Time and Again

By FrostCount13

165K 4K 945

Kakashi Hatake, the Rokudaime Hokage closes his eyes as his life fades.... WAIT WHAT HAPPENED!!! Then next th... More

Waking Up
Kakashi's Bingo Book Page
Explantions: Part 2
Unexpected Mission
The C-Rank Curse of Team 7
Obito's Bingo Book Page
The Day Off
Meeting the Others
Rin's Determination
Rin's Training ~ Pt.1
Rin's Training - Pt.2
Pre-Exams Hype
Story Summary


16.1K 362 217
By FrostCount13


As Minato dragged Kakashi to the Hokage's office, Kakashi was thinking of a plan as to what to tell the Hokage.

Kakashi's POV

Hmmm, I should probably tell the Sandaime that I'm from the future. Although I shouldn't tell him too much or else he might go and change some vital pieces of the future. It would become too unpredictable.

Suddenly I was jolted out of my musings when Minato-sensei grabbed my arm and pulled me into the office.

"So what brings you two here, Minato? Kakashi?" asked Sarutobi

"Hokage-sama, Kakashi here has been acting strange and says that he needs to talk to you" said Minato-sensei

"Oh really. Well then Kakashi, what is it?" Suddenly, all eyes in the room were on me and however it may seem, I do not like attention on me whatsoever. So I asked the Hokage if I could speak to him privately.

"Alright Kakashi. Everyone out!" barked the Hokage. Minato-sensei's face morphed into a half shocked half amazed expression and then walked out. I think he knows better than to question the Hokage's decisions. There will definitely be questions later on though.

Sarutobi's POV

When young Kakashi asked to talk in private, I was a little shocked to say the least. Minato was right, he was acting a bit strangely. He isn't giving off an aloof aura. Instead, his aura was rather lazy and laid back. I don't think he's the Kakashi we know and he may be dangerous but I nees to find out why. So I ordered everybody, including the ANBU, out.



"This may seem unbelievable but at least hear me out" Now this is getting interesting...

"I'll try my best Kakashi so what is it?"

"Well, I'm from the future" Wait, what? Is that even possible? I motioned for him to go on. I did promise to hear him out after all.

"I was sent back to the past after I died in the future. I was fighting together with my wi-er...student and I used the last of my chakra to seal the invaders away though I don't know if only me and one other were left. There is a very small chance that there are survivors but Konoha was overrun and destroyed." he explained.

WHAT! Konoha was overrun and destroyed??! How? And there was also that slip where Kakashi nearly said something else instead of student. I need proof that he is telling the truth or he may be a danger to the village.

"So how do we know that you are telling the truth?" I inquire

"Easy" he said. Huh? Just what is he up to?

He then started explaining the exact details of chuunin exam he went through. Nobody else could've known that except for the examiners, me, and Kakashi himself. I suppose that he is telling the truth after all.

Kakashi's POV

After I proved that I wasn't lying, the Hokage's eyes suddenly had a mischievous spark and asked "Can you henge into your older form for me, I am quite curious as to how you turn out" I sweatdropped at his words but did it anyway.

My older form was 6 ft. and 4 in. tall and I was wearing my black armor and jounin vest with my leaf hitai-ate over my left eye. I also have metal plated, finger-less gloves and metal tipped combat boots. I decided to not reveal the fact that I was the Sixth Hokage and keep it as a surprise.

After the smoke cleared from my jutsu, Sarutobi looked at me and said "I feel truly sorry for you. You must've been chased down by fangirls quite often". I shuddered at the image. Ugggghhhh fangirls are horrifying. Those she-devils from Hell are PURE EVIL I tell you. Anyways, apparently my face must've been funny because now Lord Sandaime is sitting at his desk and snickering at my misfortune. I don't know how it's possible since I'm only showing one eye but I guess Lord Sandaime has a thing for reading people.

After discussing a few things, I walked to the training ground (I dispelled the henge earlier). I saw Obito and Rin still there with Minato-sensei. When I saw Rin and Obito together, there was a pang in my heart. It feels as if there's something missing and my instinct is telling me to go find it... OF COURSE!!! HOW IN THE SEVEN LAYERS OF HELL DID I FORGET MY MATE!!!!! Naruto... She's gone... And I probrably won't get to meet her until she's born.....

~~Flashback no Jutsu~~

I was at the graveyard paying my respects to my father and mother when a bright blob of sunshine came.

"Naru! What are you doing here?" I asked

"Looking for you, 'Kashi" she said with a soft smile on her face.

An idea came to my head and I grabbed Naru's hand.

"Naru, you're my mate so I want you to meet my parents. I'm sure that they would want to meet you" I told her.

"R-really? I WOULD LOVE TOO!" she exclaimed. She turned to their graves and introduced herself.

"Hello. My name is Naruto Uzumaki Hatake. It's nice to meet you two. I like ramen and my friends and family and I love a certain silver wolf. I dislike traitors, mean people, and those who use others for their own good. My dream is to protect my precious people by becoming the strongest ninja ever! I'm also gonna make sure that 'Kashi-chan won't ever feel lonely and I shall take care of him to the best of my ability! I love him very much and I will watch over him in your stead. I love Kakashi and forever will!!!"

When she realized what she yelled out, she flushed bright red. She looked so adorable that even I began to blush under my mask.

A few minutes of awkward silence later, Naru began snickering and then full out laughed. Her laughter and happiness is so contagious that even I caught it even though I'm wearing a mask. After a few minutes of laughing, we got up and left the graveyard with smiles on our faces and hands entangled together.

Flashback End


Before he knew it, tears were running down Kakashi's masked face. That memory was one of the many he shared with his dear Naru-chan. Without any warning he bolted to his apartment and cried his heart out while remembering his mate. He soon fell asleep from the emotional exhaustion. Though right before he headed off to dreamland, his last thought was...

I will wait for you Naru, no matter how long. You better not keep me waiting too long you knuckle-headed blob of sunshine!

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