Mimic *ON HOLD*

By stfuximshelli495

5.2K 119 69

I watched as my brush went through my long black hair in the mirror. I was getting ready to go to bed, and ma... More

A New Year
A New Face Amoung Old Ones
Not Everything Is What It Seems
Awkward Silences Are The Best
Easy Confessions
Curiousity Killed The Cat
What A Horrible Day To Wear Grandma Clothes
You're Not The Only One Sneaking Through My Window
A Good Ending to a Better Day

Dancing With Temptation

232 6 1
By stfuximshelli495

I'm getting back inthe groove of posting :D YAY! Please comment onthis story because I luff feed back. Anyways, I know this is short, but give it some time and I'll be able to post longer more in depth chapters. It's just now starting to get good.



I stood up quickly and wrapped my thin black sheet around me while Aaron looked at me with confused eyes.

"Grab your shit and get in the closet!" I whispered yelled at him.

Without questioning me, which I silently thanked him for, he grabbed his clothes off the floor and stumbled into the closet. Once the noise he was making settled I grabbed my thrown shorts and t shirt from the floor not bothering to put on my underwear and bra back on. Instead I kicked them underneath my bed and hoped they wouldn't be found. I walked over to my window prepared to open it, but I heard people talking outside very softly. Before I could open in to look at who it was I heard the crunch of leafs as whoever it was walk away from the side of the house.

I took a deep breath and split two blinds open to see who it was. I figured it would be Carrie or my brother leaving, but what I saw had me confused. Patrick and Carrie were walking off to the street together walking very closely. At first I was relieved that Patrick got distracted and stopped tapping my window, but then I saw them talking and him reach for his phone. Seemed to me that Carrie was thinking hard about something while Pat was busy talking to whoever was on the other end. I let go of the blinds once I saw them part ways and dropped onto my bed.

"All clear Aaron." I said without moving. 

The door slightly squeaked from moving and shuffled foot steps came towards my direction. The bed then dipped from Aaron's weight as he laid down next to me. I heard him inhale as if he were about to say something when my phone started to vibrate loudly on my night stand.

"Can you see who it is please?" I asked without moving.

"It's James." He answered passing me the phone.

I sighed then slid my finger across the screen to answer it. "Yes James?"

"What the fuck are you doing right now?!" He yells in my ear.

To my left I hear Aaron snicker because obviously heard James so in return I punch him in his shoulder which makes him hiss in pain. "Um, nothing." I reply coolly.

"Really? Is that why Pat just called asking me if I came over earlier?"

I sat up ready to defend myself. "Look James. I don't know-"

"Save the bullshit for someone who will believe it Becs." He said interrupting me. "Aaron's over there, isn't he?"

The question he asked made me look down at my lap in shame. I know I went about this the wrong way, but I just couldn't help myself. I love Patrick, I truly do, but the way Aaron makes me feel is so much more than that.

"Your silence is deafening." James says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked sighing, just wanting to go to sleep all of the sudden.

"It was never an option not to. Go to sleep before you make anymore stupid decisions, ok? I'll be around in the morning to drive you to school and I'll just tell Pat that I need some date advice from you or something."

"Thanks James." I replied slightly smiling. "I heart you!"

"Yeah you better." With that he hung up the phone leaving me in silence with Aaron.

I turned to look at him over my shoulder and smiled despite of how shitty I was feeling. Without saying anything I laid back down on my bed then motioned for him to join me which he did eagerly. The air conditioner was on full blast so we didn't need a blanket. His body outlined mine perfectly and I smiled as his grip around my stomach tightened. I laced my fingers through his and snuggled deeper into him.

"Becca?" He said tiredly.

"Yeah?" I answered with my eyes closed.

"You regret what happened?" He asked softly as if afraid of my answer.

I sighed then turned around in his arms. I folded one of my arms under my head and let the other drag a finger up and down his well toned arm. He slowly closed his eyes enjoying my touch as I answered him the best I could.

"I don't regret it Aaron. I just wished I would have went about it differently. I'm actually more freaked out about how Chloe will take it than how Patrick will. I kind of want to keep this under wraps until I figure out exactly what I want."

"I thought I was what you wanted?" He asked pulling away to look at me.

"You are, relax. I just don't want to loose my best friend over this. Maybe we should just break things off with them and then give it time before we come out that we're together so it doesn't seem like we were doing this the whole time."

"James knows though." He stated after he untensed. "You may trust him, but what if he tells them what's going on? I'm pretty sure everyone would hate us if they found out."

"I trust him." I answered truthfully. "Now lets get some sleep. I'm really tired."


"Why does it take you so long to brush your teeth?' Mason asked through the bathroom door. "It should only take you sixty seconds, but NOOOO, Becca needs to take five minutes!"

I opened the door and glared at him. "Will you shove it!? I was doing more than brushing my damn teeth."

He looked at me in horror and I gave him a questioning eyebrow. "You're disgusting!! Why would you tell me that?!"

I angrily sighed and pushed him out of my way. "You're so immature." I grumbled as I grabbed my shit from my room for school. As I passed by the bathroom door I kicked it and heard something fall from the inside.

"Dammit Becca!!" Mason yelled as I laughed quietly to myself.

When I stepped into the kitchen I stop in my tracks because I was expecting James to be there, but to my utter surprise it was Patrick. He sat at the kitchen table talking excitedly to my parents about school and stuff. I take a deep breath and make my way to the pantry to grab some cereal. Why wasn't James here? I really needed to talk to him and seeing Patrick just makes me feel all the more guiltier. I'm not saying I shouldn't, but I just didn't want to face him just yet.

"Oh look! It's Sleeping Beauty." My mom laughs as I walk to the counter cereal in hand.

"Hardy har har. Where's the zip lock baggies?" I asked her without look up at them.

"Third drawer to your right."  She answered then went back to talking with Patrick.

After I put the cereal in a baggy I put everything away then walk over to the table. "Ready to go Pat?"

"Yeah. Nice talking with you guys." He said smiling at my parents while waving.

"You two have a good day!" My dad called to us after we get to the door.

"We'll try!" I call back then open the door for us to leave.

Silently we walk to his car and he unlocks it for us to get in. For some reason it's really tense in the car and I have no idea why. It's not like he knows anyone was over last night even though he came over. It's happened before where I would pass out before he would text or call me saying he was coming over. I open my mouth to say something as he drives off, but something on the floor catches my attention. I reach down to pick it up and lift it so I could see what it was. It was a pair of very short shorts and my breath gets caught in my throat and my stomach tightens.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked holding up the shorts.

"Oh, um, they're Carries." He replied scratching the back of his neck.

"And? Why are they in here? Last time I saw her she was walking with y- um Mason." My mind is racing because first, I can't believe he was with her last night, and second, I almost gave away I was up to see him walking with her on the side of the house.

"Well, I came over to see you and you weren't answering or waking up. I walked back down the side of the house and I bumped into her as she was leaving your brothers room. We talked for a little bit and decided it would be fun to go swimming. No big deal." He answered shrugging.

"No big deal? How about I just go with some person we just met and swim with them in the middle of the night. You wouldn't be ok with that shit." I said frustrated as I threw the shorts onto the ground then crossed my arms over my chest.

"Or you could just meet up with someone we know and have them in your room in the middle of the night. Oh wait, you've already been doing that!" He yelled as we pulled into the school parking lot.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as my heart started to beat a million miles per minute.

"Don't act dumb, it doesn't suit you. Funny how the night you don't get my texts saying I'm coming over is the same night Carrie said she saw someone walking into your room." He said as he parked the car. "And I know it wasn't James so don't say it was him."

"How about it was no one, huh?" I asked throwing my arms up. "Maybe Carrie just saw wrong, or maybe she was making it up?"

"And why would she do that Becca? We just met the damn girl." He said staring hard into my eyes.

Fed up with this whole conversation, I unbuckle my seat belt and grab my stuff to get out. I don't even turn around when Patrick calls my name. I was feeling too overwhelmed. Why would Carrie say that to him? I guess she just doesn't know us too well and she was trying to be helpful? I don't know. What I do know is that I'm beyond pissed off at her. It was not in her place to tell Pat that stuff. Like he just said, we just met her so she needs to keep her damn nose out of my business.

As I near our table I see a new person there with my friends. She had long black hair and clear pale skin. She was wearing a tank top underneath an off the shoulder Misfits shirt then skinny jeans that made her legs to very long and her feet were covered by mid calf Docs that weren't tied tightly so it gave them a rugged look. I was about to call out to Chloe when the girl turned to face me.


She looked me up and down almost glaring then when she met my eyes she smiled brightly. This made me look down and I realized we were wearing the same thing except for the shoes and the band that was on our shirts.


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