Stranger Emotion

By Czarcsm

7.8K 278 36

"You're pathetic," Seren spat, "how could you—how dare you treat me like that? I loved you—I fucking loved yo... More

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1.2K 44 2
By Czarcsm

~ Chapter Three ~

{ Seren }

I will never forget the look in his eyes, he was afraid, maybe even more afraid than I was. I didn't quite understand everything that was going on, but I knew that whatever it was frightened Zavien.

He rushed into my room, I knew it was odd. Zavien usually slept in my room. He was panicked and it was unusual for me to see him worried. He was always calm and composed or just... angry. He was never afraid of anything.

"Seren," he breathed as he cupped my face, "we have to go."

"Go? Zavien what's wrong?" I asked searching his eyes for answers.

He looked around and cursed under his breath.

"Zavien, your language!" I scolded nervously.

He picked me up and carried me in his arms. He wasn't answering any of my questions and that worried me. Even when I had the strangest inquires he always responded.

"Zavien, is that Seren with you?" I heard my father ask.

"Yes," Zavien said.

"Take her in here," he said.

Zavien followed my father's request and stepped into a room. He set me down. My mother was standing by a window. She sighed heavily and then turned to me.

Why wasn't she as worried as Zavien was?

"Come here, dear," my mother said softly.

I clung to Zavien's side.

"I don't want to leave him," I told her firmly.

Zavien kneeled down to my level. He smiled a wry smile.

"You should probably go to your mother, Seren, now isn't the time to be stubborn," he scolded gently.

"I don't care."

"We don't have much time, they're coming in! Zavien, do it. Now!" My father bellowed.

"Thierry wait!" My mother shouted.

"Luna, there's no time-"

"Seren," Zavien said grabbing my attention, the tone of his voice drowned out the sound of my mother and father arguing. I was drawn to him and only him. "You know how much I love you, don't you?"

I nodded.

"Good. Now, close your eyes," he said and wrapped his arms around me. I followed his instructions, "I hope you can forgive me."

I sat up in my bed drenched in sweat. I turned my attention to the frame that leaned against my door.


"What did you remember?" He asked.

"Who are you?" I asked breathlessly.

He moved in closer, yet he refused to approach my bed.

"I asked you a question!"

"I believe I asked you first," he countered.

"I don't know what I remembered. It was probably a dream-"

"What. Did. You. Remember?" He asked sharply.

I opened my mouth to bark back but felt myself at a loss. "The Raid."

"My name is Zavien Yael," he said.


"I can't exactly prove to you that this is not what I really look like while we're in here," he said cutting me off. "Blaez, Hunter, and Yael are all a part of me. It's one of the many abilities I have as the Hybrid Lord."

I put my hands up to my head.

"Do you not believe me?"

"No, I don't."

"Put some pants on," he said, "I'll show you."

"Hold on-"

"Put some damn pants on and let's go," he ordered firmly.


I got out of bed and grabbed the same shorts I was wearing yesterday. I pulled them on and followed Zavien out of the room. We descended the stairs, standing at the door was Yael, Blaez, and Hunter.

"Watch very closely," Zavien said.

He opened the door, I watched as he turned and faced me, he stepped backwards outside. The three men vanished into thin air, and Zavien changed.

He was... beautiful.

I brought my hands to my mouth. "What the..."

He extended his hand.

"We need to go," he said, "come."

I couldn't disobey. I stepped out and took his hand. He pulled me into his chest. I looked back and saw that there was absolutely nothing there. I walked out of an invisible house.

Is this real life?

I looked up at Zavien. "Where are we going?"

"Sneaking into my palace," he murmured. "Close your eyes."

I remember this.

I closed my eyes and buried my face in his shoulder. He tightened his grip around me, I felt lighter than air for all of a second before I felt normal again. I slowly pulled my face from his shoulder and looked around. We weren't outside in the cold in the middle of nowhere anymore. We were in the foyer of a gigantic palace.

He looked down at me. "Be silent," he whispered.

He let go of my waist and held my hand as he snuck me around his home. It was enormous. Then again, I did just watch him change from one man into another. He led me into a room and shut the French doors.

"Why are we sneaking around your palace and whispering?" I whispered.

"Because Zade caught your scent," Zavien murmured and brought me over to the bed. "Get comfortable, this is where you'll be until I can get you back into the Void."

"The Void?" I asked as I crawled on to the bed.

"It's the place you've been in. The place I hide out at. It's one of my many Warlock abilities," he said softly. He pulled up a chair and sat at the end of the bed.

"Is this your room?"

"I can't really call it mine, I haven't slept in it for as long as I can remember," he chuckled softly.

I looked down. "We have a lot to talk about."

"We can do that when you wake up."

"I think we should get it out of the way, now."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Still a demanding little girl, aren't you? Can't help but order me around like a dog."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Not yet," he muttered.

"You're not some random Vampire, and Yael, Blaez, and Hunter don't exist."

"No, they do not. And no, I am not. I am Zavien Yael, the Hybrid Lord and the Princess's betrothed."

"And you didn't wipe your memories," I said drily.

"I couldn't bring myself to do it," he admitted, "I didn't want to forget you. I wanted to bring you back after all of the confusion in Empyria was settled. When I came back after teleporting you to your new family, things were a hell of a lot worse than they were before I left."

"What happened to my parents?"

"I don't know," Zavien said honestly. "I think about that day after day. Nothing I come up with is good."

"And everything else?"

"Zade Lavoix, does that name ring a bell?" He asked.

I furrowed my brow. "No, not really. Why?"

"He's my competition."

"How do you have competition if we're already engaged?" I asked.

"We're not married, Seren, and everyone thinks you're dead," he said, "except Zade. He's determined to find you and make you his. He's in your palace, or the Royal Palace. He doesn't know that I'm alive, but last night I felt his presence scoping out the area we were in. I can't have him find you."

"Is that your choice?"

"Do you not remember what I said would happen to you if you were found?"

"I interpreted that I would be seen as a trophy," I said with my arms crossed, "whoever has me can rule Empyria, right?"

"I won't let anyone have you."

"I don't think you have the right to say that."

He scowled at me. "Seven of your years and you still go back and forth with me like this. The only thing that has changed is your age and your body, but you're still the same old Ana."

I scowled in return. "I hate the name Ana, you know that's not my name."

"You can ask me how many shits I give but my answer's will all be empty," he said with a mean glare.

"You should watch your attitude with me."

"Or what?"

I fumbled for threats.

"I will-I uh... I'm going to... uh..." I grunted in frustration. "You're such an asshole!"

"Wow," Zavien clapped, "I can't believe that you came up with that. For a second there I almost thought you gave up."

"Get the hell out."

"This is my room."

"You said you can't call it yours."

"Why do you insist on being so damn petty, Ana?"

I grabbed my hair with my hands and tried my hardest not to scream at the top of my lungs. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to hit him for being such a pain in the ass. I flopped back on the bed and turned my attention from him.

"Just stop... stop talking to me," I murmured.

"Wait," he paused, there was worry in his tone, "are you mad at me?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't."

"Yeah, okay. Well, just sit there quietly while I lay here."

"I've waited for you to mature to finally tell you that you cannot order me around. I don't care if you and I are betrothed, or if you are from the Royal Family, stop talking to me like I'm below you. I am higher than you and I always will be. My power, my age, my authority surpasses yours so stop fucking telling me what to do!"

I turned around to look at him.

"Did that feel good?" I asked. "Are you done throwing your tantrum? I'd like to sleep now."

"Why did I push you to regain your memories," he grumbled and got up.

"You're leaving?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" He mocked.

"Because I want you to close the door on your way out."

He clenched his jaw and stormed out.

What a big baby.

I pulled my shorts off and crawled under the sheets. I fell asleep shortly after.

"You're so damn stubborn!" He yelled at me.

I crossed my arms and tried not to show my fear.

"Calm down and watch your language," I retorted.

"Calm down? Calm down?! Seren, do you even know who that boy is?" He asked.

"His name is Zade and he's really nice to me-"

"You can be so stupid sometimes," he ran his hands through his hair, "he's not being nice to you because he wants to be your fucking friend!"

I covered my ears.

"Stop cussing at me!"

"Stop being so childish! You can't just run off with guys who say that they're your friend! You don't get it now, but you must recognize your place as the Royal Princess. You are my betrothed and I refuse to let you associate with that man."

"You're just jealous!"

"Of what?" He asked. "Why would I be jealous of Zade? I have what he wants, I have what he could never have even if he sacrificed everything for it. He is a pathetic hybrid and you shouldn't pay him any mind. He only wants your status."

"He said he wanted to be my friend, Hunter."

Zavien pulled me into his arms.

"You know," he said softly, "boys my age lie to get what they want. You're an important person to Empyria and he will say anything to get close to you."

"What about you?"

"I'll say anything to keep you safe," he murmured, "I don't want to ever see anything bad happening to you. I want to protect you."

"I know, Zavien," I replied softly. I held him as tightly as my little arms would allow.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "I shouldn't have yelled or cursed at you. You're not stupid, you're wonderful. I didn't mean to frighten you."

"I wasn't scared," I lied.

"You're trembling, Seren."

I blushed and buried my face in his shirt.

"I don't ever want you to be afraid of me."

"That's what makes you who you are. You're dangerous and I know that. But you keep me safe and I remind myself of that whenever you do get angry. I know you want to protect me. And there's no one who could do it better than you. No one."

I felt warmth against my own flesh. My eyes fluttered open only to see I was cuddling Zavien. The sheets were on the floor, my leg was thrown over his hip, my arms were wrapped around his waist. Our fingers were intertwined. My face had been pressed against his warm back. I sat up and looked over, he was still sound asleep.

I made an attempt to part myself from him, but he only tightened his grip on my hands.

"You could at least wake me up and tell me where you're going," he mumbled sleepily.

"Perhaps I didn't want to wake you because you looked so peaceful."

"Don't flatter me. You're not wearing underwear and I'm not in the mood to say no to you," he warned me.

My face turned red. He turned around and faced me, he let go of my hand and held my thigh. I couldn't help but notice the color of his eyes. Both of them were different. One eye was green and blue with gold specks, the other was blue and gray with gold specks. His lips were lush and red. His hair was tousled and all over the place, but he still looked undeniably attractive. His skin was absolutely flawless. It wasn't too tanned nor was it too pale. I was trapped, except... I didn't want to move.

"You're not as hostile anymore," he said as he looked me over, "what else did you remember?"

"Your temper."

He gave a soft chuckle. "Which occasion? I had a tendency to lose my temper whenever you did something I specifically told you not to do, which was always."

"Zade," I said.

"Mm," he said and pulled me closer, "you pissed me off that day."

"You're really close," I whispered.

He slipped his hand under my shirt running his hand along my bottom, giving it a gentle squeeze before he ran his hand back down. I gasped and felt goosebumps rise on my skin.

"It's been seven of your years since I've been this close to you," he murmured. "Believe me when I say I'm taking advantage of every second I spend with you."

"You bit into my neck not too long ago," I reminded him.

"I also healed you."

"You still bit my neck. Yael said-"

He put a finger to my lips.

"I know what Yael said."

"Why did you do it?"

"Several reasons," he said, "I wanted your blood. I always have. You don't have blood like anyone in this world, your blood doesn't taste like a hybrid's. It's more... divine. I wanted to scare you."

"Well, you did scare me," I told him. "And you called me a liar."

His lips pulled back revealing a gorgeous smile.

"Because you are," he said amused, "you had never been kissed. I refused to let anyone kiss you."

"Maybe I had a high school kiss?"

"Give me his name and address and I'll kill him," Zavien said.

I laughed. "There wasn't anyone, don't worry."

"Good," he said.

I couldn't help but notice how gradually closer we got to each other's faces. It wasn't until my nose was brushing against his when all my words and laughter got caught in my throat.

"If I let you kiss me, you won't make a beeline for my neck, will you?" I asked with a small smile.

"Not if you don't," he joked.

I gazed up at his eyes for a brief second before I was drawn to his desirable lips.

"Kiss me, Seren."

Why, of course, I'll kiss you, you beautiful man.

I leaned in the rest of the way, feeling my eyes close as my lips met his. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip, I obeyed his orders. His tongue danced with mine, I pulled him closer to me. He ran his hand up my shirt again just as he had did last time, beckoning me close to me. He rolled over, putting me on my back while he settled between my legs with a hand under my shirt, gripping my hip, and another cupping my face. He kissed me passionately, tenderly, as if he had been saving it up for a long time. I dragged my nails up and down his back, he grinned against my lips. He pulled away and gazed at me.

"We should stop," he murmured.

On instinct, I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

He grinned and got off of me.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Very," I said sitting up.

I watched as he left the bed. My eyes were drawn to that beautiful body of his. Goddamn. I outlined his sculptured muscular body with my eyes. He was definitely drawn.

"How often do you workout?" I asked subconsciously.

He looked down at himself then back to me.

"You're kidding, right?" He asked with a chuckle. "I don't."

"It's impossible for you to look like that and not lift anything," I told him. "I've never..."

"Want to take that shirt off so I can show you just how perfect you are?" He asked with a raised brow. "We can compare our bodies if you'd like."

I blushed wildly.

"You're insane, I've never been naked in front of male and I'm not really looking forward to it," I said crossing my arms, "I don't need some guy judging me."

"Damn right, that's why I'm not some guy. I'm your King."

"You're no King of mine," I snorted, "you may be able to wow me with that mouth and body of yours, but you're not my King."

"Jesus girl," he said shaking his head, "you're still too stubborn for your own health."

"I'm stubborn for my health," I corrected, "and what are you doing?"

He pushed his flannel pants down and tossed them. I think I was too shocked to even cover my eyes. That or closing my eyes would mean I didn't approve. I definitely did. Zavien was a fine specimen, he knew he was.

"You see," he said locking eyes with me while he wore a smirk, "I don't have a problem with being naked in front of a girl, I'm confident in my looks. I'm going to take a shower, you're welcome to join me."

I tried to find the words I wanted to say without sounding like a pervert or a googly-eyed girl.


"Take your time," he said and walked off.

Once he was finally out of sight, I could let out a breath of air I had been holding in. I laid flat on my back and ran my hands through my hair.

Even if I did regain all of my memories, I would still be new to all of this-this being Zavien as a grown man as well as myself being a grown woman. We could have sex at any point and time and those memories that he wiped wouldn't do me any good. Sure, it helps establish the intimate relationship he and I had, but he doesn't make it too hard to rebuild that.

I see why I was such a shy asshole around him when I was a kid. He was attractive even back then, he's only gotten better looking since. And then his confidence! By him being an adult now, he's got this confidence in himself that I admire, that actually turns me on. Maybe it's also the fact that he wants me. That also helps.

This was the stuff erotica did get right. Nothing turns a person on more than knowing that someone they want, wants them too.

He wasn't in there long, he stepped out with water droplets sliding down his body. Fortunately, he had a towel wrapped around his waist, so it was a distraction but it was bearable.

"That was fast," I blurted out.

"Did you expect me to rub one off in there?" He asked, "I'd rather keep the sexual frustration I have and wait till the opportunity presents itself where you jump me like the fierce tigress you are."

"I'm not going to jump you like a fierce tigress."

"If you say so."

"And you'll probably explode from all the sexual frustration you have," I warned him.

"I think the word you meant to use was 'cave'," he said and walked over to his closet. "Take a shower, I'll bring you something to wear. There are plenty of towels in the bathroom. Feel free to take your time, don't leave the room."

"Why would I leave the room without clothes, Zavien?"

"Because it's just like you to go against everything I say."

"I'm not eleven years old anymore, I know better than to disobey for the thrill of it," I muttered and got up.

I took the longest shower in the world. I washed my hair and kind of just relaxed. I felt comfortable here in the confines of Zavien's room. It was a subconscious kind of comfortable. Like I trusted him.

When I finished, I wrapped a towel around my wet hair and my body and walked out.

"I really hope-"

"Zavien, I know you're here-"

I stopped in place and stared at the girl who had just barged into the room. We both just gazed at each other, unable to form words. She resembled Zavien, but not very much. I could tell she was a relative of his, and I sought comfort in that. I wasn't sure what I would do with myself if I found out he had a girlfriend when I was supposed to be his fiancée.

She squinted as if she were trying to get a better read of me, and as if she saw something familiar, she dropped to her knees.

"I am so sorry," she said quickly.

My attention turned to Zavien who stepped in the room. He sighed heavily. The girl lifted her head slowly, a blush formed at her cheeks.

"Zavien is right behind me, isn't he?"

I nodded.

"Get off the floor, Lela," Zavien scolded.

She rose to her feet and turned to Zavien. "I didn't mean-"

"Go, quietly. Don't speak a word of this," Zavien said softly.

"Isn't she hungry? She should eat-"

"Lela," he warned.

"I'm going," she murmured.

She quickly escaped, closing the door behind her. Zavien placed several bags on the bed.

"I still don't understand how you know my size," I murmured.

"You told me you were petite," he said.

"Right," I said blushing. "So um... could you turn around?"

Zavien turned around and sighed.

I slipped the undergarments he got for me on. I struggled to get in the fitted jeans, and slipped on the plain white tee. Honestly, I matched him. I slipped on the black socks and reached in the other bag.

"Thank god," I murmured.


"I have a brush."

I began to brush my hair, he turned around and gazed at me from a distance.

"You look nice," he said softly.

"I look like your girl."

"Well, you are."

I blushed. "That's not what I meant."

He cleared his throat. "Well, let's go. I'm sure everyone's dying to meet you-or the older you."

"I've met them before?" I asked.

"Yes, they'll bombard you with a million questions and even hit on you, but don't worry. We were all close at a point and time," he said.

He slipped his hand in mine and walked with me out of the room. I tightened my grip on his hand as I felt nervousness build up in my core. I don't know if I was actually ready to meet real people aside from Zavien.

He chuckled.


"This is like a déjà vu," he said amused, "I remember welcoming you to my family, you held my hand tight because you were nervous. But as soon as I asked, you said you were never afraid of anything."

"Isn't it weird?" I asked, "you remember me as a kid, and now I'm an adult."

"When you were eleven years old, I had just turned seventeen. Now that you're eighteen, I'm only twenty four, in your years. Yeah, some people would think it was weird, but we established a close friendship. I never had the desire to have sex with you."

"I see."

"But now," he exhaled, "now... I have a strong desire to have sex with you."

"I'm taking that as a compliment."


We stepped into the dining room. Everyone stopped in their place and stared at Zavien and myself.

"Okay, you can't get mad at me," Lela said rushing over to Zavien, "I couldn't keep it a secret. I mean, the Royal Princess is back!"

Zavien just sighed.

"A formal introduction," Zavien started, "Seren Syeria, the Royal Princess and my fiancée... is back in Empyria. Her memories have not completely returned, but she remembers what happened. Don't overwhelm her, and don't touch her."

Everyone stood in place.

"I uh..." I said softly to Zavien, "they're kind of just staring."

"Well, the last time they saw you was when you were eleven," Zavien spoke softly, "they're adjusting to the dramatic change."

Zavien pulled me over to a seat. I sat in one, he sat in the other.

Everyone began to move again. They all went to their seats. It was still deathly silent in the room, it was making me uneasy. Everyone began to eat in silence, I knew it wasn't normal because everyone kept looking to each other before they would look at Zavien and them myself. Zavien's fork clattered to his plate and he looked up at everyone with a scowl.

"What?" He demanded.

"Well..." They started slowly.

"Sylvia's still here," Lela blurted out.

I furrowed my brow. "Sylvia?" I asked.

Fear flooded my body. Who was Sylvia?

As if we spoke upon the devil, a beautiful girl stepped inside. I couldn't help but notice how exotic she looked. She was raven haired with light eyes, her skin was sun-kissed, she was taller than me, her boobs were big and she a bodacious frame. It didn't help that she was wearing a bandeau with leggings that were sort of see-through. She wasn't even looking at me, she looked past me, she was staring at Zavien.

"Oh damn," Lela squeaked.

"I was wondering when you would return," she said, she glanced at me for all of a second, "not you, I'm talking to Zavien."

"But why?" I asked before I even thought about it.

"Seren," Zavien warned.

I ignored him. "Why would you be talking to Zavien? You don't need to talk to him. Are you Sylvia? I think you're Sylvia. What's your relationship with Zavien, I'm interested."

"Seren," Zavien said softly, "calm down."

"I'm his girlfriend-"

"Oh?" I said with raised brows. I nodded. "Girlfriend, what a nice choice of words, Sylvia." I placed my napkin on my plate and stood up, Zavien grabbed my hand, I snatched it away. "It seems I've lost my appetite. I mean, who would've thought that my own fiancé would get a girlfriend while I was suffering on earth without a clue in my mind of who I really was. What a great time to try to find your love life, Zavien."

"Seren," Zavien tried to reason. "I can explain-"

"Fuck you," I spat at him, "fuck you and her-you should've explained a long time ago. You had the fucking chance."

I walked away from him and approached Sylvia.

"You have deodorant stains on your cheap bandeau, and your eyebrows are uneven," I said and walked out.

I suppose I overreacted a little. But how else am I supposed to feel about it? We were betrothed to each other and he goes and screws some other girl just because I'm not around.

I didn't know where I was going, I just walked around. I stepped outside and sat down on one of the steps.

Could I really be mad? I had been gone for seven years, not only that but I was eleven years old when he was seventeen. Most seventeen year olds are in happy relationships and having sex, thinking about their futures and whether or not they're going to be together and for how long.

Maybe I robbed Zavien of his teenage years?

"If you're livid with me, that's understandable, but you need to eat," I heard from behind me.

I didn't speak.

"Ana, talk to me."

I turned around and scowled at him. "My name is Seren," I corrected.

He gave me a smile. "Please eat?"

"Maybe," I grumbled and turned back around.

I heard him come and sit next to me.

"I'll feed you if I have to," he said.

I was too mad and jealous to blush at that.

"Wow, you're really mad," he murmured.

"You know," I said, "I had a dream last night or this morning or whatever time it was that I fell asleep, and it was about when you bitched at me for hanging out with Zade. Do you remember how angry you were? That's how angry I am, just worse because you actually slept with Sylvia and I only spoke to Zade."

"When you put it like that, no matter what I say, it won't be good enough," he sighed, "why come up with an excuse then?"

"Then tell me the truth," I said, "I'll eat if you tell me the truth."

"I was horny, depressed, angry, lonely, and I wanted to get revenge on Zade so I seduced his sister, Sylvia."

"She clearly thinks you two are in love," I grumbled and grabbed the muffin from Zavien's plate. I peeled the wrapper off and set it on the plate.

"You would too if I had sex with you."

I choked and laughed.

"Yeah, right. I don't need to have sex with you to fall in love with you," I said subconsciously.

"You've been stroking my ego a lot today, Seren."

"Believe me, I'm not trying to," I said and took a few pieces of fresh fruit off of the plate. "I'm sure you have plenty of women stroking your ego."

"That may be true, but it only effects me when you say something," he said nudging me. "That's what you do. You compliment me, we compliment each other."

"Oh, hush. I barely know you," I snorted. "A lot can change about a person in seven years."

Zavien sighed.

"It's unfortunate how true that is," he muttered.

"Well, I'm over that Sylvia chick. It's in the past, right?" I said as I ate, "I'm not impressed by her."

Zavien slipped his hand in mine and moved closer to me. I laid my head on his shoulder. We were silent. He let me eat while we just looked out ahead.

"I think everyone has calmed down enough to speak in your presence now," Zavien said, "you showing up is a big deal for everyone."

I blushed. "I don't know who anyone is."

"It'll come back to you."

We both got up and dusted ourselves off before we headed back inside. I wasn't as nervous as I was before, maybe because I just didn't really care anymore. I had to remember who I was and what happened, people will be shocked because I was proclaimed dead and missing. Knowing that doesn't make me feel to warm though. Zavien set the plate in the kitchen and led me to a room where they all were. Instead of just staring at me, they kneeled.

"Royal Princess."

I cleared my throat. "You may stand?"

They got up.

"If I must say, you've definitely gotten hot," one of the many people said with a grin. Zavien shot him a glare.

"That's my brother, Rhys," Zavien said dryly, "never mind him."

"Don't count me out," another said. "I'm Marx, the other brother."

I nodded. "So is everyone here a hybrid or...?"

Everyone looked to Zavien.

"How much does she remember exactly?" Marx asked.

"Not much," he sighed.

"Zavien's the only hybrid from this family. In fact, he's a different kind of hybrid, he was born from two pureblood parents," Rhys said, "for some strange reason, he was a hybrid instead of a pureblood."

"And at that moment, your family noted that. What Zavien is... it's impossible. Zavien was asked to join the Royal Palace, hybrids weren't supposed to live with purebloods. Our parents were going to give him up, I mean, you can't say no to the Royal Palace. Zavien declined. Zavien's the most powerful hybrid alive, and when he was born he overpowered the Royal Palace greatly. That's why he's the Hybrid Lord," Marx explained.

"Sounds like a burden," I murmured.

"Then you were born," Zavien added, "I was then told that you were different too. The opposite of me, born of hybrid parents yet pure. They told me I would marry you when you came of age. I declined. I didn't want anything to do with the Royal Palace. I accepted when you were four years old. It wasn't because of the Royal Palace, it was because I realized that you would be ostracized and I was the only one who could protect you. You didn't make it easy for me."

That, I do remember.

"It's so exciting to see you so grown up, you're so perfect! You should let me draw you," Lela said with a nod, "Zavien, let me draw her, please!"

"Seren, as you already know, my sister Lela," Zavien introduced.

"I don't really..." I started.

"Don't worry, I'm not a creep or anything, it's just that I really do appreciate the female body-"

"Lela," Zavien said and shook his head, "no."

"Lela's a lesbian," Rhys said.

I blushed. Oh, wow.

"It doesn't matter if she is or isn't a lesbian, Seren is still the Royal Princess and Zavien's fiancée, she can't make moves on her," Marx grumbled.

"Anyway, the rest of the people are friends of the family," Zavien said ignoring everyone else, "Benji, Raj, Kyan, and Luca, they're the closest people to me. Everyone else in the palace is either a council member or a servant."

I waved. "Hi, everyone."

"So, now you know why I was concerned with the Royal Palace," Zavien said, "I didn't intentionally mean to bring her here until she had completely regained her memories, but it looks like that won't be happening. Last night, Zade went to the Void. In other words, he's caught her scent and he knows what it is. He'll be looking for her, and if anything happens to her... I'll kill him and every single person that opposes me."

"If he went to the Void then doesn't that mean he knows that you're still alive?" Lela asked.

"If Zade somehow finds out that I didn't die or disappear the night of the Raid then he'll be excited," Zavien said, "Zade's been dying to challenge me because he thinks he's a better hybrid."

"You haven't seen or spoken to Zade in seven years, Zavien, you can't just expect him to still be the same weak naive boy he was before," Lela scolded.

"He will attempt to lure me out, it would be a trap, I'd get caught, Seren would panic and look for me, then he'd capture her. I know he won't hurt her," Zavien said, "but that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to give her up. She's mine."

"There's that passion," Benji snickered, "he lost it the day he came back without you."

"So what are you going to do to keep her sane in here?" They asked.

"She's not staying here," Zavien said, "if she were to stay, Zade would track our scents until he came here. He knows what he's looking for. I'm taking her back to the Void once the coast is clear. Fortunately, I can change it into something Seren would be more comfortable in."

"Put her in a school with a bunch of cute girls with little skirts and high socks and long hair and-"

"Lela, you're the biggest pervert alive," Marx said shaking his head with shame.

"She may have a point," I said, "if I'm going there, I'll need to be kept busy so I don't go insane."

"I'll think about it," Zavien murmured.

Zavien led me over to a desk, he sat down and pulled me down on top of him. I glanced at him, but he paid me no mind. He turned his attention to all of the work that was on his desk. He would need both of his arms and hands if he wanted to work efficiently.

"So when will you two be getting married?" Rhys asked.

"When we can disinfect the Royal Palace, Rhys," Zavien said slightly annoyed.

"When will you two finally have sex? I mean, she's of age and it'll be a while before you "disinfect" the Palace, so you're definitely going to want to have sex-"

I turned red. Zavien looked up at him.

"Why is that your number one priority?"

"It's number 2," he corrected, "and she's the Royal Princess-she's way hotter than any of us expected her to be, so I'm interested."

"Disinterest yourself, Rhys."

"When will you two have kids? And how many?"


"Okay, that was the last one," Rhys said.

It was silent in the room while Zavien read the papers on his desk.

"You know," I started as I watched him, "I read those books and scrolls and records you gave me. You completely bullshitted everything you told me. Nothing in those books mentioned anything about the Raid or the Royal Princess, it mentioned the history of the Royal Palace and the family tree. You knew I would realize that, didn't you?"

"It jogged your memory, didn't it?" He said.

I took the paper from him and held it away. He sighed and looked at me.

"Could you not do this now?" He asked.

"I want to know why you lied."

"I couldn't tell you the truth," he said, "you ask too many questions."

"That's a good thing."

"It's annoying, Seren. Now give me back the paper so I can get through this."

"Maybe I want to read it."

"Don't be stubborn, Ana, you're acting like you're eight years old again," he scolded. I scowled and set the paper out of reach.

"Don't call me Ana."

"Then stop acting like a child. You're an adult."

"Coming from a man who just set me on his lap so I wouldn't wander around, that's pretty hypocritical of you."

"I did that so Lela wouldn't drag you away and strip you down to sketch you. Unless you want that?"

I blushed wildly. "No way."

"That's what I thought too. Now, sit here and be quiet."

"Don't tell me what to do."

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I couldn't help but overhear the old married couple bickering back and forth while I tried to do some research, mind if you toned it down just a little?" Luca asked.

Zavien and I shot him a glare.

"We're not bickering like an old married couple, we're even married!" We said in unison. We then scowled at each other.

"You talk too much," Zavien said.

"You act like you have a cactus stuck in your ass."

"It's because of you."

"You can be so immature sometimes, Zavien."

"Real ironic of you to bring up immaturity at times, you have what? All of two memories of me and when did you catch me being immature? You can't call me immature at times because I'm never immature!"

"You're being immature right now, you were immature last night-"

"Last night was your fault, Ana, and you know it!"

"Stop calling me Ana!"

"Stop talking!"


I got off of his lap.

"Seren," he sighed, "where are you going?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I want you to close the door on your way out."

I scowled at him and flipped him off. He just smirked at me. I stormed off without looking behind me. I closed the door and kept moving.

Sometimes Zavien could be a pain. It's a wonder I was ever able to put up with him. Yet, so far in all of the memories I've had of him, he's been looking out for me while I was being stubborn and immature. I couldn't help but be put under the impression that Zavien didn't want to marry me, he just wanted to look out for me.

I don't know why, but it bothered me.

I pressed my head against the cool window and sighed. Maybe this would help me calm down. I caught sight of a black coat and bags leaving the palace, the raven hair let me know exactly who it was. Sylvia.

She can't leave, if she goes away, she'll probably run back to her brother Zade and spill the news of my return-ruining everything!

"Oh, no you don't," I said and took off running.

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