The Alpha The Assassin The Mi...

Oleh JasmineRose_xx

418K 12.9K 1.4K

Who is Kendall Costanova? She is a young, gorgeous and underestimated Russian teen orphan, who was adopted by... Lebih Banyak

1. She-Devil
2. Clear Out
3. Another Beginning
4. Bitter Bitches
5. Hell School
6. Actress
7. Scene
8. Info?
9. Lead?
10. Mate
11. Snooping
12. Indi's new boyfriend?
13. Bitch fight
14. Chill Out and shop
15. Hearing Voices
16. The Hybrid
17. Memory
18. Training
19. Mission
20. Interrogation
21. School again
22. Worthy opponent?
23. Deliah
24. Costanova Witch
25. Explanations and Magic
26. The New Girl
27. He's My Weakness.
28. Confessions, Make-outs and Possession?
29. Witch? or Wolf?
30. Mission #2
31. Attitude, Attitude, and more Attitude
32. Magic
33. Into the Forest
34. Transition
35. Stranded and...naked?
36. What does my Heart want?
37. Kathryn
38. Visits
39. Biten
40. First Shift. First Kill.
41. My Mind-Reeling Thoughts
42. The Drop
43. Figuring it out
44. Terra
45. Undeniable Desire
46. Open Book
47. Kiss Me
48. Mending Broken Bonds
49. Date: Surprise No.1
50. Date: Surprise No.2
51. You are Mine, and I am Yours
52. My Lovely, Mine Only
53. Unexpected Encounter
54. Andrei
55. The Hunt Begins
56. Decisions
57. From Enemy, To Sister
58. Oops
59. Enchanted
60. Farewell
61. Dedication
62. Safe Travels
63. A journey into the deep
64. Breathe
65. Drama, Drama and More Drama
66. Deeper
67. Curiouser and Curiouser
68. Home Bittersweet Home
70. Sweet Sinner
71. Ancestral Anticipation
72. Decisions, Decisions...
73. The Final Transition
74. Tree Hugger
75. Marked
76. Knock Knock, Who's There?
77. This Means War
78. Another Day, Another Investigation
79. Intoxicated Interests
80. House Call

69. Just A Tad Complicated

2.7K 89 19
Oleh JasmineRose_xx

Oh my GOD! #2 for the assasin category and #2 for rated!! Guys this is so amazing!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!
Jasmine Rose xx


Kendall's POV;

"WHAT?!" Jeremy and Kathryn yell simultaneously. They both glare at each other before looking at me in utter shock.

"is there anything else? Any other surprises?" Jeremy asks fustratedly as i take a seat at the desk feeling drained.

I am slowly giving up. This is the most messed up mission i have ever been on.

"Lets just chill. Things could be worse" i groan feeling like i was trying to convince myself more than them. I breathe deeply massaging my temple, as i feel a splitting head ache rise.

"Things could be worse?! Please enlighten me sister as to how things could be worse" kathryn snaps angrily causing me to whince.

She should tone it down before i remove her vocal chords and throw them out the window.

"Keep it down will you!" I hiss at her and close my eyes to try remain as calm and collected as i could.

"We could be dead already, or we could be being tortured but we are strong and they know it." I tell my anxious and very fustrated sister in a flat tone.

I hear her breathe out heavily and for a moment i thought she was going to let it go, but i thought too soon.

"Your not understanding how fucked we are right now. So let me enlighten you." She hisses
"First of all our little brother is alive and well and lets not forget very evil and twisted who is plotting his vengeance. second of all your not my sister your actually my cousin and we have no idea who your father is. Thirdly our bitch of a brother has a bitch of a mate that is just as fucking up and lucky number four our FATHER that you KILLED is ALIVE and also wants us DEAD!" Kathryn shouts. i groan and open my eyes to look at her. I watch as her eyes glow in fustration and her aura reeked of fear just as mine did moments ago.

"Wait you guys arent sisters?" Jeremy asks baffled.

Right i forgot i didnt tell him.

I ignore jeremy and glare straight at my sister.

"Im not stupid im just trying to remain calm so i can think clearly but you fucking shouting wont help will it?" i snap bitterly before i closing my eyes and continuing to massage my head while taking deep breaths.

So my father is back. The one i killed by accident. And hes teamed up with my brother to get revenge...

Huh i guess this is just karma. Long overdue karma.

"How is this even possible?" Kathryn whispers as she slides down the wall to sit on the floor.

"Im guessing i just didnt kill him, or someone went all frankenstein on him and ressurected the fucker. I think my first scenario makes more sense though doesnt it?" I answer sarcastically.

"Fuck you kendall" my sister grumbles as she sits helplessly on the floor.

I roll my eyes and look at the passed out blonde.

After a few quiet minutes pass i find myself intrigued with her looks. She looks oddly familiar and i dont know how or why.

"Her nose is weird" i say in a bored tone.

"Uh Okay...?"jeremy says in a weirded out tone. "How does her nose have to do with any of this?" Jeremy asks in an annoyed tone. I assume its because i ignored his question earlier. I click my tongue boredly.

"It doesnt. Im just bored and im done with talking about all of this bullshit" i shrug and my sister scowls at me again.

"God do you always have to swear?" She snaps

"I dont know, do you always have to talk?" I snap sarcastically and just as she goes to speak i glare at her and no sound comes out.

I watch amused as she freaks out and tries to shout and speak but no sound comes out, only her heavy breathing.

"Ken just stop ok? Please" jeremy groans and walks out of the room. I feel a pang of guilt.

Great. Hes angry with me...

I huff and exit the room but not before enchanting the girl so she cant leave that seat. I walk out and drop my muting spell as i walk after jeremy.

"Jer?" I call and look around.

After walking into all of the rooms, i still dont find him. I walk into the kitchen once more and notice the back door is open slightly. I sigh and walk out to the deck and look out at the vast forest.

I can smell him, his scent is stronger meaning hes shifted. I feel a weird clawing feeling inside of me, as if i feel the need of release? I shake my head and ignore the feeling. I walk out into the open area and look around and notice big paw prints leading to the forest where they disppear.

I feel the need to follow him but i know i should give him some space, he needs it. I mean hes dating me. And i am much more than a handful.

I look up at the sky and notice its a dark, cloudy day. Snow falls lightly around me and the crisp wind sends my hair in all directions. Some would say this is weather is horrible, i for one love it. I close my eyes and breathe in the crisp air. Its freezing out, but the temperature doesnt phase me. Im feeling much better and the cold doesnt seem to bother me anymore it seems.

Perks of being a wolf i guess.

I take a look around and smile as i remember some of my very few memories i had made here.

"You shouldnt be here" i hear a womens voice from behind me

I turn to see Mrs Streltsinova. Her eyes widen once she sees my face.

"You-You look just like..." shes at a loss for words i can tell. Her surprise was expected nonetheless, but i was really hoping that she wouldnt know we were here.

"Hi Mrs Streltsinova.." i shift uncomfortably on my feet. "Its me, Kendall" i mumble and i watch her cover her mouth in utter disbelief.

"It really is you..i thought i was hallucinating when i thought i saw you all those times i..." she pauses and looks around. "Where is your brother? And your sister? Are they alive too?" She asks hopeful.

I am happy she is happy to see us but also quite confused. She always loathed our family, we used to bother her purposely. I remember the time me and Kathryn put rats in her house. She knew it was us because i left my shoes there on purpose. It was our goal to get her to move out. And as you can see, it didnt quite work.

"Uh Kathryn is inside, and uhm." I look down at my feet and put on a sad face "Andrei died.." i lie causing her to gasp and rush over to hug me.

"Oh poor girl my gosh"she wraps her arms around me but just as she does she gasps again and looks at me in horror.
"Your skin! Its ice! Lets get you inside right away!" She exclaims in fear.

She ushers me inside snapping a few 'quickly!'s and closes and locks he door behind her which i unlock straight away. She sends me a confused stare but i ignore it. I silently sit on the couch and let her scramble around to find me a blanket and make me a cup of tea.

"You are crazy i tell you, how were you standing out in the snow with nothing but a shirt and shorts and some flimsy runners?" She questions. I shrug and grab the hot drink she has prepared for me from her and bring it to my lips.

Strong and bitter, just as i remember. She always liked her tea like that. And its quite gross.

"The cold doesnt have much of an effect on me anymore i suppose" i tell her truthfully. "Thankyou for the tea, how have you been?" I start small conversation with her knowing she will be here a while.

She always liked long visits. Hence why our parents never went to see her.

"Still alive and as healthy as i can be. Now tell me how are you? What are you doing? Where do you live now?" I can tell she has been dying to ask me that question since she saw me. Her interest has peaked and she seems awefully curious.

Curiousity killed the cat, old lady.

"Im great, im in highschool, just about to finish and i live in America, Pennsylvania to be exact. I got adopted a few years after my parents death along with Kathryn by our new parents Lidia and David Daily. I go by the name Alison now" she scrunches up her nose in disapproval.

She has always hated americans, and it amuses me.

"America? Oh no" she says sourly. "Ugh those stupid idiots, how could they take you to a place like america! Bozos all of them" she shakes her head as she sips her tea.

I dont respond as i look at my nails.

God this is awkward

"Whats going on here?" Jeremy enters through the back door. He is wearing nothing but sweatpants and he has clumps of snow in his hair.

"What is with you people and standing in the snow half naked?!" She exclaims and looks at us both as if we are crazy. Jeremy sends me a confused look and i clear my throat.

"Mrs Streltsinova this is my boyfriend jeremy" i say quietly looking at my feet.

I just realised that is the first time i have said that outloud. And of course it happens to be when he isnt the happiest with me.

"Nice to meet you" he says kindly "and sorry about the nakedness, im an athlete and my workouts consist of ice bath treaments and i thought i would save water and lay in the snow" he lies and i am shocked.

That was the best cover up lie for being half naked in the snow i have heard.

"Hm understandable. But what about you dear! You looked like you were in some type of paralysis standing there and staring at nothing" she asks worriedly. Jeremy then looks and me worriedly.

"You were outside? Are you ok? Werent you cold?" He immediatly pesters me. My heart warms at his worry.

"Jeremy im fine, i couldnt feel it" i say truthfully, hoping he would catch on.

"Maybe that was because you were like ice, your skin felt almost colder than the air itself, as if you were a walking corpse" i mentally roll my eyes at my annoying hag of a neighbor.

Shes still as talkative as i remember.

Also. Would this be a bad time to make a vampire joke? Probably

Jeremy's worry deepens, i could tell by his even more worryful look. He then immediately places his hand on my forehead and flinches.

"What?" I look at jeremy wide eyed.

"your skin, its.." his voice trails as he looks at Mrs Streltsinova. "Fine! Your all warmed up, say, why dont you go have a hot shower and i will finish up this tea with Mrs Streltsinova?" he asks. But by the look in his eye, it wasnt a question.

I mumble a goodbye and quietly trot up the stairs.

Im so stupid. Why the hell did i stand in the middle of the fucking open in the snow wearing clothes i would wear to the beach?! Also, why wasnt i cold?

I strip down and step into the familiar but also unfamiliar shower of my parents room once i think it has warmed up.

I think to myself in the shower for a moment about the cold.

I was numb, not a type of numb you could feel. Not the numbness of an anesthetic. But more of a numbness to temperature, i feel the water but it feels the same as my skin on me, but i didnt know that my skin was cold. I feel like i am in a room temperature room, as if my body is at the perfect body temperature on the inside.

*knock knock*

"Ken?" I hear jeremy's voice on the other side of the door.

I keep quiet and bite my lip.

I dont know why im being quiet. Maybe its because he has only been angry with me once, and i dont know what to do or say.

"Kendall i know your in there the shower is on and your scent" he says. I sigh and continue to be silent.

"Baby?" He almost whimpers. My heart aches in my chest at his words.

"I-Im ok" i say quietly but i know he heard it. Without another word i listen to his steps walk away.

After my shower i decide to get changed and go straight to bed. I walk into my parents room and notice he isnt there. I find myself walking to the wardrobe.

I open it and immediately im engulfed by their scents. My parents. And as much as i am afraid and angry at my father, i cant help but feel relaxed when i smell his.

After a while of looking through the clothes and engulfing their scent i sit down with one of my mothers favorite jackets in my hands.

What if shes alive too?

Jeremy's POV;

Kendall's behaviour has been weird lately and i dont know how to keep up. I love her, more than life itself but im worried sick. Shes angry, then happy, then crying and then shes angry again. And her ignoring and exploding isnt helping any of this.

I listen to her shuffle around upstairs in the room before she stops moving. I wait to see how long she doesnt move for and after Its been 10 minutes, i assume shes gone to sleep. I look down at my phone.


She must have been tired.

I find myself heading upstairs again towards the room we are sharing. I creep inside quietly and look to the bed, only to see its empty. I frown and walk to the connected bathroom and see its empty also.

Where the hell is she?

Shes in here i can smell her, but where? I feel slight panic but i notice the wardrobe door is open slightly. I walk in quietly and immediately i see my exhausted mate curled in a ball in the corner underneath her parents hanging clothes, hugging one of her mothers items. I bend down and gently pull her out from underneath and into my arms. I let the jacket fall to the ground as i carry her out and place her into the large king sized bed gently.

I notice her tear stained cheeks and i feel my heart ache for her.

Shes been crying.

I wipe away the wetness from her cheeks and leave her a soft kiss there instead

"I love you Kendall"i whisper into her cheek as i tuck her into the bed we are to share. I then make myself comfortable next to her and pull her close to me.

She has my heart, my trust, my love, my pack. She doesnt see it though. I wish this trip would have been more peaceful.

But as much of a mess this trip is, i dont want it to end..

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