Namjin oneshots // a series

By mrdannyboi

118K 3K 1.4K

"Ye know, I think I love you." A collection of namjin stories that randomly pop into my head Feel free to rea... More

1-// "project"
5-//"carrot cake"
10-//"broken glass"
11-//"pretty boy"
12-//"naughty boy"
22-//"barrier" -1
23-//"war" -2
31-//"tattoo" -1

25-//"explode" -2

1.6K 61 21
By mrdannyboi

continuation of last chapter :)


Jin walked along a busy road, the bright street lights scattered on the pavement blinding him as his eyes met the light-infused bulbs. He walked slowly, his feet feeling like bricks, struggling even to take a step. He shivered as a sharp wind blew throughout the air, the boy looking down to shield his eyes from the blow. However, when he looked up, the massive amount of traffic became nothing in the blink of an eye. His chest and throat burned as if he had just ran a marathon, although he hadn't. Well, did he? He couldn't remember how he got here, why he was walking, or where he was going. His thoughts were forgotten as soon as they came, Jin not remember what street he was on, or even what color his own hair was. He couldn't remember a single thing, his body a useless piece of muscle, bone, and flesh wondering helplessly along the streets of who-knows-where. It was then he spotted a figure in front of him. It was hard to see in the dark night atmosphere, but the boy could tell it was tall in height. Jin then blinked, opening his eyelids again to see the figure had moved to stand right in front of him. It was taller than expected, towering a massive eight feet as it looked down to Jin, it's back almost hunched from bending to look the boy in the eyes. It was then a large smile grew on it's face, the teeth crooked and sharp and gums bleeding, the crimson liquid running down it's face as it dripped onto the pavement below it. It's eyes were not eyes, in fact, they were just dark, deep holes in the figure's skull. 

Jin tried to run, but his body felt a thousand times heavier than before. He felt too heavy, like he would just fall right through the sidewalk below him. A high pitched scream caught Jin's attention, the boy rapidly turning his head to the left to see another figure next to him. It was the same height as the other smiling one, except this time it had no teeth. It's mouth was the same empty hole as its eyes, except a ear-piercing, high-pitched yell came from it's mouth, causing Jin to throw his hands over his ears. One after another, different figures approached, all the same tall, shadow-like bodies with different facial expressions. One of the figures threw itself to the ground, staring at Jin as strangled sobs left it's throat, the voice raspy and deformed. Another one breathed extremely heavy and quickly, so close to Jin's face that he could feel it's hot breath on his skin. Jin sunk to the ground, his head between his knees to try to block out the sound of everything around him. Even when he closed his eyes, it was as if the figures were in his eyelids, their deformed and terrifying faces plastered in his mind. Jin then let out a strangled scream, a scream that shook his whole body.


"Jin, wake up." Jin shot up, Namjoon shaking his shoulder to wake him. Sweat stuck his chestnut brown hair to his forehead as he looked up to Namjoon with hooded eyes, who was standing above him. The boy looked around to see the classroom he was previously sitting was now empty, the sound of students in the hallway filling his head.

"Did you have a nightmare? You kept groaning in your sleep." Jin stood up, picking up his backpack and draping the straps over his broad shoulders. 

"I don't remember." Jin intertwined his fingers with Namjoon's, guiding him by the hand as they both walked out of the classroom and into the busy hallway. Jin decided not to tell his boyfriend about his strange dream. It would only make Namjoon worry about him more than he already does, and Jin didn't want to make him upset. 

Many people thought, since Jin did not express emotions, that he knew nothing about them. In fact, that was the complete opposite. Jin knew almost everything needed to know about the  human brain and moods. It was something that he enjoyed researching, reading many books about emotions and visiting medical websites on the functions of the brain. It was quite astonishing, how the brain can change what it is doing in the matter of seconds. One moment, a person can be happy, laughing and smiling. Then, within seconds, their entire mood can change, sadness overcoming them as they burst into tears. Jin never understood how that could be possible, how you can be two different moods so quickly. He had only seen it happen once, when he was a small boy. His mother was joyful before the young Seokjin's doctors visit, but she changed when the doctor broke the news that the boy had no emotion. Jin had never seen anyone so sad in his whole life. Yet, as Jin grew up, it was almost as if the woman still had hope. She had hope that one day her son would smile, she had hope that one day her son would laugh, she had hope that one day her son would be normal.

Namjoon and Jin pushed their way through the sea of students crowding the small hallways of their high school. Namjoon laughed as the two boys finally made their way out of the school, the bright rays of sunshine hitting their skin. Jin smiled, Namjoons laugh was always something that made his lips curve into that unfamiliar shape. He didn't know why, it just happened on it's own.

"Are you ready to go my love?" Namjoon turned to face Jin, the same smile on his face. The two had started to date after what happened at Namjoon's house, them both confessing their love for one another. However, all though they were dating, they never did anything more than exchange loving words and hold hands, maybe an occasional hug. Jin felt that he was obligated to hold hands with Namjoon, he felt that it was polite since they were dating. Namjoon never pressured him into doing anything, he knew it wouldn't be special between them if they were to go farther than that. However, Namjoon practically never addressed Jin as, well, Jin. He called him his love, because that was exactly what he was, his love, his life. Some people would say that it was strange that they were already in a relationship, considering they had started dating the first day that they had met each other. But Namjoon knew that Jin was the one ever since they ran into each other that fateful morning. And he promised him, that he would never let him be alone in his mind again.

Jin nodded his head as the two boys walked to Namjoon's small car, getting inside as they drove off. A calm, relaxing song played as they drove, putting Jin into a state of peace as they passed other cars, houses, other people. However, Jin looked to Namjoon when he saw that the boy had passed his house, where they would both go after school everyday.

"You passed your house." Namjoon turned to face Jin, a confused look on his face.

"You have a doctor's appointment today, remember? Your mom couldn't take you, so she asked me if I could do it." Jin stared at Namjoon, trying to remember whether what Namjoon said was true or not. He then remembered, his mother telling him at the dinner table that she couldn't take him, and that he proposed that Namjoon take him.

"Oh, right, sorry." Jin quickly went back to looking out the window. He really couldn't remember something his mother had told him last night?

"Are you alright Jin, you seem to be kinda, off, lately." Namjoon spoke in a soft tone, concerned for his love.

"I'm fine, I just-" Jin stopped, forgetting what he was about to say. It then came back to him just as quick as the thought left his mind.

"I've been very forgetful lately. It's hard to think straight." Namjoon took hold of Jin's hand as he spoke, rubbing circles on his knuckle with his thumb as he spoke.

"I've been having strange dreams, too. But I never remember them when I wake up, I just remember that they are strange." Jin rested his head back on the seat of the car.

"Well, make sure you tell the doctor about what has been going on, maybe he can help you." Jin nodded his head, staring straight ahead at the road.


Namjoon and Jin sat in the waiting lobby of the hospital, hands intertwined, Jin resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. The boy was tired, he hadn't been able to sleep peacefully in a few weeks. Namjoon ran his long, slender fingers through Jin's soft hair, them both patiently waiting to be called back by the doctor. In front of them was a rather large fish tank, a variety of different fish swimming in it's waters. A small child then ran over to the glass tank, watching as the fish swam inside of it. The child was rather child, maybe four years old. Her hair was a dark brown and shoulder length, her yellow sun dress lighting up the room. She then turned around, running back to her mother, who was signing in at the front of the large room.

"Mommy, look at the fish! They are so pretty!" The girl practically dragged the woman over to the tank, her small fingers pointing to the glass at every single fish. Her mother just smiled, nodding her head as the little girl spoke about every fish. Jin smiled slightly, looking up to Namjoon.

"She's very cute." Namjoon smiled at his love as he spoke.

"She is." It was then the doors to the doctor's offices opened, a tall man wearing a white coat walking out, clipboard in hand.

"Kim Seokjin." The two boys stood up, walking over to the man standing in the doorway, who smiled a bright smile back at them.

"You two can follow me." Namjoon and Jin were brought to a small doctor's office, where Jin was instructed to sit on the table in the room, Namjoon sitting in a chair in the corner.

"So Jin, the first thing I want to ask you-" The doctor walked over to a small counter, grabbing a different clipboard that sat on it's surface, along with a black pen.

"How have you been feeling lately? I saw that you were... smiling?" He paused before he said the word. The man had never before seen the boy show any emotion.

"I haven't been that well." Jin looked to Namjoon, who nodded his head.

"I haven't been able to sleep, and I've been very forgetful lately." The doctor nodded as the boy spoke, the black pen in his hand moving quickly as he wrote everything that came out of the boy's mouth.

"Okay, I'll be back. I need to... discuss something with my colleagues." The man practically ran out of the room, leaving it dead silent as Jin just stared at Namjoon. 

"That can't be good."


After what seemed like years of endless waiting, the doctor finally came back into the room. Behind him came two women, them wearing grey coats instead of the iconic white ones.

"Okay, you can come with me Seokjin. We are going to do an MRI to scan your brain. It won't take long, but we need Namjoon to stay in the lobby." The man gestured towards the boy sitting in the chair, him standing up. He muttered a soft 'of course' as he existed the room, Jin watching him as he pushed open the doors to the lobby and walked out of the room.

Jin was then lead into a rather large room, one of the women closing the door behind them as the four of them entered. The other woman walked over to a set of many computers, immediately typing quickly on the keyboard. Jin was instructed to sit on a long table, the surface more like a flat metal board than a comfortable table that he usually saw. Over the long table was a big, white machine, it's surface looking like a tunnel. He was then told to lie down, which he did without resistance.

"Don't move a muscle, we are going to scan your brain." Jin nodded his head as the white machine slid over his upper half. Jin closed his eyes, feeling the warm rays coming from the strange thing over him hitting his skin. 

After a few minutes, the machine was moved off of Jin's body, the boy sitting up to meet the worried faces of the doctor's in the room. The two women in the back talked quietly, pointing at the numerous computers screens. Jin's doctor walked over to him, smiling an unsure smile at the boy.

As the two left the large MRI room, Namjoon was instructed to come back to see Jin again. Jin watched as the boy walked quickly into the office, immediately pulling his boyfriend into a tight hug before sitting down in the chair he sat in before. The doctor pulled up another chair as well, sitting down as he took a deep breath.

"So, Seokjin-" He started flipping through the numerous papers on his clipboard.

"I have some news for you. So, from the information that you've told us and the information that we have discovered from your MRI, we have found something rather... interesting." Jin swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Something has caused your brain to act differently than it did in the past. That 'something' may be the fact that you are smiling, but not showing any other emotion. This simple action has caused your brain to open up more, letting in new emotions that purely did not exist in you before. However, because your body is not expressing those emotions physically, it is causing your brain to go insane, which explains why you have been forgetful lately. Now, something I want to know, have you been having any nightmares lately?" Jin tried his hardest to think back to his previous dreams, but he couldn't. He could only remember that they were not good.

"I think so, it's hard to remember." The doctor circled a few things on his paper.

"Okay. Now, these dreams, you don't remember them, right?"

Seokjin nodded his head.

"Alright. So, these dreams, there is most likely some sort of figure or object that represents your emotions. It is also likely that in your dream, you freak out." Jin then remembered. He remembered the smiling figure, representing his happiness. He remembered the screaming and sobbing figure, his fear and sadness. He remembered the pain he felt in the dream, like his body would collapse with one movement.

"However, I have some not-so-good news." Namjoon and Jin both perked up at the words.

"Because your brain is suddenly expressing new emotions, it is overwhelming itself. This will eventually lead into your brain being too full of new emotions in too quick of a time period." Jin stopped breathing as the doctor paused.

"You will most likely only live for a few more weeks." 

Jin looked to Namjoon, who had his hand over his mouth, his eyes wide. The doctor then dismissed them, leaving the room as the two boys stayed where they were. Jin didn't breath, he couldn't breath, it was as if the air in his lungs was trapped, burning his throat. Namjoon stood up, walking over to Jin as the boy hopped off of the table. Namjoon then wrapped his arms around Jin, his body shaking as he squeezed him tightly. He sobbed quietly, his breath uneven and shaky as he tried to pull himself together. Jin just hugged him back, his head resting on his chest, his breath still caught in his chest.


The two boys finally arrived to Namjoon's house after what seemed like hours. The whole car ride was silent, both of them too stuck in their thoughts to start a conversation. However, when they walked through the front door, Namjoon threw his backpack onto the couch rather aggressively, storming into the bathroom and locking the door behind him. Jin just watched him, setting his backpack on the couch as well. He slowly walked toward the white door to the bathroom, knocking on it lightly.

"N-Namjoon, are you okay?" The boy didn't answer, Jin biting his lip nervously.

The door suddenly flew open, Namjoon storming out and over to the kitchen. His face was red, and he moved rather quickly as he open the fridge and took out a blue drink in a glass bottle. He drank the liquid in one gulp, slamming the glass onto the counter in rage.

"You're so stupid Namjoon, fucking stupid." The boy pulled at his hair, murmuring the same words over and over again. Jin slowly walked into the room, his eyes meeting Namjoons.

"This is all my fault." Jin's mouth hung open as he boy spoke.

"Come on Jin, don't look at me like that." Jin looked to the floor, closing his mouth. 

"Why am I so fucking stupid, why?! I promised you I would help you Jin, and what do I do? I fuck everything up, that's what." Namjoon's voice was deep and loud as he spoke. Jin walked closer to the boy, his hands shaking as he tried to touch the boy.

"Don't touch me! I don't want to hurt you more than I already have!" Jin's breaths started to become uneven, Namjoon's voice raising with ever syllable. 

It was then that Jin lost control of everything. His brain felt like it was exploding, sending hundreds of different feelings through Jin's entire body. He collapsed on the ground, his body trembling. Everything hurt, everything burned. It felt like his body was on fire, it felt like his flesh was slowly melting away as all of his bones cracked and all of his muscles teared. He screamed, the pain too much for his body to handle, his hands covering his ears, squeezing his head. He pulled his hair so hard that it distracted him from the sensation in his body, but only for a second. 

Namjoon ran over to Jin, dropping to his knees next to the boy. He shook his body, trying to lift his head to see his eyes, but he couldn't. He yelled his name over and over again, but he wasn't heard. The strong feeling took over him, Jin breathing heavy as hot tears ran down his cheeks. Namjoon wrapped his arms around the boy, trying to calm his shaking body. Jin breathed, in and out, calming the feeling slightly. He rested into Namjoon's chest, his tears staining the boy's t-shirt. Strangled, muffled sobs came from the boy's mouth. The sounds burned his throat, like he was eating a spicy food, except the burn wasted gone in the matter of seconds. Somehow, however, it felt good to finally feel hot tears running down his cheeks, his chest rising quickly as his breaths were short and heavy, it felt good to release all of the thoughts and emotions that have been caught in his head for years.


Jin opened his eyes slowly, the lids sore and dry as he woke. The first thing he spotted was the beautiful boy laying next to him, his hair tousled in a way that it covered his closed eyes slightly. The boy's arm was wrapped around Seokjin's waist, securing their bodies close to each other as they slept. Jin smiled a wide smile, biting his lip as he moved Namjoon's hair with his finger, tucking it behind his ear. The other boy's eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times so that his vision was cleared. He smiled as he met eyes with his love.

"Good morning." Namjoon's morning voice was deep and raspy, a sound that set shivers down Jin's spine. His smile grew even wider as the boy spoke.

"You seem, happier, than normal." Namjoon sat up, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand. Jin sat up as well, grabbing Namjoon's hand unexpectedly, surprising the other boy.

"You make me happier than normal." It was in that moment that Jin felt different, different than anything he had ever felt in his life before. He felt full, like the sunshine coming through the window poured into him, absorbing the rays like a sponge. He looked into Namjoon's beautiful eyes, and he could've sworn he saw a shimmer in them. He slowly started to laughed, a noise he had never made before. His eyes formed crescents as his cheek bones lifted, a tight feeling forming in his chest and his perfectly white teeth shined. Namjoon let out a chuckle at the boy's behavior, playing with his fingers, rubbing circles on his knuckles. It was than that the world filled with color, something that made Jin's eyes open wide. The sight was beautiful, the lime green color of the plant in the corner of the room, the light purple color of the alarm clock on the white nightstand with the glittery gold knobs. Jin looked behind him and out the large window, the bright rays of light shining on his pale skin. He spotted the color of the blue sky, the pure white clouds drifting lazily through the sky. He stared at the dark color of the wood that ran up the tree, the green leaves moving in the light breeze. A bright red bird flew into the tree, it's wings flapping as it landed on a small branch, staring right back at Jin. The boy stared at the world in awe, amazed that all of this beauty surrounding him has been around him for his entire life, he just never noticed it. The boy turned back around to Namjoon, looking back into his chestnut brown eyes. The sunshine coming through the glass behind him hit the boy's skin, making him glow as he smiled, the deep dimples on his cheeks showing. It was then that Jin realized that Namjoon was his sunshine. Namjoon was the feeling that made his chest tighten, the feeling that made his lips curl and his teeth show, the feeling that made him scream and cry as if he were to explode. Namjoon was all of the feelings that filled him, Namjoon was the reason Jin was now alive.

In one quick motion, Jin cupped Namjoon's face in his hands, pressing his plump lips onto the other boy's slightly chapped ones. Namjoon was shocked at the sudden action at first, but immediately kissed the boy back, massaging their lips together. Jin opened his mouth, allowing for Namjoon to explore him like a cave filled with treasure, their tongues dancing a perfect duet. Both of the boy's pulled away simultaneously, gasping for air. Their eyes met once more, Jin smiling as a faint blush grew on his cheeks.

"I love you Namjoon." The boy smiled, pulling both of their bodies as they fell back on the bed, Namjoon pulling the covers over their bodies, Jin immediately wrapping his arms around the other's body, pulling them close.

"I love you too, Seokjin."


After a week, the two boy's visited the doctor again. Right when they got into the office, the doctor realized that something was different, so he had Jin go through another brain scan. Turns out, that because of the sudden outburst of emotions that Jin let out in the recent days, his brain had finally been satisfied, his feelings and emotions roaming free without being stuck in the loneliness that was once his mind. His brain was no longer driving itself insane, Jin no longer kept his feelings to himself, the boy no longer had a deadline on his life. Kim Seokjin, known as the boy with no emotion, the boy who never smiled, laughed, or cried in his whole life, the boy who was a disgrace to all of society, no longer had to be in endless pain.

He was finally cured.


guys this is pretty emotional i gotta admit :')

yooooo im sooo sorry i havent updated in forever, ive been crazy busy with school and life (who am i fooling, ive ben procrastinating im sorry hehe)

i feel like i could've made this part 2 better, considering multiple people requested it, but i really wanted to get something out there for you guys considering ive been super inactive so im sorry if this isnt all you expected :(

thank you for all of your endless support and love!!! <3

-r :)

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