Unknown | ✔ | First Version

By Young_Queen1246

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Perhaps things would have turned out differently. Maybe I could have avoided what was to come. Maybe it's a g... More

Author's Note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX

Chapter VI

38 13 25
By Young_Queen1246

Chapter 6

A m a n d a


Throughout these past days, I found myself smiling and laughing more- as if everything were back to what it used to be. He just has this ability to makes me forget about what happened. However, there are times when he asks about certain details of my life, and I worry. Because I know one day I'll forget my own lies and replace them with new ones. Yet there are some things I don't have an answer to, and the only response he gets is silence or a change in topic to which by now he's used to. But overall, those eyes are the most captivating thing about him. The same ones I'm staring into right now. Ones that make me want to explore the storm within them because just like me, he too hides things within his words.

I smile at him and grab ketchup from the counter, and throughout it all, I can still feel his gaze on me. I shake my head, but my smile soon vanishes when I hear her.

 "What's going on between you and Derek?" From the corner of my eyes, I can see Zoe getting closer to me, tilting her head slightly to the side, blocking my view from him and my friends.

"Nothing," I respond, giving her my full attention, "you told me to stay away. That's what I'm doing."

Her eyes narrow slightly and she gets closer, as if to intimidate me. "I sure hope you're telling the truth." I don't back away. Instead, I stand straighter and look straight into her eyes. "I am, but you can believe whatever you want." She backs away and nods. "Good then, I see you're not dumb after all," With that, she turns on her heels and walks to her table where all her friends are watching. I glance down at my fisted hands and loosen my grip on the ketchup packets, surprised that none of them had popped. I'm not going to lie, it took all of my willpower to not snap back at her, but I managed. 

My eyes retreat to Derek. Only to find him standing and glaring at Zoe, and as if sensing me looking, our eyes meet again, his features softening. Are you okay, he mouths. I nod and head back to my table, and judging by the way they too are staring at me and how Brenda seems to be holding Luke, they witnessed what happened.

"What?" I ask while taking a seat.

"What did she say? We saw her talking to you. If that bitch tries something..." I cut Jessica off.

"Nothing to worry about."

I could tell by their expression that they don't believe me but don't press on the topic. Good.

"She just needs a good smack," mutters Brenda.

That she does.

"Why don't we go partying tomorrow night. I know where a few parties are taking place. " exclaims Sarah, most likely easing the tension- which works.

"Yeah why not," says Alexander.

I ignore them and begin to eat. "What do you say, Amanda," asks Luke.

My eyes immediately go to Brenda. Which, to my surprise, nods at me. "I don't-"

"Okay, it's settled were going." 

Then why ask? 

A chuckle rings close to my ear as an arm goes around me. Guess I said that out loud. "Don't worry. It will be fun. Besides, you could use a little break from all this." Damn, he's so right. "And you'll get a chance to dance with me." I let out a laugh. "Of course, Luke, how could I not go now." He lets out another chuckle and gently squeezes my shoulders before letting go. 

"So are you in?" 

I stare at every one of them and nod. "Guess I don't have a choice."


Of course, my friends are forcing me to go. Brenda wants me to go, and since her parents are out of town due to some type of emergency. She's in charge of me, which means wherever she goes, I go. I even invited Eva to come along, but she claimed she had things to do and wouldn't be able to go, so I guess it's just the crew and me.

"You guys don't change," I say on our way to the mall after school.

Brenda laughs. "Believe me. Things have changed. I was surprised the group wanted to go or had come up with the idea. It's been a while since we all went out. Ever since-" she hesitates, "-you got arrested."

"Hey," I gently touch her shoulder. "You guys deserve to have fun. Y'all didn't have to isolate yourselves because of me."

I didn't want them feeling remorseful about me. Yeah, they didn't visit me or anything, but I at least wanted them to continue with their lives. To enjoy what I missed.

"It just didn't feel right without you. Us having fun and you in that place."

I laugh, "So what changed? For all they know, they still think I'm at the asylum."

"Amanda reminds them of Linda. Just with a different face."

"If only they knew it's the same person."

We stay silent until we finally reach the mall, and from here, I spot Sarah and Jessica waiting by their cars, both enthusiastic.

Oh no. What did I get myself into?


This is why I never really liked going shopping. My feet hurt from all the walking. We've been at almost every store, and I've tried on who knows how many outfits. Yet nothing seems to satisfy them, and what makes all this worst is that they already have theirs, and I don't. Explaining that they're trying to help me find the "perfect" one for me. Whatever that means.

"Guys, can't I just go in jeans and a shirt."

They all look at me like I've lost my mind.

Okay, I guess not.

I stand there and watch them go through each dress rack, picking out which one's for me to try on next.

When they finish, I'm automatically shoved into a fitting room, dresses in hand, and start trying on each one. 

After five or so, I'm about to give up when I spot one that catches my attention, a dark red long-sleeved dress with a slit on the side, and its my size. Perfect.

"Hurry up, we want to see!"

I open the door and already their eyes are huge as they squeal, drawing the attention of others who walk by. 

"Oh my gosh" Jessica exclaims as she begins to circle me.

"That ones perfect!" I give Sarah a grateful smile, at least she isn't causing a big scene.

"We found the one. You're gonna drive the guys crazy." Brenda states, and as if on cue, Luke and Alexander appear. Both walking towards us deep in conversation until they notice me. They immediately stop in their tracks and start eyeing me from head to toe.


"It's official, my new favorite color is red." Luke says.

I can't help but blush as I head back into the fitting room and change back into my clothes. When I step out, everyone is still staring. Well mostly Alexander and Luke while the girls keep on giggling and talking about tomorrow night.

"Come on guys, I'm hungry and tired," I complain.

Luke snaps out of his trance first and grins. "If you're tired, I can always carry you." He offers.

I roll my eyes but play along. "I don't think you're strong enough."

I'm about to head out when suddenly I feel my feet lift off the ground, arms around my back and behind my legs. I look up and find Luke smirking down at me while all the rest laugh at my shocked face.

"Okay, you can put me down now. I'm not a baby."

Instead of putting me down, he grins and begins to rock me.

"Aww, are you hungry?" he says in a baby voice, puffing his lips out a bit.

Judging by the way his hold tightens when I try to push his chest away. He's not going to put me down anytime soon, so instead, I wrap my arms around his neck and nod. At least my legs can rest.

Once outside the store, I glance around and notice people staring at me, probably wondering why a grown girl like me is being carried. However, I ignore them and try to focus on the conversation Jessica, Alexander, and Sarah are having about deciding what restaurant to eat at. Over Luke's shoulder, I see Brenda putting her wallet in her purse, the shopping bag resting on her elbow, and when she looks up her eyes widen in surprise.

I gaze back to the front, and that's when I spot him. Looking at me, then eyes narrowing at Luke.


Question of the day: 

Whats your favorite movie? 

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