Code Lyoko: The Biggest Myste...

By guardianangel1

8.1K 182 22

Lyoko. A vast unexplored virtual world. That is until a student Jeremy Belpois came across it and activated t... More

Character Info
Chapter 1: A pleading request
Chapter 2: mystery girl;friend or foe
Chapter 3: Meeting the warriors
Chapter 4: I will protect you! The battle is on!
Chapter 5: Akiko vs. William
Chapter 6: Secrets and past revealed
Chapter 7: Filling in the fragments
Chapter 8: Kadic academy
Chapter 9: A new student?
Chapter 11: Replika

Chapter 10: Dance Trap

149 5 0
By guardianangel1

~Akiko's pov~

I woke up to the obnoxious noise of my alarm clock telling me in its own way to wake up and get ready for the day. I groggily sat up, rubbed my eyes, yawned, stretched and got out of bed. I walked to my dresser still out of it from my sleep and opened the drawer. I got dressed in the outfit I usually wore. Aeltia was sitting up in her bed stretching also and let out a yawn once I looked at her.

"Morning Aelita." I greeted then yawned once more.

"Morning." She said stretching again.

I waited on my bed as Aelita got dressed, and I decided to go through my bag to look if I had any paper I needed turn anything in which seemed to be I didn't. It was a good thing too. Having way too much homework would make me feel a bit overwhelmed. After Aelita got dressed and ready we proceeded to our first class.

~Skip to 3rd hour~

Aeltia told me about Xana's recent attacks while she was in the super computer and when she got materialized on Earth as we sat down.

"Xana has gone to all sorts of lengths. Making up a virtual world on Lyoko and keeping the other three in it is seriously clever..Which makes me a bit nervous on what other sort of attack he can think of." I said.

"It was crazy. Another way was materializing monsters too."

"What?! That's insane!"

"Akiko Stones even though class hasn't officially started I will not tolerate shouting!" Mrs. Hertz lectured.

I ducked my head in shame and rubbed the back of my head.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. I got a little overexcited."

Once class officially started I began to doze off and the voice of the teacher began to slowly fade. I had thought about Lyoko and the 6 sectors as it was no longer my home. I was glad it wasn't too. I would be just fine here with Aeltia and everyone else here at the dorms. I couldn't eat, sleep, feel cold, feel heat, have all my senses or the experiences that comes along with living on Earth.

"You're late Lucas!" I shot my head up to see the young man walking in with a bored look just not giving a care in the world as he came to sit by me.

"Hey Akiko." He greeted.

"Why are you late?"

I smiled slightly and began waving at him while he sat down in his chair getting into a comfy position.

"I slept in. I was tired and had a dream about us~"

"Y-you did?"

"Yeah. The two of us walking through the forest, holding hands, and you looked stunning. The moonlight reflecting off you-"

"Mr. Yoshida it's bad enough you're late, but now you're talking in my class while I am. This is not English class."

Lucas let out a sigh and put his chin on his hand. I smiled to myself and looked over the room as I did I spotted Odd watching me with anger spreading over his face. My smile vanished. He seemed to have overheard what Lucas was saying because he turned facing forward. I looked down a bit looking at what was in front of me. Opening my textbook, I looked through the book flipping the pages slowly even though I was skimming through it. Eventually time passed and our class was over so the bell went off. Slowly I walked out with Aeltia still upset about Odd's reaction when I glanced at him.

"You okay Akiko?" She asked.

I sighed and shook my head.

"I was until Odd gave me the cold shoulder along with an aggravated look."

I held onto my books and sighed quietly.

"I wonder if it's because Lucas asked me to the dance and I said yes."

"He's probably having a rough day. I'll have Ulrich talk to him about it okay?"

She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back knowing that I could never be upset with her around. She had this affect on me when she smiled I just had a feeling things would be okay no matter what.

"So..I will be wearing my dress to this dance?"

"Yes of course. It is something formal and a dress is formal."

"Lucas said he pick me up around 7 so I'm guessing that's when the dance starts?

"It is, and it goes on until 10. He better pick you up though. You will need an escort of course."

I nodded and we continued to go to our classes.


Aelita and I grabbed our lunch and joined the rest of the group. I enjoyed the diverse types of food they had to serve at the school. I got to experience the different feels and tastes of them all. Aelita explained to me that the liquid we drank was water and that it was the healthiest for us which meant the best for our body. I was learning something every day either about socializing, history, biology or even about food. I enjoyed learning everything. Even with my memories i still hadn't socialized for years and everything seemed to have changed and evolved.

"After the dance is over with tonight we should head over to the factory and figure out what he's up too." Jeremy said.

I didn't feel like going back to Lyoko so soon I just begun to enjoy being alive again. Looking down I played with my food feeling uncomfortable.

"Well it depends on how late it is. If anyone wakes up sometime early in the morning and find us they'll inform Jim or investigate themselves." Ulrich put in.

"Ulrich's right, my parent shave been suspicious of my absences lately at school. Don't forget that one time the principal threatened to expel me for missing and being late too many times in my classes." Yumi said.

"Well, so that everyone doesn't get into trouble I'll go there myself then." Jeremy said finishing his croissant.

"I'll actually tag along Einstein. I have nothing else better to do, plus getting into detention isn't exactly new for me." Odd said looking past me and looked at Jeremy.

"So, it's decided then." Jeremy finished.

"Hey Akiko, I heard someone asked you to the dance last night." Yumi mentioned.

I peered quickly at her then back down at my food my face heating up from the sudden attention.

"Well..yeah someone did.."

"Lucas I'm guessing? He seems to like hanging around you." Yumi said.

"Where are you going Odd?" Ulrich asked.

I lifted my head up slightly. I noticed on his tray that he didn't finish his food again before he got up from his seat and walked to the garbage can and eventually leaving the cafeteria.

"What's his deal?" Yumi asked after Odd walked out.

"I'll tell you guys about it later." Ulrich informed them.

"Aelita I'm done...I'll see you all later." I said getting up.

I took my tray and dumped the remaining food in the garbage then left. I walked off the campus and sat by the nearest bush. Sighing deeply, I bent my legs pulling them to my chest and rested my head on them.

~Aelita's pov~

I watched Akiko leave and it left a sour taste I my mouth seeing her so upset. Sighing I looked down at my food.

"Is Akiko okay Aelita?" Jeremy asked.

"She's upset because Odd is upset with her." I replied.

"That's the thing, Odd was going to ask Akiko to the dance last night, but it seems Lucas beat him too it. Odd has been sulking ever since then." Ulrich explained.

"Sulking? More like making her feel bad about it. If she wants to go to the dance with Lucas she can. It isn't Odd's choice. They aren't dating or anything and him giving Akiko grief isn't fair to her." Yumi retorted.

"It's like Jeremy said we can't be sure if we can trust him. She should have said no to him." Ulrich argued.

"Why are you defending him? Odd is making her feel upset it isn't right or his choice."

"I'm not sure what we can do about it. Odd is the one who is upset with her and needs to get over it. He is making the choice to make her feel this way." Jeremy stated.

"Akiko made the choice so she created the problem." Ulrich said.

I just let out a sigh. Ulrich is talking from experience with Yumi and William. Their love triangle however shouldn't be influenced by what he says for this situation.

"Ugh Ulrich! You should maybe think about her feelings and not your own issues you've had about William being around me!" Yumi said standing up and walked out.

Jeremy and I got up not wanting to listen to the arguing anymore and left Ulrich there.

'I hope Akiko is okay..'

~Akiko's pov~

After sulking for a while I got up and went back to the campus. I didn't know who I could talk too about this besides Aelita who I couldn't find. I chose to my dorm for the remaining time of the lunch period. I laid down on my bed, on my side of the room with my arms behind my head gawking at the ceiling in thought about Odd's behavior lately.

'I wonder if it's about Lucas taking me to the dance..or did I do something else to make him upset..why are some boys so confusing. I can't stress myself out about this.'

I got up after hearing the bell ring which was the signal to head to my next class, so I grabbed my stuff and left the room closing it behind me.

~FF to after the rest of the classes~

I walked into the locker room drying myself off with the towel, so I could change into my regular clothes. I eventually got dried off and dressed. While I was brushing my hair my cell phone began to ring and I picked it up.


"Akiko! Hey, you need to hurry and get to your dorm!"

"Yumi are you okay? What's going on?"

"Don't worry it's nothing. I'm just happy that you're going to a dance with someone. Aelita is excited as well."

So why do you want me to hurry and get there then?"

"You'll see. Hurry up. Later."

She hanged up, and I did the same. Grabbing my items and stuffing them in my bag I ran out of the locker room to the dorms. Walking up the steps my phone vibrated meaning I got a text message which is what Aelita told me anyways. I pulled my phone out of my pocket out of my dress and it was a message from Aelita telling me to get a move on. I just sighed to myself and put it away finishing my climbed up the stairs. I strolled down the hallway appearing next to my dorm, opened the door and walked inside.

"So what's so impor-..?" I blinked a few times not finishing what I said.

I noticed Yumi had a curling iron in her hand while Aelita had a pile of makeup on my bed next to her, and my dress laying sprawled across on her bed.


Yumi pulled my arm with her other hand, and Aelita pushing me onto the bed and the two of them got to work on my transformation.

~30 mins later~

"Okay you can open." Aelita told me.

I slowly opened my eyes I was standing in front of a full body mirror looking at my own reflection I barley recognized myself. My purple dress was on with the matching shoes and sleeveless gloves. My hair was curled on the ends and put back into half a ponytail. My necklace was on along with a silver choker above it, so it matched. There was a light purple, shiny stuff on my eyelids, and my lips also looked shiner too.

"You look wonderful Akiko, but do you like it?" Aelita asked.

I glanced at myself one more time before turning to both smiling.

"I-Idk what to say." I stuttered.

"As long as you have fun at the dance then there is nothing to say. We both think you look great and I'm sure Lucas will too." Yumi said.

"What time is it anyways?" I asked.

Yumi pulled out her cell phone, checked it then looked back at me. At the same time a knock was heard against the door.

"That would be the time to leave." Yumi answered chuckling a tad.

I took a deep breath, walked over to the door turning the handle, I opened it, and stepping back a few steps. In the doorway, Lucas stood there with his hair tied into a pulled back braid. His eyes still that smoldering grey that seemed to have shined when he met mine. This caused my heart to speed up a few beats. He was dressed in a button up white shirt and black pants.

"Akiko. It's great to see you. Wow, you look wonderful." He picked up my hand and kissed it gently.

A small shock of excitement swept up my arm to my face as a blush appeared. It seemed not matter what I always blushed around him. I had no idea why either. He put a flower on my hand that was surrounded by leaves.

"What is this?" I asked.

"A corsage. Haven't you seen one before?"

"Uh no.."

"Seems no one wanted to take a beautiful girl to a dance before. That is a shame. I'm glad I am the first one."

"That's really sweet of you to say."

Lucas bent his arm at an angel and on instinct I took it putting my arm through the hole and wrapped it around his.

"We will see you two later at the dance. So behave yourselves." Yumi said while pushing us out and closing the door.

There was a strange odor that came from Lucas. Something strong but smelled good. I slowly leaned my head onto his shoulder and breathed it in enjoying the new smell. We both walked down the hallways and proceeded to the gym.


We could hear the bass of the music booming loudly against the walls. Going into the gym there was a massive amount of people there. Many of the students dancing with one another, some just talking, drinking fruit punch, and others just hanging around. Lucas pulled his arm away from mind then held my hand lacing his fingers into mine. I managed a shy smile before walking after he into the loud crowded room. We squirmed through the crowd through all the dancing people eventually running into the others.

"Glad to see you two made it." Jeremy greeted.

"I didn't think you would show. I thought you be in your room on the computer." I chuckled slightly.

"Well...I uh had asked Aelita and once she said yes. How could I stay in my room?" He said blushing and scratching his cheek lightly with his pointer finger.

"I heard that." Aelita appeared behind him holding his arm with her hands smiling.

I smiled at the two who obviously made a great couple and they did like one another very much. Yumi appeared next to Ulrich with her hands on her hips.

"Hey how bout we all go have some fun." She suggested.

Everyone nodded, and we headed out to the dance floor. Later, after a couple of songs we all were out of breath and headed over to the punch table. We each got a cup of either punch or water and began talking.

"I'll be right back Akiko. I'm going to head to the bathroom." Lucas then left and proceeded to his destination.

"Having fun?" Aelita asked standing beside me as I nodded.

She gave me a sincere smile and started talking to Yumi. I waited for Lucas besides everyone else. We stood around for a while and Lucas hadn't returned yet. A slow song began to play that's when everyone walked off to the dance floor with the person they came with. I leaned against the wall and looked around.

"Do you want me to wait with you Akiko?" Aelita asked.

"No, no. I'm sure Lucas won't be much longer. Maybe he isn't feeling well. Go have some fun. Jeremy is waiting for you don't worry about me." I said reassuring her with a smile.

She just nodded smiling sadly then left meeting with Jeremy, and they both vanished into the crowd. I stood there a few moments and Lucas touched my shoulder with his hand. I jumped slightly startled and looked at him.

"Oh Lucas. You scared me. I wondered what happened to you."

"Hey Akiko, how about we go someplace that is more quiet and romantic?" He said.

"I should let the others know though."

"Why? They aren't your babysitters. Besides we won't go far. Don't you trust me?"


"Great come on!"

He dragged me through the crowd pushing a few students here and there. He lead me out of the gym and eventually off the campus grounds. Before I knew it we were into the middle of the forest near the school.

"Isn't this better?" He questioned pulling me into him wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Uh..yeah..but I don't think we should be out here..especially this late.."

"I told you we aren't that far and it won't take very long. Try and relax okay? It's supposed to be romantic."

" long as we don't take too long."

He rested his head on top of mine and we swayed back and forth slowly. My eye lids closed, and I buried my face into his chest inhaling his scent. After a while I lifted my head.

"I think we've been out here long enough. I want to head back."

I began pulling back taking a step back as I looked up at him. When I tried he pushed me back until my back was against a tree. His hands pinning my wrists beside my head. I pulled with all my might trying to get out of his hold.

"L-lucas what are you doing?"

"Getting back what's been mine all these years."


His voice sounded different. I looked into his eyes to see the symbol of xana and I could hear pulsing. I continued to pull on my wrists but could hardly move them. The strength xana gave a person was incredible, but I couldn't just give up. I noticed my legs weren't being pinned so I used the opportunity to use them. I managed to hit Lucas in between the legs and that caused him to let go and hunch over in pain. I rubbed my wrists and quickly stepped back and sprinted toward the school.

'I have to tell the others!'

I reached for my cell phone, but realized I left it in the gym.

'Oh no! I have to hurry and get there!'

I was getting close to the school grounds but was thrown back against a tree. I gasped in pain feeling a sharp pain in my back which shook my body. I tried to shout but my mouth was covered instantly by a hand before I had the chance to take a breath. I tried to pull the hand off my mouth, but one of my hands was held by the wrist and a terrible sensation of electricity coursed through my body. I screamed with the hand covering and past out from the intense pain. The last thing I saw was the symbol of Xana.

~Aelita's pov~

The slow song came to an end. I let go of Jeremy and he let go of me. Both of us proceeded over to the table that had our refreshments on it. I looked around for Akiko or Lucas but I didn't see them at all.

"Jeremy, have you seen Akiko or Lucas?" I asked.

Jeremy looked at me finishing his drink and shook his head slightly.

"Maybe they went for a walk?"

"She could have told us..however I can't seem to be worried."

"I'll go check if Xana has launched an attack if that'll make you feel any better."

"I'll come with because you never know."


We both left the gym. The music could be heard down to where the dorm rooms were. As we ventured into the dorms up to Jeremy's room, approached the door, we could hear the beeping coming from his computer. We both walked inside and noticed the screen showed an activated tower.

"Oh no! Akiko's in trouble!" Jeremy got out his cell phone and I suspected he called the others.

"Okay they'll meet us at the factory, let's go!" Jeremy ran out and I followed.

'Please..Akiko hang in there.'

~No pov~

Lucas who was possessed by Xana took Akiko to the factory. He walked into the elevator and proceeded to the scanner room. Lucas put the unconscious female into the scanner setting her into a sitting position. He grinned maliciously then traveled to the room that had the computer and started up the materialization process. Once he clicked the button Akiko was transported to Lyoko still unconscious by the shock wave. The symbol of Xana still pulsed in his eyes as he watched the avatar being uploaded and Akiko appear on the screen. His lips formed into a smirk and his eyebrows narrowed. Next he began typing at inhuman speed bugging up some of the programs on the screen. After he got done Lucas got up and Xana had him climb up the wall heading to the ceiling waiting for the others to get there so he could ambush them before they could interfere with Xana's plans.

~Akiko's pov~

I opened my eyes slowly seeing a different scenery around me. Last thing I remembered was Lucas being possessed by Xana. Suddenly my senses were more aware, and I sat up looking around. I noticed I was on Lyoko in the Ice sector. Getting up quickly I looked up at the sky.

"Jeremy are you there!?"

I got no response.

"Please someone answer!"

I skimmed the frozen wasteland to find a way tower. I would be safe from any monsters if I waited in one of those. In the distance I could barely make out something in the distance, and noticed it was the tower. I began to run toward it but came to an abrupt stop as monsters appeared. A few mega tanks and crabs along with William. I took a few steps back and went to reach for my staff that kept tied on my back however it wasn't there.

"Huh?! But how?!"

"On here you're a program and programs can always be bugged up." William snickered.

"Just great.."

William and the other monsters sprinted towards me. Without my staff I didn't have much of a chance against them even with my energy fields. I had no choice but to fly. Flapping my wings I took off to the sky, but then fell hitting the ground as quickly as I got up.

"What?! I wasn't even hit! Dammit another bug..just my luck!"

I turned my head seeing the whole evil herd catching up. Quickly I got up and began running trying to find a tower or a place to hide.

~Jeremy's pov~

Aelita and I entered the factory. Ulrich, Odd, and Yumi met up with us there about 5 minutes after. We got to the elevator and up to the super computer. Three out of five of us entered the room. Aelita rushed over to the computer.

"Just what I feared. She's already on Lyoko and being chased by William and some monsters! There's also some of the programs are bugged up! " Aelita informed us.

"We should have watched them more carefully." Ulrich stated.

"No time for chit chatting. The rest of you get to the scanners while I work on debugging the program." I ordered.

Aelita and Odd proceeded to the elevator where Yumi and Ulrich were waiting. However, before I got a chance to get onto the chair in front of the super computer I was tackled to the ground. Looking at who it was Lucas was on top trying to choke me. I gasped for air and I struggled.

"Hey get off of him!" I heard Odd shout and tackled Lucas off me.

I coughed sitting up gasping for air.

"The rest of you head to Lyoko quickly! We don't have much time to lose!" I ordered then coughed.

Aelita rushed inside the elevator and Yumi pressed the button closing the door. While catching my breath I got up and began the materialization program for all three. Meanwhile I could hear odd and Lucas going at it around me.

"Akiko is totally bugged up. Xana has bugged up the others before I'm sure its nothing I can't debug."

I started the process for the materialization problem once all three got into the scanners.

"Materialization Yumi. Materialization Aelita. Materialization Ulrich. Scanner Yumi. Scanner Aelita. Scanner Ulrich. Virtualization!"

"Akiko's location is 40 degrees north and 73 west."

"In order for us to catch up were going to need our vehicles Jeremy." Yumi spoke up.

I began putting in the codes for the vehicles and they were materialized.

"Hurry and get a move on Williams catching up!"

"We know that Jeremy!" Aelita shouted.

~Akikos pov~

"You know jumping off the edge into the digital sea would be more fun for you to do William instead of chasing me all over the ice sector!" I shouted as I kept running.

"You'll be coming with if I do." I heard him say.

"Akiko? Are you there?" I heard a voice I have been wanting to hear.

"Jeremy! Finally! Where are the others?!"

"They're on our way. Hang on a little longer!"

"I don't have my staff and my wings won't work! I'm completely powerless here."

"Xana used Lucas to bug up your programming so you couldn't defend yourself."

"Of course, he did. Typical him. Can't win a fair fight."

I heard a weird sound come within ear distance. A strange creature I haven't seen before appeared. I stopped in my tracks and looked back. Taking a step back I saw this thing that had translucent tentacles and an odd-looking head.

"Jeremy there's this strange creature. I haven't seen it before!"

"It's the scyphozoa! Akiko you must get out of there! Xana uses that when he has an idea to use someone or take something from them! Run!"

I summoned an energy field and shot at it, but a laser dissolved it. I turned my head to see William and the monsters behind me.

"Jeremy I'm trapped!"

I shifted my eyes to the side and noticed a small passage. I tried to run that way, but a crab quickly blocked it and the other sideway was blocked as well. When I tried to take another step, the crab shot a laser at me pushing me backwards.


I turned my head at him glaring. He snapped his fingers, and something wrapped around me. The clear tentacles created a barrier around my body making it unable to move. I was forced to look at the creature as it lined tentacles on the sides and top of my head. In a split second it felt like everything froze and my consciousness began to drain slowly.

"So much for living a normal life huh? Now you'll be Xana's once more." William snickered.

~Aelita's pov~

"Hurry! The scyphozoa has Akiko and its draining her memory!" Jeremy shouted.

"But why would xana want her memory?" Yumi asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine..

"There! I see them!" I shouted.

I slid my hand across the star on my bracelet and my wings appeared. I flew off the over wing and flew ahead of everyone else.

"Aelita what are you doing?!" Jeremy shouted.

"Yumi take care of William, Ulrich take care of the scyphozoa, I'll take care of the crabs!"

"What about the mega tanks?" Ulrich asked.

"We will take care of those two. William and the scyphozoa is the most important things to get rid of!"

"Right!" Yumi said.

We all separated and began attacking those who I assigned the other two too.

I summoned my energy fields and attacked the crabs. I got one's attention and used an energy field to destroy it. Flying over to the other one I ended up getting shot down by a mega tank and fell to the ground. I ran from the other crab who was chasing me with lasers. I ran behind a rock and summoned another energy field shooting it at the crab, but it managed to dodge and shot again. I got on my knees and sang causing the ground beneath it to fall into the digital sea.

"That takes care of those!"

I looked over seeing Yumi divert William's attention away from Ulrich as he got off his bike having it head to a mega tank and knock the monster off a nearby edge. Ulrich dodged the attack from the other mega tank and threw his sword cutting the tentacles of the scyphozoa which forced it to release Akiko and she fell to the ground with a thud. I ran over to her and held her up. Ulrich dodged another attack and sprinted at the mege tank, used his triplicate and destroyed that one.

"Akiko? Wake up." I pleaded.

Her eyes slowly opened, and her head turned to look at me.

"What happened..?" She asked completely dazed.

"Don't worry about it. You're safe and that is what matters."

"Nice job Ulrich! Just in the nick of time!" Jeremy commented.

Yumi and Ulrich stood next to one another fighting against William.

"It's over William. Should have planned things out better." Yumi said waving her fan at him.

"Hmph. Just remember Yumi darling I was only mere seconds from victory for my master. Maybe it is you who should keep a closer eye on her." He said and vanished into his black smoke and went over the closes edge off the ice plateau.

"Aelita, Odd won't make it for too much longer. You have to hurry and deactivate the tower!" Jeremy warned then yelled in pain into the microphone.

"I'm on it! Yumi watch over Akiko." I said sitting Akiko up and ran to the activated tower.

After it was deactivated the return to the past program was launched and we found ourselves back at the dance. After the dance, we all met in Jeremy's room to talk about the incident.

"Xana is proving to be more cunning." Jeremy commented.

"Or I'm just naïve..I should have stayed at the dance and not wander off with him." Akiko mumbled looking away.

"Akiko..don't blame yourself."

"But it's true. Xana didn't attack for days and when Lucas asked me to go to the forest with him alone, and not wanting me to tell any of you...I just..I should have seen the signs." Akiko cried out looking down.

"We didn't fulfill our word. We didn't protect you like we should have. We're all sorry. You didn't haven't faced Xana the way we have." Yumi spoke up.

"What matters now is you're still here with us." Ulrich said.

"Exactly. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help." I told her and hugged her tightly.

I looked over at Odd. He was the only one who hadn't spoken the whole time.

"Odd aren't you going to say anything?" Ulrich asked nudging him.

Odd looked down a bit upset still.

"Would you get over the whole jealously thing?" Yumi asked.

"I'm not upset about that anymore..." He responded.

"Then what is it?"

"I feel bad about how I treated you akiko..and I'm sorry. I'll make sure to keep a better watch over you too." He said.

Akiko pulled back and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye and smiled.

"Thank you..everyone. Thank you for being here for me."

"It's what friends and family are for." I told her.

Akiko's smile grew bigger and we all came in for a group hug.

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