City Of Stars ~ Sebastian Smy...

By woodywoodburn

264K 5K 1.2K

Mia Douglas was a part of the McKingley Glee Club. She had been through the last two years with the club and... More

The Academy of Snobs
Ask Blaine, Dalton.
Emergency Meeting, Now In Session
Life Ain't Alright in America
I Was Slightly Drunk
i Before e Except After c
Taking a Walk on Christmas Eve
The Man, The Legend, MJ
Because I'm Bad
Eye Patch Featuring Flicks
Annie Are You Okay?
He Doesn't Deserve Juvy
Show Choir Terrorism
Don't Get Sympathetic on Me
Win, Loose or Draw
The Stars Come Out
Here's To Us
Wedding With A Victory
Bath Tub Talks
Prom or Anti Prom, I Ain't Going
The Night Before Nationals
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
2012 National Champions
No Time For Losers
Pinky Promises
You Got The Music In You
We Can All Graduate. Together
Unexpected Turn Of Events
Thank You Mr Schue
The Longer I Run
New York, New Me.
Mia and Sebastian

Stop Calling Me Doll Face

12K 228 117
By woodywoodburn

I walked to the bar in my trainers just, so I didn't have to leave my car here over night and took them off once I reached the door. I placed them in my bag and switched them with heels. Things a girl must do. 

Once I was comfortable with them on I walked in the bar. I had my ID in hand. I gave it to the man who really just looked creepy and looked at me really weird for being at a gay bar but hey ho. He handed me it back and said "Enjoy." I smiled a sweet innocent smile before walking in.

I look around and couldn't see Sebastian, so I sat at the bar and order a lime and soda. I'm not getting drunk tonight. I sip on the drink waiting for Sebastian when I realize something. I'm here, at 7, he's not. I scoffed and screamed inside.

That little dick set me up. I stood up and grabbed my drink before getting stopped by a tall figure. There he was in all his glory. I sat back down, and he said, "Were you just leaving?"

"Yes, I was." He chuckled and sat on the seat next to me.

"Well why?"

"Because I thought you had set me up." He shook his head and said, "I'd never leave a lady stranded at a gay bar." I chuckled and said sarcastically, "Oh what a gentleman. Well I thought you were going to." Sebastian smiled and ordered himself a cocktail.

"So, where and Blaine and Kurt?" Sebastian shrugged and said, "I think they're coming later." I rolled my eyes and said "Great, I'm stuck here."

"Not really. I mean you have me here." I took another sip of my drink and said, "So I'm stuck here and 'alone then." Sebastian chuckled and then asked, "Let me ask Doll Face."

"Stop calling me doll face."

"Why do you hate me so much because when you came to Dalton it wasn't the same."

I nodded and said, "Yeah it was, just because I let you spin me in Dalton doesn't mean I like you."

"Besides I don't hate you, I just hate the fact, your trying to take Blaine off Kurt and that isn't happening over my dead body Smythe." Sebastian smirked and said, "So if I stay away from Blaine does that mean I get to flirt with you?" I scoffed and took another sip of my drink.

"Yeah sure. Just stay away from Blaine." Sebastian nodded. Finally, something we can agree on. I then ordered a mixed drink. It had Gin with Red Bull in it with two shots of vodka.

Sebastian smelt it and asked, "Why do you drink that?"

I chugged it down my throat before placing the cup on the bar and standing in front of him.

"Because I can. Now come on let's live a little." I ordered some shots on my tab and, so I started. I handed one to Sebastian who smiled. We both shot it down then I went for another and another and another and another before Sebastian stopped me.

"You will be sick." I looked at him dead in the eye and said, "Fuck being hungover." Sebastian smiled and sat back down in his chair.


For the next 30 minutes it consisted of Sebastian and I talking and me ordering Sangria's. Eventually Sebastian had to close my tab. Only he could open it back up. I sighed and stood up, leaving my bag at the stool. I held out my hand and Sebastian chuckled.

"Is this one of these things where you pin me up against the wall again because you don't like me?" I scoffed and said, "Dance with me." Sebastian smiled and took my hand in his and I lead him onto the dance floor. He spun me around before we danced stupidly to the music.

I'm sure I saw a smile from Sebastian but not one of them I want to fuck you smiles, a genuine smile of happiness. I bopped my head to the music as Sebastian rolled his arms in circles. I laughed at him as he laughed at me. I watched as he danced like a fool before walking away from him.

I went next to a table and looked at the people around.

"Boys?" I asked. The two beside me held out their hands as I stepped on the table to dance. I whooped and cheered along with the music. Sebastian just crossed his arms and smiled at me. He came over to me and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Living a little." I said before spinning on the table. I danced like a stupid person before slipping off. Luckily Sebastian was there, and he caught me. I smiled at him and he said, "Still falling for me Doll Face?"

I laughed and stood up properly.

"And here I thought you were going to say something nice." Sebastian chuckled and then I said, "I have to go to the bathroom." Sebastian smiled and nodded. I grabbed my bag from the bar and went into the toilets. I felt normal and I looked normal. I breathed out to stop any sort of panic attack and walked back out with my bag.

I looked to see Blaine and Kurt had walked in and Sebastian was giving them drinks. I walked in the middle of them very giddy.

"Hey Guys." They both chuckled and Blaine asked, "Hey Mia, what's wrong with you."

"Nothing. Don't worry besides Sebastian closed my tab, he's no fun." I frowned at Sebastian and he looked at Blaine.

"She would've gone completely mad." Sebastian defended, and I walked over to him. I wrapped one of my arms around his shoulder and whispered, "Let me have on more and I will stop bothering you." Sebastian chuckled and looked at me.

"I don't want you to stop bothering me." I pushed his face and sat down not happy. A drink was placed in front of me. I looked to see Sebastian smiling.

"Because we can't have you sad Doll Face." I nodded and drank the cocktail he had gotten me whilst him and Blaine danced.


I drank the cocktail slowly whilst I watched Blaine and Sebastian dance and Kurt talked to Dave Karofsky, an ex pupil and an ex friend. We knew each other but when he was popular and I was in my first year of Glee club I never spoke to him again and then he transferred schools.

I then watched sassy Kurt full on walk up to the pair and come in front of Sebastian, so he was dancing with his boyfriend. I burst out laughing.

That's the Kurt I know and love.

I watched as Sebastian was shocked and Kurt twirled Blaine. Honestly, I love them two together.

Sebastian came over and I grabbed my bag.

"Where are you going?" I smiled at him and said, "I need fresh air, come with me." I held out my hand and Sebastian took it. He smiled at me as we both walked out of the bar.

I got outside and stood still but Sebastian continued walking. I was taken back but then Sebastian stood still.

"Why did we have to come around the corner?"

"More breeze to cool you down." Sebastian said placing his hands in his pockets. I smiled and said, "Aww you do care." I giggled as I pushed him lightly. He just smiled and then I leaned against the wall.

"Sebastian, thanks for tonight. But you will have to tell me what it was like." Sebastian turned back and asked, "How come?"

"I won't remember from being hungover."

"Well earlier you said fuck hangovers." I nodded and said "Yeah, it still stands."

I look at Sebastian smiling and leaning against his side. I gulp, and something ticks in my brain. Why am I going to do this?

You want to Mia.

Shut up voice in my head!

I stand properly, and I go in front of Sebastian Smythe. This causes him to straighten up. I walk forwards making him walk backwards.

Sebastian is against the wall and I pick up his hand. I start to play with it when his hands move to my face. I smiled as his thumb caressed my cheek.

Sebastian leaned forward and gently touched my lips with his. They were softer than I thought. He pulled away since I didn't kiss back, and I still had his hand on my cheek.

I smiled at him and took his hand off my face. I placed it on my waist before placing my hand on his neck. I pulled Sebastian closer and our lips met. I kissed him, and he kissed me.

So, Sebastian Smythe is a good kisser. What's not new?

Sebastian's other hand slid around my waist pulling me closer. I giggled into the kiss as Sebastian smiled. I pulled away and Sebastian looked at me.

"What?" He asked, and I smiled.

"You're just a good kisser."

"Good? Not amazing." Sebastian said spinning me around, so I was against the wall.

"Nah, you aren't there yet Smythe." He chuckled and placed a hand on my face. His other hand was on my waist. I grabbed his collar with both my hands and pulled Sebastian towards me.

We both laughed at how stupid we are, two stupid teenagers.

Sebastian placed his lips on mine again as I pulled him closer to me.

In this moment I can blame it being on drunk but it's a weird feeling because if we were not beside a gay bar then I would have started to undress Sebastian.

"Hey! Hey! Get off her!" We heard someone shout. Sebastian and I stopped kissing to see Kurt coming this way.

I stood up properly and Sebastian removed his hand from me whilst I removed my hands from him. Kurt came up to us.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kurt asked him. I sighed and said "Kurt it's fine. It's my fault, right Sebastian?"

I widened my eyes to tell him to lie but he said "Not really. I kissed you and you kissed me. There is nothing wrong with that."

Kurt looked furious and I said, "Look Kurt let's just go." I didn't want Kurt and Sebastian to be fighting right here. Kurt nodded and started to walk back to drunk Blaine.

I started to walk away when Sebastian grabbed my arm. I looked at him and he said, "I'll see you later?"

I nodded, and Sebastian kissed me. I kissed him back for the second before smiling at him and walking away. I got in the car whilst I waited for Blaine and Kurt.

Luckily, I wasn't in the car when Blaine tried to have sex with Kurt, but I was sat in the car and watched Blaine walk away, and Kurt let him.

I sat in the car as Kurt got in and started to drive away. I looked to see Sebastian standing there after watching that entire thing.

I smiled at him lightly before facing forward as Kurt drove away.

"Bye Sebastian." I muttered to myself as Kurt drive me home.

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