Simply Unique

By SpotlightReader

463 67 42

Ellie Johnson was just an average teenage girl. She went to school, partied and went to friends houses. But a... More

Chapter 1: What's With the XOX?
Chapter 2: There WAS a Spark!
Chapter 3: He Doesn't Understand
Chapter 4: Dead Battery
Chapter 5: Do Me a Favor and Get Out
Chapter 6: Way To Wreck It
Chapter 7: Great Godmother News
Chapter 8: What're These Feelings?
Chapter 9: I Need You Back
Chapter 10: It's a Date
Chapter 11: You're Paying
Chapter 13: How'd You Get Here?
Chapter 14: Beaten and Bruised
Chapter 15: Consider Yourself Lucky

Chapter 12: Put Away Your Filthy Money

14 3 3
By SpotlightReader

"Please explain why you drove a whole town over to go to a..." I looked up at the sign. "Gas station?"

Really? A gas station?  I guess they have decent burritos or whatever. But I was expecting to go to the diner or something. And he just had to go a whole town over? I already told him I was starving!

"Yes to a gas station, now shush." He said walking around the car to meet me at the front of the car. "Lets go." He said taking my hand.

I'm not gonna lie, I like his hand in mine. It's nice. I'm just glad we're the town over, no one I know will see this and make up stupid rumors.

Instead of walking into the entrance of the gas station, we go around to the back.

"Chance, why are we goi-" I stopped talking when I saw a small coffee shop. "Oh my! It's so cute!" I said quickening my pace, which resulted in me being yanked back because Chance was still in the same spot staring at the small shop. How was I the one who got yanked instead of him? He just stayed in the same spot... Ugh curse strong people.

"You okay?" I asked squeezing his hand.

"Hmm?" He hummed looking down at me. "Oh yeah I'm fine. What're you waiting for let's go." He said taking large paces. I was yet again being yanked, forward this time.

"Slow it down you giraffe!" I said digging my shoes into the ground.  "If you hadn't noticed, your super tall."

"Ha ha," he said mockingly shortening his paces. "You're tall too." He added.

"Not as tall as you." I said as we got to the entrance of the little shop. "What's this little places name? I didn't see a sign." I asked walking in.

"Martinez Coffee, the signs by the gas station's," he answered walking to the front counter.

I looked around following him. This place is sorta big on the inside, it has 3 booths in the corner right next to each other. None of which were occupied.  The front counter was really small though, it had enough room for the register and a piece of lined paper next to it. Behind the counter was a small swinging door.

Chance hit the bell and a short Latina women walked through the swinging door. She was older and a little over weight.

"Ahh, Chance! How's my favorito cliente?"

"I'm fine Mrs. Martinez. How's Diego?" He asked.

"Trouble as always. Chico tonto." She said rolling her eyes. "Who's the chika bonita?" I blushed. From my couple years of Spanish class I managed to learn a bit. For one chico tonto mean dumb boy. And chika bonita means pretty girl.

"I'm Ellie." I said sticking out my hand for her to shake, very aware that my other hand is still holding Chance's.

"Aw Ellie, bonita nombre.  I'm Ms. Martinez." She said shaking my hand. "Anyways." She said looking at Chance. "The normal?"

"Yes please."

"Normal?" I asked

"You'll see." He said winking. Squeezing my hand. "I'll need 2 of them." He yelled for Ms. Martinez to hear in what I can assume is the kitchen.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

"Lets go sit down." He said dragging me to sit in one of booths. When we got to the booth he let go of my hand, to say I wasn't disappointed would be a lie. We sit opposite of each other, slowly an uncomfortable silence crept on us.

"Urgh," he coughed. "You look nice." He finally said. I looked down at my attire, same baggy crop top and ripped jeans.

"Um, I wear this almost everyday." I said laughing.

"I know." He said as Mrs. Martinez yells for Caleb to get his order. He got up and started digging in his pocket, then it dawned on me. I jumped up and walked up to him.

"Your not paying remember," I said grabbing a $20 bill, trying to give it to him.

"Yes I am," he pushed my money away.

"No, remember. You drove, I have to pay." I reminded.

"You thought I was serious? Put your filthy money away."

"What? No. I want to pay." I said walking towards the counter.

"Too bad. Now go sit down." He said turning me around and softly giving me a push towards the booth.

"Fine." I pouted, knowing I wouldn't win. As I walked back to the booth I heard Ms. Martinez mutter something. I couldn't completely understand it but I understood her say something like amor joven. Which if spanish class has done me wrong it means something like young love.


"Are you serious? There's no way." Chance laughed, astonished.

"I'm dead serious. I nearly died laughing."

"So she just walked up to him and kissed him?" Chance asked.

"Yes, I've said this!"

"Start from the beginning again." Chance told me.

We are still at the coffee shop. We've been here for hours actually. Shortly after we got the 'normal', which was hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll, the awkward silence faded and we began to talk about anything and everything. We've moved on to stories now.

"Okay so," I took a breath and thought about the story again. "Bo and I were at school, we were in the courtyard eating lunch when Kaylee, the school drama queen and bully, walked up to Bo. She started to caress his face, cleavage on show as normal. She was practically straddling him, she was whispering something in his ear. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I saw Bo. The look on his face was so-" I stopped talking because I was laughing to the point of holding my stomach gasping for breaths. "So-" I started into another round of laughter. "Oh dear." I said as the laughter finally settled. Chance sat there watching me with a smile on his face.

"You done?" His smile widening.

"Hardly," I said. "Where was I?"

"His face was so..."

"Oh right," I said my smile widening. I probably look something like the joker, but I don't care. "His face showed such disgust, it was so funny! Then she kissed him, not just a peck. But a full out kiss. She looked like she was trying to eat his face!" I laughed. Not nearly as hard as earlier but I laughed. "Bo ended up pushing her off him, she landed on the ground. Bo got up and ran to the trash can and puked. Kaylee got up, stomped over to Bo and smacked him in the face when he'd finished puking. She started screaming at him. Me being his best friend, got up went to her. I said some words and threw a punch. Sent her home with a bruised eye and broken lip." I smiled proudly.

"Wow never took you as the bad girl type" Chance smiled.

"Ha ha," I sarcastically laughed. "I would hardly call that being a 'bad girl'. I'm probably going to get a lot of crap about it when I go back to school though." I said. This happened on Friday, afterwards Bo begged me to leave with him. I had no problem with it considering I hate being at school. We had hung out at his place, I spent the night. And he had taken me home this morning, then Chance showed up. Now here we are.

Chance opened his mouth to say something but Ms.Martinez interrupted him.

"Niños, sorry to interrupt this but it's closing time."

"Oh okay, Ms. Martinez. Let me clean up real quick." Chance said gathering the cups and walking towards the kitchen.

"Gracias niño." She smiles at him. When  he went into the kitchen she looked at me. "Sit."

"Oh okay." I did as she told me.

"Listen, Chance is like my son. You two are nice together-"

"Oh we're not-" I stopped when she held her finger up.

"Not yet. Just don't hurt him. He's been through a lot, I don't want to see him hurt anymore." She said her hand resting on mine.

Before I had a opportunity to respond Chance came in.

"Alright. I washed the dishes." Chance said walking out of the kitchen.

"Ah, gracias Chance. Now get out. I need to close up." She said pushing him out the door.

"Okay, okay, lets go El." Chance said grabbing my hand. We made it out the door with Ms. Martinez.

"I will see you next time. Remember what I told you." Ms. Martinez said winking at me.

"I will." I said as Chance began to take me to the front of the gas station.

"What did you guys talk about?" Chance questioned as we got in the truck.

"Nothing worth sharing." I answered. But I couldn't help but think about something she'd said. He's been hurt a lot, how? By who? It makes me worry about him, and I have no right to. But I still do.

"Okayyyyy." He said, then we started pulling away from the gas station.


Hey guys! I will try to publish more often but it's often difficult because I have a busy schedule but... hope you enjoyed!  ❤️


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