Prince Of Blood {Completed}

By SaraTeki22

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You could know someone your entire life and think you know everythig about them.But then one day you realize... More

Don't Trust Me
Here Comes Goodbye
Welcome To The World
Show Me What I'm Looking For
You Found Me
For A Pessimist , I'm Pretty Optimistic
Everybody's Fool
Bleed Like Me
I Hate Everything About You
My First Kiss
Another You
Drop Of Jupiter
*Author's Note*
Hunting For Witches
Sweet Little Lies
Hot N' Cold
Enter Sandman
I Can't Do It Alone
Blow Me Away
Bleed It Out
I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby
The Good Life
Girl's Night Out
Dirty Little Secret
Running Away
Get Out Alive
Awake And Alive
My new blog

No More

4.7K 264 11
By SaraTeki22

Instagram: @SaraTekirian
YouTube : Sara Tekirian
I vote and follow back ❤️


This is an extremly LONG chapter, be warned. Anyway, back to Becca's POV. Hope u enjoyed Austin's POV, I might do it again sometime. . .Bcuz this story is far from over. Even after they escape. . .the drama will just keep coming, lol. Anyway, enjoy, review watever. And, oh yea, look up any words u don't no. :)


When I woke up I temporarily forgot where I was.
All I could see was the pillow my face was buried in.

For a moment, I thought I was back home.
And the recent events had been some kind of cold-medicine induced dream.

I was worried about the math test that I hadn't studdied for.
And I wondered if my mom had washed my 'Skillet' t-shirt.

I thought about stopping by to watch Austin's football practice after school, Kate and I did that a lot.
After a few minutes I decided to get up, worried that Ken and Jake would drive me crazy if I didn't get to Kate's before they woke up.

But when I rolled over, I wasn't in my room.

I was in the white, and slightly destroyed prison of a master bedroom.
Austin was sitting on the white leather sofa, watching t.v.

"And the princess has awoken" he teased "Release the doves."
"Cute" I muttered.

"I know, I know" he said, smirking.
I threw my legs off the side of the bed, and my head spun a little.

I walked, slightly unsteady, towards Austin.
I plopped down on the couch next to him, and cuddled up to his side.

He nonchantly wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I smiled to myself.
We hadn't kissed since the first time, but we were getting more comfortable with each other.

And I was pretty much in heaven.

"So, will we be escaping today" I asked.
"Hopefully, if things work out the way I planned . . . then Fama should show up a little after Aurora shows up to feed. The cat fight will begin, and we can use the distraction to bust everyone out. And then it's freedom, baby."

As promising as that seemed, I was still annoyed by one factor
. "Am I gonna have to sit through another one of your feeding sessions with Aurora" I asked grimly.

"You'll have to sit through it?" he asked in disbelief "Don't you mean, I have to sit through another session? And, yes, I do have to go through another feeding session. Hopefully, the last. Two bites are gonna be enough of hassle to hide.I don't have the luxury of hiding the bite mark behind long hair. So, back at school I'll have to find a way to hide it or something. . ."

"A hickey?" I suggested.
"From a chick with seriously sharp teeth" he muttered.

I laughed "You never tried to hide a hickey before"
"Yea. . .but that's because their actually hickeys. . . not bite marks from a physco bitch"

I shrugged "Same thing"
He laughed "Not all of my girlfriends have been physcos"

"No, but I think Aurora counts the same as 50 physco girls" I countered.
"Aurora and I are not dating, nor have we ever" he tolld me firmly.

"Thats not what she says. . ." I trailed off mischievously.
"She doesn't think I'm her boyfriend. She thinks I'm her boy toy. . .there's a difference"

"It's so strange to see you in a relationship where someone else is calling the shots" I mused.
"It's not a relationship, though" he countered "It's more like slavery"

"Well. . .hopefully we'll make our exodus today and you can stop being Aurora's boy toy and start being mine" I teased suggestively.
"Fine by me" he purred.

He leaned in closer to me, about to kiss me again.
I closed my eyes, awaiting his soft lips to find mine.

But they didn't.

I opened my eyes.
He was sitting there, looking very frustrated.

"Son of a bitch" he muttered.
"What is it?" I asked.

"Feeding time" he announced glumly.
"Oh joy" I said bitterly sarcastic.

"Just stay put" he said, getting up.
He walked to the center of the room.

He held his ground and held his head up high. He looked confident and self-assured.
Even though he was about to he used as a snack/sex toy.

I vowed to get Aurora back for putting Austin through that pain and humiliation.
But vendettas, would have to wait.

Because I could hear Aurora outside talking to some guards

"No, go wait down the hallway" she said.
"But, princess, what if he acts out" a guard said "Who will protect you?"

"He'll be good" Aurora promised "He was very well-behaved yesterday."
They talked about him like he was a dog or something. I wanted to punch something, but I settled for digging my nails into the couch.

"As you wish princess" a guard said, I could hear footsteps leaving.
Austin smiled triumphly, but quickly smothered the smirk.

The door opened and Aurora swept in.
She wore a gold gown and her eyes were a mix of pink and red.

"Good afternoon Austin" she said, grinning maliciously.
"Morning princess" he grumbled.

"So, baby, you ready?" she asked.
"Yea" he muttered grudgingly, tugging his shirt collar to expose the base of his neck "Lets get this over with."

"You don't sound very excited" she noted.
"Just because I'm your blood donor doesn't mean I'm going to jump at the chance to satisfy your every need" he snapped.

"Oh feisty" she said "You ever tried being obedient? It might work for you."
"No chance, now can you just get with the humiliation?"

"With pleasure" she said, grinning, revealing her fangs.
She leaned in, and pressed her lips against the side of his neck, the side without a bite mark.

"Now, be as good as yesterday and this will be nice and quick" she murmured before sinking her fangs in.
He flinched when she bit him, but didn't freak out like I did.

I stayed quiet though, not wanting to ruin the escape plan.
But it was a difficult task.

Especially when Austin looked like he was being tortured.

He didn't whimper or fidget as much as yesterday.
But be shifted uncomfortably sometimes. And a few times a whine escaped his clenched teeth.

I wanted to scream and yell, and kick that filthy bitch's teeth in.
Austin was probably feeling the same, but he kept a nice poker face.

After what seemed like an eternity, she pulled away and I assumed she was done with him.
Their were two more fang marks on his neck now, and blood was trickling out of them.

Aurora leaned in again though.
But didn't bite him.

Instead she placed a kiss smack on his mouth.

I had a major meltdown.
I cursed her out in my head "You filthy, rotten, no good, cheap, fucked up, bitchy little whore!"

Then I cursed her out, out loud.
"You filthy, rotten, no good, cheap, fucked up, bitchy little whore!"

She didn't react though.
She was so caught up in kissing him that I doubt she even heard me.

Austin didn't react, either.
To my profanities, or Aurora's kiss.

He didn't kiss her back, and he didn't fight back.
He stood still, stone-faced, as she kissed him.

Finally, she pulled away.
I was breathing in short grasps, trying to remind myself that punching her in the face would only get me killed.

But didn't it make it less appealing.

"See" she said, in a flirtatious chastising manor "Its a lot easier if you don't fight me"
"Mhm" he mumbled.

"Good" she said and then pecked him on the lips "See you tomorrow."
"Deep cleansing breaths" I thought "Deep cleansing breaths"

Aurora turned to leave, and Fama walked in, alone.
They were facing each other, head on, looks of disbelief clear on their faces.

Austin bit on his lip to hold back his smirk.
I did the same.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you here" Aurora spat.
"Nor am I" Fama said, holding her head up regally "I assumed you'd be here. Consulting with your blood donor over your conspiracy to displace me"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Aurora demanded.
"Don't disgrace my intellect with your fabrication, Aurora" Fama said, putting her hands on her hips.

"What are you talking about?" Aurora shouted, exsapaerated.
"Don't feign to be impecable, Aurora" Fama said with disgust, gesturing to Austin "Your little plaything over their sold you down the river"

"If by that you mean, he sold you down the river, then yes, I know" Aurora said "He told me all about your plans to come here"
"Plans?" she said, suprised "Their were no such things"

"Save it for someone who believes it, you lieing tramp" Aurora hissed "We had a deal. You get the throne, I get Austin. And you tried to con me out of it"
"What is this blasphemy your speaking of!?" Fama demanded "I am highly aware of our negotiation, it is you who is unclear of its circumstances"

"I understand perfectly" Aurora growled ". . .that you have no respect for what belongs to others"
"I could easily make that assumption about you" Fama snarled "And I have never harmed one of your belongings before. . .until now"

Then, with a malicious smirk, Fama strode around the dumbstruck Aurora.
She glided towards Austin, who stood paralyzed by confusion.

She placed her hands on Austin's shoulders firmly.
His eyes widened, as he began to comprehend.

"My apologies, Austeralgo" she said pleasantly.
She pressed her lips to the middle-left of his throat.

And bit him.

I screamed "You little bitch!"
Aurora seemed in agreement and shouting "You backstabbing whore!"

Austin seemed to be in complete shock, but still had the will to fight back.
He pushed her away.

He winced when her fangs were ripped from his throat.
Fama stumbled back, but caught herself quickly.

Blood was trickling from the bite.
He now had another mark to add to his collection.

"See?" Aurora said smugly "He's faithful to me. He doesn't want you"
"Nor do the populace of Arthasnia want you as their monarch" Fama said pleasantly, wiping the blood off her lips.

"Oh thats it bitch" Aurora said, and punched Fama in the face.
I didn't think that little pampered princess could throw a punch, but damn was it cool.

Fama stumbled back, and caught herself.
"Why you little blasphemous nymphomaniac" Fama growled and lunged at Aurora.

She slammed Aurora into the wall, and punched her in the face.
Aurora kicked her in the stomach though, and she fell.

It had to be the coolest cat fight ever.

They were beating the crap out of each other!
But, I never got to see who won.

Austin grabbed me by the arm.
"C'mon" he whispered "Now's are chance"

I nodded, and we both slipped out the door into the empty hallway"
None of the sisters noticed us as they brawled.

"We did it!" I whispered excitedly.
"That was the easy part" he whispered back "Now here comes the challenge"

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