Did You Hear Me? [JunHao]

By microwave5sos

94.7K 3.7K 3.7K

Soulmate AU Junhui is crushing on the weird deaf boy at school. ?JunHao? With a side of Hoonsol;) More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
New story

Chapter Ten

4.8K 218 240
By microwave5sos

So last chapter was a little depressing...sorry anyway, it's abt to get dramatic :,)

Jun's life went downhill in just a few days. Over something kinda stupid. Seungcheol was compleatly ignoring him, which ment he couldn't even sit at the table any more. Joshua tried to tell him to sit anyway, but it would be too awkward. Even Jihoon was super mad at him. Jun tried calling and apologising, but he wasn't having it. He didn't understand why. It was one mistake and he apologised, promising to make it better.

So Jun spent the next two days sitting in the bathroom to eat lunch. That's even if he had the appetite to eat anything at all. It was kinda gross, but it's not like he could go anywhere else. Jihoon had the car and Joshua always ate at school. He had no other choice.

Minghao knows about what happened with his friends and he honestly felt bad. He felt like he was comming between his friendships and that isn't the way to be, but he couldn't help that he liked Jun, plus they were soulmates, so can't they just accept that? The whole thing made him angry because he hated to see Jun so depressed. He rarely answered his texts and almost never talked to Minghao over thoes few days. He was tempted to go have a little talk with this Seungcheol dude, but he was too scared.

On the other hand, life hasn't exactly been easy for him since he started comming back to school. So it seemed the both of them were having hell right now. People had teased him before, of course he couldn't hear them and it never really bothered him, but it was worse now. The second he walked in the door, it's like he was the talk of the whole damn school. They all stared at him and whispered amongst themselves. Minghao couldn't understand what they were saying, but he knew it was about him.

There was plenty to talk and make fun of him about. Especially with the new hearing aid he had received. "Makes you look like an old person."

Yeah well, since when was it only old people who can't hear? It wasn't his fault he couldn't hear. He already felt like a outsider because of it. Why did they have to go and make it worse? People's words never bothered him until now. It wasn't just their words. They were writing things on his desk and leaving things in his lockers. It was really getting to him. It wasn't even all about him being deaf.

They wrote things such as 'fag' and 'queer' on there as well. Seriously? How did anyone even know? Honestly, this whole scenario was pissing him off and he didn't wanna go to school, but Thursday was going to be okay because him and Jun were going to the carnival. He was excited and just happy to get to spend time with him some more. Hopefully he could cheer Junhui up a bit since he was still pretty down.

Since he hadn't barely talked to Jun this week, he had to make sure they were still up for that. He didn't wanna make Jun go if he wasn't feeling up to it, but honestly he felt scared to approach Jun at his locker this time. That boy....Joshua was with him and they were talking so he was afraid it would start a fight or something. He went anyway, disregarding his fears on the subject.

"Hey Minghao." The Joshua boy said, making the taller wave at him with a small smile, and Junhui turned around seeing Minghao now and quickly shoved his things away.

"Hao! What's up?" He asked, putting his bag onto his shoulder.

"Are we still up for the carnival after school?" He signed to the other. Joshua didn't seem to know what they were talking about so he just stood there, but Jun's face dropped. That can't be good.

"Uh yeah! Definitely uh what time?"

"5 okay?"

Jun nods and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Yeah yeah, sounds good."

Yeah he totally forgot.

"Wait what? I have no idea what your saying, but I thought you were gonna be with me today."

Oh shit, here it goes.

"Ahahaha how funny. Oh wow!" Jun said nervously and held up a finger as if to tell Minghao to wait a second before he pulled Joshua aside.

Minghao nods for them to continue as he stood by the lockers.

Joshua looked at him and crossed his arms."You're ditching me? What did we talk about the other day?"

"No no! You don't understand. Listen. This is very important to me okay. He asked me to go with him, and it's kinda gonna be like a date, we...," Junhui stopped talking, red returning to his cheeks, just thinking about it.

Joshua sighed, "What?"

"We kissed. He likes me! And I can't ditch him he asked me first. But I promise I will make it up to you if you please just give me this!" The boy was almost on his knees begging.

Jeonghan looked back at Minghao, then to his begging friends face before giving in. "Ah fine. You go have fun. And let me get the details tonight okay?" Joshua winked at him and took his bag walking off to his next class. Junhui still blushed, but he learned to get used to it. Joshua was a weirdo.

Jun turned back to Minghao and smiled, "Alright see you after school!" He smiled and hesitantly gave the other a small, hug then ran off like a school girl. He had now idea why he was so embaressed. They kissed a few days prior.

That was something Jun just couldn't get out of his mind. The other night when his mother was home, he explained to her how his week had been, which included the kiss, but then his little brother over heard and hasn't shut up about it since. Truly, he was a little shit, but he had to love him.

Class was mostly just sitting in the back, but he actually paid attention to what was happening and stuff, so he wouldn't fail this class. It wasn't like he actually needed it, but it was pretty fun compared to his other classes and he liked when Chan was his partner for their art and stuff. He was really creative.

Jun loved his new friends and he loved being around them, but he hasn't talked to his other friends in a few days and it was really bumming him out, even if Chan assured him they would come around but he had to keep making it up to them and stuff, because then they would see he was really sorry.

Students filled the hall around the time after lunch. Kids ditching and kids trying to get to their next class. Jun and Chan were just walking around going together to their next class, but they would have to depart from eachother when they got to their hall bevause they didn't have the same class.

On their way to turn the corner, they were ran into by two students who seemed to be in quite a rush. Thoes students happened to be Soonyoung and Seungkwan. It suddenly seemed very familiar. They looked pretty worried, maybe they were running late.

"Woah, what are you running for?" Chan asked, as the two boys stumbled over their words trying to explain what was happening, making Jun worry.

"Hao is about to-"

"He's gonna fight someone!" Seungkwan rushed out. "By the bathrooms upstairs. They are the ones putting the notes everywhere and-and he threw water on them!"

Jun's brows furrowed. What notes? Most of the kids in this school were alot more mature by now, so he figured there was rarely any bullying. "You need to stop him, he won't listen to me."

Soonyoung seemed really worried and desperate. Why didn't a teacher find out? Surely they would stop it, but Jun wasn't thinking about any of that at the moment. Like hell he was gonna let Minghao get beat up by some idiots. He wasn't even sure what was happening. He just knew he needed to try and stop it.

As he was running up the stairs he pushed passed some random students, hearing the three boys rushing behind him.

Sure enough when he reached the boys bathrooms on the second floor, there it was. Two guys were standing. Just standing. They weren't doing anything, but he could hear them talking shit and Minghao looked red in the face like he was going to go off any second.

Quickly, Junhui dashed over as fast as he could and jumped in the middle. Not really a good decision. These guys weren't big or scary or anything, just looked like entitled brats that had alot of money. They probably needed that good punch to the nose.

"Hey. Goodbye," He said with a smile as he grabbed Hao's arm and attempted to pull him away, but he yanked his arm from his grasp. Well, looks like this fight was going to happen.

"Okay, no. Hao stop. This isn't nessicary, let's just go. These nimrods are just looking for a reason to fight."

"Excuse me?" The taller one asked.

"You heard me. We will be leaving now."

It seemed that Chan maybe went to go get a teacher because he wasn't with the other two standing down the hall.

"Uh no. Your little friend came up to us and threw some water on me, so no he will not be going. If you wanna stay I'm sure there is enough beating for the both of you," he started rolling up his sleeves. Jun needed to think fast

Okay, why the hell would Minghao throw water on him. Jun turned to see him and well, he had a empty water bottle in his hand and a few peices of paper. Well shit.

Minghao didn't know what the two others were saying, but he knew it was about him. And he was not a pussy to stand up to them. If he stood up, they would leave him alone right? That's what he was always taught, so yes, he was going to attempt to beat these guys up. They just made him that mad. But what was making him even more mad, was that Jun was getting in the middle of it. He needed to take care of this on his own.

Jun scoofed at the taller and gave him the most shitty face he could. "Look here, dick weed. I'm not scared of you, so why don't you just back off out of my face?" He suggested, pushing the other back away from him.

"Fine. We'll do this later." The taller backed off like he was told, but somehow Jun knew this wasn't the end of it.

"Just tell your faggot friend that this isn't over. Since he can't hear a damn thing I'm saying." He chuckled and went to walk off.

Jun didn't even see what was comming. He just suddenly filled up with so much anger for them speaking about him that way. He's never been in a fight, but his fist sure collided with the assholes face really quickly, making a big fight break out.

Soonyoung and Seungkwan tried their best to stop it and pull them all off, but Jun was being held down as the other guy punched him. He kneed him where the sun doesn't shine and that stopped him real quick.

By the time Chan got back with the teacher, students were gathered around the six students all fighting. Or what looked like fighting. Minghao was attempting to pull the taller guy off of his Soonyoung, while Jun was actually getting pummeled and Seungkwan was on the back of the shorter one just wailing on him.

Next thing Jun knew, all six of them were sitting in the principles office. They all looked like hell, with bruises and a few busted lips, but at least they beat the two assholes.

"He hit first!" The taller one explained as he was being dragged out of the office by his mother. Served him right. Turned out fighting was actually alot scarier than Jun thought. Lucky for Minghao, he got away with just being shoved to his butt, but even so, he was now mad at Jun.

The punnishmenst wasn't all that bad. They were just being picked up from school today and they were all suspended for a week. It wasn't that bad, but Jun had alot more comming at home.

"Soonyoung, how's your eye?" He asked as he moved the ice pack from the others face to see. It wasn't as puffy anymore, but he had a black eye.

"It feels great," his voice was sarcastic but he still seemed okay. This day sure was eventful.

And Seungkwan got elbowed in the face while riding on the back of the shorter guy, so his nose bled a bit, but he was okay now. He seemed happy. He actually was. He claimed that it was an exhilarating experience. What a weirdo.

Eventually, it was Jun's turn to leave. The car ride was silent, but he knew what his mother was thinking, especially since she had to clock out early to come pick his beat up ass from school. He knew she wasn't happy with him. And to think. This was only half of it. His dad was still waiting for them at home. Now they have been sitting on the couch in the living room for about five minutes and no one has said anything. It was really just them glaring at him.

"Was I supposed to let him beat up Hao?"

Big mistake. She scoffed at him and shook her head, "Junhui, you threw the first punch. What you should have done when he backed off was told an adult!"

His eyebrows raised, "What and be a pussy in front of the whole school."

"You watch your mouth young man!"

"I don't understand why you guys are so mad. They were awful to him. You should have seen the look on his face. He was really upset and I just couldn't stand to see him look that way. I guess my anger got out," He sighed rubbing his face. "Look I'm sorry, you had to take a few hours off work, but I'm not sorry I punched him."

Jun stood up from the couch, but he was stopped again, making an annoyed groan escape.

"Give me your phone, you're grounded until you go back to school."

He scoffed. "What? No. That's not fair."

She glared holding out her hand. "Now."

The blond huffed and dug it out of his pocket and gave it to her, but with alot of attitude before storming upstairs.

Of course he was pissed. His punishment was compleatly for nothing. He hadn't done anything wrong.

What's worse was everyone was mad at him now. And he literally had no one this time. His parents, friends and Minghao were all mad. None if this ever would have happened had he never met Minghao. That was a horrible way to think, but it was true. No matter how much he regretted, he could never regret meeting Minghao. But they couldn't even go on their 'date' tonight. The week couldn't get any worse.

Junhui's mother may have taken his phone, but he was allowed to use the home phone right. And he just needed someone to talk to. Everything was going to shit and Jun needed a friend. Someone who would try and help him feel better. That would be Joshua.

The phone rung twice before the other had answered.


"My phone was taken. I have to resort to the land line. Can you talk for a bit? I feel really sad and everyone hates me now," Joshua could tell by his voice how sad he was. How it broke a little bit when he said everyone hated him.

"Hey, I don't hate you. None of us do. They are just mad. I promise everything will be better when you get back to school."

Jun played with the end of his shirt, where the thread was comming loose as he pulled on it. "How do you know? It's like Seungcheol wants me to be lonely. Because he doesn't like Minghao for some reason, and now Minghao is mad at me for sticking up for him. My best friend won't talk to me at all."

"You know, he's just over protective.  He wants you to be happy. With Minghao, well I can imagine how embaressed he was having you fight for him. I'm sure he didn't wanna be that helpless kid, and you butting in, made it look like that," sure that made sense, but still.

"Okay, And? Was I supposed to let him get beat up? Ahhh no no. You're right. You're always right."

"Who are you talking to?" A voice in the background asked, Jun could already tell in was Seungcheol.

"Uh Jun.."

"Oh let me talk," He said. Jun could hear rustling around as if Joshua was trying to keep the phone from him. That and he kept saying no so.

"Hey how's your face? Is your lip fat?"


Now a scoff could be heard over the speaker. "My question needs answering."

"I don't know. Is it really important?" He asked getting irritated. Can Joshua get the phone back now.

"Uh yeah. I need to throw this in your face later when I'm not mad anymore."

A small flicker of hope made Jun smile. "So you're going to forgive me?"

"Eventually," He answered. "I always do. You're like my little brother. But right now can I just say," he paused again making Jun confused, that is until he head screaming in his ear.


"Asshole!" He shouted moving the phone from his ear. "They didn't even look freshmen okay. I feel shitty enough as it is."

Seungcheol sighed, "Look man. I need to apologize. I'm sorry for being so negative to Minghao. I got the wrong feeling and I was just afraid he was going to hurt you. Like I said you're like my little brother and I care about you. But I see what everyone's been doing to him at school and I figured he doesn't need it from me either. I have no reason to not like him, so I will apologise to him as well."

"Wow, is this Seungcheol saying he has remorse. This is new omg." Jun said, exaggerating his voice to make it funny.

"Haha shut up. Anyway, I'm still mad, but I'll get over it. Tomorrow I'll bring Jihoon and well come see you to try and cheer you up." The thought made Jun smile. He knew that he hadn't lost them compleatly. They always came around.

"I'm grounded," he stated.

"Who cares? You're parents are never home, who's gonna find out? Anyway. Talk to you tomorrow, goodnight."

Jun smiled and said goodnight. He took the phone a put it up. He figured while he's off school he might catch up on some homework so he doesn't fail and all of that. Maybe this would be a bit good for him. Thiugh he still needed to talk to Minghao. Without his phone, he couldn't speak with him till they go back to school.

Jun decides he could just ask his mom for thirty minutes on his phone to talk to Minghao. Surly she would understand because that's his soulmate. Or maybe not. There was only one way to find out, so he would do alot of kissing ass to get just thirty minutes, but it was worth it.

Sure, Minghao was mad, but he can't be mad forever. Not over something like this. Junhui just needed to apologise and let Minghao fight his own battles from now on. Unless it had to deal with him getting beat up. That would be when Jun just goes to get someone. Really, they were going to get into alot of fights in the future, this one is just small. They can't let something like this tear them down. Now that the rumors at school that they were dating kicked off, that just ment they didn't have to really hide it. Not that they were going to anyway. Jun didn't expect for some idiots to make fun of them for it.

Now that he thought about it, how did they even come up with that rumor? Because it wasn't true, first off, as much as Jun would like to it be. They were never affectionate at school  unless they hugged or something, but even that wasn't bad. Everyone hugs. Then Jun realized, that they were kissing in school. Under the bleachers. Well that was a mess just waiting to happen. That must have been it. But now he was questioning who even caught them and started the stupid rumor.

Who skips class and has a big mouth? Jun knew exactly who.

Heyo! I'm finally updating on time omg! Okay here is chapter 10. Hope you enjoyed, my hand hurts from writing ahh goodnight!!

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