Malachite (Jason Scott x Read...

By strngrstuffandthings

9.7K 245 32

The sixth ranger emerges, though their loyalty falls with the wrong alliance. (Jason Scott x Reader) More

Update will be released tomorow!
Alexandrite (1/2)


1.5K 40 10
By strngrstuffandthings

The waves crashed viciously against the shore as the sun began to rise, the blue of the morning sky was banished out by a red glow that crept up from the horizon. The town of Angel Grove was left to simmer in the hellish light. The rangers stood atop of the cliffs, like gargoyles on the church roof, they watched over their town. With the storm rolling in, the wind began to pick up and the temperature dropping by the second.

"What was that rhyme you said the other day?" Kimberly asked, looking over at Zach. "About the sky?"

"Red skies at morning, sailors take warning." He murmured, his eyes fixated on the fishing boats that poured into the harbour, struggling to control their ships on the choppy waters.

"My dad used to say that to me when I was little," Jason added, his gaze not leaving the water. "Before he'd go on big fishing trips...he said as long as the sunset was red he'd be safe."

"We're being warned," Trini whispered as she shifted on her feet. "But what are we being warned about?"

Tremors that vibrated through the rock face, sending the Rangers nearly off their feet. The weather sirens wailed, alarming the town that a storm was on the way and to find shelter before the worst of it hit. The ground became thick with grey mud, swirling around, forming monstrous shapes. Glancing over her shoulder, Kimberly took notice of the activity behind them, her eyes widening at the scene taking place before her.

"Guys." She said as she reached behind her to nudge Trini. "I think I found the reason why we're being warned."

Snapping his head around, Jason stood in front of the others protective, by nature he was more than ready to take the first punch. When Rita was exiled to the outskirts of the atmosphere she took her creative abilities with her, but before the Rangers, a new threat arose.

"What the hell are those things?" Trini asked, stepping back as the mud sloshed around their feet.

"Worry about the technicalities later, we have to handle this now," Jason ordered. "It's morphing time."

"That will always be cheesy," Trini mumbled before morphing into her yellow armour, joining the others in their transformation.

As they fought the grey masses that struggled to take a strong form, their numbers failed to decrease, only increasing in mass with every punch. Stalking out from between the army of grey muddy creatures, you emerged, clad in the emerald shell of armour that pulsed a blue light in the core of your chest.

Like small children, the beasts clung to your legs, waiting for your next move whilst the others continued their raid on the rangers.

"Take them out," Zedd growled, his presence not physical but somehow his voice echoed into the minds of all the rangers. "Bring me their power coins!"

Having been defeated once millions of years ago, Lord Zedd would need all the power he could muster to take his final form. He would bring Armageddon himself, and baptize the world in hellfire, from the ashes his empire would rise again, damming you to an eternity serving as his henchman.

Until the day he could resurrect Rita Repulsa from the cosmic death she had been condemned to, you would serve as his second in command. The person you once were, the one you failed to see as worthy, was now trapped below the surface of who you had become.

Acting as an extension of yourself, you wielded a long, sharp dagger with golden accents. With no warning you charged toward the Rangers, eventually snapping out of their frozen state, they sprung into action. Trini and Kimberly vaulted off of Zach and Billy, throwing themselves upward in order to take you down from above.

Catching the pink ranger by the foot, you swung her into the yellow ranger's body, colliding with such force they were nearly rendered unconscious. The brute strength that radiates from your body was a frightening force to go up against, but with the harsh winds and the downpour from above, the Rangers had to act fast.

"Y/N!" Billy called, trying to get to you before the others could, afraid of what they may do in order stop you from the warpath you were about to embark on. "Stop this isn't you!" He pleaded, putting his hands up in surrender before gesturing behind his back for the others to retreat.

"She knows no name." Zedd's voice boomed, like a headache you were unable to shake, he was inside the very core of the mind.

Raising the dagger, conjuring viridescent lightning from the blade, you charged toward him. It was evident you were going to slaughter the only friend you ever knew with zero remorse or sense of self. The second your blade grazed the sapphire armour of Billy's chest, volts of electricity sent shockwaves through his body, the only saving grace was Jason hurtling himself into you.

Tackling you to the ground, you were a mess of limbs, fighting for dominance as you rolled toward the ledge. Both throwing punches and striking each other with what would have been fatal blows to any regular person. With neither of you willing to back down, you tumbled into the abyss.

Jason hit the water first, holding you in his arms to break the fall as his suit absorbed the impact. It was like a jolt of electricity, shocking you out of your trance, a blur of red forced you down further and further into the pool of water. The water illuminated around you, the scarlet and emerald light battling for preeminence as you anchored toward the bottom.

Gravity collapsed around you as the world flipped, wincing as your back slammed against the cave floor. Jason pined your body beneath him. The blue glow of his power sword reflected against the metal of your helmet, clasping your fingers around the blade you guided it away from your throat and toward the cosmic light that pulsed from your chest.

"Kill me." you choked through gritted teeth as the metal helmet dissolved around your face. "Please, just kill me."

The pain in your eyes threw Jason though a loop, completely thrown off guard by the sudden shift in personality. The metal of his helmet melting away revealing his features. Unsure whether you were attempting to get the upper hand or if your words were genuine, his brows furrowed.

"There's nothing left. Jason, please." You begged, trying to bring the blade closer to your chest. "This isn't me. I'm not me anymore."

"No." He refused as he tried to pull the blade back, your grip only tightening as it seared into your palms.

Sucking in a sharp breath, your back arched off the ground as pain radiated throughout your body. Finally releasing the blade, your palm's bled. The compulsion that Zedd had put you under was fighting to regain control. The green metal battling against your willpower to conceal your face.

"Fight it," Jason demanded, pinning your wrists down to stop you from clawing your face. "You have to fight it."

"I can't!" You wailed, thrashing beneath his grasp. "I'm not strong enough."

"Look at me," he said, watching as black veins crept up your neck. "Y/N, look at me."

Clinging to the calmness in his gaze, you slowly nodded, trying to push away the darkness that began to cloud your vision.

"You're a power ranger. You're worthy of being a power ranger." He said softly, desperately trying to help you defeat the grip Zedd had on you. "You're Y/N and you're not evil, and none of this is your fault. You have a place on our team, you have us. You're not alone, not anymore."


The remaining four rangers waited on the cliffside, watching in awe as the sky seemed to clear within minutes of Jason's disappearance with you, the storm subsiding as the weather sirens silenced. They had no choice but to wait for your return, afraid if they abandoned the mountaintop, something awful would emerge to take out the town.

"Come on, Jason." Billy murmured as he paced. "Come back, come back."

"Billy, this is Jason we're talking about." Zach attempted to comfort, though to no avail.

"Look," Trini said, straightening up. With the heightened ability to jump, the two of you appeared from the depths of the mines with drenched clothes. "What the hell was that back there?" Trini asked with a raised voice as they made their way toward you.

"I-I don't know." You said with sorrowful eyes, shame overwhelming your senses.

"Ease up, Trini," Kimberly said. "Let her breathe for a second."

Your eyes glossed over as you were left to face the people you had attempted to kill only moments ago. It was like having no control over your mind or body, just a host of something much stronger to possess.

"I'm so sorry, Billy. I swear, I swear I couldn't stop it. I would never-I just-that wasn't me." You apologized as your nails dug into the freshly opened gash on your palm.

"Hey, stop that. It's water under the bridge." he smiled, eager to reassure you. "We're even now."

Looking up from your shoes with quirked a brow, you looked at Billy. "Even?"

"You tried to kill me, I made you carry me home when twisted my ankle. I'd say we've balanced out the debt" He said with a serious tone, only smiling when Zach piped in with a laugh.

"Sounds pretty even to me." Zack quipped, the others laughing softly along with you.

"Listen, I think it would be best if you all just stayed away from me." You explained, pushing your hair off your shoulder. "I don't know when I'm going to lose control again and...and I won't be able to stop it."

"I think that would be every reason not to leave you alone," Kimberly interjected, nodding with the others as they agreed with her statement. "We need to be there for you when it happens again."

Before you could argue Jason piped in. "Kim's right, we should take shifts keeping an eye on you through the night." He suggested, glancing at you to gage a sense of how you felt.

"No, no. That's...that's okay, I'll just pull an all-nighter." You exclaimed, still unable to look into those same blue eyes that practically saved you from yourself.

"But you look exhausted." Trini frowned, now feeling bad for raising her voice at you earlier.

"Fine." You caved with a defeated sigh, burying your hands in your pockets. The five ranges nodded, satisfied with their plan as they were not about to let you go that easily.

"Well, I can take the first shift." Jason offered, only to see your head shake.

"No, that's alright, Billy can." You declined, trying to avoid Jason at all costs.

Jason's lips parted slightly, hoping he would be the one to have a moment alone with you, he watched as it slipped through his fingers. "I suggested it, I should do's not fair to Billy, I don't want to make you do something I suggested." He backtracked, trying to play off the disappointment as nonchalance.

Pursuing his lips Billy shrugged. "I'll stay with her, it's no big deal. It'll be like old times." He smiled. For the first time that day you smiled, a genuine smile. No force or guilt hiding behind your expression, but a small spark of happiness that had died years ago.

"Thanks." You whispered, nudging him with your shoulder as you folded your arms.

As the group parted ways, you glanced behind your shoulder to catch Jason doing the same.


Using your foot, you pushed open the door to your room. To your surprise, the sheets and blankets had been stripped from your bed and hung from the headboard and somehow tied to the support beam opposite to it.

"You built the fort." You grinned, carrying a plate filled with Dino shaped chicken nuggets and oven baked fries.

"I always build the fort." He said as he tightened the string that was holding the structure together. "Remember?"

"Oh, I remember." You giggled, kneeling on the floor as you set the plate down. "Do you remember these?"

His eyes widened as he realized what was on the porcelain plate. "No way, I haven't had these in years. Look! The triceratops! That one was my favourite."

"Mine was the conspicuous blob, always a mystery as to what it was." You recalled holding it up to him before taking a bite out of it.

Slowly the two of you reverted back into your nine year old selves, digging out your rock collection you kept under your bed, the fort illuminated by the lava lamp Billy had given to you on your twelfth birthday, eventually falling asleep to the sound of soundtrack to lord of the rings; just like old times.

The room glowed red from the digital alarm clock, your damp lashes fluttering open as you stared into the night, unable to sleep, afraid of what you might become once you allowed your guard to fall. Carefully, you sat up on the floor, not wanting to wake up the person who was supposed to be watching you.

Creeping out of your room, you walked passed the empty bedroom where your father should be. After being laid off from the mine he had to look for work elsewhere, which led him to a job on an oil rig a few towns over.

As the front porch swing open, a silhouette sat perched on the porch railing. A sharp gasp escaped your lips as you were startled by the unexpected presence, nearly slamming the door shit you jumped back.

"It's just me!" Jason whispered, sliding off where he sat. "Shh, it's me, Jason."

Pushing your hair out of your face you gave him a bewildered look, letting out a sigh of relief. "What are you doing out here?" You asked, hesitantly as you turned away to shut the door.

"Sorry, I wanted to be here just in case." He admitted, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh." You said as you nodded with his words. "Well, everything's okay so don't wait up."

As your shoulder brushed against him as you raced down the front steps, he felt a strange earning to be near you, just to hear your voice say something in a tone that wasn't frantic or afraid. He wanted you to feel safe and secure around him, to ask him for help but it was no use.

"Where are you going?" He called, following after you.

"A walk." You said flatly, shoving your hands into your pockets as you picked up your pace. The air was crisp and thick from the storm that seemed to be brewing constantly overhead of Angel Grove.

"Can't sleep?" He asked as he jogged up to you.

"I don't want to sleep." you admitted, clenching your teeth together as you suppressed the urge to cry. "I have this awful feeling that once I close my eyes I'm just going to lose it again."

"Can I take you somewhere?" Jason asked, looking down at you as the two of you strolled along the road.

"I don't know, sounds like something a serial killer would say." You shrugged, glancing up at him, just for a moment, to reveal a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips.

"That's a solid argument...but I promise you I'm not." He chuckled, looking away as he felt his cheeks flush.


The dead of night had an eerie silence to it as the tall trees that framed the football field swayed.

It was the one place Jason could go in his alone time where he felt a sense of familiarity. Remembering his glory days as he could faintly hear the chant of his name from the empty stands.

"I come here when I need to get away." He admitted as his shoulder gently brushed into yours.

"I use to go to the harbour...but that's been kind of ruined for me." You whispered, kicking the grass beneath your sneakers. It was in that moment that you realized why Jason brought you here; it was his special spot and he was sharing it with you.

"Thanks for bringing me here." Expressing your gratitude with a small grin. "It's really sweet of you."

Jason's cheeks flushed at your words, feeling warm all of a sudden. It was the first time you showed a sign of interest in him. Not romantically, but as a person and a friend.

"I thought I was a serial killer." He teased, pleasantly surprised yet again when you responded with a laugh.

"No, there's too much good in you." You hummed as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyes narrowed as something caught your eye laying in the middle of the field. Jogging toward it, You clasped your fingers around the football, waving it at him. "Hey, catch!"

Launching the ball toward him, you were startled by the force that you had thrown it with. Without hesitation, he ran toward it, leaping into the air at an alarming height as he caught it with ease.

"Nice throw!" He laughed, tossing it back to you.

With the ball in your hands and the worries of the world slipping away you quirked a brow at him.

"How do I do a touchdown?" You asked, mindlessly running toward him as you were allowing yourself to have fun for once. "is it a little bit of this?"

Jutting past him, you sprinted toward the goal zone, giggling as Jason was on your heels.

Letting out a shrill squeal as Jason's arm hooked around your waist, he pulled you to the ground with him. The football bouncing along the grass as he pinned you to the ground, both out of breath with laughter slowly dying.

"I should've known." You sighed dramatically, pieces of your personality resurfacing after years of repression. "How could I, a mere commoner, go up against the great Jason Scott, a football god."

"Ha ha." He huffed rolling his eyes, though the corners of his mouth were stuck in an upward grin. "Y'know, this is the first time I think I've seen you happy. I like seeing you smile." He admitted, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment as he realized how corny he sounded.

Sitting up slightly, you felt yourself gravitating toward him. With half-lidded eyes fixated on your lips, he was only able to imagine how yours would feel against his.

The warmth of his breath kissed your skin as he inched closer, hesitant hands gently finding your waist; but as the moon turned scarlet above Angel Grove you chest tightened.

"Bring me the red power coin." Lord Zedd commanded with a crack of thunder that roared across the sky.

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