My Darling Tale

By littleredvelvet17

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I am Wendy Darling. You may think you know my story but you don't. True, I was visited by a boy-a flying boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note

Chapter 8

539 10 1
By littleredvelvet17

“Hook must’ve taken Tiger Lily that is the only explanation.” I told Baldev as we approached the village.

“You must talk to the chief about this.” Baldev instructed me. “Why would Hook even steal Tiger Lily? The pirates and braves have always been at peace with each other and gone against a common enemy- the lost boys.”

“I’m not sure but I know he did it. May be it was so he could find the hideout. Don’t you braves know the island better than anyone?”

 “It is true that we know the island very well but that doesn’t mean we know the location of your precious underground hideout.”

 “I never said it was underground.” I crossed my arms. “Hook took Tiger Lily so she would tell him where the hideout was and he could attack the lost boys or worse.” Chills ran up my spine. What if Hook just wanted me? What if he only wanted his daughter back? What if he would threaten the lost boys just to get me back? What was so bad about the lost boys? May be I could bargain myself for Tiger Lily.

 “Wendy, follow me.” Baldev directed and I obeyed.

 “Are we going to see Michael and John now?” I asked.

“First you have to see the chief.”

 “No.” I stopped in my tracks. “I’m not going anywhere until I see my brothers.”

“Wendy, come on. This isn’t a game.” Baldev spoke with all seriousness. ”It’s not funny Wendy come on.”

“No. Does it look like I am joking? I am not going anywhere unless you are taking me to my brothers.” I could tell Baldev was stubborn but so was I. I came here for my brothers and that is who I am going to talk to before anyone else.”

“Fine I will take you to your brothers.” He was lying. I straight up knew he was lying.

“Bring my brothers to me.” I demanded.

“I said I will take you to them.”

“I heard what you said and I am telling you to bring my brothers to me. I am not joking if I find out that you so much as hurt one hair on either of their heads I will burn down your entire village. Now get my brothers!” I yelled and Baldev ran off and went into one of the tents.

When he came out I saw Michael and John and I ran up and hugged all the air out of them.

“I was so worried about you.” I sighed in relief. It was so great just to have them back in my arms.

“Wendy!” They exclaimed. Out of the same tent came a big man with a giant headdress of feathers so I could only assume that he was the chief.

“Thank you for looking after my brothers. You really have no idea how much it means to me.” I was so relieved to see my brothers all in one piece.

“You will rest here for the night then in the morning you will join them in the quest for Tiger Lily.” The chief commanded.

“I know who took your daughter.” I said and the chief crossed his arms and examined me.

“Really? Who dare steal my daughter away from me?”

“Captain James Hook of the Jolly Roger. I have reason to believe that he has stolen her to find out the location of the lost boys hideout. I am expected on the ship tomorrow for reasons I would like to remain secret until further notice. When I am there I can search for Tiger Lily.” I said pretty proud of myself I haven’t spoken that professional since I got here.                               

“Very well Wendy. However, if you fail than you will never see your brothers again. You of all the people on this island should know the importance of family.”

“If you place one hand on my brothers you will regret it. I will have no trouble burning down this entire island.”

“I will do the same for my daughter so do we have a deal?”

“Yes.” I shook hands with the chief and then followed Michael and John back to our tent.

“Will they hurt us?” Michael asked.

“No. I promise that the braves won’t hurt you.” I guaranteed that.

“Why do they call themselves the braves?” Michael asked.

“Because we are brave.” Baldev answered walking into our tent with some food. “Here eat up we wouldn’t want you to starve and not have enough energy to get Tiger Lily back.”

“I’m fine thank you.”

“Eat it.” Baldev raised his voice.

“No. I’m not hungry.”

“You need to be ready. Hook is unpredictable.”

“You’re telling me.” I mumbled under my breath.

“What was that?” Baldev asked getting very close and breaking my personal bubble.

“Nothing.” I said. “Just leave the food there you can go now.”

“What do you think I’m your slave or something?”

“No. Thank you for the food you can go now.” I said trying to shoo him off.

“I think I will stay here just to keep an eye on you three. I don’t trust you.” Baldev was really getting on my nerves couldn’t he just leave.

“Considering you are the reason all of us are here I can guarantee you have nothing to worry about.” I assured him I could tell the only way I was going to get to him was by feeding his ego. “After all a brave such as yourself must surely have more important things to do than babysit. I am sure you are an excellent hunter. Did you hunt this yourself?” I asked pointing at the plate of meat in front of me.

“Why yes I did.” Baldev said smugly. Idiot.

“Wow. That really is fascinating. I guess that is why your name means strong. May be you could go and get another deer. Prove how strong you are.”

“Oh I will.” Baldev ran out of the tent excited to go hunt who knows what.

“What was that Wendy?” John asked.

“That was getting Baldev to leave so I can talk to you. I have some pretty big news and I don’t know how you’re going to take it.” I took a deep breath and readjusted my hair.

‘Well what is it?” John looked at me and fixed his glasses.

“Captain Hook is my father.” I admitted and Michael gasped.

“No!” Michael exclaimed.

“It can’t be true.” John added.

“I’m afraid it is.” I looked down. “Michael, John, look at me. It is nothing to be concerned about but that is the reason the ring changed color it is called blood magic. Which means that only people related to Hook can use it.”

“Does this mean Hook is our father as well?” John questioned.

“No. Hook is only my father.”

“Are you still our sister?” Michael asked with his gigantic puppy dog eyes.

“Yes. I am still your sister. I am just your half-sister. I will always be your sister.” I hugged Michael and he was still holding his teddy bear that I gave him for his 3rd birthday.     

“How is that possible?” John asked. “If our mother is from here how’d she get back? Why would anyone want to leave Neverland?”

“I wish I knew.” I said truthfully. In all honesty I wanted to talk to our mother.

“So what is the plan for retrieving Tiger Lily?” John asked changing the subject.

“What? You are not coming. I am going aboard the Jolly Roger going to the brig and getting Tiger Lily. I am getting her back whether Hook likes it or not. I am warning you in case I don’t come back. Hook may ask my place instead of Tiger Lily’s and I need you to be prepared for that.”

“We just got you back and now you’re going to leave? I want to help Wendy.” John whined.

“If it means me over Tiger Lily then yes. I don’t expect you to understand but we are family and we will always find our way to each other. I am telling you this for a reason. If I do have to take Tiger Lily’s place then I want you to tell Peter and get the lost boys ready for a war but don’t attack right away. I ask that you wait a week so Hook and his crew will let their guard down. Do you understand?”

Michael and John nodded.

“You can’t tell anyone about this. I mean it.” I said with all seriousness. “In the morning you will go directly to the hideout and act as if nothing has happened. If I am not back by the end of the day and if Tiger Lily is back tell Peter that the you need to get ready for an attack. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Michael and John said in unison.

“This isn’t a game.”

“I know.” John replied. I knew that they understood I was just hoping they weren’t going to screw it up.       


I woke up to the light of day peering through the tent. I got up and looked at Michael and John. They knew what to do.

I exited the tent and made my way towards the chiefs tent.

Not to my surprise he was already awake.

“Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yes. I know what I have to do.” I assured him

“Then what are you waiting here for. Go get my daughter.”

I nodded and left the tent. Instead of going straight to the ship I had to make a stop with a special little fairy. I knew I would need her help if I would pull this off.

“Tink! Tink! I need your help! It is important!” I exclaimed knocking on the tiny door to her tiny home in a tree. It was very cute.

“What? Why are you waking me up this early?” Tink rubbed her eyes. Then she adjusted her eyes so she actually knew it was me. “Wendy! You traitor! Why would I help you?”

“Please, Tink-“

“It’s Tinkerbell to you or may be you should call me Miss Bell like your father does.”

“I don’t want anything to do with my father I am nothing like him. I need your help to defeat him.”

“I’m listening.” Tink unfolded her arms. This is good this is progress.

“Well I can get on his ship easily it’s going to be getting off that is hard so that is where you come in. I need pixie dust.”


“Please!” I pleaded.

“Why are you going on the ship anyway?”

“I need to save Tiger Lily. If everything goes well than Tiger Lily and I both leave the ship. If it doesn’t then Tiger Lily will leave and I will stay. Then in a week the lost boys can come and attack because I know they want to and it can be a fun rescue mission game or whatever you want to call it. Long story short if I don’t get Tiger Lily back then I will never see Michael and John again. I just want the dust so I can make my own escape when the time is right.”

“Fine. I will give you enough Pixie Dust for one use so don’t waste it.”

“Thank you Tinkerbell.”

“It’s Tink,” she smiled.


“Wendy!” Hook exclaimed. “ I knew you’d make the right choice and join us.”

“Where is Tiger Lily?” I scanned the ship with my eyes looking for an entrance.

“What?” Hook seemed shocked.

“Did I stutter? Where is she? I know you have Tiger Lily!” I crossed my arms.

“I knew you’d come back for her you are so predictable.” Hook started walking and I followed him all the way down to the brig.

“Why did you take her?” I asked wanting to know the truth.

“Truthfully. I knew you or Pan would come to her rescue and I was fine having either one of you. I preferably wanted my daughter back. I know I haven’t been there for you Wendy but I want to change that. Pan is not who you think he is.”

“Will you let Tiger Lily go back to her people if I stay with you? If I promise not to try to escape. Will you let her go?” I asked. I was done playing stupid games I wanted this girl back to her family. I could tell how hurt they were.

“Yes. I cross me Hook over my heart.”

I had made my decision. I would trade my place for Tiger Lily's it was the right thing to do. I know that I would never forget that Hook  just abandoned me but may be it wasn't his choice. Possibly there is some good in him regardless of all the ruthless things he has done.

I knew that I was doing the right thing it didn't matter anyways I wouldn't be here longer than a week. 

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