
By Jiminwreckedme

561 71 79

On the occasion of your best friends wedding and high school reunion, you happened to meet once again, one of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

33 4 9
By Jiminwreckedme

"Did you just make me leave the hotel without telling anyone?"

Hoseok looked at you who was sitting at the driver's seat of Jin's BMW humming to some tune, tapping your fingers on the wheel.

"Like everyone knows where you are all the time Hoseok. Anyone who is looking for you will just assume what they always do. That you are somewhere around there fucking someone."

"Really? That's sad. Sometimes I'm just sitting in a corner lost in intellectual thoughts you know."

"Save the rubbish for someone who will believe you." You glanced at him who had crossed his arms shaking his head dramatically.

"You are incredibly rude Y/n. First, you are dragging me somewhere without telling me where we are going. On one hand I'm sitting here worried you might be kidnapping a hot guy like me harboring God knows what evil ideas about my chastity and on the other hand you find it amusing that I am the one who is not believable here. I seriously doubt your intention- ouch!"

You slammed the brakes reaching the destination making him surge forward in the suddenness. "We reached." you grinned pleased with yourself, unbuckling your seat belt, and getting out. Hoseok followed your actions uncertainly as the two of you stood against the car before the short building that loomed before you reading the words -

"Arcade?" Hoseok looked at you in disbelief " You brought me to an arcade to make me feel better?"

"mm hmm." you nodded. "Trust me it works. Jungkook always brings me to an arcade when I'm upset. The feeling of winning is a better way to stroke your ego."

"Are you crazy Y/n? You drove all the way in the dead of the night to an arcade to play these children's games?"

"Haven't you noticed how children are so happy all the time?" You clicked your tongue disapprovingly. "The key to happiness is to be a child Jung Hoseok, what an ignorant man you are."

"And what an ignorant woman you are, thinking that an arcade will be open at fucking 3 am."

You opened your mouth wordlessly looking at the watch on his outstretched hand, only just realizing the situation. Shit. Why hadn't you thought about that?

"Oh god I didn't even.... I'm so sorry Hoseok I -"

Hoseok crossed his arms and looked at you smugly. "Be honest. You really wanted to come to the arcade didn't you? I was just an excuse wasn't I?"

"Uh no." You blinked trying not meet his eyes to avoid getting caught.

"Save the rubbish for someone who will believe you." he smirked.

"Instead of mocking me, how about think of a way to get in?"

"Get in? All we can to do now is go back Y/n"

"No" you whined at you failed plan. So much for proving how to have a good time to Hoseok. "I didn't come all the way here to leave without doing anything."

"Then what do you want to do? Break in?"

You smiled slowly at that, calculating the possibilities in your head. Hoseok really looked stunned. "wow y/n. and here all this while I was thinking you were a goody two shoes. Young woman, have you always been this naughty?" he scolded you mocking mother like authority.

"Yes." you snapped. "Now think. How can we open this thing?"

"By entering the password?"

"Really? What a genius you are! Why don't you do the great deed then?" You let your voice drip with sarcasm knowing very well he had no idea what the password was.

"Alright" he said surprising you. "I need a phone."

"A phone?"

"It's a pity you don't know Ms. Y/l/n but I happen to be a very influential person. One phone call and I can get you inside, without even breaking in."

"Oh really?" You looked at him, challenge written all over your face. "Prove it."

He nodded searching around his pockets patting them as you waited patiently.

"Shit my phone." he tensed passing his fear to you.

" oh no did you lose it?"

"I think so. Oh god where did I leave it? Can I call it through your phone? Maybe someone will pick up."

You handed him your phone nodding worried as he dialed his number, staring at the screen as it rang.

"Place it against your ear Hoseok, how will you know if someone picks up?"

Hoseok smirked at you. "I can't believe you fell for the classic trick of getting a girl's phone number. Seriously Y/n?" He laughed at your expression of disbelief. "Now if you don't mind, I am actually going to go make a genuine call now."

He walked away dialing, as you looked on not too annoyed by his attempt to fool you. But it was only when Hoseok left you alone that you realized what you had done.

You, Y/n, who was terrified of the city of Sydney, had driven a car at the dead of the night, that too for a man you barely knew? What were you thinking? More importantly, where did you get so much courage from?

All you knew was at that moment the look on Hoseok's face had disturbed you. The face you had usually seen so bright and mischievous all the time, was twisted with an unknown pain and regret that he was feeling for the way he behaved with you. All you knew was at that moment you were ready to whatever it took to bring him back to normal. But you the fact that you had gone against your own fears for it struck you only now and it made you wonder - while trying to get him to think differently, were you changing yourself?

Hoseok returned smiling and punched a couple of numbers on the machine next to the door and it gave a beep as he pushed the door holding it open for you. "Welcome Ms. Y/n."

Hoseok had never seen her or anyone as a matter of fact this enthusiastic. She was literally staring wide eyed at all the machines trembling with excitement. Hoseok couldn't believe the woman who was looking so sexy seconds ago was suddenly so childish.

When he saw that she had pulled over next to the arcade building he thought she was actually playing a joke on him. The fact that she was serious was enough to lift his mood, making him laugh, putting behind all that happened with Jin earlier that night. It had been ages since Hoseok had been in an arcade, high school was the last time maybe that he had gone out to play like this. But he was willing to try again. At least for her sake if not his.

And she was such a great sport, it amazed Hoseok. Not only that, she was unbelievably talented. Hoseok couldn't digest the fact that she actually scored twice as much as him in basketball and that she had nearly the same score as him on the punching machine and that she was better than him with the claw crane. Though Hoseok got a much bigger toy than her, she still got more than him.

Hoseok sat down on one of the chairs pouting.

"What did you say when you got me here?"


"That it was winning that boosted the ego. But I haven't won a single game against you if you realized. How is this supposed to make me feel better exactly?"

"How was I supposed to know you were this bad at playing in the arcade exactly?"

"I'm not bad okay. I'm just.....out of practice" Hoseok said seriously. She smirked at him.

"Save the rubbish for-"

"Yeah yeah I know." He rolled his eyes then sat up suddenly, his eyes shining. "There is one game we haven't played that I am sure I can beat you in."

"Oh really?"

"Come on." he grabbed her by the hand and rushed careful enough not to make her trip to the second floor, opening a door and flipping the switches to reveal a green pool table in the center, the wall lined with cue sticks.

"Billiards? I've never really played this before." she said softly looking around the room uncertainly.

"Aha! My time to shine then." Hoseok smiled proudly, walking up to arrange the balls and then selecting the sticks. He had played Billiards literally all his life. He was sure he could beat her in minutes as the two of them stood on opposite sides ready to challenge each other once more. Hoseok watched her competitively as he hit the cue ball first against the rest of the colorful ones, scattering them. Ah that was a good move. He waited for to play as she swiftly pulled her hair into a ponytail at the back of her head and leaned against the table making Hoseok gulp. There was nothing he could see, no cleavage, no ass even though her dress had probably skidded up her thighs. yet the way she looked still managed to make something twitch in Hoseok's pants. There was just one desire filling him - to fuck her on this very table till the only thing she remembered was his name.

The rest of the game was torturous. Sometimes she was standing at an arm's reach from him and Hoseok had to tighten his fist, exerting incredible self control. Best part was she wasn't even doing anything intentionally and she had no idea what she was doing to him. She was making him want her in the most selfish way possible. It was not just her body that he needed, he wanted her. All of her. All of her just for himself, but all he could do was just watch as she played, still managing to notice that she purposely lost to him. This was clearly not something she hadn't played before.

"I still don't feel better." he sat after he finished the game he won at her mercy.

"Liar! you were laughing all the while we were playing and even after winning you are sulking again."

"Did I really win this?" He raised his eyebrows questioning her as she bit her lip looking around muttering.

"I tried to help okay."

"Then let's play one last game." Hoseok sensed another new idea forming in his head

"Hoseok" she groaned exhausted "it's 5:30 in the morning. The sun will rise in about an hour and you still want to play?"

"I want to win." He clarified.

"Well unfortunately there is no game in this arcade we haven't played, no game in which you haven't lost to me."

"Car racing."

"Been there. Done that. and you lost."

"No not this lame car racing, actual car racing" He said his eyes gleaming wickedly. "on the road."

"Are you mad?" She looked at him incredulously.

"Are you scared?"

"Of course not." she huffed "But you need two cars to race Hoseok. And if you noticed genius we only have one."

"I happen to be a very influential person, you are forgetting that."

"Getting a car isn't as simple as opening a door. How are you going to manage this exactly?"

"Nevermind that. If I do manage to get a car, are you game?"

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You have five minutes before I start off without you."

Hoseok smiled as she left, her heels clicking the floor, her ponytail swinging behind her.

It had exactly four and a half minutes since you sat in the white car which you had begged Namjoon for as Hoseok pulled up a black Mercedes next to you on the road that looked empty for miles.

"Impressive...." you ran your eyes along the sleek body of the car.

"That, I am." chuckled Hoseok.

"Say that if and after you defeat me Hoseok."

"Don't underestimate my talent Y/n. I may not be good at children's games but I'm a beast on the road."

"That, we shall see." you cocked your head confidentially, adrenaline taking over your system.

"Choose the finish line" he tapped on his GPS waiting for your reply..

"Bradleys Head." you decided thinking for a bit. Hoseok entered it on his GPS while you raked your memory for the route.

"Alright." his voice was beginning to drown in the sound of the engines as the two of you raised the acceleration, with one foot on the brake.

"Three." you looked at him

"Two." he looked at you.


The gears changed and the both of you sped down the empty street, neck and neck in competition feeling the wind on your faces with the windows down. You could clearly hear the 389 horsepower, 6-liter engine, running at eighty miles per hour, feeling the power of the car obeying you. One hundred thousand pounds worth of German engineering. This was a car that sneered at speed limits.

The streetlights were your only spectators, the sounds of the winds your only cheers and you concentrated on the destination, your only goal. That was your mistake. You shouldn't have been so focused. You should have looked around to see if Hoseok was there. You should have kept an eye on him too. Because suddenly you couldn't see his car anymore.

He was gone.

You slammed the brakes of your car, situated alone in the dark street, not a soul at sight. You searched all the mirrors for his car frantically, panic rising in you. Where did he go? You didn't have your phone on you. It was with him. The city around you was scaring you once again and all the fear that you thought you lost tonight was back. Your heart was the one racing now and sweat was running down your neck and you were shivering even without the cold. Where did he disappear?

Wait. Calm down. Breathe, You told yourself. Maybe he had gone way ahead of you? or maybe the gps showed a different route? He would ultimately be reaching the same place right? You would meet him there. And then you won't be alone in this darn place anymore. You just had to go to him as soon as possible. You took a deep breath raising the accelerator once more and shot off into the darkness, never feeling more terrified in your life, never having driven this fast.

As you neared the final point you could see a large parked object and a slender figure leaning against it, making you finally let out the breath that you had been holding in for so long. Hoseok was already there, laughing at you as you pulled over next to him until he saw the look on your face, tensing immediately. There were no words to explain the feeling you had when you saw him, tears of relief flooding the back of your eyes. You immediately opened the door of your car and got out, walking fast and flinging yourself towards him, breathing heavily wrapped in his arms. It allowed you to breath again. It allowed you to be normal again. His presence allowed you to feel sane again as you felt his hands rub the skin of your back with concern that you would never have associated with Hoseok.

"Y/n are you okay? Y/n...." he broke himself away from you, holding your face in his hands. "Hey, look at me. Are you alright?" You snapped to your senses instantly taking a step back to escape the proximity, not meeting his eye.

"Come here." He wrapped you in his arms once more and you loosely coiled you arms around his waist and melted against him, feeling his heart beat in your ears comfortingly. He didn't leave you, didn't say anything, didn't do anything. He just being there was enough. But it shouldn't be. You shouldn't be feeling so relaxed in the embrace of a man you barely knew. You slowly pulled yourself back slightly shivering for no reason

"Are you cold? Do you want-"

"No it's okay" you interjected quickly stopping him from stripping off his leather jacket. "Rather I feel quite hot." you laughed nervously fanning yourself with you hand.

Hoseok took your hand in his leading you to the passenger seat of Jin's car, opening the door for you as you sat in. Then he himself got in, sitting in the driver's seat taking your hand in his casually once more. He rolled up the windows and blasted the AC letting you feel the cool air evaporate your sweats of fear. Taking a bottle of water from under the seat he handed it to you, a look of worry etched on his face.

"Drink up. You'll feel better."

Taking the bottle slowly you gulped the water, finally calming down as the water ran down your throat and Hoseok watched you with hooded eyes.

"Do you have nothing to ask?" You looked at him curiously.

He just saw you in a way you never showed yourself to anyone. The kind of fear you exhibited a while ago was foreign even to Jungkook and Kate. You were ashamed of how such a small thing like being alone on the road in this city could reduce you into such a meek person. Hoseok shouldn't have seen anything tonight but now that he did he must be have many many questions.

"I do. Are you okay?"

"Other than that?"


"You don't want to know what happened or why I'm like this right now or anything?"

"You would have told me if you wanted me to know. As long as you are fine. That's all that matters."

The way he wanted no explanations, no reasons, just worrying about whether you were okay or not was bothering you. You were being so inconsiderate of him, spoiling the time that was meant to make him feel better by making things worse.

"Sorry for this mess." you looked out of the window at the black car parked near by "and for ruining your night."

Hoseok shook his head "That's not what you're supposed to be worried about."

"At least you finally won." You smiled weakly at him, leaning back sinking further into the softness of the seat.

"I don't care." He took the bottle from you placing it where it was meant to be as you let out a short tired laugh.

"Just a while ago you were hell bent on winning. What changed in half an hour?"

"You literally stumbled out of the car looking so pale Y/ you have any idea how scared I was?" You looked him in the eyes that were piercing you with his gaze. "I don't want a victory that does this to you. I don't want anything that comes at the cost of you"

You sighed looking at the sky in front of you that was turning red. "Then what do you want Hoseok?"

"Do you really want to know?" You turned to him and nodded waiting for his answer.

"I want to kiss you." he searched your eyes desperately. "So bad......Right now."

You licked your lips feeling every cell in your body saying no, remembering every voice that told you to stay away from Jung Hoseok, recollecting everything you had wanted to talk to him about respecting your limits and staying at a respectable distance from you. Say no Y/n, say no. You met his eyes with yours determined.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Hoseoks eyes widened at your response, his grip tightening on you hand as he brought his other hand up to your face, tracing your features, hovering it in the air like he was scared to touch you. He slowly leaned in, his face incredibly close to yours, but still just lingering, not closing the gap forming yet it wasn't awkward until he shifted uncomfortably.

"You aren't supposed to let me Y/n." he lowered his voice and his eyes looking at your hands which were laced together with his.. "You should say no."


"Because you deserve much better than me. Because you are worth so much more. Because if I start, then I don't think I can stop." He looked at you begging you to push him away, to place the control on him that he was losing. You gulped knowing exactly what you were going for.

"Then don't."

He groaned at your soft voice, finally giving in and pulling you closer, kissing you softly. His hand found its place, wandering down you to your waist, pulling it, trying to close the gap between your bodies only to be interrupted by the annoying console at the center. At that moment, you didn't know what came over you and where you were getting all the courage from and you raised yourself holding on to the material of his jacket on his shoulders, straddling him in the front seat of the car. He pulled back as he adjusted you on him, hands on your waist, staring intently at your face which was a little above his, as he looked at you in awe. His hands reached for your rubber band and tugged it, letting your waves fall over your shoulder and he was looking a you like you were the oasis in his desert, a warm fire on a freezing night, the only life preserver he could find in the ocean he was lost in. You felt unexpectedly shy under his intensity and tried to look away, tucking the free strands behind your ear. Holding you by the chin he forced you gently to look at him.

"You have nothing to you should hide Y/n. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" You felt yourself growing weak under his vision only just noticing the little details of his eyes - raw umber and caramel mix, dotted with bits of dark chocolate. They were so beautiful. He was so beautiful. How could he think someone like you was.....?

"Let me show you." and he kissed you once more, more passionately and carnal this time, groaning as you held onto the material of his shirt pulling him closer. He waited, his fingers tracing your spine, till you parted your lips letting his tongue taste you, engaging in a battle with your mercilessly, a battle where winning and losing both gave pleasure. He left you aching for him as he dragged his tongue on you lower lip and sank his teeth slightly tugging it, earning a very satisfactory whimper from you. "H-Hoseok....."

"God do you have any idea how good you sound?" He whispered, his hands running down the length of your body, squeezing the cheeks of your ass making you moan against him again.

"Do you have any idea how badly I want you Y/n?"

He pressed his lips onto yours once last time, kissing you fiercely and gently all at once as he held your face in his hands, like if he didn't have you now he might just die, desperate to get as much of you as he could before this would have to stop. You could feel the slight heat as the sun began to rise, but that was nothing compared to the fire Hoseok had ignited in you. You were sure you had bruised some part of his lips with the way you were attacking him back, not even letting each other take a breath but Hoseok didn't seem to mind. He let his tongue wander around you, gripping your thighs, his fingers surely leaving marks like you were on his back and the two of you were thinking about everything but stopping. He said he didn't think he could, you wanted to show him that you couldn't either. You tugged the soft hair at the nape of his neck tilting his head up making it easier for you to slide your tongue into his mouth, tasting the whiskey he had hours ago still in his mouth, its tang only increasing the euphoria inside you. Hoseok left your mouth, sucking on the soft skin of neck with only pressure enough to not make a mark, making you moan helplessly against him, each sound from you causing him to growl, making him slowly lose the little control he had over himself. You felt his growing erection under you and his hand making its way under the material of the dress on your thighs causing you to shift back to allow him to touch you properly but accidentally pressed against the horn on the steering wheel, letting out a loud, unpleasant sound, completely ruining the moment.

Hoseok and you looked at each other awkwardly, situated a little away from each other till you saw he was distracted suddenly by looking over your shoulder, making you turn your head as well. The sun was up already, barely a few minutes remaining till it was bright enough for the anyone to see the way you both sat, stuck to each other.

"We..." Hoseok began.

"We should go." you said quickly, not quite sure if that was what he wanted to say. You didn't have a clue about what he was thinking, his expression betrayed nothing.

"Yeah." he looked away his hands leaving your thighs, carefully helping the struggling you to sit back in the passenger seat. He looked a little lost before finally turning the keys, starting the engine,

"Then what about that car?" you pointed at the Mercedes parked next to you.

" It belongs to the arcade owner, I know him quite well. I'll send someone to drive it back to him so don't worry. Right now it's more important to get you back before people realize you are missing."

You nodded worrying yourself for not telling anyone before you left. If Jungkook found you missing from your room he would create and absolutely horrifying scene and turn the whole hotel upside down.

That was the last thing Hoseok he said the whole way back, neither of you engaging in a conversation or even looking at each other. Was there anything left to say? Could things be how they were between you before again? What were you thinking letting him kiss you like that, showing him how much you wanted him. You were supposed to stay away from him. That's what you were told by Jungkook and yourself and that's what you would do.

Strangely the whole way back only one image was forming in your head. A pretty candle with a small bright flame and a frail moth which knew it how things would end if it went close to the fire, yet set out on a self destructive journey towards it. You pretended like you didn't know how the image applied to you.

Hoseok pulled up in front of the hotel, handing you your phone as you got off and didn't even mutter a bye as he zoomed off to park the car. You walked back to your room, not able to get the memory of the way he felt under you and the taste of him and his hands on you, as you pulled the curtains to hide the now fully risen sun and fell back onto the softness of your bed. Why Y/n? Why did you do that?

Your phone beeped beside you and you reached out for it, squinting to read the message from an unknown but familiar number that was scribbled on a tissue paper more than a couple of hours ago.

Thank you Y/n for one of the best nights I have ever had the pleasure of spending. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget today.

You smiled at the message sadly, feeling your heart tugging in your chest, warning you once more like it did years ago, to not let yourself fall for Jung Hoseok again.

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