Perfect ( An Imector Love Sto...

By x-Sakura-Mochi-x

872 14 31

A one shot about Imector, because it's damn CUTE. Takes place a few months after the movie. Some cuddly fluff... More


872 14 31
By x-Sakura-Mochi-x

(Please note: I am not a native Spanish speaker, so I apologise if I get a few words wrong.)

It started out as a quiet evening in the Rivera household, Imelda Rivera was currently coming home from such a long day at the plaza. Ever since her great great grandson visited them in the Land of the Dead, the music ban had been lifted.

Hèctor was currently fiddling with his guitar he had since he died, until de la Cruz stole his guitar for himself. Imelda really hated that man- that cabŕon. Her hatred grew more of him after she had found the truth of her husband.

"Imelda! Mi amor! Mi vida!" Hèctor said, putting his guitar down and ran up to his loving yet short tempered wife.

"Hèctor! Not now!" Imelda scowled as her husband gently put her down. "It's been a long day at the plaza and I need rest."

"Lo siento, I just miss you very much!" He beamed. Imelda couldn't help but smile at her husband's silliness and charm.

"Want me to carry you to the room?" Hèctor asked. "I can take mysel-" Imelda was abruptly cut off as her husband picked her up bridal style.
"Hèctor! Put me down!" She frowned.

"I won't let you down until you're well rested!" Hèctor replied before rushing up the stairs, his wife in his arms. He didn't stop to notice the confused yet happy glances from Victoria, Rosita, Coco and Julio. Oscar and Felipe quietly working on something in the living room, trying not to disturb the couple.

"Really Hećtor, estoy bien." Imelda explained, trying to get out of Hector's grasp.

"Mi amor, did I ever try to stop coming home and seeing my two ladies of my life?" Héctor asked as Imelda slowly looked at him.


"Then, with all of that lost time between us, I'll provide you with everything I can! You are mi todo after all."

If she still had skin, she would be as red as tomato. After so many years of hating him, throwing her shoe whenever he tried talking to her, or even ignoring him, she was there smiling at his words. The stubborn matriarch of the Riveras in her loving husband's arms.

"Gracias, Hèctor." She smiled as she crawled into bed, Héctor following soon after.

"Buenas noches, Imelda." Hećtor replied, before gently kissing her forehead.

With that, Hećtor quickly and quietly got out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He was happily accepted back into the family, but with almost a hundred years of living in his "home" in Shantytown, he couldn't just abandon his only shelter.

But Héctor would always come home to his familia, no matter how far he was, he would always come home. He made that same mistake with Imelda and his little baby Coco, he would never do it again.

The evening in the Land of the Dead was somehow relatively quiet, Hećtor quickly getting his things at his "home" before coming back to his family. When he went in, everything was quiet, almost everyone was asleep, almost.

Hector carefully went upstairs, trying not to wake up the others. He opened the door revealing Imelda to be fast asleep. A sigh of relief was the only sound that came out of his mouth.

He smiled at the sight of his wife. The gray streaks in her hair were shiny along with the rest of her hair, all tied up in a braided bun like look. She was still the same Imelda he had fallen in love with those many years ago.

"You are perfect, Imelda. You really are." He smiled before crawling into the bed alongside her, facing her way.

The next day...

Imelda opened her eyes to find Hèctor asleep next to her, his arms wrapped around her. Even though they were skeletons, she felt his body warm against hers, it was a cuddly sensation she felt.

Trying not to wake up her marido, she carefully removed his arms and went outside of the room, letting Hèctor sleep peacefully.

As Imelda walked into the living room, she found Rosita sitting in a chair. "Hola, Mamá Imelda." She smiled.

"Hola." Was all Imelda responded with.

"How are things with you and Papá Héctor?" Rosita asked, making Imelda blink in surprise.

"Things are going, okie." Imelda replied, looking at her sister in law.

"That's nice." Rosita smiled, going back to what she was doing.

Imelda sighed a bit. Were things actually going okie? She held on to these thoughts for a while, before shaking them off as she exited through the door.

"I'll going to buy more materials for the shoes. I do want to business to run after all." Imelda explained before heading out.

"Cuídate." Rosita called out before she heard the door slam shut. As if on cue, Rosita quickly rushed upstairs to see Papá Héctor.

"Buenos días Papá Héctor!" She said in a whisper manner.

"Hn." He groaned, facing away from her.

Rosita frowned, then she got an idea. She quickly went inside Victoria's room to find her reading a book.

"Hola Victoria." Rosita began. "Would you mind helping me with something?"

"Sure." Victoria replied, not looking up from her book.

"I have a favor to ask, sobrina." Rosita explained her plans to her niece.

"Oh okie. I've got this." Victoria replied, placing her book down before going to Imelda and Hèctor's room.

"Abuelo. Mamá Imelda will be very upset if you don't wake up right now."
Victoria stated, crossing her arms.

"Don't hurt my Imelda!" Hèctor yelped out before falling off the bed. He got up to see his granddaughter.

"Oh. Nieta, it's only you." He sheepishly smiled.

"That took quicker than excepted." Victoria mumbled to herself, adjusting her glasses a bit.

"Do you mind if I gather everyone in the living room? I have something to say." Hèctor explained.

"Of course, abuelo." Victoria replied, before taking him to see the others.

He saw Óscar, Felipe, Julio, Mamá Coco, and Rosita already waiting in the living room.

"Mi familia, I need some advice..." Hèctor sighed heavily.

"What's wrong, Papá?" Mamá Coco asked, before walking up to Hèctor.

"I'm been wanting to take your Mamá out on a date." Hèctor explained.

"Then, how come you won't?" Rosita asked. "You two are so cute since you got back together!" She beamed.

That comment made Hèctor flush, if he still had skin that is.

"Well, it's true." Mamá Coco noted.

"Agreed." Both Óscar and Felipe said in unison.

"So, what can we do to help?" Julio asked his father-in-law.

"Okie, here's the plan.." Hećtor explained to his family.


"How could you possibly run out of leather?!" Imelda exclaimed, slamming her hands onto the clerk's desk.

"Lo siento Señora, but someone already placed a huge order on leather." The clerk explained before frantically looking at her computer.

"That devil box better not be telling lies." Imelda glared, hands at her hips.

"I promise Señora. We are out." The clerk replied.

"Maybe I could come back tomorrow. Hopefully you have some by then." Imelda stated.


With that, Imelda quickly payed for the items she had purchased and was on her way to the door.

Imelda waved at a few bypassing skeletons, as well as a boy skeleton. She decide that if she would go to the plaza daily, she would put up a friendly face.

As she was making her way home, she noticed a huge line of skeletons waiting for the train.

"Dios mío! How am I supposed to get home in time?" Imelda cried, accepting this line and decided to wait.

Back with the Riveras...

"Are you sure you guys know what you're doing?" Hèctor asked hesitantly to his brother in laws.

"Trust us Hèctor-" Óscar began.

"We know what we're doing." Felipe explained, holding a new vest for him to wear.

"Are you putting that on me?" Hèctor asked, cringing a bit.

"You would want to wear a vest like that?" Óscar inquired, raising an eyebrow ridge.

"Especially during a date?" Felipe finished his sentence, still holding out the vest.

"I guess you're right, but why black? Don't you have purple?" Hèctor asked.

"Why purple?" Óscar asked.

"It's Imelda's favorite color..." He mumbled to himself.

"Oh." Óscar and Felipe both replied.

"Well, purple it is!" Felipe said before getting a new one.

"We'll try and make your date with Imelda perfect!" Rosita smiled, coming into the room.

"Yeah, wait... The song!" Hèctor exclaimed loudly.

"What song?" Rosita blinked.

"I need to come up with a song that Imelda and I can dance to." Hèctor explained.

"Hmm, I heard this American song called 'Perfect' from this English artist named Eddie Sheeran?" Rosita explained. "The Land of the Dead recently had a new radio system that can play any songs from any country and timezone.

"That's brilliant! Does anyone know how to get for Imelda and I?" Hèctor asked.

"Maybe I could play a CD of it!" Rosita offered.

"Great, now I have to get ready for this, and we'll be all set!" Héctor replied, relaxing a bit.

Back with Imelda...

Imelda aggravatily waited patiently as the line was slowly moving, she wanted to whack someone with her shoe, but decided against it.

When the line finally went up to her, a sign of relief rushed over her shoulders as she stepped into the train.

The train ride wasn't that long. It took only quite a few minutes for her to reach her destination, well close, she still had to walk a long distance from the train to the house.

"Now, I can go home and rest- AH!" Imelda yelped before tripping over something, making her dress and bones slightly scratched.

"Ow!" She cried out and turned to see what caused her to fall. The thing was a small, rabbit alebrijie. As short tempered as she was, she knew better not to get mad at it. It was her fault for not paying attention.

The rabbit alebrijie snatched the basket she was carrying and ran off, Imelda following chase later.

"Hey! Come back!" She yelled out, trying to catch up to the rabbit. The rabbit was faster than her speed, so the chances of getting it back were slim.

As she finally caught up with the rabbit, she fell down trying to retrieve it and fell in some mud.

"Dios mio!" She cried out as she look at herself, her hair all messy and her dress covered in mud. Glaring at the rabbit, she grabbed her things and went her way home. She wanted to cry, but goes against it, wanting to be proud and strong.

Back with the Riveras again...

"Are you sure we're all ready?" Héctor asked his familia as he wore a sleeveless purple vest with brown pants, and had shoes, courtesy of the Riveras.

"Papa, I hope you have fun." Mamá Coco said to her father, hugging him.

"I hope so too, mija." He smiled, putting on his straw hat before hugging her back.

"Now, let's get going!" Julio declared.

"The place you're going to is far." Victoria began. "You're going to need Pepita."

"Pepita?!" Héctor gawked.

"Si, Pepita." Victoria replied.

"How do we call her?" Oscar asked.

"I think we just whistle." Felipe replied.

"Okie, let's try it." Héctor stated as he whistled.

With that, Pepita roared from outside.

"It worked." Rosita smiled.

Héctor hopped on Pepita's back, making sure not to fall off.

"Okie, I'll see you guys over there." Héctor explained, before hearing the voice of a certain someone.

"HÉCTOR!" Imelda yelled out.

"M-mi amor!" Héctor sheepishly smiled.

"I just had a rough day at the plaza, and this is what I see, my familia leaving without me." Imelda glared, arms crossed.

"Imelda!" Héctor exclaimed. "Help me control Pepita, I have something I need to show you."


Pepita followed Imelda's call and headed towards their destination.

"Should we follow them?" Julio asked.

"I think we should." Rosita agreed.

With Héctor and Imelda...

"Hector!" Imelda scowled as she got off Pepita. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Imelda, I-"

"Don't make up excuses!" She cut him off. "I got my stuff almost taken by an alebrijie!" Imelda shows him the basket. "I trip over said alebrijie, and fall in mud! Can this day get any worse?!"

Imelda spoke too soon as the basket she was still carrying broke apart, spilling its contents into the floor.

"Guess it can." She heavily sighed beofre sliding down, hands covering her face.

"Imelda, please listen." Héctor began, removing her hands out of her face.
"I took you here for a date." He said, smiling at her face.

"A-a date?" She blinked. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've gotten ready! Look at me, I'm a mess! I look horrible!" Imelda exclaimed.

"Don't ever call yourself horrible again, mi vida." Héctor stated, holding her close. "You're far from horrible."

"Really?" Imelda asked, earning a nod from Héctor. "Well, that you mention, when does said date start?"

"Right now." Héctor replied, offering a hand, signaling the song to be played.

(Now would be a good time to actually play said song!)

I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I never you were that someone,
Waiting for me

Hector takes Imelda and leads her to a dance, a slow dance. Imelda, being the stubborn woman she was, refuses at first, but gives in.

Cause we were just kids when fell in love, not knowing what it was
I will not give you up, this time~
Darling just kiss me slow,
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine~

Baby. I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms,
Barefoot on the grass,
Listening to our favorite song
When you said you look a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight~

"Why did you do this for me Héctor?" Imelda asked in a whispering manner. "I decided that since you've had a rough week, I wanted you to relax." Héctor explained, leading her to still slow dance.

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday,
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets,
To carry love, to carry children of our own,
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds,
I know we'll be alright, this time~
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'm your man
I see my future in your eyes

Héctor and Imelda touch heads, letting the song play as they dance. Unknown to Imelda, the rest of her family was watching from afar, smiling at the two.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,
With you between my arms,
Barefoot on the grass,
Listening to our favorite song,
When I saw you in that dress
Looking so beautiful,
I don't deserve this
Darling, you look perfect tonight

"Thank you for tonight, Héctor." Imelda smiled. "De nada, mi amor." Héctor said close to her ear, or the place of where her ear should be, at least.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,
With you between my arms,
Barefoot on the grass,
Listening to our favorite song,
I have faith in what I see,
I know that I have an angel in person,
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this,
You look perfect tonight

With that, the song ended, and Imelda and Héctor look at each other, one last time, the both of them smiling. Rosita was trying not to cry of cuteness, Mamá Coco was smiling, Julio, Óscar, Felipe's jaws dropped, literally, and Victoria swear she almost smiled, almost.

The family was proud of the happy couple.

"I... needed this. Thank you Héctor." Imelda smiled at her husband.

"You're welcome, Imelda." He smiled ash he pulled her into a soft yet tight hug.

This night was indeed perfect.

A/N: Phew! This one shot is finally complete! Hope you enjoyed it, it's my first Coco fanfiction so I hope it's not too OOC.

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