Ninjago - One-shots and short...

By MasterofCupcakes

241K 4.8K 5.5K

A collection of Ninjago one-shots and short stories (2-4 chapters). Canon characters and ships only. No x OC... More

Scars // platonic Jay x Cole
In His Head // Zane and P.I.X.A.L.
At Your Most Beautiful // Jay x Nya
Perfect Match // Jay x Nya
His Final Wish
Movie Night / Part 1 // Jay x Nya
Cliff's Closet (Movie Night / Part 2)
Camping Trip // Jay x Nya
A/N: Jay's Costumes from 'Movie Night'
Never Again // Jay x Nya
Day of the Dareth
Meeting the Parents (times two) // Jay x Nya
Weekend for Four (Part 1) // Jay x Nya and Kai x Skylor (*)
A Ghost of a Chance // Jay x Cole
How I met your Mother // Nya
Weekend for Four / Part 2 (*)
Old enemies, new friends // Kai x Skylor
Weekend for Four / Part 3 (*)
Weekend for Four / Part 4 (*)
The Proposal // Jay x Nya (*)
Apologies // Jay x Nya (*)
The Morning before the Wedding // Jay x Nya (*)
First Love // Kai x Skylor (AU)
To Have and To Hold // Jay x Nya (*)
Something Blue (Part 1) // Jay x Nya (*)
Something Blue (Part 2) (*)
Something Blue (Part 3) (*)
Something Blue (Part 4) (*)
Something Blue - Deleted Scene (*)
Changes // Kai x Skylor (*)
Breaking the News // Jay x Nya (*)
Here With Me // Jay x Nya
Breaking the News / Part 2 (*)
Ninjago TNG - Sneak Peek
Together again
Zapped // Jay x Nya (*)
Big Brother, Little Sister // Ray, Maya, Kai & Nya
Cupid's Helpers (Part 1) // Kai x Skylor and Jay x Nya
Cupid's Helpers (Part 2)
The Blue Suitcase // Jay x Nya
The Blue Suitcase (Part 2)
Sick Day // Jay x Nya
Cupid's Helpers (Part 3)
Cupid's Helpers (Part 4)
Sick Day (Part 2)
Bedtime Story
Happy St Patrick's Day ☘️
The Ones That Got Away
Switched (Part 2)
Switched (Part 3)
Lightning and Thunderblade (Part 1) // Jay x Nya
Lightning and Thunderblade (Part 2)
Lightning and Thunderblade (Part 3)
Day of the Returned (Part 1)
Four Hearts and Two Crowns (AU) // Jay x Nya and Cole x Seliel
An Acquired Taste // Jay x Nya
Sick Day (Part 3)
Without You // Jay x Nya
Like Family // Together Again (Part 2)
Together Again (Part 3)
A Quiet Echo // Harumi and Mr E
Together again (Part 4)
Meeting Abby // TNG
Exciting News // TNG
Out of Time // Sneak Peak
Kai's Birthday (Part 1)
Family Reunion // TNG
Festivi-Teas (A/N) - Updated!
Tutoring (Part 1) // Jay x Nya (AU)
My Phoenix // Jay x Nya (TNG)
Chuck's Return // Wu's Teas
My Mistake // Nya & Kai
Yin & Yang // Jay x Nya
Valentine's Misunderstandings // Jay x Nya (Movie)
After The End
The Best Worst Holiday // Jaya (AU)
Traditional // Zane x PIXAL
Run (Nya x Jay)
Five Times // Jaya (show)
A New Journey // Jaya (AU)
Forest of the Fairies // PIXane (AU)
Of Mochas and Markers // Jaya (AU)
A Royal Encounter // Jaya (AU)
Would you like to exit Prime Empire?
Flump Sho(r)ts / Part I
Of Chocolate Cake and Second Chances // Jaya (AU)
Flump Sho(r)ts // Part II
Day of the Departed // Jaya
Dareth's Dating Disaster // Kailor (AU)
Long Way Down (Part 1) // Jaya (AU)
Long Way Down (Part 2) // Jaya (AU)
Long Way Down (Part 3) // Jaya (AU)
Secret Santa // Jaya
Once Bitten, Twice Shy, And Three Times is The Charm
Céad Míle Fáilte // Jaya (AU)

Switched (Part 1) // Jay x Nya and Kai x Skylor

2.6K 50 56
By MasterofCupcakes

Thank you all so much for the amazing suggestions for my Jaya anniversary one shot!

I couldn't really decide which one to use so I'm just gonna write a couple of them 😉. Most of the Jaya stories I've recently written were either AU or future fics, so it will be fun to write some one shots for the canon timeline now!

This story was a suggestion from AlexTodorova17 : Kai and Nya switch bodies just before their dates with Skylor and Jay, respectively.

The story is set right after Hands of Time and will have two or three parts.

The first part contains some awkwardness (unavoidable when Nya and Kai discover what has happened and then have to get each other ready for their dates) but the next part(s) should be funnier and fluffier!

And in case things get confusing, the POV is always the person controlling the body, i.e. 'Nya' is her mind in Kai's body. When referring to the 'host', it either says something like 'Nya's body' or the name written in italics.

[Apparently, there is already an unfinished story on this site with the same theme. I couldn't find it (please let me know if you have the title or maybe the link) and I have not read it, so any similarities (apart from the overall idea, obviously) would be coincidental!]


Switched (Part 1)

"Bye mum. Bye dad." Nya turned around and waved back to her parents - for the fifteenth time since the Smith siblings had left the Four Weapons shop on their fusion dragon.

"Nya, we're almost at the temple." Kai told his sister. "I really don't think our parents can still see you."

"I know. I just miss them already." Nya sighed. "We've been without them for so long, and we have so much to catch up on."

"And we will." Her brother reassured her. "And to be honest, I can't wait for the next time we'll get home – and mum and dad will be there."

After the defeat of the Time Twins, Maya and Ray had spent a few days with their children at the Temple of Airjitzu before moving back to Ignacia today. All the Ninja as well as some friends had helped the blacksmith couple settle back into the family's old home. And whereas their teammates had earlier returned to the floating temple, the Masters of Water and Fire had stayed over for dinner and were only flying home now.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Nya wanted to know. Master Lloyd had given his team a day off.

"I'm gonna see Skylor." Kai told her. "I've briefly spoken to her on the phone, but I still want to tell her everything that's happened in person."

"Ooh, my brother has a date." Nya teased him.

"No, we're just friends..." Kai protested.

"C'mon, you still like her." She insisted. "You are usually so cool and confident, but even just mentioning her gets you all flustered."

"I do." He admitted. "I really do."

"And she obviously cares about you as well. So, why don't you just go for it?"

"Alright, I will." Kai said. "Everything to make my little sis happy." Truth be told, he had secretly planned already to do it anyway, but would never admit that of course. "So, what have you planned for tomorrow?"

"Jay is taking me on a surprise date." Nya informed him. "We haven't spent much time together these past few days, so it will be nice to have the whole day just to ourselves."

It was late when the siblings finally arrived back at the floating island, and their teammates were already fast asleep. So, after dispelling their dragon, Kai and Nya said goodnight and went to their respective rooms. Having spent the whole day cleaning and moving things, Nya took a quick shower before she went to her bed where she found a single red rose on her nightstand, with a message. Sweet dreams, Nya. Can't wait for tomorrow. Love, Jay

Love you too xx. The Water Ninja sent a message to her boyfriend, even though he would probably not see it until the next day. With a happy smile on her face, she closed her eyes and immediately fell asleep.


When Nya woke up the next morning, something felt rather strange about her bed. And when she opened her eyes, something looked very strange about her room.

It took her a moment to realise that she had woken up in her brother's room. Had the guys played some kind of stupid prank on her?

The Water Ninja tiredly ran her hand through her spiky hair – wait, spiky hair? Well, her hair had been still wet when she had fallen asleep, so she'd better check...

Nya jumped out Kai's bed and walked into Kai's en-suite bathroom to check her reflection – only to find that it was not her reflection in the mirror but Kai's.

"What the ..."

At that moment, someone vigorously knocked on the door. "Kai?" Nya could her her own voice shout from the other side, followed by a quieter: "Sis?"

Nya opened the door and quickly pulled her body inside the room. She looked around to make sure no one else was nearby before closing the door behind them.

"Kai?" She asked back. "Is that you?"

Kai-in-Nya's-body nodded. "What happened?"

Nya-in-Kai's-body shrugged. "I have no idea, we must have somehow switched bodies..."

"Do you think it could have had something to do with our fusion dragon?" Her brother suggested.

"I don't know. But Jay and I have fused our dragons several times before, but this has never happened to us."

"I hope it hasn't." Kai glared at her.

"Hehe, I look scary like this." Nya giggled. But then she turned serious again. "It could be related to the Dragon Blade though..."

"Well, in his case, mum and dad might know about this."

"Let's call them." Nya looked around. "Where do you keep your phone?"

"Under the pillow."

Nya raised an eyebrow. "You sleep with your phone under your pillow? That's not very healthy."

"Is that your biggest problem right now?"

"As long as you don't do it while you are in my body..." Nya handed her brother his phone. "Let's hope our parents still remember how to use their new BorgPhone."

It took a while for their parents to answer.

Hello? Maya's voice asked.

"Hey, mum. It's Kai.. uhm... Nya..." Kai replied in Nya's voice.

"Hi mum." Nya added.

Oh, children. So nice of you to call us. Ray, it's Kai and Nya on the phone.

"Mum, can you put dad on speaker? We need to talk to both of you."

How do I do that?

You need to tap the speaker icon on the screen, my angel. Ray's voice could be heard in the background.

Ah, here. Is everything alright? Maya asked worriedly.

"Not exactly." Kai's voice told them. "This is Nya."

"And I am Kai." Nya's voice continued. "We have somehow switched our bodies."

Oh, honey. We completely forgot to tell them about that side effect... Maya was talking to her husband.

"Side effect?" Kai and Nya exchanged glances.

When you went home last night, did you make your fusion dragon? Their mother asked.

"We did." Kai confirmed.

You see, when you dispel your elemental fusion dragon, you need to catch your own side of the Dragon Blade. Ray explained. Last night, Kai must have touched the blue side and Nya the red one. So, your elemental powers returned to the wrong body, and your minds have followed over night.

Nya's body snipped her fingers, and a small flame appeared. "Yes, I still have my own powers." Kai confirmed. "FIYAAA."

Nya's mind was less impressed. "So, it has happened to you as well?"

Yes, it was quite a memorable experience. Ray stated.

"And what did you do?" Nya wanted to know.

Maya giggled. Oh, we had quite some fun...

"Too much information, mum." Kai exclaimed in his sister's voice.

"No, I mean how did you manage to change back?" Nya asked.

Nothing. Your elements want to return to their real master, so it should wear off in a day or two.

"A day or two?" Kai yelled.

I'm afraid so, Ny- I meanKai.

"Alright, thanks mum and dad." Nya sighed. "Love you."

Love you too, children.

Kai pressed the button. "What are we gonna do for 'a day or two'?" He sighed. "Shall we just hide in here?"

"No, I've promised Jay that we would spend today together." Nya shook her – well, his – head. "He took it really hard when we went after Krux and Acronix, and then we were so busy helping mum and dad, I just can't cancel on him."

"But you can't go on a date with him in my body either." Kai claimed. "And what am I going to do about Skylor?"

"Well, the only solution I can think of is that I'll go see Skylor and you go on that date with Jay." Nya said.


"C'mon. Remember what you said last night: "Everything to make your little sis happy."

"Great, now my sister in my body is using my words against me." Kai complained. "But... I can't think of anything else either."

"We better get ready then for our dates." Nya lifted Kai's arm and sniffed. "I smell... okay."

"Hey, I took a shower last night."

"Good, me too."

"Phew." Kai sighed in relief.

"But we still need to get dressed." His sister remarked. "You can't go like this. And neither can I." The female body was still dressed in her thin silver silk nightgown. And the male one was only wearing a pair of red shorts.

"Alright, let's get you... me... whatever dressed first." Nya stated. The raven-haired female walked over to the drawer chest. From the huge mess inside, Kai produced a pair of boxers and a red t-shirt as well as a pair of navy jeans.

Nya closed Kai's eyes. She dropped the pyjama shorts and put on the pair of boxers.

"Hey, these are comfortable." She remarked, opening her eyes. "I'm totally gonna keep them."

"No way."

"Fine, I'm just gonna ask J-..."

"Don't finish that sentence." Nya flinched at the sharp tone in her own voice. So, this was what she sounded like when she was telling the guys off?

Once Kai was dressed, the Master of Fire (in the Water Ninja's body) carefully styled his hair.

"Dang, I look good." Kai smirked.

"Yeah, not too bad." Nya stated. "Your turn now."

As the siblings walked towards the female master's quarters, a cheerful voice called out from behind them.


"Jay." Nya smiled at her boyfriend, but of course, Jay only had eyes for her brother.

"Good morning, my love." He pecked Nya's cheek. "I am looking forward to our date."

Nya nudged her body with Kai's elbow.

"Oh, yeah. Me too." Kai said, less than excited. "Can't wait. Just... uhm... need to get dressed, okay?"

"Great, I'll wait for you downstairs." Jay beamed at him.

As soon as they were in Nya's room, Kai headed to the bathroom.

"Ugh, I can't do this." He claimed, scrubbing Nya's cheek. "What if he tries to kiss me? I mean properly, like... you know..." He couldn't even say it.

"Don't worry. In public, we usually prefer cuddling."

"You're not making this any better..." Kai mumbled.

Ignoring his complaints, Nya turned to her wardrobe. She had wanted to wear a knee length sapphire blue summer dress for her date, so Kai would now have to pull it off for her.

She placed the dress and some underwear on her bed.

"Get changed." She told him. "I'll help you."

"In front of you?" Kai asked.

"I've just changed in front of you. And this is my body, I've seen it naked before."

Kai applied the same strategy as his sister. He closed Nya's eyes before taking off her nightgown and panties and then blindly put on the fresh undergarments.

Nya helped her brother close the clip of her bra. "It takes a bit of practice. Same with the unclipping, by the way." She told him, but Kai was not paying attention to her teasing.

His – or rather Nya's - eyes wide open in shock, he looked at the dress, which had a very low neckline.

"I'm not gonna wear this." He claimed. "Guys are gonna stare at me."

"Welcome to my world." Nya stated sarcastically. "Now you can experience what it's like to be the girl Ninja..."

Speaking of being a girl...

"It's not ... that time of the month, right?" Kai asked carefully.

"No, you're lucky." Nya laughed. "Not for another week. So, you better hope mum and dad were right with their prediction that this here shouldn't last more than a day or two..."

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