Once Upon An Us (Completed)

By skittle-sticks

44.2K 4.1K 593

Paige Knight has had a crush on her neighbour since she could remember, stealing peaks at him through the win... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two

chapter seven

1.4K 176 14
By skittle-sticks

The next day throughout class I had been silent and solemn, lost in my own deep thoughts, Brandon hadn't made his presence known and I had been trying my best not to meet Casper's gaze, watching as he announced Riley as his new lab assistant for all the science courses, it took a while but I finally realized what he had to ask me last night and realizing the mega opportunity I had lost didn't make me feel any better.

For the first time in a while I couldn't wait for school to end, I wanted to run home and soak my pillow with tears. I wanted to run to Brandon's home and punch my anger away, but none of my options were working out and as I strolled past the lobby and through Mr Alexandra's class something couldn't help but catch my attention.

I watched silently as the plant botany teacher threatened a familiar face, she had been in all my classes since I could remember but her name couldn't ring a bell — only those terrified blue eyes filled with enormous sadness seemed familiar, a sadness that I had been too blind to notice.

“One more failure and that's it!” Mr Alexandra warned, his face as straight as ever and his expression so plain and emotionless. He had always been like that, the man with a plain expression and little words to say, he never said much apart from when lecturing but when he did, he meant every word.

The girl remained silent, never uttering a word of plead, she just stood there, silent — but even if she couldn't let the words out it was obvious she was broken. She hid her expression behind the fringe of her long brunette hair, her small statue reminded me of the little sister I always wanted. And as she approached to take her leave I laid on the wall hoping to remain unnoticed and luckily I was, but as she strolled silently to an unknown destination an inner voice begged me to follow... Never let a broken soul lay alone, the words echoed in my head and a stream of memories came flooding back but as quickly as it came I tried to block all the negative energy that came with it.

Hurrying down the lobby I followed her trail until I found myself in the girls room, by the time I got in she had already locked herself in one of the rooms, I could hear soft sobs — sobs that pierced me deep. I wanted to knock but I found myself unsure of the right step to take, anything could go wrong! Any slight mistake could ruin it all! I didn't want to make the same mistakes, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did.

“Hello” I finally knocked softly. “Are you in there? “ I asked with a worried tune.
I waited patiently for a response but all I got was silence.
“Hello” I knocked again and this time I got a response.
“Go away” she answered coldly and then the sobs began, this time harder than the first.
“Please let me in... I can help” my voice trailed.

“I don't need any help! “She screamed, I could sense the frustration in her tune and more than ever I wanted to get to her, I had blinded myself with a desire for Casper, blocking every other aspect around me, forgetting that this wasn't the happy world I eluded myself in, this was reality and I had to face it.

Soon an alarming silence took over the room and I couldn't hold back the panic within, instantly I began pushing the door with my arm, ignoring the pain flowing through my spine — I felt desperate and helpless... Not another one! I cried and pushed one last time, this time the door flew open and it was then I realized the thick blood that had already begun to flow down the room and then my eyes drifted to the girl laying unconscious on the floor, pale, lifeless, with a dagger on the floor and a slit wrist.

I had no idea where the energy came from but at that moment I screamed my loudest scream, one even louder than my last, memories still clear in my head and for a moment everything seemed spinning around me, the pounding heartache began to devour me and as I watched foots rush into the room everything went black.

It took a while for me to regain consciousness but when I did, It was in a hospital bed and with the depressing stench of drugs, even with my head feeling sore Ella was the first thing that my eyes desperately searched for, I could still hear the screams of her name at the background before my final blackout.

“I see you've awoken” a friendly looking nurse approached me, her brunette hair packed in a bun maybe it made work easier for her that way, she was slim and little just like Ella.

I nodded softly trying to find my voice to speak.

“There was a girl... A girl.... I found it suddenly difficult to speak.

“Calm down” the nurse instructed. “You mean to ask for the girl you were rushed in with?”

She stared at me attentively and I replied with a nod.
“You can calm down, luckily they brought her in on time, and she hadn't lost much blood yet, the doctors were able to stabilize her and now she's currently in bed in another ward”

“Can you take me to her? “ I requested politely.

“Not now, you need to rest”

“I'm very alright nurse, you don't need to worry about me, please just take me to her... I beg you”

After a moment of consideration, putting my request and health in mind she decided not to turn me down and gently she helped me to my feet and together we walked for Ella's ward. It was a busy hospital, lots of workers running back and forth, the sight of white coats everywhere was inevitable.

We finally arrived at the ward and with a deep breath I walked in, the nice nurse had to attend to other patients, so she had to run along, I was really grateful for her assistance and hoped to bump into her a few more times before I left.

Ella was awake, tucked in bed, her head facing the left window and her thoughts lost at sea. She remained unaware as I walked into the room until I took a sit at her right and called to her.
She glanced at me and immediately turned away.

“You saved me” she spoke, her voice sounded sadder than I expected.

At her words a smile almost crept on my face but it died down immediately she uttered the rest of her comment.

“You shouldn't have” she sighed.

“And you didn't need to die”

“How do you know? Life already gave up on me so why shouldn't I on it?” she spoke softly but it pierced even deeper than someone who was screaming in pain.
I had no idea what got into my head but I reached for her icy cold hands and held it, drawing her attention completely on me.

“Life never gives up on us... Difficult moments, yes. But never, not once does it mean we need to end it, trust me I learned that the hard way” I smiled faintly hoping it would brighten her mood and with her faint but warm smile in return I could tell it did.

“Thank you, no one has ever genuinely showed concern for me”
A million butterflies exploded within me.... It felt nice, doing something good and not wasting my hours gawking at Casper and fighting with Brandon.

A moment of silence, Ella spoke. “You know I never expected this from you... To be this caring”

“Really” I chuckled. “I look that horrible? “ I asked looking hurt.

“No! Not that, but you always seem to be lost in your own world too lost and unaware of the surrounding things”
That was exactly me... Nothing more, nothing less but I didn't realize it had become so obvious, in a life span of two years I had entrapped my mind and world with only one thing and am sure you know what it is.

“Guilty as charged” I smiled.

“So tell me miss Ella what's running through your silent mind?”

Her blue eyes pierced into me “Things Paige... Things” she trailed off.

“I'll like you to let me in, I want to be the pillar you need, I want to be your reason to live”

I couldn't hold back the words, for the first time in a while I felt a connection, a bond, something I hadn't felt since Kelly left. For the first time I felt like Ella could fill the hole within me... That she could be the redemption I had so desperately pursued.

Ella held my hand tighter, like for a moment she felt scared, too unsure to let me in.

“Why me? “
Even though we had just met she had become one I couldn't lie to.

“I don't want to lie to you, you rupture so many memories in me, you remind me of a mistake I had once made and for the first time in a while I feel I can finally rewrite the stars. So squeeze my hand tight and tell me you'll let me in”

And with a soft grasp she squeezed my hands tight and said it “...I'll let you in”

A/N: pls don't forget to click the cute star and leave your comments below and tell me what you think so far❤

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