Ellie's Angel

By WonderGirl320

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This story follows a girl named Ellie as she falls in love with,Emil,her guardian angel,who has been sent to... More

Part 1 - Introducing Ellie
Part 2 - Introducing Emil
Part 3 - A new beginning
Part 4 - Heartfelt
Part 5 - Emil's secret
Part 6 - Graduation
Part 7 - High Stakes.
Part 8 - Life goes on
Part 9 - The past in the past
Part 10 - Emil's return
Part 11 - Circles of the heart
Part 12 - Consequences of love
Part 13 - Heart in the head
Part 14 - Rory's Past
Part 16 - A change of heart
Part 17 - Ellie's revenge
Part 18 - The wheels of revenge
Part 19 - The Final act
Part 20 - Disappointment
Part 21 - a New beginning?
Part 22 - Confessions
Part 23 - If it's LOVE
Part 24 - The Beginning of the End
Part 25 - That's how it is
Part 26 - Forever together
Part 27 - Eternity

Part 15 - Trouble

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By WonderGirl320

3 weeks later ...

Ellie's mind.

Darkness. Darkness all around me. I'm trapped in my own body with no chance of escape. It's been forever since I've seen the light.

But how did I get here? I can't really remember. Wait what's this? Light? I've to run towards the light. I can't let it escape and be trapped here any longer.

Ellie's point of view.

My eyes open heavily. Everything is blurry before my eyes. My ears feel numb on the inside. I struggle to keep my eyes open as a blurred figure appears.

Her voice is muffled. I lightly shake my head to try and snap out of it. My vision soon comes into focus so does my hearing.

"Sweetheart!" I feel a hand grab hold of mine.

I try to speak but all I manage to get out is a groan. My hand instinctively reaches for my throat as I swallow,my throat feeling very dry.

"Here you go," I finally am able to see the person clearly. It's my mother.

She hands me a glass of water which I instantly gulp down. My eye lids are still feeling heavy but I manage to take in a deep breath.

I inhale the pleasant smell of flowers and I manage to slightly smile. My mother is looking at me with teary eyes and a smile on her face.

"Hello mom," I whisper,squeezing her hand gently.

Two hours later ...

Rory's point of view.

It's a damn cold day today. I put on the thickest jacket I could find and wrapped a red scarf around my neck.

I'm on my way to the hospital once again. Lately I've been feeling better about Ellie's accident. It's been a few months since it all happened.

As time goes by one learns to live with the pain. After a ten minute drive I finally reach the hospital. Getting out of the car,I stuff my hands into my pockets.

I enter the hospital and walk through the noisy reception area and using the elevator,I make my way to the east wing of the hospital.

Taking a left turn into a long corridor I am greeted by some nurses. They smiled at me and being friendly I smile back.

After what felt like an eternity of walking,I reach her room. But as I approach,doctor Daniels,steps out of her room.

I wondered what was going on and rushed over. He greets me with a smile,holding the white iPad in his right hand.

"Is something wrong,Doc?" I asks concerned.

"No,nothing is wrong. Ellie is fine,she woke up about two hours ago," he explains.

For a moment my brain struggles to process what he had just said. A sudden feeling of relief washes over me and I stand there with my mouth wide open.

"There is one thing," he says sounding disappointed.

"What is it?" I ask looking at him.

"Neither you or Emil is allowed to see her," he sighs deep.

"But why?" I frown in confusion.

"I don't know you or his involvement with her accident, but she refuses to see either of you," he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I-i understand," my head suddenly feels heavy and I hang it.

"I'm sorry,kid. Neither of you seem like bad people," he pats my shoulder and walks off.

I can't blame her for not wishing to see us,but it still hurts. Deep down it was like something broke. Shoving my hands back into my pockets,I turn to leave.

As I turn to leave my eyes connect with her eyes through the glass. Seeing her awake made me smile, but Ellie gave me a scornful gaze and turned away.

I decide it's best if I leave.

Emil's point of view.

After disguising my wings,I head down to earth via the heavenly portal. I head to the hospital,but on my way something grabs my attention.

I walked past the coffee shop located on the corner of the hospital. When I suddenly see Rory,he is sitting with his hands in his hair and appears to be very unhappy.

I clench my fist. I seriously dislike him. He really is stupid,isn't he? And he never gives up. Ugh! But I can't help to wonder what the matter is? He is suppose to be with Ellie. Did something happen?

Unclenching my fist I decide to go talk to him. Maybe we could get along better if we try and be friends and learn to understand one another.

"May I?" I ask looking down at him.

At first there is no response,but then he nods lightly.

"I know we don't see eye to eye,but are you okay?" I ask taking my seat.

"It's okay man. Nothing to be worried about," he answers distant.

"Shouldn't you be with Ellie?" I inquire curious.

"No. She woke up about three hours ago and she doesn't want to see me or you," he says blunt.

"What!? Why!?"

"I think she remembered the night of the accident and now she hates us," he removes his glasses,rubbing his nose.

"Have you spoken to her?" I ask,sweating.

"No,doctor Daniels told me and if we try to visit her we will be thrown out of the hospital."

"This is our fault and I suppose we can't blame her," I sigh deep.

For once Rory and I sat together and had coffee without trying to murder each other. It was nice,I've to admit. We had one thing in common,Ellie.

2 weeks later ...

Ellie's point of view ...

I was finally discharged,nearly two weeks ago. Tonight is my first night back at work after nearly five months.

I feel like my old self,well not completely. Something deep down had changed during the accident. But I wasn't sure what it was.

Little did I know that I was going to find out sooner than I thought,about my little change.

I still didn't want Rory or Emil near me. They tried their best to try and convince me,but I refused to listen. But am I wrong?

The entire situation mauled in my head as I treated my new patient. A five year old boy who's mother died in a car crash. He had lost his left eye in the process.

His father sits by and watch as I clean his eye to free it from infection. I joked with the little kid and made him laugh,just to cheer him up.

After treating his eye,I left the room and made my way to the medicine ward. The halls are very quiet,since it's the graveyard shift.

Suddenly I had the strangest feeling that I'm being followed. After fifteen minutes I reach the medicine ward and go inside.

I turned on the light,but it kept flickering. Then suddenly the door closed. But there's no one there. Must be my imagination?

Suddenly an icy hand grabs my arm. Before I could scream another hand covers my mouth.

"I didn't mean to frighten you," he let's go.

"Mister Shepard," I grab at my chest,"you'll give me a heart attack."

"You should get this light fixed,it might be problematic."

"Yes,we should. You're not suppose to be in here," the voice in my head was telling me to run.

"I know but I just wanted to thank you for making Damien laugh," he smiles polite.

"It's not a problem," I take a step back.

In a flinch he pins me against the wall. In that instant my heartbeat doubles. The light continues to flicker violently.

"Now don't scream," he says threatening.

I wanted to scream so badly. My body trembles with fear,every nerve is in utter shock.

He uses his one hand to hold both my hands above my head. A dark smirk appearing on his face.

"Now hold still so I can repay you," he whispers,slyly,in my ear.

I glance over to my left spotting a few scalpels in a silver tray. He used his one knee to separate my legs from another.

It was in the moment that he unzipped his pants that the flickering light went out ...

10 minutes later.

I burst through the door in tears,my white nurse's outfit is drenched with blood. Falling to my knees Lauren,who was walking down the hallway,runs to me.

"What happened??" She asks frantically.

I couldn't get any words out,but simply pointed to the medicine ward. Lauren gets up and opens the door. The light wouldn't work so she used her flashlight.

Mister Shepard is laying on the ground,a glass vase smashed over his head and a scalpel sticking out of his ribs. His blood has created a red pool around his body.

"Get a crash cart here immediately," Lauren yells and pushes a panic button.

And there was the snap. But what sort of trouble was I going to face for protecting myself?

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