Touch in the Worlds: Going Ac...

By Tulika98

1.2K 39 30

To live in the world of a beloved book might seem like a dream come true. It is anything but for Tulika and S... More

2: Blood Singer
3: Two Fold Choices
4: Impulse
5: Everything is not Ok
6: Advices Part 1
7: Advices Part 2
8: On a High
9: Washed A-Doorstep
10: Back from the Dead
11: Evidence
12: Suspicious Activity
13: What Does He Know?
14: Bang!
15: Confrontations
16: Say What?
17: Left Unsaid
18: Florida and Voltaire Collide
19: Foreboding
20: Finally Said
21: Emily
22: Aftermath
Thank You!

1: The Volturi

109 3 0
By Tulika98

My Babies!!!!

I am officially back on the scene! Yay! To me and to you! Yays for everyone!

So, let's without further ado, get you the first chapter of Going Across The Horizon!


We weren't alone.

A handful of people were strewn about the room, dressed in seemingly inconspicuous clothes that at a closer inspection were clearly silks, satins and delicate gossamers.

There were women too, in gowns made of a light breathy material that shimmered as they moved, the light which shone through the windows set high in the walls making their skin translucent. All of them, of course, inhumanly beautiful, their timeless features accentuated by the irresistible draw of vampire aura. If I didn't already know what they were, I would've thought I'd walked into a Faerie Court.

They stopped what they were doing as we entered, going unnaturally still, crimson eyes fixed on us. I shivered involuntarily against Edward but he gave no indication that he felt me shudder, keeping his own luminous green gold eyes turned straight ahead.


My eyes travelled back to the stone platform on which three golden thrones rested, all of them occupied.

The one in the middle rose up gracefully, throwing out his arms as if to engulf us all in a warm embrace. He was wearing a completely black suit, his long inky black hair merging with the fabric to almost look like a hood. A golden necklace hung from his neck, similar to almost all of them, I noticed.

His skin looked delicate, like a baby's but I was sure it would be as impenetrable as Edward's. His deep crimson eyes studied our party with interest.

With lithe dancer steps, he was down the steps and in front of us, clasping Alec and Jane to himself for a second before going to Demetri and Felix and stroking their faces lovingly, as if they were adoring pets.

"Ah, such comforts to me," he said, his voice breathy as he finally turned to look at us.

"We have guests! What joy! Jane...?" he held out his hand and the petite girl walked to her master, sliding her smaller hand into his.

He stayed smiling for a while, staring at us while he read everything Jane had to offer.

"Interesting," he said at long last, dropping the girl's hand. "Why, I must say I am sad that my beloved Carlisle didn't deign to join this little party but I must be glad for this party, I suppose. Alice...would you be a dear and...?" he held out his hand next to my best friend, maybe because Edward's arms were practically welded around me.

I balled my fists as Alice took a single step forwards, her hand in his and he smiled again, this time closing his eyes.

"Ah Alice, how I have missed you," he smiled a saccharine smile which Alice returned albeit a little worriedly and then the man's eyes finally settled on me.

"Now then my dear,"

That smile was still on his face but now it was beginning to get creepy.

"Tulika," I said my voice low.

"I know my dear, I know, why I feel like I've known you forever now!" he let out a melodious laugh as he finally stretched out a hand to me. "I wonder, if you would be so kind so as to..." he tilted his head. "I have two versions of you from two different people but I would rather have the story from the main person."

I gulped, looking up at Edward to see his eyes narrowed to almost slit before he turned to look at me with a reassuring glint in his eyes. Trust me, they said.

I nodded in return, slowly extending my hand towards him.

The moment our hands touched I felt every memory, every thought, emotion rise and fall like a tidal wave, giving the leader of the Volturi clan an exclusive view to them all.

His hand was cold, ice cold as expected. He probably ate no human food at all and I was right. Even though his skin looked feathery and delicate it was hard and smooth as concrete.

Unlike with the others, he didn't close his eyes or smile serenely. His eyebrows drew closer and he bowed over my hand as if he was concentrating solely on my mind. I deliberately kept my eyes on him, making my mind go numb so as to stop his powers from breaching further into my mind.

Now he smiled, as he looked up into my smile.

"Ah, my dear, that's not very nice, now, is it?" he asked.

I didn't answer and he didn't push it, letting my hand drop as he spun and walked or danced to the centre of the room.

"My name," he said loftily, turning on a heel, making the ends of his hair swish, "is Aro." He waved to the other two vampires behind him on the thrones.

"My brothers, friends and comrades...Marcus and Caius and I think you know most of my Elite Children." He waved another hand to where Felix, Demetri, Alec and Jane stood in a line behind us.

"It's very nice to meet you," I mumbled.

Aro let out a tinkling laugh, "I am sure it is, my child. Rest assured though, the pleasure is all ours."

"You what...?"

Carlisle let out a resigned sigh. "It wasn't our choice, Stephen."

No, of course it wasn't. it wouldn't be. The only damn person brave enough - stupid enough - to do this was Tulika. So...naturally, it had to be her choice.

He groaned internally.

When he'd woken up today in the morning in Jacob Black's guest room, he didn't think he'd have to come to the Cullen House for this. Maybe take Bella out, spend a nice day with his vampire and wolf friends and human friend. Have lunch at the diner, perhaps, but this wasn't on the menu.

If there was a god, in this universe or the one he'd come from, it was pretty damn obvious he wasn't very fond of Stephen.

He rubbed his eyes before giving the good doctor a bitter smile.

"Why didn't she call for me?"

Carlisle gave him a shocked look. "Are you joking? She would never put you in jeopardy."

"So, you admit it...she's in...jeopardy."

Carlisle looked away for a second before returning his golden eyes to Stephen's brown ones. "I trust Tulika to return my son and daughter to me safely. She has survived through more than any of us together have. Besides, Aro, Marcus and Caius might be a little colorful but I trust them too. They will not harm her. She's as safe as she can be in Voltaire."

"Let's hope you're right." Stephen said softly, looking out the window at the rare sunlight streaming through.

Being asked to take a walk around the gardens by the leader of a royal vampire clan would've seemed like an honor. If only I wasn't scared out of my wits. However, Jane 'offered' to show Edward and Alice to their rooms while I took a walk with her master that told me that I didn't have much of a choice. Aro might give me one but Jane wouldn't and I wasn't immune to their powers like Bella was.

"I was quite taken aback when you suddenly cut off your thoughts from me," Aro said as we walked, my arm wrapped around his like those ancient times.


"No matter, privacy is a basic right and I understand why our gifts might seem invasive to you. I had a chance to go through Edward's mind too and you have done the same with him...I thank the smaller mercies."

I didn't say anything back.

"Such potential...tell me, Tulika...have you given immortality a thought?"

"No," I said, my own voice coming out harsh and shaky. Aro raised his eyebrow.

"I mean...not just yet...if it needs to be done, it will need to be done but I'm not...actively going to seek it out."

"Your mate is a vampire, child."

"There is more to us than just living with each other forever. He hasn't brought it up, and I'm not going to either."

"Is that so? Or are you both perhaps thinking of his singer, Isabella Swan?"

I stopped walking, bringing him to a halt too.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

Aro gave me an innocent look.

"Why, you must realize that as his Blood Singer, Bella has a near permanent spot in Edward's mind. Specifically, the part which is inherently wired to thirst not just for her blood but also adheres to protect her also. You may be his soul mate, Tulika but you don't sing for him."

I glared at him.

"Edward loves me." I almost snarled at him.

"With absolutely no doubts, shall we continue?" he asked, offering me his arm again. I considered for a bit, waiting to see if he was going to say anything else but he didn't.

All was silent was a few minutes.

"As to your unusual circumstances, I must make another offer." He said conversationally.

"What's that?"

"Spend a few days here."

I stopped again, turning to look at him in panic. He chuckled.

"Rest assured, my dear, your view of us is convoluted due to the books you have read but I have no sinister intentions. You are a part of our world now, and a part of our society. It's prudent and reasonable for you to learn. You might even make a valuable ally, just like the Cullens are. I would hate to waste such amazing talent."

I stared at him for while, considering if he was trying to manipulate me or not. He didn't seem to. He hadn't forced me to do anything yet. I was the one agreeing to everything because I was intimidated.

Maybe...maybe if I stayed I might gain an upper hand.

"Alright...I'll stay." I said, slowly.

Aro clapped his hands joyfully. "Wonderful, just wonderful, come, I shall take you back inside and you may return to your Edward and Alice." He led me back inside the court room before vanishing somewhere in the numerous dark hallways.

I paused for a minute before starting to walk along the way Jane had led Edward and Alice off to. Edward would come get me once he heard my mind.

Even as I walked by, I saw Alec leaning against a farther wall, his dark head bowed and angelic face stony. As I passed, his eyes rose up and seared into mine, boring almost unpleasantly at me.

A thrill went through me, making my steps falter as I stared at him with my mouth open, breath coming out in gasps as he pushed himself off the wall, taking brisk steps towards me.

All I could do was just stand there like a deer caught in headlights.

Just as I thought he was going to run into me, he changed directions moving to brush past me...almost too closely, "Straight ahead, turn right, follow the hallway to the end," he murmured in his velvety voice before entering and courtroom and closing the doors on me.

"Thank you," I muttered,many beats later.

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