The Preacher's Daughter

By TheyLoveMeechie

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"If you don't know me, don't judge me"-Tupac Shakur....?❗How could a girl with such a great life, let it all... More

Chapter 2🌹❗
Chapter 3♥❗
Chapter 4❄💦
Chapter 5🙏
Chapter 6
Chapter 7😆
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Character Change?
Chapter 11🤘🏽
Chapter 13💜
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Read. Ss please

Chapter 9

777 23 5
By TheyLoveMeechie

O'Shae P.O.V
*Last Chapter Recap!*
First her age shouldn't matter our friendship we been there for each other for so long we damn near sisters and I um I actually have to tell you something Tupac." she looked me into my eyes and told me something I never thought would slip out of her mouth.

"I'm pregnant." she said looking dead ass and I didn't even know how to feel about this.

"Alrighty then folks that was very very unexpected. How far along are you Sofia?"

"Don't know just took a pregnancy test last night." I sat there silently.

I had no expression, no words, and no thoughts.

Naomi P.O.V
I felt my heart sink as the words left her mouth. "Pac how do you feel?" He remained silent. "We're happy and I'm pretty sure he's excited." Sof said.

"Any words?" He asked me. "Just I'm proud of them and I hope they become a big happy family."

"So no feelings at all." "No."

"Not even a little?" He asked. I looked at Shae. "Not even a little."

"Well alright we're going to wrap up this interview and I hope most of y'all questions were answered. Keep a look out for Naomi's music as her career sky rockets. This yo boy Mikey D and we out."

The cameras turned off and we all just got up and walked off. "Naomi?" I turned to see his manager. "Yeah."

"What you doing tomorrow around 4ish." "Um I don't know."

"Well I've booked you and Ambie a photoshoot and you both have your first sponsor."

I smiled. "Who?" "Some tummy tea people but that doesn't matter than later on both of you have your first studio session."

I screamed and hugged her. "Are you serious?" "As a heart attack."

"Thank you so much." "No thank you and I hope you both decide to stick with me as y'all manager."

"I'll finish reading the contract and let you know." "Alright get in touch with me later super star."

She walked off and I went to find Sofia. When I turned the corner I seen her kissing another guy. I had no words and put my thoughts aside and walked off.

That's not my business and I just got the best news of my life.

I grabbed my stuff and walked to the car. Cameras flashed but I didn't care I just kept going.

Once I got to the car I just sat there waiting for them.

Sofia P.O.V
I pulled away from my ex. "Ian seen you in forever ma."

"Well you did move all the way out here." He smiled. "So you really pregnant with his baby?"

"Nope mama gotta do what she gotta do to stay relevant on t.v."

"You ain't changed a bit." I smiled. "You haven't either. I gotta go but you got the number use it."

"Ight see you later baby." I hugged him and went to the car. When I got in I seen Nay asleep.

Her phone was buzzing so I grabbed it to see Romeo texted her and called about 20 times.

I texted him back. 'She busy' after a few seconds he replied asking who it was this. I sat for a moment trying to decide what to reply.

I typed Tavion then quickly erased all messages and missed phone calls. I powered her phone off so when she woke up she'll think it died.

We let all the girls know about the sleepover in my room. We was waiting on Calvin to bring the pizza and wings.

"The boys are eventually going to leave right?" Ambie asked.

"If they want they really don't have to though." Shae was here, that Crystian boy, of course Calvin, and no one has heard from Romeo.

"Romeo won't answer my calls."she said.

"I'll go get him." I went down the hall to his room. I knocked and the door was immediately swung open.


"Can I come in?" He moved to the side to let me in. I looked around to see his room was trashed.

"You alright?" I asked he grabbed me and smashed his lips into mine.

Without thinking I kissed back and started to take his shirt off. He laid me back on the couch and got real aggressive.

Nay's face flashed before me. "Stop." I said he pulled away. "Stop I can't do this to Nay. That was me texting you not Tavion."

He just stared at me. "Fuck you mean it was you?"

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. You was blowing up her phone while she was sleep." "Get the fuck out."

I gladly walked the fuck out and went to my room. I really didn't feel bad at all I actually didn't even care.

I went back to the room to see the boys was back.

"So what happened?" She asked.

"He'll be here shortly." She just nodded.

"Who wanna go swimming?" I asked. "Bitch it's cold."

"We had got the suite so ours is in and outdoors." I said.

"We gotta go back to our room to get our suits." Naomi and Ambie both walked out. "I'm finna get dressed see y'all in 10."

Ambie P.O.V
We was sitting in Naomi room while she looked for a swimming suit.

"What about the one you just bought at the mall?"

"My brother would kill me if I wear that." "Then why would you buy it?"

"Ion know it was just cute I guess." I kind of was out of this whole conversation.

"Amb what's wrong?" "Nothing." "Come on tell me."

"Nah it's stupid." "Nothing you've ever said has been stupid so tell me."

"I'm not skinny enough for a swimming suit." "What you mean?"

"You, Sofia, and Jennifer have these model bodies even while she's pregnant but me shit I'm just fat."

"Ambie don't ever let me hear you talking down on yourself again. You are beautiful." "Right."

"Amb when you wake up in the morning and shower instead of pointing out flaws that's wrong with you point out your blessings. When you put some on and see a bad ass bitch in the mirror, I don't fucking care if it's just a thong you hear me

I want you to walk out that restroom with that same confidence no matter what no one else say cause Ambie baby you are perfect." I felt tears falling down.

I pulled her into a hug. "I love you bitch." "I love you too Amb. So what we doing a one piece or a two piece?"

I laughed and wiped my eyes. "Let's start with a one piece."

"Alrighty then." She went in my bags and pulled one out. "Now go put it on." I was in the restroom changing when she screamed my name.

"Huh?" "Which one?" She asked

"The white not that bad compared to the others." "I did buy some slutty looking swimming suits." She said laughing.

I walked out the restroom and seen her. "Calvin and Romeo gone drag you."

"It's that bad?" "Nah I'm just joking but on second thought you should've put on an one piece."

"Well give me a minute to change." She said. "Nope to late." I grabbed our tiles and wrapped em around us.

I snatched her arm and grabbed the room key. We walked down to the room and knocked.

She pulled her towel up all the way before they answered. "You that scared?"

"No I just don't wanna die."

O'Shae P.O.V
I was chilling on the side of the pool with Sofia when the other girls walked in.

"Where the music?" Romeo asked. "Shit hook-up the speaker." Calvin said. I was tooo worried bout this pregnant shit to even have fun.

Everybody was now in the pool and Naomi just sat in one of the chairs. I got up and joined her.

"Why you not in?" She humped her shoulders.

"What's on yo mind ma?" She kind of looked out of everything.

"Why do you even pretend to like me Shae?"

"What you mean pretend? You like my sister."

"Exactly so why kiss me that day?"

"It ain't mean none I wasn't thinking." I knew what I said would hurt her and that's the last thing I'll want to do.

She looked at the pool and just nodded her head. "You right. It was just a kiss we both wasn't thinking."


"No Shae. I'm okay I'm not a baby so I can take rejection. I mean you not even my type of guy I date college bound guys not street thugs."

She got up and walked off. I was pissed yet intrigued ain't no female fuck that ain't nobody ever just stood up to me like that especially since they know I can buy they whole family life style.

"Bae come swim with me." Sofia said. "Ight gimme a minute." I got up and went to get a drink when I seen her hugged up on Romeo in the corner.

I wanted to snatch her ass up and beat his ass. She turned around and smirked. I tried to ignore but when she finally took that towel off all I could do was stare.

Romeo P.O.V
I noticed Pac staring at Nay so I pulled her closer and grabbed hands full of her ass.

"Who told you that you could wear this?" She observed her outfit.

"If this bad then you'll most definitely hate the others." I laughed.

"Come on let's get in the water." I told her.

"Can I get a kiss?" She asked.

"What you do to deserve a kiss?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Ight come here lil spoiled ass." I pulled her face up gently and bent down to kiss her.

Her arms found they way around my neck so I made her jump up on me and she immediately locked her legs around my waist.

I heard a door slam and knew it was Pac but Ian give a fuck cause this mines and ain't no nigga finna take her from me.

I pulled away and she had my bottom lip between her teeth. Once she let go she pecked my lips.

"We need to go before my brother come." Shit her brother short as hell I mean Ian no 6 feet but shit.

Time went by everybody was chilling, smoking, and drinking.

"Nay why you still in the water?" Her brother asked.

"Shhh. This is her form of dealing with stress. When you was gone she would tell y'all dad she was staying after school for tutoring but really she was swimming." Sofia said.

"Why lie to him?" Jen asked.

"Well clearly her dad don't let her do shit but she's an awesome swimmer; she's even won gold medals at competitions it's only one girl who keeps beating her."

"Damn I ain't even know my sister knew how to swim." Calvin said.

"It's a lot y'all don't know about Nay and since you've been back you haven't even tried to learn or understand things about her."

Sofia was a good as friend to Nay but she just hates competition which is the only reason why she be doing trifflant ass things cause she believes Nay has a chance to top her.

I watched her swim back and forward in the pool. "Ay Naomi DNA test came back." She pulled herself out the water.

"What you mean I never even took it."

"Shit we got about 5 days left out here you was bullshitting so me and Crystian went and got it done using yo saliva from a can." O'Shae said.

She wrapped herself in a towel and came to sit on me. "Let me read em." She snatched em out his hands.

Crystian P.O.V
Wassup my name Crystian I'm 17 and I live wherever they place me at but if this DNA test come back positive I'ma make sure I stay close to my sister.

I was kind of thrown off at how close these folks was with a legend even more that he's helping find our parents.

"What it say?" Everybody was asking and wondering. She scanned over and looked up with this saddened expression.

"The test was inconclusive." She said.

"Meaning?" Calvin asked.

"Either the samples didn't hold enough DNA, or A conclusive answer cannot be reached without adding the biological mother's DNA to the test." Pac said.

"So how we supposed to get HER DNA if we don't know who HER is?"

"I don't know but we'll have to go get a real one done and see what that one say." Nay said she stood up and walked into one of the rooms.

"Who gone talk to her?" Jen asked.

"I'll do it." I stood and followed where she went.

I knocked on the door. "What?"

"It's Crys." "Come in." I opened the door she was sitting on the bed.

"You crying?" She sniffled. " No water from my hair.

"Nay you don't have to lie. I'm your brother you can talk to me."

"We don't know that for sure." "Well we don't need a piece of paper to tell us that either."

"Have you ever imagined what your real parents was like?" I sat down.

"Every day." "What do you think our mother is like?" She asked.

"A Grinch." "Don't do that."

"It's the truth Nay what type of selfish mama leaves her children with an abuser and the other in the rain."

"Maybe she has a valid reason." "Or maybe she is just a bitch."

"You know I used to pray every night that she could be in my life and now that I know she could've been I kind of don't want her to."

"See that's what I'm saying Nay. All these years we've imagined what type of woman she'll be but what if when we meet her it's nothing like we thought." She just played with her fingers.

"Think about it sis. I love you." I got up and hugged her.

After I left I seen everybody in different clothes and watching t.v.

"She good?" Her brother asked.

"Yeah she might need some rest."

"But the sleepover is out here." Sofia said.

"Give her some time alone."

"Well let me go get my covers." Pac said. "Take her hers." Jen said.

Naomi P.O.V
I laid in the bed thinking about what he said when Shae walked in.

"How you feeling?" I rolled my eyes and stood up to leave.

He walked closer to me. "Move Shae."

"Make me." "Please leave me alone I've had along day."

"Let this attitude go." "And if I don't!"

"Naomi keep playing with me."

"Who the fuck you supposed to be?" He just smiled and before I could even say something his lips was on mines.

I closed my eyes and started to kiss back. He wrapped his arms around my waist before lifting me up.

He sat me down gently on the dresser not breaking the kiss.

"Shae." I gasped grabbing his arms as they roamed my wet skin.

"Nay? Naomi?" "Huh, huh I'm good what was you saying?"

I realized I was daydreaming about him. "Did you hear anything I said?"

"Nope." "You still mad at me?" He asked.

"I never was mad Shae. We both said we're just friends that's all."

"Yeah. Well let me get my blankets and come to the front when you ready?"

"Ight." Once he left I closed the door and slid down it.

I let my tears flow freely. I had so much pain in my soul I just had to let it come out.

When I woke up I realized I was still sleep by the door. I got up and opened it.

I tiptoed through the room to see everyone asleep. "Nay?" I heard I looked around when the kitchen light turned on.

"Romeo why you up?" I asked. "Couldn't sleep knowing you was hurting." I smiled and walked closer.

He pulled me into a hug and I jumped up on him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"I love you Naomi." I smiled could this really be love? I questioned

"I-I love you too baby." He walked us back into the room and shut the door.

"Let's go to sleep." He said. We laid in the bed and cuddled up.
*2 days till Christmas*

"I fucking hate all of y'all. I'm leaving." I grabbed my suit case and loaded my stuff up.

"Nay the fuck is wrong with you?" Romeo grabbed my arm I was over this whole trip and the whole experience.

"Get the fuck off me." I said. I held back the tears that was trying to fall.

"Calvin get yo sister." "Let her leave." My brother said.

I missed home so much. "You leaving I'm coming too." Crystian said.

"Naw I can't let you do that you ain't out the system yet." "Fuck they system."

I shook my head and carried my bags to the elevator. "Mane y'all stop chasing after her she ain't gone leave." I heard my brother say but Crystian stayed by my side.

"You don't have to do this." I said. "I lost you once I'm not leaving you again." Crys and I bond has became so close even if we aren't related he'll always be my brother.

I hugged him. "We got a flight to catch." Neither one of us could drive fast enough and we don't have a license.

Our Uber pulled up and we got in. "Music Suggestions?" She said without turning around.

"97.1 will be fine." She changed the radio and I heard the song by me and Ambie blasting through the speakers.

"Oh my God." I said. I called Ambie.
Changed yo mind?

Ambie listen closely. Turn on 97.1 on the hotel room radio right now.

I heard stuff shuffling in the back then our voices blarring in the speakers.

Oh my fucking god. Bitch we made it.

I was crying tears of joy as I sung along to the song.

The driver turned around. "Do you mind signing yo name on my seats so they know a celebrity was here?"

I laughed and grabbed the marker and signed my signature.

I heard screaming again.

Who's that?

Everybody. I just texted our parents too sis.

I hung up and just laid my head back listening to us on the radio.
"I'm proud of you." Crys said.

"Thank you brother. I love you so much." "I love you too lil sis."
After our flight we got an Uber. *Hours Later* We pulled up to my house. "Thank you." We paid him a tip and grabbed our stuff.

I grabbed the extra key from under the mat and when I opened the door my dad was sitting there. His head immediately shot up.

"Naomi." He came and hugged me. "Thank Goodness you're okay." He looked at Crys noticing he was there.

"And who's this?" "My name's Crystian sir. I'm Naomi's brother."

"Calvin must got some surgery cause I don't have any extra kids."

"You don't daddy. My mom does." "Your mother died giving birth to you and had no children before you."

"Dad I think you should sit down." He sat on the couch. "My mother isn't dead and Crystian and I are related."

"What type of nonsense have you put in my daughter's head?" "He didn't daddy. I told him and that's the real reason I went to Atlanta. I went to find her daddy she's not dead."

"Naomi they got you on them drugs we buried your mother 6 feet under with an open casket."

"It wasn't her daddy." "Listen Naomi I don't know where you got this information from and why you choose to bring it into my house but your mother is dead and you're grounded."

"For what?" "I seen you on t.v with your apples all out, dancing on tables, high, and drunk. I didn't raise you like that what if one of my church members seen that how would you feel?"

"Dad stop pretending y'all wasn't young once. You lived why can't I?" "Listen Naomi it's late at night I'm tired so go to bed."

"Nice to meet you Crystian. You are allowed to take the guest room until you find somewhere else to go."

"Thank you sir." "Don't thank me thank the Lord." He went to his room.

"This what you deal with?" "Sadly yes." I said. "Well at least you have a home and a family."

"You have a home and a family now too." I hugged him. "I'm going to go to bed and freshen up see you in the morning."

"Alright goodnight sis." "Goodnight."

I got in the shower and let the water fall on my skin. I instantly broke down thinking about everything that happened earlier.

"Ight. Yeah they going tomorrow night."...."You sure she won't get hurt?"..... "He picking her up at 8."....."I just hope he kissed his lil girl goodbye."

"See you then." He hung up the phone and turned to see me. "Romeo what's going on?" I asked.

"Nay how much did you hear?"

"Romeo don't play me as a fool. The fuck was y'all just talking about and who y'all was talking about?"

"Listen Naomi. He's not the guy you think he is." "Who isn't?"

"Tavion." "The fuck is you talking about?"

"Tavion is a bad guy and tonight they plan on getting rid of him permanently." I shoved him away from me.

"And you gone help? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He pulled me close.

"Naomi please." I shoved him. "Get the fuck away from me." I ran out his room into mine.

When I walked in all eyes was on me. "Nay you okay?" I felt the walls closing in on me.

"Can everyone please leave?" I became dizzy as the room spent. Everybody remained where they was. I seen a white light then I was out.

*Hours later*
I cracked my eyes and noticed I was in a hospital. I stayed silent listening in on there conversation.

"Some wrong with Nay mentally. Why the fuck did y'all put that shit in her head that she was gone actually find this lady?" I heard Calvin's voice.

"Honestly I'm over it." Sofia said.

"I mean imagine if we was in the same situation. You'd want help too." Jen said.

"I'm giving up too." Ambie said. "Yeah me too." My own grandma said.

"What about you Shae?" "Y'all right but at the same time I know how it feels to be without a parent so I can only imagine how she feels."

"That's not answering the question though." "Ion know man. I do feel she a lil crazy to even think she could do this or even find this lady. I paid people to help research her we got negative results."

"Hey. I'm Nurse Jay have she woke up yet?" I closed my eyes and pretended to still be sleeping.

When she came over I heard shuffling and slowly opened my eyes. "Good you're woke." She said.

My vision was blurred from the lights. "What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing just a minor faint but we can tell she's been a little stressed so we recommend her taking some time away from everyone and everything."

"Can we take her home?" "Yep. Brother I'll need you to sign her release forms and y'all good to go."
Everybody was in my room watching t.v. I came from the back to hear them whispering about me again.

"I'm going back to Compton after Christmas." My brother said.

"I gotta go on tour like a week after Christmas." Shae said. "So what Nay gone do?" Jen asked.

"Stay with her dad duh." "Alone though he has already put his hands on her once before."

"That's not our responsibility. I tried to take her with me, she refused nothing else I can do."

"Y'all ever believe that she'll just click one day?"Ambie asked. "What you mean?" Sofia said.

"Ian been knowing y'all for long but from what I've been told Naomi's a ticking time bomb."

"Explain?" Romeo said.

"Y'all forced her to be something she not for years. She ain't even discovered who Naomi is but when she do y'all gone hate it."

"She right." Jen said. "Jennifer shut the fuck up damn." Sofia said.

"Excuse me." "Yeah excuse you. Listen here bitch I'm so fucking tired of you always adding yo two cents, you not the shit, and you trying to replace me.

"The fuck you talking about delusional ass girl?" Jen asked.

"The way you've been trying to warm up to Nay. Come on now nobody can fucking like her that much. She's a spoiled fucking brat and you ain't making it no better "

"Where the fuck all this coming from?" Shae said.

"I'm just being honest don't act like y'all ain't never said shit about her. Calvin you always talk about how much of an asshole she is.

Oh and Romeo you always fucking me so clearly you don't give two fucks about her, Ambie yo broke ass just cool with her so you can fit in and get famous."

"Ight now Sofia that's enough." Shae said. "Nah I'm just getting started. Shae you the fucking worse."

"Sofia shut the fuck up." Ambie said. "Oh no why should I? Shae boost this girl head up with so much bullshit then go and fuck her bestfriend."

"Ight Sofia you done said enough." Calvin said.

"Owe don't let me get started on you Calvin. Have you told yo baby momma how deep you be in my pussy? And I don't mean before y'all cause I'm pretty sure we was fucking last night.

Not only that but you know I'm with yo bestfriend and you don't even fucking care."

"Fuck is she talking about Cal?" Shae said. "Shut the fuck up Shae. I just wanted you for two reasons the fame and some dick. P.S I made up the baby thing just to get clout."

Shae got up pissed looking like he was gone hit her. Everybody was now arguing. I finally came in.

"Shut the fuck up!!!!" I screamed. Everybody faced me. "Nay--"

"Y'all talked it's my turn and y'all gone listen. Since everyone feels some way about Nay I'm leaving. Y'all was right there's no point to keep searching for her.

Y'all can stay out here as long as yall want but I'm gone. I'm not mad at yall because everybody got they opinions so I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the trip.

*Knock* *Knock* I heard somebody knocking on the bathroom door. "Huh?"

"Sis if you don't mind can I get some extra blankets."

"Yeah gimme a few minutes. We can go shopping tomorrow for you some new clothes also."

"Ight sis." I washed up and dried off. After I was done with my hygiene I got dressed and went to my room.

He was sitting on the bed watching t.v. "What you watching?"

"Ion know." I laughed and went to get some extra blankets. I got everything situated in his room "You're all set up. If you get hungry you can welcome yourself to the kitchen and if you need anything let me know."

"Thanks sis." "No problem." I hugged him then climbed in the bed.

"Feels good to be home." I said to myself. My phone rung and I answered it.



Where you at?


What you mean home?

I sort of left.

When? Why?

Yesterday and about that. Tavion don't go to that restaurant and don't go back to the hotel no time soon.

What are you talking about? I work there I have no choice.

Listen closely to me Tavion. Some guys are planning to kill you I'm just trying to look out for yo safety.

I heard gun shots in the background.

Tavion...Tae...please speak to me

You stupid bitch. Well I guess you still helped in a way.

Some unknown voice said.

Let him go!

What you gone do?

Please let him go.

Tavion say your last words to her and make it short.

The person said I heard shuffling then Tavion voice again.



Thank you.

For what?

The heads up and if you ever see my lil girl again I just want you to let her know I love her and Thanks for being a great friend these last few days. You've made them the best days of my life.

Tavion *voice cracks as she cries.*

Bye Nay.

No Tavion. I promise I'll get somebody to find you.

Yeah. They might be a little to late. Kiss my lil girl for me.

The phone hung up and I broke down. I just wanted to let it all out.

I felt trapped. Most people would say I have the perfect life.

I mean yeah I got a roof over my head, a bed to sleep on, food in the fridge, and family; I know there are people who have it way worse then me but just because we are going through different things our pain is still the same.

I feel trapped like I can't breath, it feels as the walls are closing, and that I don't know who I am.

I'm confused, I'm hurting, I'm tired, and I'm ready to give up. I'm Broken and no one even notices.

I walked to my dresser and sat at my vanity mirror.

I stared at my reflection and reached for one of my eyebrow blades.

I slid my hand across it and just stared it.

I burst into tears and put it close to my skin. I became breathing heavy.

I seen a picture of my mother on the dresser and I just dropped the blade and cried my heart out.

I grabbed the picture then went in my closet and pulled out this teddy bear my grandma bought me when I was three.

I climbed back in bed with both objects and squeezed the teddy bear when I heard this voice come through.

Hey Naomi. It's mommy talking to you and I can't wait to meet you some day. I love you with all my heart and I just want you to know that I'll always be here for you no matter what. You are mommy's favorite person in the world and I know you will change lives for the better. See you in 2 months mommy's princess.

It stopped. It was a recording of her voice from when she was pregnant with me. I can't believe I just heard my mother's voice.

I cuddled up to it and slowly fell asleep.

Comment, Vote, and Follow. Is this really the end of Naomi's Journey to find her mother? Will this be the end of her relationship with everyone? Stay tuned. XOXO❣️

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