Dragons of the Elements

بواسطة fighting_for_love

343 6 7

Son of Air, Daughter of Fire, Daughter of Water, Son of Earth, Daughter of Spirit. They shall be the chosen o... المزيد

Dragons of the Elements
Chapter 2- Eggs or Rocks?

Chapter 1

86 1 6
بواسطة fighting_for_love


"Hurry up, Lynn!" I call to my youngest sister from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm ready...I'm ready...don't get your granny panties in a twist, Shiloh." She yells back from her room.

"Whatever. Hurry up! We wanna leave!" I yelled back. That girl was so going to get it one day. Annoying little sister. She treats me like her grandmother!

At the moment, myself and my other three younger siblings-Jack, Aiden, and Sophia-are waiting for that girl to finish getting ready. She's always late for absolutely anything and everything we do!

I am the oldest child of our family, left in charge of taking care of the other four (some of them more brattier than the others). We moved to this house right after our dad died. This house is a lot bigger than our old one. In our old house, we all had to share rooms because daddy didn't like grandpa, but when he died, out mother's dad gave her a bunch of money to move to a new place. It has a basement gameroom, a gym, a large music room, a theater room, and we each have our own room with and attached bathroom and walk in closet.

Lynn is finally done getting ready ,so the five of us can walk to our favorite place to hang out-a secret hideout in the woods. We found it not long after we moved here five years ago, when we first explored behind our house. We were around twelve when we found it and we still frequent the place.

"Have fun, be careful, and for goodness' sake-please don't get lost!" our mother calls out after us.

"OK mom, we'll be back in time for dinner, I promise. See you!" I call.

"OK, Shiloh! Love you guys!"

"Love you too, Mom!" We all yell in unison.

The five of us cross our backyard, entering the woods. As we walk through the dense woods, we fall back into our usual silence. It's not an awkward silence, or anything-it's a comfortable one. That's how it is, with us. We hardly ever talk to each other, except around Mom, but that's just because we don't want her thinking we hate each other or something.

I know this is going to sound crazy, but we didn't have to speak because we were telepathically linked. We could read each other's minds. I thought it had something to do with us being quintuplets, but, my guess it as good as anyone else's.

We are not really sure how or why they are linked like this though. We have never told this to anybody because who knows what they might think. They could just think that we're lying. Or they could just lock us up and run a bunch of tests and experiment on us! I don''t want either happening; none of us do.

Ten minutes later, the dense trees start to thin, slowly turning into an enormous grassy field. It's trully a breathtaking place-anybody coming here for the first time would be in complete awe. Trust me, I still am. The field's about the size of two football fields, side-by-side. The grass isn't cheap football field turf, though-it's always lush and soft. Beautiful wildflowers of all sorts and other assorted grasses are sprinkled on top of the lush grass evenly, making the field more interesting than any normal "grass field". It's not overdoing it like those vacant lots overrun by weeds and random patches of dirt, no, this terrain is perfect. On one end of the clearing, there's a small pond with a waterfall. It's perfect for swimming on hot summer days. The best part is when the sun's beams hit the water at this certain angle, the pond water shimmers like a cloudless midnight sky full of stars. Then, smack dab in the middle of the clearing, is a large weeping willow tree. It's perfect for just about anything: shade, relaxing, hanging around and talking, quietly reading, or even climbing!

We finally reach the tree in the center of the field, I pat the hanging branches and sit down with the rest of my brothers and sisters under the tree's coolest shade. I ask everyone how their days turned out first, because even though I'm oldest by only a few seconds, everyone expects me to kind of be like the leader among us


"So anything interesting happen to anybody today, Jack?" I ask the oldest of my younger siblings.

"Not really... I just sat around and finished my book and stuff." He says softly. Although you'd never know it by just his apperence Jack is deffinitly the nerdest of us. He has longeish black hair that falls into his grayish silver eyes, and when he actually bothers to acknowledge people he has a smile that could send even the cold heartest of girls to their knees. Anybody just looking at him would automatically think he was a player, when truth be told I'm pretty sure he still thinks girls have cooties.

"What book were you reading?"

"Huh....... oh it was called ' The Winds of Change'."

"Was it any good?"

"I guess it was OK... not really my thing though."

"Why's that?" I ask him.

"It was one of those murder mystrey books.......... you know the the kind you like."

"Oh thats cool."

"Whatever," he replies moodily as he returns his attention back to his new book that is at least a big as a dictionary.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned my head toward Aiden's direction. "How about you Aiden?"

"No not really. The most exciting thing I did today we sketch." He yawned loudly, but I ignored it.

"Are they any good?"

"Yeah... they were OK I guess..." He replys uncertinily.

We all rolled our eyes when he said that. We all know that Aiden could easily be one of the best artists in the country maybe even the world...... dispite his young age. Aiden Is just way to modest and unsure of himself to admit it. As for his looks their almost exactally like Jacks, except for the fact that his eyes are a brillient deep emerald green. His personality is almost exactly like Jacks to but with a couple of differences. Were as Jack is quite and won't even acknowledge girls and/ or people he doesn't know in the slightest, Aiden just acts horrified and hides behind one of us.

"Sophia?" I ask, sighing at the all-around boringness of the day, "Not unless you count going shopping with Lynn and me."

"You find any thing good while I was changing?"

"Nope." Sophia says. She is the groups major girly girl. She's all about the shopping and the pink, all the frills, jewlrey, and make-up. She just like the rest of us has Raven black hair. It's goes to about her mid back and is always in some type of fancy braid. Her side bangs slightly cover her gentle saphire blue eyes.

"OK, anything interesting happen today, Lynn?" I ask sighing again.

"When you were off changing clothes in the dressing rooms in the mall, a hot guy asked me to the movies. You know, that Jeremy dude."

"Really??? What did you say to him?" Trying to hold back tears

"I kicked him where the sun don't shine and when he keeled over in pain I kneed him in the face told him to go to hell."

"Wait, what? Why he's going to make your life at school now a living hell."

"Pssssh Jeremy can't hurt me in any way we haven't already been hurt. He is nothing but a player, and a cheater. I don't want my heart broken like all of his other exes. Plus, I could never date the asshole who broke my big sister's heart!"

"Oh my gosh, Lynn! Really?!" I cry bursting into tears again. Any girl would do anything to go on a date with Jeremy. I can't believe she'd turn him down, partly because he'd broken my heart before.

"Of course, sis!"

"Thanks, Lynn. You don't know how much that means to me." I really was touched, and felt slightly guilty for wishing bad news upon her just because I was bored with the boring news my brothers and sister had brought. I barely remembered my short time being Jeremy's "toy", mostly because I block out all the bad memories, but my younger sister on the other hand knows how to hold a grudge.

"Don't worry about it, Shiloh. We are family; we will always stick up for each other. Remember...it doesn't matter what you do or if you're right or wrong-we will always stick up for you. Always, Shiloh."




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