Regal Academy - The Legend of...

By chewy_zy

51.3K 1.3K 529

This is a story about a Mermaid and a boy falling in love. But what they didn't know is that they are suppose... More

Chapter 1 - The Legend
Chapter 2 - The Tales
Chapter 3 - The Escape
Chapter 4 - The Meeting
Chapter 5 - The Ball
Chapter 6 - The 'Date'
Chapter 7 - The Mystery
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Chapter 9 - The Heartfelt
Chapter 10 - The Memories
Chapter 11 - The Feelings
Chapter 12 - The Jealousy
Chapter 13 - The Confession
Chapter 14 - The Danger
Chapter 15 - The Trapped
Chapter 16 - The Past and Present
Chapter 17 - The Masked
Chapter 18 - The Risk
Chapter 19 - The Sacrifice
Chapter 20 - The Barrier
Chapter 21 - The Coronation
Chapter 22 - The Destined *FINAL*

Chapter 8 - The Curse

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By chewy_zy

Rose: "*Gasps* No..."

Rose could not believe who it was. Her eyes were fixed right at the strange.

???: "Yes, Rose. It's me..."

The stranger spoke in a very soft and gentle voice. Rose shut her eyes and threw her arms around her sister.

Rose: "Ariette!!"

Rose burst into tears and immediately apologised to Ariette.

Rose: "I am so sorry!"

Ariette gently pat Rose's back.

Ariette: "Shhh..Don't cry, I'm here now."

Rose had miss Ariette dearly. There were nights when she couldn't sleep, knowing that she had left her Father and Sister back in Anahita. Rose wondered if she was able to see her family again.

They broke the hug.

Rose: "B-But how? How did you find me?"

Those questions have been roaming in Rose's mind.

Ariette: "That is not important right now. Rose, there is something I need to tell you..."

Rose: "What is it-"

Suddenly, Rose's ears were ringing. She could hear loud footsteps coming towards both of them.

Rose: "Quick!"

Rose grabbed Ariette's wrist tightly and quickly dashed off to the opposite direction.

<In Rose's Bedroom...>

Rose swing the door open and threw her sister into the room. She locked the door and rested her back on the door.

Rose: "Phew! That was close..."

Ariette almost fell after Rose roughly dragged her into the room. She got back onto her feet and curiously asked.

Ariette: "What happened? And why were we running?"

Rose looked at Ariette.

Rose: "There were people coming, it was probably the castle guards. If they see you, they will think that you are an intruder or something! Plus, you may get sent to prison."

Ariette: "Omg the prison?! I don't want to get lock up!"

Rose: "Exactly."

Rose's eyes then moved towards Ariette's necklace. (Go to the previous chapter to find out how the necklace looks like)

Rose: "What is that?"

Rose pointed at it. Ariette looked down and held the crystal.

Ariette: "Oh, you mean this?"

Rose nodded.

Rose: "Yes. Where did you get it from?"

Ariette stared at the blue crystal closely.

Ariette: "Well, this was actually part of the barrier jewel but unfortunately, it was stolen by a particular mermaid..."

(You guys can go to 'Chapter 3' if you are wondering how the barrier jewel is like)

Ariette glared at Rose. Rose —> 😬

Ariette: "Where is the jewel, Rose?"

Rose: "I-I umm..."

Rose's palms started to get sweaty.

Ariette: "Where is it?!"

Rose hesitated for a bit but she finally screamed it out.

Rose: "I LOST IT!!"

Ariette's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Ariette: "W-What?! You lost the entire jewel?!"

Rose looked down on the floor and played with her fingers.

Rose: "I-It was my fault...I dropped it in the open ocean while escaping from a shark...I'm sorry..."

Ariette sighed and walked up to Rose. She place her hands on Rose's shoulders and bend down to Rose's eye level.

Ariette: "Rose, you know what will happen if the jewel gets in the wrong hands. The Kingdom will be exposed and someone would actually try to capture all the mermaids!"

Rose's eyes started to get teary again, knowing all the troubles she had caused.

Rose: "I-I should have been more careful..."

Ariette wiped away Rose's tears.

Ariette: "Don't worry, Rose. We just need to find it. But for now, I need you to go back home."

Rose lift her head up and looked at Ariette.

Rose: "What?"

Rose was surprised by Ariette's words.

Ariette: "That is what I was trying to tell you from the start! Rose, I just need you to return to the kingdom."

Ariette took Rose's hand.

Ariette: "Let's go."

Rose: "Wait, no!"

Rose slide her hand out of Ariette's grip.

Rose: "I don't want to leave...yet.."

Ariette turned to Rose.

Ariette: "But Rose! You have to go back to the ocean!"

Rose was confused.

Rose: "Why?! Why is it so important for me to become a Mermaid again?!"


Ariette quickly covered her mouth. Rose was speechless.

Rose: "W-What...what do you mean my heart will stop..?"

Ariette took in a deep breath and tried to calm down. She then responded.

Ariette: "Rose, a mermaid's heart can't last long on land. That is why we always stay in the sea. It keeps us alive. I apologise for not telling you earlier but I thought I didn't need to, since we were going to stay in the castle for the rest of our lives..."

Rose: "But there's must be a solution! There has to!"

Ariette: "There is one thing that can help your heart beat on land for a long time."

Rose: "What is it?!"

Rose excitedly asked.

Ariette: "It's Love."

Rose: "Love?"

Ariette: "If a Mermaid falls in love with a human and the human loves the Mermaid back, it helps the Mermaid's heart to continue beating. But since you don't have a love interest, you can't stay on land forever."

Rose: "What If I say I love someone?"

Ariette's eyes widened again.

Ariette: "You love...a human?! When?!"

Rose: "Ariette..."

Rose clenched her chest.

Rose: "I love...the prince..."

Ariette: "Y-You mean the Prince of this land?! What's his name?"

Rose: "Hawk...Prince Hawk..."

Ariette placed her hand on her forehead. Everything was giving her a headache.

Ariette: "But Rose, are you sure he loves you back?"

Those words pierced through Rose's heart.

Does Hawk really loves her back? What if he rejects her feelings? And her heart stops beating...

Rose's heart was beating so fast. She felt as if something was choking her and stopping her from breathing.
Love can be cruel and mean. It's like a Curse!

However, Rose's feelings for Hawk for strong and it kept her motivated.

Rose: "I don't care if he doesn't feel the same way. All I know is that I love Hawk and I won't change my mind about him."

Ariette just stared at Rose and listen.

Rose: "So please, Ariette. Let me stay here."

After hearing Rose's words, Ariette started crying herself. She unexpectedly kneeled down.

Ariette: "Y-Your my only sister, Rose. A-And I don't want to lose you..."

Rose kneeled down beside Ariette and hugged her.

Rose: "I would always be your Sister, Ariette. And this will not be the last time I see you.."

Ariette looked at Rose.

Ariette: "Rose, I want you to have something..."

Ariette removed her necklace and placed it around Rose's neck. Rose was shocked by her actions.

Rose: "Your giving it to me?! But how are you going to get through the barrier?!"

Ariette: "Don't worry, Rose. Once I get back into the ocean. I will begin my search for the barrier jewel. And I promise I will be safe."

Rose was touched. She was so lucky to have Ariette as her own big sister.

Rose: "Thank you, Ariette..."

<At the beach...>

Rose walked Ariette back to the beach. This is when they split up.

Rose: "I will miss you, Sister."

Ariette smiled.

Ariette: "I will miss you too, little Sister."

Rose gave Ariette one last hug before Ariette made her way to the waters. Rose energetically waved at her big Sister.

Rose: "Goodbye, Ariette!!"

Ariette: "Bye, Rose! And like you said, this is not our last encounter..."

Ariette slowly went into the ocean and dived in.

Rose watched as the Beautiful Mermaid swiftly swam away deeper and deeper into the open sea.

She held the necklace with both of her hands and saw how brightly it shone under the miraculous sun.

Rose: "Ariette will always be with me...forever..."

To be continued...

(Please read)

Hello everyone! It's Chewy. Unfortunately, I have some bad news. My exams are in one week and I need to spend my time studying for it. So, I won't be updating for around two weeks. Please understand and I hope right after my exams, I will be able to continue writing. Okay I have to go now, see you in the next chapter! Love ya ❤️

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