No More Freshness

By ItzOopaMaBoiz

55.4K 2K 1.6K

What happens when the skeleton with no emotions finally gets an emotion? What if that one emotion is bad? Th... More

~∆~Ch. 1~∆~
~∆~Chapter 18~∆~
~∆~Ch. 19~∆~
~∆~Ch. 20~∆~
~∆~Ch. 21~∆~
~∆~Ch. 22~∆~
~∆~Ch. 23~∆~
⚠(Another A/N)⚠


1.5K 60 45
By ItzOopaMaBoiz

  Fresh looked at his friend and brother, both of which had backed away from him out of shock. Error was the first to speak up.

  "Bro, say that again."

  "What happened?" There was no denying it now: his emotions were gone. "Why are ya looking at me like dat?" He said, looking between Deccy and Error.

  "C-can..  Can you f-feel anything, F-Fresh? E-emotion wise, I m-mean." Deccy asked Fresh. Fresh thought for a moment.

  "No, guess not, "  He replied, "dat stinks." He tried to stand but failed, falling onto the floor. Deccy and Error picked him up, both still upset at what had happened. They were about to say something, but Fresh fell asleep.

  Geno slowly walked back in as the two were putting Fresh back on the bed. When they finished, Deccy stumbled and fell on the floor. Geno ran over and helped him up, sitting him in a chair and watching as he huffed in exhaustion. "What happened?" Geno asked Error.

  "He...  He lost his emotions, bro." Error looked down until Geno hugged him and began sobbing, which caused Error to begin crying, which then led Cq to rush in almost thirty minutes later. She hugged the two as the now awake Fresh looked at them questioningly.

  When she pulled away, Error told her what happened. She looked at Fresh and smiled sadly, hoping the kid wouldn't notice her pity. As always, he did. He looked away quickly and grabbed his glasses, shoving them on his face while muttering a quick 'ow'. Cq knew from experience that the pain was more than 'ow' and called the doctors in.

  Deccy looked over to Fresh, tears in his eyes. "So... You d-don't care about a-anything anymore?" He asked quietly. Fresh looked up and shrugged, along with a quick 'guess so'.  Deccy nodded and looked away, biting his fist as to not sob. He wiped the tears from his face and looked back. "I'll be back tomorrow, Fresh. Good luck." He said as he grabbed the small backpack he had which consisted of many books and a change of clothes(as Fresh taught him to be prepared) inside of a Fresh-made pocket dimension. As he walked to the door, he looked back one last time to see Fresh talking to Ink like Deccy wasn't even there. He wiped his eye sockets and left, greeting his mother at the door and being picked up.

  "So as I was saying, these new drawing supplies came out today an- oh wait. You fell asleep. Heh." Ink finished his conversation with the sleeping Fresh and turned to Error.

  "Does this happen often?"

  "Yeah, his magic is kinda destroying him, so he gets tired really fast." Error said, looking down and rubbing his eye sockets. Ink hugged him and walked outside, presumably to the vending machine to get snacks for them all. Error looked to Geno, who was sleeping uncomfortably in one of the chairs. He had dried tear streaks going down his skull, same as everyone in the room. His eye sockets had dark rings under his eyes, though not as bad as Fresh.

  Fresh's magic situation had been launching him into emence amounts of pain for a long time, and up until now, no one had even known. Fresh was better at hiding anything than anyone. And as his older brother, Error hated that. Fresh's  new emotions had caused him to knock down the wall of a front he had slightly. Now that they were gone, he was going to be hiding his pain again. Possibly better. And as before, Error wouldn't even notice. He wouldn't be able to help.

  And that thought terrified him.


"Error! Look at dat jacket! Omadog, it'z so rad!"

"Umm, Bro, are you sure? That's really...  Colorful, to say the least."

"Yea! It makes me feel...


"Oh my god, Fresh, really? You really feel something?"

"Hehe, Yeah! Yeah!"

"Ok bro, ok, let's go tell mom about it."


  "Error, wake up!"

  Error opened his eye sockets to see Ink holding two oatmeal bars and looking at him patiently.

  "There you are. Now, Fresh woke up about an hour ago and is outside in the hospital yard, looking around. Deccy came back too, he's out there.  Aunt C said to join them when you and Geno wake up." He said, his hid bobbing the r to the sleeping Geno when he was mentioned.

  Error looked at the clock and sighed. He'd been asleep for three hours. The odd thing was, Geno had been asleep for almost 5, which wasn't normal at all for him. He stood up and immediately his knees buckled, causing him to fall forward only to be cought by Ink. He regained balance and walked over to Geno, putting his hand on his skull to check for a fever, as his face was covered in a light red haze. He felt warm, but not too bad.

  Error shook Geno awake, who then looked at him in an extremely relieved matter. Geno reached up and hugged Error, digging his face into Error's scarf and crying. "Bad dream?" When Geno nodded, Error sighed and picked him up, carrying him to the door and looking back at Ink. Ink followed them into the courtyard and they walked over to Cq and Com. By then, Geno had already fallen asleep again and the red hue on his face was brighter.

  "Hey mom, I think Geno has a fever. Can you check?" Error asked as he looked at Fresh, who was staring somewhat confused at his soul. It was a dull grey again, this tine with darker and lighter grey swirling where the colors that symbolized his emotions used to be. Error watched as Fresh stared at his soul. Something flickered in it, a bright red streak, and Fresh tensed slightly.

  The colorful skele put his soul away and looked up at the stars that were starting to bloom in the night sky. Error watched as Fresh's eyes flickered to a particularly dull one. Fresh smiled, something no one but Error noticed, and stared at that one star, a longing look on his face.

Error couldn't tell if Fresh was being sincere or faking to look normal, but Deccy walked over to him before he could contemplate it.

  "H-hey Error, hey Ink. What's u-up?" It was then that he noticed Ink sitting beside him, sketching swirls onto his own arm with a sharpie. It looked amazing, and surprisingly the same on both arms. Apparently Ink could draw with his left hand, too.

  "Just watching everything." Error answered as Ink stuck his rainbow tounge out, concentrating as he focused on a part of his right shoulder. Deccy chuckled at Ink's childlikeness and looked over at Fresh.

  The colorful skele was now attempting to roll over to Cq, but he was too weak and was stuck in the mud. Error sat up and helped Fresh out, who thanked him blankly and began to talk to their mother.

  Error watched Fresh, the minor facial expressions, and the small flinches and tenses when someone touched him. He realized that no one could fake those small things all the while going through the pain Fresh was.

  Maybe his baby brother's emotions weren't gone, after all.


So, here ya go.

Took two days, and to be honest I wish I had done more, but... Heh.

  I'm trying.

Um, I wanted to mention, I'm thinkin' bout making an U dertale fanfic.

Not like a Sans X Reader, but more like an adventures of the skelebros or somethin'.

Oh yeah, I'm also thinking of making an ask Oopa.

For this, Imma do a vote. (Cuz why da funk not?) 

So, of ya want, just comment one of those (or both)  and I'll do em.

If y'all have any ideas for those books (like a title)  or even this one, PM me up, brehs.

Keep on keepin' on, and see ya on da flip side.

-Oopa Out.

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