, but why do we need to talk about a toxic relationship?"

"Oh my gosh." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"Morgan is there anything that you would like to say to defend yourself?" "Uh Yeah, none of this happened so I don't know why Noah would say something like that."

"It's because Noah is smart and stopped hooking up with a bitch like you." Some girl who was sitting in the front said looking directly at me.

"What the fuck? Does a bitch wanna get slapped or something?" Lexi asked clearly tense. "Yeah Morgan does, but maybe you should too you little slut."

"Woah watch your mouth." Khalid said standing up. "Aww how cute, Mr failed matchmaker who hasn't been in a relationship since freshman year Kameron Stevens." "It's Khalid." "And I don't care."

"Hey don't let her get to you." Julian whispered into my ear. "I know, I just want this class to be over."

"And the boy I was just thinking about, Julian." She said coming from behind wrapping her arms around him.

"Soccer superstar, homecoming king, Tampa boy, and hoe. I'm single if you're bored and looking for fun. I also will be watching you." The girl winked and then walked out of the classroom.

"Who was that?" Khalid asked clearly annoyed about what she said. "I have no idea, I thought you guys would've knew."

"I knew exactly who that was." Julian whispered again. "Really? Did you go out with her or something?" "Nah that's one of Victoria's good friends that just so happened to say she was moving to this part of the state a week after I did."

"So how come we've never seen her?" "She goes  to some private school so I have no idea how she got in here."

"Okay Kids back to the lesson. Mental health not only affects the way a relationship goes, but it affects your future and how you make each decision. If you have any questions about mental health I would speak to a trusted person like a counselor or parent. And with that being said I'm gonna pair you all up for a project."

"Let's have Christian and Lexi, Dylan and Anna, Noah and Nicole, Julian and Morgan, Khalid and Sarah,......"

"Now that your "relationships" have been settled, the hard part comes in. I will be picking a paper out of a box which will decide a hardship in your relationship. This will change the way you think and most likely screw with your relationship. The point of this project also shows how capable you are of handling a good and balanced relationship."

"We got this. We live together so this shouldn't be too hard." I laughed. "Yeah you're completely right."

"Morgan come pick a paper out of the box." Mr Jackson called as I got up. I quickly reached into the box, picked any random paper,and handed it back to him."

"Okay guys this is a tough one so be prepared. "As a junior or senior in high school, it is very difficult to balance school, sports, money, and personal time all at the same time. One night you two decided to have a little fun and decided to have unprotected sex, but a few days later the female forgot to take her birth control pills. The next thing you knew you were gonna become a parent to a kid at the age of 16,17, or 18. After 9 months you finally had the child, but how will you be able to balance everything with this newborn child."

"Woah this is a lot to take in, we're kinda busy all the time."Julian said crossing his arms. "Yeah, but that night you were busy getting frisky so that's your consequence. To make your lives even more miserable, here's your baby." He said putting a realistic baby doll on the table.

"What the actual fuck." Julian mumbled.
"And finally Good luck to our Girls and Boys soccer teams as they take on Ocala today." The principal said over the loud speaker as I put the remaining books from my backpack into my locker.

"It's time for me to give you this baby." Julian said as the doll started to cry.

"I thought you were gonna keep it for the whole day?" "Well I have the game, but you can ask your sister to hold it while you're playing." "And what makes you think she wants to hold it? She has to wear a fake pregnancy stomach."

"Well she made that choice to pick that card." "Yeah, but she didn't know what it said on it." "Well than make her partner take it." "Okay, but it looks like you'll be down a player."

"Wait what do you mean?" "She's partners with Christian." "Of course she is." "Well she didn't pick her own partner either, but relax, my mom is coming today so I'll give it to her."

"So now you're referring our baby as an it?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Well we haven't given it a name yet so what should we call her or him?" "Brayden Kaleb Manning." "Wow, how did you come up with that so fast?" "I've thought about that name for awhile, but if you don't like it we can change it." "I love it, it's super cute."

"Well we should probably head outside. My coach wasn't playing when he said he wanted us outside right after school." "Same, but I'm sure she'll make an exception for the girl who has a child." I laughed as we made our way outside.

"So what are we gonna do about this kid since we leave tomorrow?" "I have no idea, but damn this makes me feel like I'm on 16 and pregnant." "That used to be my show when I was bored over the summer a few years back."

"You watched that?" "Yeah my mom told me that if I ever got a girl pregnant during my teenage years that I would never live my best life, but technically I have a baby right now and I'm fine."

"Oh just wait until we get back. That baby is gonna keep us up all night." "Wait it doesn't turn off in the middle of the night?" "No, that's what comes with the responsibility of having a child."

"Well I have an idea about this weekend." "What?" "Why don't you pay Allie to watch Brayden. She's too nice to say no to her best friend." "You're right, but I don't wanna make her responsible for our class project." "And we don't wanna be responsible for our class project this weekend." "Fine."

"Thank you! And do what you do best today, I love you." He said with a smile walking away.

Those three fucking words

Those words caused me to lose my breath

Those words might be the cause of my death

Those three words....the words that I've been waiting to hear my whole life from someone other than my family.

"Morgan are you okay?" Alyssa asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Not at all." "What did he say to you?" "Three words." "No he didn't." She said with wide eyes jumping up and down.

"He actually said it and I don't know how to feel." "Girl you got him to break out of his shell. You're probably the first person he's said it to and actually means it." "I have no idea."

"I can feel it, you are so getting the D this weekend." "Not with a kid around." "Wait are you pregnant?"

"Are you that stupid? We have to take care of a fake baby for a project who just cries and uses the bathroom." "Oh I was gonna say." "I'm not that dumb and I'm on birth control."

"Okay, but on a serous note, let's get ready for this game." "Yeah let's get this dub."
"Gosh your baby was so annoying." My mom laughed as Tanner, Julian, and I walked into the house behind her.

"Well I warned you." "Are you taking this baby on the trip tomorrow?" "Nope I'm leaving it with Allie."

"How did you convince Allie to watch your baby?" "I made Julian pay her since he lost a bet."

The bet was actually all the money he was gonna give me because I was staying in his room.

"Well I had no idea my daughter gambles." "Your daughter actually does a lot of things including-"

"Hey isn't it time for you to head off to work." I said cutting Julian off before he exposed me. "It actually is so I wanna remind you three to be safe and smart while you're in Orlando. Also make sure to call me to I know you guys are okay." "Will do." Julian said as she walked out the door.

"So how did your team do today?" Tanner asked. "Good? We won 7-3. What about you guys?" "We won 6-5 thanks to this guy. Julian literally scored with 11 seconds on the clock." "Congrats." "Yeah Whatever, this is the first of our many wins." Tanner said running up the stairs.

"We should talk." Julian said wrapping his arm around my waist. "Yeah we need to." "But before we talk maybe a little action wouldn't hurt." "Maybe not." I said as he started to get close to me.

"Wahhhhhhhh." The baby screamed and then we quickly parted. "Looks like someone needs a diaper change. Let's head upstairs." He said heading right up to my room.

"So you know where this conversation is going right?" "If i'm not mistaken it's what you said before the game."

"It's exactly that. I know that we aren't together and all, but I realized that I loved you when I saw you with Zach at homecoming. Both Khalid and Allie know, but it's kinda a scary thing for me. The first person I loved ended up leaving me because she cheated on my father."

"Well I love you too and I'm not saying it just because you said it. When you went out with Lexi it absolutely killed me mainly because I hadn't even stopped thinking about the summer."

"Remember how I told you about what I do at two AM which is either playing video games or thinking? Well All I thought about was how I could make our friendship better, but all I could think about is being in a relationship."

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we should try a relationship out. If you really don't want to than we don't have to."

"Well I've heard that trying new things can make your life a whole lot better."

"You're right." He said stroking his thumb on my cheek.

"I think we should do this."

"Thank god." He said immediately putting his lips on mine. This boy was someone that made me feel loved like no one else had loved me before.

"By the way, you look great in that uniform." "Thanks, but you look better." I laughed.

"Well it's getting late and I think you should get your rest since we're getting up at 4." "At least we get to skip school though." "That's true, but it's a half day anyway." "True."

"Want me to sleep with you tonight?" "Yeah I like company." "Well I'm glad or else we would've had a problem." "But you're the only one who gets to sleep in my bed other than me." "That's fine." He said as he kissed my cheek and turned the lights off.
"Hello student Athletes, welcome to Antiqua hotel and resort." The bus driver said as everyone started getting off the bus.

"That was a long 4 hours." Julian said grabbing my bag from the bag compartment. "Yeah, but I would do it any day just to escape." "And I'll do it with you if you want." "Aww thanks."

"You two are too cute." Alyssa whispered as I immediately felt myself blushing.

"Are you Okay?" Julian asked wrapping his arms around me. "Yeah I'm just still a little tired." "You know I can tell the difference between tired and flushed right?" "Shut up." I laughed.

"What time is your first game?" "1:10 tomorrow afternoon. What time is yours?" "We have one at 6:45."

"Sounds like a lot of quality time huh?" "It does doesn't it." "Well there's a lot we can do like sleep, eat, swim, makeout, any more suggestions?" He asked with a tiny smirk on his face. "Yeah I can unpack, Practice with the team, makeout with a local...any other suggestions?" I laughed.

"Yeah, get a room." Tanner said rolling his eyes as he walked by.

"Your brother doesn't really like us being in a relationship does he?" "Well he doesn't even know we're together like that and I think it's hard for him to see the leader of his team and his sister together all the time." "True."

"I think I can relate to him since you were with my sister all the time." "Yeah it makes sense, but at least this time I'm happy in my relationship." He laughed as he pecked my lips.

"Okay kids, welcome to tournament weekend." The boys jv coach said loudly to get everyones attention.

"Each of these teams here came to work hard and be the best in the state, but I think we can say that we maybe worked the hardest when it comes to the offseason. This weekend is meant to work hard and play hard and that comes with rules.

Rule 1: Curfew is at 10 so if you're not here you will be punished whether it means doing 50 burpees or missing half the game. We also have the buddy system in place which means you need to go everywhere your roommate is going.

Rule 2: By law and school rules, the possession of alcohol under the age 21 is illegal and the possession of drugs is not tolerated unless there is a written Note from the doctor. If you get caught with any of these things you will be suspended indefinitely from the team, get a phone call home, and you will be sent home.

Rule 3: Each roommate was decided at the coaches discretion. Boys and girls cannot share  a room mainly because we don't need any problems regarding health issues when we get back.

And Rule 4: Work hard and play to your full potential. You're here to play in a prestigious tournament, not act like idiots.

I hope everything is clear and that you all follow the rules and the common sense rules. You're all free to go to your rooms."

"Ready to go?" "Yeah." I laughed as I jumped on his back and he made his way to the elevator.

"Damn you're light." "Or maybe you've been working out more. Your shoulders are definitely more broad then the last time I touched you." "I'm glad you noticed."

After we got off the elevator, Julian slipped the room key out of his pocket and opened the door.

"Two beds huh." I shrugged as he looked up at me. "What did you think? I would not sleep on the same bed as whoever my roommate is or was." "So you're saying that you don't wanna sleep in the same bed." I said seriously, but was joking.

"Why the hell would I give up the chance to sleep next to a girl with a hot body?" "I don't know."

"Well let me show you what I'll do with that girl." He said putting me down and immediately started kissing me.

He lightly pushed me onto the bed and started kissing my neck. I tugged at his shirt as soon as his body hit mine.

Right after he threw it right on the ground. "You sure you wanna do this right now and not wait until later?" He whispered as I felt him breathing heavily on my neck. "What's so bad with doing it now and later?" "Fuck, you're so right." He said tugging the bottom of my shirt until someone knocked on the door.

"Oh gosh." I said starting to panic. "Who the hell is that?" He asked getting up and opening the door.

"Hey man, what's good?" Khalid asked with Nick behind. "Oh you know, just chillin." "Can we come in?" "Yeah." He replied as I quickly grabbed my phone pretending to text.

"Oh hey Morgan?" Nick said obviously confused. "Aren't you supposed to be with Alyssa unpacking or something?" Khalid asked with his arms crossed. "Why? Did you guys come to watch porn or something?"

"Khalid, Nick...Morgan is kinda my girlfriend now and that's why she's here. She's staying with me for the next few nights, but I don't think she would mind if we did what we're still supposed to do."

"Wait so you're saying that she's officially your girl?" "Yeah I asked her last night."

"It's about time. You should've seen this kid at homecoming, all he did was mope because you were with that other kid." "Yeah, he told me about it, but he didn't mope that whole night. Eventually it turned into moaning."

"Wait a second. His shirt is off and the covers are wrinkled. We walked in on you didn't we?" Nick asked.

"Remember, I don't kiss and tell."

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