I've Always Been Around (Camr...

By StrongWarrior13

732K 15.8K 9.8K

Lauren and Camila have always seemed to be best friends, attached at the hip some would say. That all change... More

I've Always Been Around
Chapter 1: Pizza Place
Chapter 2: Pushing You Away
Chapter 3: Meeting Her
Chapter 4: Introducing Baylor
So Sorry
Chapter 5: Italy Lovin'
Chapter 6: Cheater Cheater Best Friend Eater
Chapter 7 Part 2: Lauren's response
Chapter 8: Breaking Up
Chapter 9: Gravity
Chapter 10: Shades Of Cool
Not an update: So Sorry! Update Soon!
Chapter 11: The Family Meeting
Chapter 12: My Sweet Mind
Chapter 13: Camila Knows
Chapter 14: Body Electric
Chapter 15: The Morning After
Chapter 16: All You Never Say
Chapter 17: I Need Closure
Chapter 18: Nirvana
Nirvana Cover
First Chapter

Chapter 7: Remembering Sunday

31.8K 800 708
By StrongWarrior13

*Camila's P.O.V*

The thing about Lauren is she doesn't talk about her feelings but she acts on impulse 9 times out of 10.  Like tonight with the kiss.  She clearly acted on impulse but did she talk about it after it happened?  No.

I've been laying here wide away for what seemed like ages now.  The sound of Lauren's steady breathing filled my ears causing me to feel a certain kind of bliss I couldn't put a finger on.  I felt so full but so empty.  The kiss leaving me so in awe, the aftermath draining me of all happiness I've ever felt.

I simply give up when it comes to Lauren Michelle Jauregui.

- - - -- - - - --

*Lauren's P.O.V*

I woke up in Camila's bed, alone.  Suddenly the images of last night flood my brain; starting with the events with Luis and Baylor ending in my kiss with Camila.  I sighed heavily as I turned over realizing that the spot next to me was vacant and cold.

Picking up my phone, I have 13 missed calls from Luis and 32 texts from him.  After noticing that it was already almost 1 in the afternoon, I decided to ignore Luis and go see what Camila was up to.  My plan is to just stay cool and act like the kiss never happened.

I ran down the creaky steps into Camila's living room, suddenly greeted by the sight of Baylor and Camila making out on the couch.  After a moment of them not noticing me I finally cleared my throat catching both of their attention.

"Well hello sleepy head." Camila said sing-songy, looking at me but stroking Baylor's abdomen lovingly.

"Morning," I muttered.

Baylor turned her attention towards me and the look of irritation from being interrupted turned from anger to completely and utter horror.  "Hi Lauren." She choked out.

I frowned at her, "Don't 'Hi Lauren' me."

Camila's eyes widened, "Lauren!  What the hell?"

I took a step closer to Baylor, "I should tell her." I spoke temptingly.

"Don't." Baylor snarled.

"Oh, but I might," I started before Camila cut me off.

"Tell me what?" she snapped.

Baylor eyed me curiously and I shrugged.

"Baylor's cheating on you!" I about yelled as Baylor blurted out, "Look Camila I can explain."

Camila's jaw dropped looking at the two of us.  Her bottom lip quivered and I felt the sudden urge to kiss it again but I didn't act on it this time.  Tears brimmed her already liquidy brown eyes.

She spun to face Baylor, "Is this true?"

Baylor bit her lip nervously, "I can explain-"

"Is. It. True?" Camila asked sternly, cutting her off.

Baylor just reluctantly nodded.

Camila suddenly spun on her heels to me, tears burning her eyes.  "And you knew and didn't tell me?  How could you?"

I felt like crying as well, "How do you tell your best friend their gay girlfriend is cheating on her with you boyfriend?" I choked on the words.

Camila's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their head.  "It was with Luis?!  This is just priceless." She laughed sarcasticly.  "And to think I came and picked you up and tried to be a good friend.  Lauren I HELPED you and you didn't tell me!" Her voice sounded genuinely hurt.

"Cam, I'm sorry." Both Baylor and I said quickly.

"Get out of my house." Camila ordered.

"But Camz," I started.

She shook her head, "Both of you.  Leave.  Now."

I slowly made my way to the door, looking over my shoulder and Baylor who was still hesitantly standing in Camila's living room.

"Baylor," Camila cried, "Leave."

Baylor took a step towards her, "Cammi.  I'm sorry."

"Don't." Camila said simply, taking a step back.

Baylor tried to hug Camila but Camz pushed her away.  "But Camila, I love you." Tears began to pour down Baylor's cheeks.

Camila shook her head, "Get away from me."

I walked over to Baylor and grabbed her arm, dragging her away from Camila as she started to say something else.  She reluctantly followed me to the door.

Baylor filed out first and I stopped at the doorstep, turning back around to face my best friend.  Her tear stained face and glistening eyes were facing me.  "Goodbye Camila." I said in a half whisper as I closed the door behind me.

I stepped out into the rain and began sprinting down the street, my rage filling my veins, the adrenaline taking over.

*Camila's P.O.V*

"Goodbye Camila." I heard Lauren murmur as she closed the door behind herself.

I collapsed onto the couch and began to sob uncontrollably.  Sobs racking my body, snot forming so I can't breathe, choking on my own air.  I called Dinah not being able to make out any words.  Somehow she understood that I needed her to come over and appeared at my door quickly after hanging up the phone.  Her long arms engulfed me into a hug the minute she stepped through the threshold of my house.

She continued to hold one arm around me as she closed the door and guided us to the couch.  She sat us down and allowed me to curl into her side.  Dinah's shirt soon became wet from my tears.  I sniffled and rubbed my face into the stomach of her shirt.

"Ew! Mila!" Dinah said, half jokingly.

I giggled the most pitiful giggle to ever grace the air.  "I'm sorry."

Dinah smiled at me and pulled me closer into her chest, "It's okay, dear." I began to whimper again.  "Just let it out Mila.  That's what I'm here for."

With that I broke again.  I began to shake and make these noises that almost sounded inhumane.  I think I sat there in Dinah's arms and cried for an hour.  After a while the house phone rang and Dinah got up to go answer it.

She returned into the living room with the phone in her hand, "It's Lauren, she wants to talk to you."  I didn't respond, I just stared at her weighing my options.  "Why didn't she just call your cellphone?" Dinah asked.

"Because I turned it off." I replied coldly.  "I don't want to talk to her."  I laid back down on the couch, curling into a ball.

Dinah scurried out of the room and murmured hush things into the phone before hanging up.

She returned hastily with a bowl of ice cream and some tissues.  I happily took the bowl of ice cream out of her hand, shoveling some into my mouth before taking a tissue and blowing my nose noisily.

After I finished my ice cream I curled back into Dinah's side.  She ran her fingers through my hair and finally asked the question I'd been dreading all evening.

"So what's going on, Mila?  What's wrong?"

I tensed in her grasp and crawled to the other side of the couch.  Just staring at her I managed to summon up the courage to tell her what happened.  I told her everything.  Starting with how my feelings for Lauren grew smaller but never exactly went away to me realizing I loved Baylor and it was the most intense feeling I had ever felt before to me pushing Lauren even more away to me picking up Lauren last night because Luis is cheating on her.  I told Dinah about how when I was comforting Lauren she kissed me and then rolled over and went to sleep like nothing happened, ending with this morning and finding out that Luis was cheating on Lauren with Baylor.

I felt tears burning my eyes again.  Blinking them away I tried to smile at Dinah and act like everything was fine.

"Mila, wait." Dinah looked at me wide eyed.  "Lauren KISSED you?"

"Dinah," I tried to urge her away from that topic of conversation.  "You don't get the point.  Baylor is cheating on me with Luis."

Dinah used her hand in a motion and seemed to swat away what I had just said.  "Yeah, but Lauren." She paused to make her words more dramatic.  "Lauren Jauregui, your best friend, the one whom you've been in love with for like YEARS, kissed you?!"  Her eyebrow quirked in interest.

I could help but laugh, "Okay, it hasn't been years but yeah she kissed me.  But then she rolled over and fell asleep like nothing happened."

"When did she tell you about Baylor?" Dinah asked.

I shrugged.  "This morning.  She came downstairs and saw Baylor and I like making out and kind of blurted it out."

Dinah's face turned into somewhat of an evil smirk.

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Dinah's smirk grew, "She's jealous.  She kissed you then when she saw you kissing Baylor she got jealous and decided to ruin you two."

"Lauren doesn't like me." I objected.

Dinah shook her head, "No, I never said Lauren likes you.  I think she has the potential to, but I don't think she currently does.  I honestly think she's confused.  It's always been evident she just about worships the ground you walk on and I mean you two have to be at least emotionally and mentally attracted to each other, that's how you like pick your friends.  I now believe she's dabbling with the idea of physical attraction in her brain but her emotions took control of her last night.  Don't hold the gruge though, I know Lauren and she would never do anything to hurt you purposely."

I couldn't respond at that point, Dinah's words made complete sense.  I've loved Lauren for so long now, I guess waiting for her to figure herself out won't hurt me to much.  The privilege of being hers would make it all worth it.

*Lauren's P.O.V*

I ran to Normani's. I couldn't think of anywhere else to go.

I knocked on the door as hard as I could, my lungs burning, begging to go inside and sit down.

Normani finally answered the door.  She looked as if I caught her off guard.  Actually I'd be confused if my friend showed up at my door with a beat red face and panting while tears freely flowed down her cheeks as well so I don't blame her.

"Lauren?" Normani stood there stunned.

I pushed passed her and ran down the hall into her room, not caring who I came across on my journey.  Normani quickly popped into her room moments behind me.

"Lauren, what's wrong?"

I didn't know how to respond, "Everything?" I whimpered.

Normani looked at me sadly, "Baby, you're soaked to the bone, how about we get you cleaned up and we can talk?"

I just nodded following Normani into the bathroom.

She ran a warm bath for me and helped strip me of Camila's clothes, eyeing me cautiously as she noticed the large block letters "Cabello" on the back of the sweatshirt I was wearing.

Normani had nothing against Camila she just hated that she always seemed to upset me so much.

Normani helped me into the large tub.  I hugged my knees to my chest and shivered.   She kneeled next to the tub and ran a washcloth over my face which was coated in dirt, tear stains, sweat, and mascara.

"Thank you." I whispered, barely audible.

"Don't mention it." Normani smiled back, laying a soft kiss on my newly cleaned forehead,

Next she ran shampoo and conditioner through my hair and rinsed it carefully.  I closed my eyes as her fingers massaged my scalp soothing my headache.

Normani helped me up and wrapped me in a towel in the most motherly way.

"I'll give you a moment to change." Normani said, pointing at the set of sweats and shirt she had laid out for me before exiting the bathroom.

I slipped into them quickly then returned to Normani's room.  She greated me with open arms.

Once settled in Mani's grasp she began playing with my hair.  Over time the girls had learned that was one of the best ways to calm me down.

"Who hurt you?  Why are you here like this?" Mani whispered caringly.

So I told her.  I told her about Luis acting strange and only wanting sex from me.  I told her about him cheating on me with Baylor.  I told Normani about asking Camila to come pick me up yesterday.  I told her that I kissed Camz.  I told her about telling Camila about Baylor.  I told her everything.

"Why'd you kiss her?" Normani asked me.

"I don't know honestly." I said truthfully.  "Something just came over me and it compelled me to do so.  She was comforting me and I got lost in those big brown eyes," My ears finally caught up to my mouth and I was horrified at what I was saying, so I finished quickly.  "So yeah, it just happened."

Normani pulled away from our hug and looked at me dead in the eye, "Lauren, I need you to be completely honest with me.." she trailed off.  "Completely honest with yourself."

I nodded, "Okay..?"

"Lauren, do you like Camila?"

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