I Am Percy

By Eclipse_Rose

166K 5.4K 2.2K

"Well? What did he sign?" "He said 'Well jacka$$? What do you f**king want?'" --------------------- Percy jus... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
C H A P T E R 2 0
Keep an eye out

Chapter Fourteen

5.8K 198 29
By Eclipse_Rose

"How is he?" 

The nurse was startled, she turns to come face to face with a man and a girl.

The same pair that always comes in.

"Only short visits." Nurse Summers tells them sternly. She saw the two visibly relax.

"My brother's going to be fine?" The girl asks unsure and Nurse Summers bends down to her level.

"Yes sweetie." She coos and the girl hugs her quickly before running into the boy's hospital room.

"Thank you for keeping an eye on him." She hears the man say and she turns to look at him.

"A deals a deal Dean Winchester." She hisses and walks down the hall.


Jesse was aware of everything, but pretended not to be for the sake of his sanity.

He saw her, Charlotte, everywhere. 

That dark corner.


And that empty chair.

She's always sitting there.

Well, was.

She disappeared after day three.

But let's not talk about that now.

Let's talk about his visitors.

He never looked forwards to visits unless they were from Derek.

Derek knew everything about him and Jesse was the same with Derek.

Jesse loves whenever Derek would come at the busiest time of the day when there was no one really at the front desk and they didn't have anyone sign in.

Because no one payed attention to a broken boy, at least that's what a nurse said.

But the time's when anyone else came.

He was quiet, staring out the window.

Pretending to be in a comatose state.


Estella just stares at her brother. 

She wanted to scream 

She wanted to run up to him and shout in his face.

She wanted to scowled him for being so selfish.

She wanted to pound her fists on his chest.

She wanted to preach hate on him.

She knew she couldn't.

She couldn't blame him.

She knew it wasn't his fault that he was pushed over the edge.

She knew she couldn't hate him.

So instead she climbs up on a chair, and sits down. Holding his hand.

"Percy, I...I'm sorry." Was all she was able to utter. Dean came in, they sat there for a couple of minutes. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, they left.

Estella thought back to earlier when she found in his room a box labeled Estella's Fifteenth Birthdy.

It felt like a cruel joke, cause inside was a cute picture of the two of them, him in a blue hoodie holding a baby Estella, who was wrapped up in a purple blancket. He was laughing in the picture as she touches his face.

The picture was on top of a card that said 'For my baby sis' only!' and the inside had a paragraph about how much he loved her.

Estella sends her brother one last look, before looking at the item in her hand.

Inside the box that she found was a beautiful necklace. It was a gold chain with a single silver charm. It was a star that had engraving on it.

In small cursive letters on the back, it said 'Star-Shine'.

Estella grips it tightly, as if it was her life line.

And in a way, she felt like it was.


Derek was walking into the hospital when he saw Estella get into a car with the man Jesse told him about. He was glad she didn't see him. If she saw him, there would be trouble.

No one made him sign in. No one payed him any attention in fact. And he liked it that way, it made it easier to slip into Jesse's room.

So that's what he did.

"Hey Queen." He softly coos and Jesse faces him, smiling brightly.

"You came!" He chirps and that brought a smile to Derek's face, he lives to see the smile on Jesse's face.

"Of course I did!" He chuckles, sitting in the chair by the bed. Jesse intertwines his hand with Derek's, not removing one hand from his neck though.

"How are you feeling Queen?" Derek lovingly asks and Jesse looks down, causing Derek to worry. He could smell all the anxiety and fear as well as depression coming from Jesse.

"Do...do you want..." Jesse tries to speak, but stammers and takes some deep breaths.

"You don't have to show or tell me anything that happened." Derek explains and presses his lips to Jesse's hand. Jesse softly smiles at him.

"But I want to. So...do you want to see it?" Jesse questions and Derek's curiosity gets the better of him.

"Only if you're comfortable with it." He didn't even know what 'it' was, only that it was possibly something bad. That's when Jesse removed his hand from his neck. 

Purple, blue, and black painted a ring around his neck, the surrounding area around the bruise was a violent shade of pink.

Derek gasps and Jesse looks away.

"Jesse, what happened?" That question hung fresh in the air.

"She told me to end my pain I had do do what she did." Jesse begins and looks at Derek, grabbing his hands.

"She said I had to hang myself like she did."


Sera was exhausted, mentally and physically.

"Hey, do you want me to drop you off at your house?" Matt asks her, clearly seeing she was drained. They were in his car driving to the park from school.

"No, I don't want to go home." She states and Matt looks at her.

"Wanna go to my place? So you can rest that is!" He asks and Sera looks at him. Never in a thousand years did she expect Matt Salon to be kind.

"Yes please." She strains out, throat still raw from shouting at a woman for talking about how 'that boy who tried to kill himself should have stayed dead' and that 'he is wasting precious oxygen'.

"Ok." Matt replies softly and starts to drive off in the evening sky.


Derek wiped a tear as he winced in pain. Black veins faded up his arm as he held Jesse's hand.

"Sleep well tonight Queen." He whispers taking in more of Jesse's pain away, watching his face relax and sighed. Jesse told him that he didn't want Derek to take away his pain, but Derek doesn't listen, he just wants his Queen to sleep well tonight.


Jesse immediately knew it was a dream when he saw his birth mother.

She was humming a tune and reading a book. He walked outside onto the porch she was sitting on and that's when she looked up.

"Hello my son, would you like to sit with me?" She asks with a smile that had all the warmth of a mother's love as she pats the step next to her. To be honest, he actually wishes he was able to have met her. 

Not the demon that had inhabited her body.

But HER.

After Jesse ran from his first home, he wandered.

That's when he heard she died, Jesse can't really remember when he cried so long before.

"I'd really like that mom." He softly replies and sits next to her. She looks at him.

"You still have questions for me. Don't you?" She questions and holds his hand in her's.

"Can...can you tell me your name?" He asks.

"Again?" She laughs and he nods.

"Oh my son. My Jesse." She coos and pulls him in for a gentle hug, he could feel all the love for him radiating out.

"I'll tell you my name, and I will always repeat it. So you never forget me. Understand?" Jesse nods at her words and lets her run her hands through his thick hair.

"My name is Julia Wright." Julia whispers and gives him a kiss on the forehead. So gentle and delicate.

"What's my name?" He asks so soft.

"Jesse Turner." Julia responds and Jesse scoots closer into her side.

"No." He starts tasting the salt of his tears flow down his face. "My real name." 

"Jesse Wright."


The tired eyes of Dean Winchester watch his little brother's slow breathing. He just couldn't find the way to sleep with everything going on in his head. Dean sits up in the motel bed and swings his legs over the side of the bed.

He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a quiet sigh. The bed sinks a little as another weight is added, he already knows who it is.

"You need your rest Dean." A deep voice states and Dean chuckles lightly before turning to the angel. He stares into the intense blue eyes staring back at him.

"I can't Cas. Not now." Dean whispers back and runs a hand over his face. He could feel Cas watching him, goose bumps ran across his skin as fingers brush his naked shoulder. He feels Cas place his hand in the scar of his hand.

"Dean please." The angel softly pleads and Dean faces him, lightly touching his hand.

"I can't rest when I know that ghost is out there." He tells the other and Cas shakes his head at the Winchester.

"Well you need to get some rest." He argues back, Dean looks at him and sighs.



"Why did it have to be like this Cas?" The said angel was startled by his forwardness. But he regains his blank expression and carefully places a hand against Dean's cheek.

"Because you were chosen for something." As he speaks Dean moved closer, taking both of Cas's hands in his.

"For what?"

"I don't know Dean." Cas looked almost saddened that he didn't know, but the peaceful look on Dean's face told him that it was the right thing to say.

"Thank you Cas." Dean whispers and yawns. He let's go of Cas's hands and gets back into bed, pulling the covers up to cover half of his shoulders before falling into a deep sleep.

"Good night Dean Winchester." Castiel whispers before giving him a quick kiss on his forehead and disappearing with the soft sound of fluttering wings. 

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