
By nadia__writes

5.4K 305 260

❝You bloody numpty! Now look, we got it all wrong!" "I'm sorry Rose, want to start from scratch?" "How can we... More

01| Vim
02| Collywobbles
04| Hyggelig
05| Moxie
06| Forelsket
07| Hiwaga
08| Felicity
09| Ziba
10| Elysian
11| Orenda

03| Vagary

389 27 15
By nadia__writes

0 3

V a g a r y

(n.) an unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action.


Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and redeeming it.

– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Rose didn't know how to handle herself.

Right after she found out that Scorpius was her Potions partner, the small smile on her lips never seemed to leave. It was ridiculous, because it was just a random pairing that Professor Slughorn managed by drawing chit-chit cards, but for some reason, it just made Rose so happy.

Clearly she was overthinking the whole thing, because the rest of the Gryffindor sixth years barely commented on their Slytherin Potion partners, and those who did comment on their Slytherin partners did it with scowls on their faces.

Roxanne was gingerly seated next to Rose in the Great Hall, munching on some Sheppard's pie. "So," she said, chewing her food, "I've been hearing about the sixth year Gryffindors pairing up with the Slytherins for Potions all day." She rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Please tell me you're not going to ruin my dinner by complaining about your partner, are you?"

Rose shook her head, taking a bite of her roast beef. "No, I'm actually very delighted with my partner."

Roxanne's eyes glimmered. "Who is it?"

Rose chewed on some of her salad. "Scorpius Malfoy."

Roxanne grinned. "Oh the Scorpius Malfoy," She slurped down some pumpkin juice, winking at Rose. "Have fun."

"It's going to be strictly academic," Rose replied defensively, clearing her throat when she felt her cheeks burn. "Nothing more."

"Sure," Roxanne replied, still grinning, "whatever you say."

"Is it that hard to believe?" Rose asked, an edge to her voice. "I mean come on Roxy, do you really think Scorpius would – would –"

"Of course, I bloody would," Roxanne replied, giving Rose a face. "For someone with your brains, you're really daft Rose."

"Because of what?"

"Figure it out for yourself," Roxanne said, grinning.


"You're being rather annoying this morning, Rose," Albus snickered, rubbing his eyes with the pad of his thumb. "Scorpius and I aren't even that late."

Scorpius' eyes glimmered grey today, as though the morning mist softened his irises. "Albus, it's almost eleven o'clock." Rose snapped, her hands flying in the hair in anger.

"Then what are you doing scolding us? You should be in class as well."

Rose gritted her teeth. "I'm a Prefect – I am supposed to be monitoring the halls."

Scropius' smile was pencil soft, and it made his eyes seem almost hazy. Rose had to count to seventeen to get her heartbeat back to normal. "Sorry Rose," he said quietly, yawning. It was only then that Rose noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the slight stubble lining his jaw. "It won't happen again."

Albus, on the other hand, looked completely normal. If anything, his smile was extra bright this morning, and all Rose could do was furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"He had an all-nighter again," Albus chuckled, nodding his head at Scorpius, even ruffling his silver-blonde hair, "while I just overslept."

Rose pursed her lips, tapping her pen against her clipboard. "Still, you both are –"

"– late for class," Scorpius finished off, nodding his head. "So how many points is that deducted from Slytherin?"

"Which, by the way, I am still not convinced you have the authority to do that." Albus scowled, crossing his arms.

Rose pondered for a few seconds, biting her lip in apprehension. "I-I – you know what," she said, plucking her pen in the crook of her ear, "I'll let you both slide this time."

Rose tried to convince herself that she was being fair today – after all, she of all people should understand what an all-nighter can do – but when the gentlest of smiles bloomed on Scorpius' lips, and the softest of glimmers settled into his eyes, Rose knew it was only because Scorpius looked so adorable sleep-deprived. She hated to admit it, but if homework was keeping him up all night, then she hoped he'd drown in it if he looked like this the following morning.

Albus' jaw dropped. He then turned to Scorpius, his green eyes wide and alarmed. "Scorpius, grab your wand quickly because this isn't Rose –"

"Albus," Rose groaned, rubbing her eyes as well. "Don't make me deduct ten points from Slytherin so early in the morning."

"But you said –"

"You're making me rethink my decision."

Scorpius grabbed onto Albus' shoulder, and his gaze was so, so soft. Rose felt like the center of the universe when he looked at her like that. "Thank you, Rose," Scorpius said, offering her another one of his crescent smiles. Rose wondered how a constellation wasn't named after Scorpius' smile. "We'll be off now."

Rose nodded her head, watching as the two boys scurried off to their class, and she could see Albus snicker at Scorpius, before they both eventually walked out of sight.

Rose couldn't get her heartbeat back to normal until she counted to twenty-eight.


"Alright, students please settled yourselves with your partners," Professor Slughorn said, cauldrons filled with potions and herbs circulating themselves around the dungeon. "Quickly please – today we have quite a task to do."

Rose only had to blink twice before Scorpius was seated beside her. There was just something sacred about the way his shoulders curved into the material of his green robes, and it took Rose everything in her to not flatten down strands of his platinum hair.

"Hey," Scorpius whispered, smiling at Rose. Even when he was sitting down, Scorpius was still so much taller than she was. "How are you today?"

Rose shrugged, but offered him a smile nonetheless. "I'm okay," She didn't want to tell him how she has been counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until Potions class. "You?"

Scorpius grinned, but it was softer than his usual playful ones. He re-adjusted the collar of his dress shirt, and Rose could even see how wrecklessly he put on his tie. "Tired, sleep-deprived, visually and mentally unaware of my surroundings – however you want to put it."

Rose smiled, and almost laughed. "What kept you up?"

"Muggle Arts."

She quirked an amused eyebrow. "Really now?"

Scorpius nodded, some of his hair falling over his eyelashes. "Yes."

"I've always been curious on what they teach in Muggle Arts," Rose said, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. "I mean I do think I know the basics – pencil, eraser, ruler and sharpener."

Scorpius nodded. "Drawing and even writing with a pencil feels weird," he said honestly, shaking his head. "I mean I do have decent pencil control, but it just"

Rose smiled. She took the pen off the crook of her ear. "I have a few of these lying around," she told him, twirling the pen with her fingers. "Do you know what it is?"

Scorpius nodded his head enthusiastically, carefully taking the pen from Rose's hand after he asked her Do you mind? and examining it. "It's a pen," he said, smiling brightly. He clicked it open, chuckling when some ink splattered against his wrist, and Rose could swear she has never witnessed anything more beautiful.

"Perks of having a muggle-born mother," Rose blurted out before she could even think about it. "Merlin's Beard," she whispered, her eyes now trained directly on Scorpius. "I'm so sorry, Scorpius."

He shrugged her off, offering her a comforting smile. "It's alright Rose," he whispered back, twirling the pen around his fingers now. "It's been a long time."

It was so stupid of Rose to mention the word 'mother' around Scorpius when his own just passed away a few years prior. Rose felt horrible, and just as she was about to blurt out a thousand apologies, she felt Scorpius' soothing palm on her shoulder.

When she looked at him, his eyes glittered in sincerity. "It's okay Rose," he said quietly, smiling a bit even, "I don't want you to feel bad over something that happened a long time ago."

"But it's only been a few years Scorpius –"

"It's-it's alright," Scorpius said, giving Rose's shoulder a gentle squeeze. It blew Rose's mind on how he was the one comforting her, instead of it being the other way around. She gentle grabbed his hand off her shoulder and intertwined their fingers. She then gave his hand a soft squeeze. "I'm sorry," she said again.

"I know," he replied back, and even though Scorpius seemed relatively calm, Rose instantly notice the red that bloomed on his cheeks and neck. It was his turn to squeeze their hands. "I'm okay."

"I know." she replied back, and it was only then that it hit her that she was holding hands with Scorpius Malfoy, and that she never wanted to stop.

But of course, that didn't stop the heat that crawled up her cheeks.

Scorpius smiled at that, before he hastily removed his hand from hers, clearing his throat.

"Okay, that took ages," Professor Slughorn sighed, flicking his wand for the chalk to alleviate in mid-air. "But today, students, we will be taking the Strengthening Potion."

Rose could still feel Scorpius fingertips on the insides of palm.


"Daniel, really, I need to get to class –"

"Class doesn't start in fifteen minutes Rose," Daniel grinned, tousling his hair with his fingers, his grey eyes glimmering with amusement.

"I-I know," Rose said, clearing her throat. "I'm just not comfortable walking the halls aimlessly."

"It won't be aimless if you have me with you," Daniel winked, chuckling as he toyed with his Gryffindor tie. "You know I'll take care of you."

The thought of roaming the halls for fifteen minutes with Daniel alone made Rose uneasy. It was a given at this point; that Daniel was trying way too hard to win – or better yet, forcefully attain – Rose's affections, and it just wasn't working.

"I told you," Rose said more firmly this time, gripping the books on her hands tighter, "I don't want to go with you."

Daniel's grey eyes widened in shock for a moment, before they glittered in glee. "Playing hard to get I see," he remarked, laughing a bit. "I like a challenge."

Rose groaned. "Daniel, no – I have absolutely zero interests in you like that," she said, sighing. "I only see you as a –"

"What is he doing here?" Daniel almost seethed, and when Rose followed his toxic gaze, it settled on Scorpius. He was just innocently sitting by a bench, a sketchbook laid across his lap as he vigorously drew on it with a pencil.

Rose smiled when she noticed his wand tucked in the crook of his ear. "He's just drawing, Daniel," Rose said a bit too harshly, gritting her teeth. "Don't do anything wreckless."

"I feel he's following you around," Daniel snarled, his jaw tight and fists clenched. "This is the second time he's pulled this off and if you think I am just going to –"

"What?" Rose said tightly, balling her fists. "You'll beat him up? Belittle him? For what? For being in the halls just like any other student?" Rose was furious, and now that she started, she wasn't anywhere near finished. "Scorpius is none of your concern, and if you think you can so easily threaten one of my best friends, then you are greatly mistaken."

Daniel looked taken a back now, even stepping back from Rose a few steps as he blinked. He was shaking his head, scowling. "That Death Eater got you under his curse as well?"

"The only potential Death Eater I see here, is you," Rose said, her jaw clenched. "Because as far as I am concerned, Scorpius wouldn't hurt anyone." She looked straight into Daniel's eyes now. "He wouldn't even hurt you regardless of the horrible things you say about him."

Daniel gulped, and Rose could make out the subtle guilt in his eyes. "Yes," she said quietly, her gaze sharp. "I know that it's you who always spreads horrible rumors about Scorpius," she said in distaste, shaking her head. "You're disgusting."

Daniel turned rigid, and Rose could see him shuffle for his wand in his robes, and just as he was about to point it at her –

"Stupefy!" Rose said, the stunning spell's red beam escaping her wand. Daniel flew at least five feet away from Rose, landing on the floor with a loud Thump!

Scorpius was at Rose's side in a heartbeat. "Rose," His eyes were wild, scrutinizing Rose's every single inch. "Are you alright? Merline's Beard, what happened? Did he hurt you? Are you feeling light-headed? Because I heard that's what happens when –"

All Rose could do was wrap her arms around Scorpius with tears brimming her waterline.


Scorpius didn't leave Rose's side until the end of the day.

No matter how many times she insisted that she was fine alone – Scorp, you're going to miss your classes – Scorpius was stubborn too; shaking his head, whispering I don't care about any of that right now, Rose before tightening their entwined fingers.

Word spread like wildfire across the school, on how Rose Granger-Weasley stunned Daniel Craig – The Battle Against the Gryffindor Prefects – and it took fifteen minutes before Albus' customary smirk flashed across Rose's view.

"It is true?" he asked her almost immediately, chucking. "You stunned Craig?"

Rose nodded her head. She felt better than she did a few minutes ago, and it seemed as though strength was returning to her bloodstream. "Yeah," she replied, and when Albus' eyes flickered to Rose and Scorpius' entwined fingers, heat involuntarily rushed up her cheeks. "It was reflex, honestly."

Albus' grin widened. "I can see that," he said, and Rose was praying he wouldn't say anything stupid – at least, not right now, and not in front of Scorpius. "But you're okay, right?" Albus' eyes softened, the cousinly concern spilling out his voice as he patted Rose's shoulder.

She gave him a timid smile, and Scorpius' hand tightened against her own. "I'm alright Al," she said quietly, nodding her head. "I just never thought I'd use a Stunning spell for the first time on a classmate."

Albus grinned, and Rose could've sworn she heard Scorpius laugh lightly. "Instead of the fact that your classmate was being passive-aggressive towards you, you're more concerned over the fact that you used your first Stunning spell on him," Scorpius said, smiling lightly.

Rose was one-hundred percent aware that Scorpius was holding her hand, and she was one-hundred percent aware of herself when she nodded her hand after Scorpius whispered Is it okay if I hold your hand? to her, and right now, she was one-hundred percent hoping he would never let go of her. It didn't even matter that Albus was constantly glancing at their entwined fingers with that mischievious glint in his eyes and that condescending smirk on his lips – Rose never wanted Scorpius to let go of her hand.

"Well alright then," Albus said, his eyes now on Scorpius. "I'm presuming you won't be attending Apparation then?"

Scorpius shook his head with no hesitation. "You go ahead – I'll make up for it next week."

Albus was unfazed, in fact, he didn't even look surprised. "Cheers, I guess I'll try to take down some notes this time."

Scorpius grinned. "You'd do that for me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy," Albus said, an eyebrow quirked. "It's only this once."

While Albus turned away for Apparation after waving goodbye, Rose let out a small breath. Scorpius' eyes were on her now. "You sure you're feeling alright, Rose?"

Rose nodded her head, smiling a bit. She had no idea why she was feeling this way – perhaps it was the shock of the whole situation finally settling itself upon her – but whatever it was, Scorpius' mere presence was making everything so much better.

He was there when Professor Slughorn rushed to the Great Hall and asked Rose What happened, Miss Granger-Weasley? with wide eyes and concerned eyes, and Scorpius was there when Professor McGonagall deducted twenty points from Gryffindor for first-term bullying and use of force. Scorpius was there when Rose's eyes brimmed with tears, and he was there to shove Daniel away when he repeatedly whispered Merlin's Beard Rose, I am so sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking, and Scorpius was just there.

It meant so much to Rose; to have one of her best friends by her side, and to comfort her in the most subtle of ways with the most tremendous effects.

"How about we get you something to eat?" Scorpius said quietly, giving Rose a reassuring smile. "You hungry?"

All the food assorted on the table in the Great Hall did not seem to appetise Rose anymore, but she was hungry. "Yes," she replied, pursing her lips. "But I don't want to stay here any longer."

Scorpius nodded his head in understanding, and Rose could've sworn he looked like he was about to hug her. She had no idea what was stopping him. "I have a few treats in the dormitory," Scorpius said, smiling a bit.

Rose shook her head. "Scorpius, I would never want to impose –"

He smiled as he shoved his hand into his House robes, grinning when he handed Rose a Chocolate Frog. "You could never impose, Rose," he said, and his eyes were so, so soft. Rose tried not to hyperventilate. "Come on, eat this while I can get you something more filling from my dorm."

Rose did as she was told, and there was absolutely nothing – nothing – for her to freak out about, until she reached the Slytherin dormitory. For some reason, when Scorpius reached his dormitory, and told Rose Stay here, I'll be back in a second, Rose's face instantly heated up.

It was absolutely insane, because what in the world was there to be flustered about? It didn't even make any sense, because true to his word, Scorpius was back to Rose in a second, and even he looked taken aback by her flushed cheeks.

"You alright, Rose?" he asked her cautiously, his eyebrows furrowed. "You're all red."

Rose cleared her throat. "I'm fine,"

"You sure?"

"Yes, Scorpius, I am."

Scorpius still looked at her cautiously, before nodding his head. "Alright then, come on, let's share some of these crisps that I stole from Albus' secret stash."


It was a given that the next day, at breakfast, Daniel was going to receive his very first Howler.


Scorpius – dressed in his usual Slytherin green robes – grinned next to Rose. Today, he was gingerly seated beside her; his emerald robes a great contrast in the sea of Gryffindor reds around them, but Rose didn't even notice all the weird glances her classmates were giving Scorpius because she was too busy noticing how Scorpius' robes made his eyes glimmer grey.

"This is hilarious," Albus whispered as the howler continued echoing around the Great Hall – AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE DANIEL, HOW YOU MANAGED TO BECOME GRYFFINDOR'S PREFECT BAFFLES ME – "I almost want one as well."

Scorpius rolled his eyes. Today everything about Scorpius seemed extra soft; his shoulders – which Rose always saw the strength in them contrasting against his silky robe – looked so delicate and gentle today, as though Scorpius was drawn and shadowed by a blunt pencil. Even his eyes – which were always a stark grey – looked almost like molten iron today, and it was taking everything in Rose to not tuck back stray wisps of platinum blonde hair that fell on his eyelashes.

Rose appreciated it more than anything that her two favourite boys were seated right beside her – despite being in different houses – and making sure Rose was doing alright even though it's been almost fourteen hours since she performed her first Stunning spell.

There were instances when Scorpius' fingers would brush against Rose's wrist, and Rose had to mentally chant random spells – Lumos, Aguamenti, Expelliarmus, Nox, Averni Incantatum, Deletris, Alohomora, Bombarda – to calm herself down. It was mere coincidence, she told herself every time she could feel Scorpius' fingertips on her arm, but she doubted herself when she would sneak glances at him, only to find Scorpius already staring at her with a gentle smile on his lips.

"Want some more eggs, Rose?" Scorpius asked her quietly, and there was just something about the way he was looking at her that made Rose's fork tremble in her hands.

She shook her head – Merlin's Beard, how am I going to get through today without passing out – and smiled slightly. "No thank you, Scorpius," She glanced at Albus, quirking an eyebrow. "Did you finish your Defense Against the Dark Arts essay?"

Albus instantly paled. "We have an essay?"

"Merlin's Beard, Albus –"

"I wasn't paying attention!" Albus reasoned, shrugging. "When is it due anyway?"




"Rose, perform your second ever Stunning spell on me please – so that I can stay with Madame Pomfrey for the remainder of the day."

"Albus –"


"I am not sure about it, Rose," Scorpius said quietly, pink tinting his cheeks as he avoided her stare. "I mean you could be mocked about it, you know?" he continued, sighing a little before he smiled slightly. "Besides, I don't understand what this is all about – I always come to sit by your table during breakfast and lunch, so I don't understand why you insist on sitting with me today –"

"Because I want to," Rose replied stubbornly, crossing her arms as she quirked her eyebrow. "It sounds to me like you don't want me to."

Scorpius' eyes widened. "I would never do that. On the contrary, I'd be absolutely elated if you sat next to me on the Slytherin table during lunch, it's just that – that things might get ugly for you, and – and I would never want."

But how could Rose ever put into words how she hated the fact that she never had the guts to settle herself down next to Scorpius on his house table; her Gryffindor red robes a vibrant flame of fire amongst the Slytherin green grass, and her red hair just intensifying her prominence? How could Rose ever accept the fact that throughout their six years in Hogwarts, Scorpius has squeezed himself beside Rose multiple times, offering her a smile – insecure and crooked, but a smile all the same – only for her to never glance at his house table while she chewed on her food because she was afraid the Slytherins would start up rumors that would significantly affect her reputation as a Prefect?

How could Rose ever tell Scorpius that she was a terrible friend – she didn't even know if she could consider herself his best friend, because best friends don't act this way – and that she was the epitome of a condescending mate?

At times, it made Rose feel absolutely horrible; on how she'd find herself walking a tad bit faster when she would pass by the Slytherin table, or how she would talk a bit more quietly when she would see Slytherins randomly passing by – it's not that she had anything against the house – no, Scorpius was everything Rose needed to know that Slytherins were never bad as everyone portrayed them to be – but it was just her Prefect reputation that constantly has her overthinking about her Hogwarts reputation.

"I-I don't really care about that," Rose replied, smiling a bit. "I mean, regardless of what we do, people will always talk, won't they?"

Scorpius was clearly taken off guard, his eyes widening in shock. "I'm still confused. Where is all this coming from, Rose?"

Rose shrugged. "I honestly don't know."

Scorpius still looked unconvinced, his lips pursed in doubt. "But do – do you understand the repercussions of you actually sitting with me by my table? I mean my – my reputation isn't exactly the most flattering in Hogwarts, and Merlin's Beard, you're Gryffindor's Prefect Rose – you and I both know how I can taint you."

Rose tried not to freak out, but somehow she failed. Scorpius nodded sadly, smiling a smile twinge with a hint of sadness. But more than anything, Rose wished she could tell Scorpius how he was the reason why she thought Slytherins were absolutely incredible, and that it didn't matter if he sat on her table or vice versa – all that mattered was that they were both together.

"I'm doing it," Rose whispered to him, smiling slightly. From this angle, Rose could see curve of his cheekbone and the slope of his jawline. She tried not to get embarrassed. "I don't care what you say."

"Rose," Scorpius sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Please. Don't do this – I mean you're doubting it, and quite frankly, I don't even blame you because it's me we're talking about, I get it –"

Rose didn't not follow through with her thought process when she went on her tippy toes – even then, she could only reach Scorpius' neck – and craned her neck up to kiss his jaw.

Clearly Scorpius was as stunned as she was, turning a vivid shade of beet-root red as his lips parted. Rose could even feel her cheeks burn, but she found the courage within herself to keep eye contact with Scorpius. "I-I want to sit by you guys' table today Scorp," she said quietly, and the sudden urge to just touch him made Rose's skin burn. She gently wrapped her pinky finger around his. "It's not fair that it's always the two of you coming over to mine. It was selfish of me to let it go this long."

Scorpius was silent for a couple of second, tearing his gaze away from Rose to pinch his nose bridge – which was also tainted red – and sighed. "People are going to bother you,"


"They'll mock you,"

"I can take it,"

"They'll make you hate my house," he said quietly, his light eyes worried as he looked over to Rose.

Rose smiled gently, and she could feel Scorpius slip his fingers through hers. She gave their entwined fingers a gentle squeeze. "With you around, I highly doubt that."


It was weird being the odd one out.

Rose's fiery Gryffindor robes stood out – quite massively – among the rows and rows of Slytherin green. Albus and Scorpius were seated gingerly next to her, and in all honesty, they were what kept Rose's mind from spiraling out of control.

Scorpius' fingers were secretly laced with Rose's, and whenever she made an attempt to raise their entwined fingers on the table, he would lower it back to his lap. Rose knew what he was doing – it didn't exactly take a genius to figure it out – but it warmed her heart, knowing how he was protecting her from all the rumors that would come their way if a few of the nasty Slytherins caught sight of their intertwined hands.

Albus, on the other hand, was quick to notice. Rose could even see him grin playfully at Scorpius – even wiggling his eyebrows at one point – and Rose could immediately see the red that flushed his cheeks, neck and ears. When Scorpius glanced at Rose, she pretended to be engrossed in the book she decided to bring along – Quiddich Through The Ages – and she could've sworn she saw Scorpius sigh in relieve. It was hard trying not to grin for the remainder of lunch.

"You know," Albus said, his mouth full of baked potatoes. "I'm kind of shocked that you decided to join us this afternoon." He swallowed, grinning. "What's the occasion?"

Scorpius squeezed her fingers. She died a little inside whenever he did that. "I don't know," Rose shrugged, her eyes still on her book. "I guess it just wasn't fair that it was the two of you always coming over to my table." Her eyes were now focused on Albus. "I know some Gryffindors can be real jerks when it comes to Slytherin students."

Albus smiled, something that he rarely did, considering he was all smirks and grins. "Good to know you got our back, Rose," he said simply, gorging down some more baked potatoes and veil.

Scorpius chuckled at that, and Rose couldn't help but notice how Scopius even ate beautifully. He was slow when he chewed, and he was mostly fretting over Albus, muttering things like Al, I swear if you don't get enough protein today, I am not carrying you all the way to the dormitory again, and he even asked Rose Would you like some more gravy? with a syrup-sweet smile on his lips.

Rose thought Scorpius barely ate by the time Albus was on his second serving of green beans. Scorpius – being the nerd that he was – was busy scribbling down the rest of his Study of Ancient Runes assignment, which after watching Albus roll his eyes, Rose found out was due in a week.

"Scorp," she said quietly, tugging on the sleeve of his robe. "Eat."

Scorpius turned his full attention towards her, his fingers now tracing the insides of her palm. "I'm not that hungry," he told her simply, giving her a smile that had her toes curling. "Don't worry about me Rose, go ahead and help yourself."

Rose couldn't understand why she needed to be touching Scorpius all the time. Even if it was just their pinkies intertwined. "Okay," she said, glancing over at his Ancient Runes homework. It didn't make any sense on how Scorpius' handwriting was just as delicate as his eyes.

Rose needed to snap out of it. This was so unlike her – considering she was usually the feisty, hot-tempered Prefect – and it felt so weird being so delicate and soft with anyone. She knew that in a few days she'll snap back to her regular self, but for now, all she wanted to do was trace the callouses on Scorpius' fingertips.


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