Shattered & Broken

By frickyeahmgc

16.5K 158 42

Due to a dark secret from her past, Trin is severely depressed and suicidal. And it doesnt help when her fami... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

385 1 0
By frickyeahmgc

I walk into the building and see Carter standing there with a big smile on his face.

I cant help but smile and then run into his arms.

"Im so fucking happy to see you not dead" he says and i laugh.

"Hows the baby?" He asks.

"Um. Can we talk?" I ask.

"Uh yeah sure" he says and we walk into his room and sit on the bed.

"Whats up?" He asks.

"The babys fine but..." I say.

"But what?" He asks.

"Their gonna have a pretty good chance of having a disorder because of all the blood i lost." I say almost crying.

"I swear to god im going to kill that fucking bastard!!" He yells.

"Could you keep it down?!" A nurse walking past yells.

"Sorry" he says in a whisper.

"I just dont know what to do" i say starting to cry.

"Hey, look at me" he says lifting my head to face his.

"Itll be ok. Ill be okay, youll be okay, and the baby will be okay" he says and i smile.

"Good news, Jones, your going home pack up" a nurse says to me.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"Your. Going. Home" she says.

I look over at Carter confused.

"Come on!" She says and i get up and go to my room and pack up my stuff. I walk into Carters room again and give him a tight hug.

"Ill see you at support group" i say and he nods.

I walk to the front desk and see my mom. I was about to give her a hug until i realized she put me in this hell hole.

"Hey sweetie" she says but i ignore her. We go to the car and i get in and slam the door.

"Honey, i know your upset but it was for your own good" she says.

"You couldve just put me in a support group u didnt have to put me in a nut house! And you didnt even have the courtesy to come visit?!" I ask and she sighs.

"Im sorry" she says.

"Whatever, anyways, mom, i really need to tell you something" i say.

"What? Your not pregnant are you?" She asks and i dont answer.

She pulls over the car.

"TRINITY MARIE JONES PLEASE TELL ME YOUR NOT PREGNANT" she says and i dont answer again.

"Why?" She asks.

"I dont know! It was accidental!" I say.

"Whos the dad? Is it jack?" She asks and i shake my head.

"Your boyfriend isnt even the dad of your kid?!" She asks.

"He isnt my boyfriend" i say resting my head on the window.

"Who is?" She asks.

"The dad or boyfriend?" I ask.

"Dad" she says.

"Someone i met in the hospital" i say.

"Whats his name?" She asks.

"Carter" i say.

"Carter? Carter reynolds?!" She asks and i dont answer.

"Jesus christ my grandkid is gonna have a murderer dad!!" She says.

"Can we please just go home?" I ask and she sighs and drives home.

I walk in the house to see a woman sitting on the couch.

"Hi! You must be Trin!" She says coming over and hugs me.

"Um... Mom?" I say.

"Oh um Trin, thats Alex" she says.

I dont know if im pissed or happy my moms seeing someone.

"Of course she is" i say.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" She asks and then i get a text.

Jack: hey i heard your home. come over?

Me: yeah sure, be there im 5

"Can i go to Jacks?" I ask.

"I thought you guys werent dating" she asks.

"We arent. That doesnt mean im not friends with him and i dont hang out with him." I say.

"But we were gonna go for dinner" she says.

"Who was? Me and you? Or you and Alex?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Trin!" She yells.

"Im leaving. Bye" i say grabbing my keys and leaving the house.

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