Silence Will Kill

By GearsDaughter

730 96 21

Years of planning and hiding. The boy who once feared many is now the one that many fear. He has destroyed... More

Ch1: Hail Blood
Ch2: Dainty Little Beauty
Ch3: Everything You Did to My Sugar
Ch4: Mine and Only Mine
Ch5: You Are Beautiful
Ch6: Teasing
Ch7: Tempted
Ch8: She Is Not On The Menu
Ch9: Talking
Ch10: My Little Pet
Ch11: Your Place In The Clan
Ch12: Meeting Caspian
Ch13: Weak Spot
Ch14: Dreams Feel So Real
Ch15:The Plan
Ch16: Plan Set Up
Ch17: Execute Plan Kidnap 1-3
Ch18: Execute Plan Kidnap 2-3
Ch19: Execute Plan Kidnap 3-3
Ch20: Coma Coal
Ch21: Baby Boy or Girl
Ch22: I Will Change You
Ch23: Caspian And Baby Names & Fathers With Deadly Plans
Ch24:I'm So Sorry. I Just Wanted You Back
Ch25: Wolf Slave
Ch26: Shifting
Ch27: Friends Zone
Ch28: Wolf Games
Ch29: Alpha Fight
Ch30: Dangerous
Ch31: Trouble With Keeping Us Hidden
Ch32: Stay Away
Ch34: Saved & Sacrificed
Ch35: Canada
Ch36: Challenge The Young Alpha 2/1
Ch37: Challenge The Young Alpha 2/2
Ch38: Celebrating
Ch39: Family Heir And Firends To Foes
Ch40: Abomination And Danger

Ch33: The Champions Fight For Freedom

11 2 0
By GearsDaughter

Cerberus POV

I have to mark and mate Thea.

I guess that's good right.

I was in the kitchen washing dishes then I heard the door to the kitchen open. I turn around and see Master Kyran standing there. He walks around and looks at the dishes I cleaned and was putting in the dishwasher. He picked up a knife and started to toss it in the air, catching it by the handle every time.

"So... I heard what you were speaking about to Harper, and you are keeping your promise, yes?" He asked and looked up at me.

"Um... Sire, may I asked a question?" I asked throwing the towel over my shoulder.

"Of course." He said with a false smile.

"Why is it so..." I was cut off by the knife being thrown and it stuck to the cupboard beside my face.

I froze.

"What where you says?" He asked in a challenging voice.

"Um... I was just going to ask when my next fight is going to take place?" I said with a forced smile and he smiled back.

"Tonight." He said and turned around to walk out of the kitchen and I breath in and out.

"Tonight." I say and breath in and out.

My day goes by slowly and I avoided Thea the whole time. I was glad because I don't want Master Kyran's threats to move to her.

I made lunch for everyone and I cleaned. Then night fell and Master walked into the kitchen while me and Miss Harper cooked dinner.

"Miss Harper, me and Cerberus have to go now." He said and Miss harper smiled as she nods and watches me leave with Master Kyran.

We walk out of the building and to his car and I got settled in the seat.

"So, tonight is your biggest fight ever." He said and I nod.

The rest of the drive was quiet as we made it to the alleyway. We get out I walk in and get smiles and raised glasses to me. Some people say "knock them dead" or "break some legs". I hate these things because it makes me feel bad for hurting wolves that I know have no chance but some sick part of me enjoys the thrill of killing them.

I walk down the stairs to the kennel and I'm put in my cage and wait.

"Hey, champ." I heard a voice across from my cell. I raise my head and see Gladiator. He is my runner up. We have yet to fight but we talk every time before a fight.

"Hey runner up." I say and smile at him.

"Yo, yo, what's up bratha?" Spoke the nerd of the group. We call him Squeak, because he is the smallest but the fastest and he always makes his opponent squeak. Me and him had a fight but he was pretty fast and I was enjoying the fact that I could catch him and the buzzer buzzed and the game was over. I blame his speed for the reason he is living.

"What's up Squeak?" I chuckle and I see Gladiator roll his eyes.

"Squeak, I was talking to him first, you know." He growls out and I smile.

"Yeah, yeah. We all know that Gladiator has a thing for you Cerberus, no need to hide it Glad." Chuckled out Rage. He was one of the best fighter here until Gladiator and then me.

"Rage, how's life been treating you?" I asked as I saw his cage down the hall.

"Fine, you?" He asked and I smile.

"Guys, I met someone." I say and the all gasp.

"Wait like, a special someone?" Squeak said and I smile as I look at the opposite wall in my cell.

"Yeah, a special someone." I say.

"Hopefully its not your mate." Glad said and I grow my eye brow.

"Why do you say that Glad?" I asked him and he sighs.


He was cut off by a deep, growling voice, that belonged to no one other then Cronus. He was the quiet beast in the whole arena. He was my biggest challenge and I still wasn't able to kill him.

"Because they will find her and throw her in the ring. They will make you kill her or make you watch as the other challengers take a shot at killing her." He spoke in a dark voice.

"Cronus?" I asked as I glance into his cage.

"I had to kill my mate the day I found her. We met here, she was a challenger and I was supposed to kill her but I refused to. She did the same and I was then put into chains infused with wolfbane as I watched her get surrounded by male wolves. Some of them beat her others decided to rape her. Then the call was given and they tore her to pieces infront of me." He said keeping his voice as steady as possible.

"That's why, I tear everyone and anyone apart in that arena." He growls out as he stood up and chains clinked in his cell.

I then thought for a bit.

"Hey, guys I was told this is my last fight." I told them and Squeak answers first.

"Cool man, I was told the same." He said then I look at Rage and Glad and they then looked at me.

"Us also." They say in unison.

"Hey, Cronus? What about you?" I asked.

"Same here." He growls out and then I start to think.

All the champions; last fight. Then my eyes widen.

I heard over the loud speaker squeak on and I groan at the high pitch sound.

"Ladies, and gentleman. The moment you all have been dying to see is coming to you soon. We are going to have out first very own champion fight!" The announcer spoke.

"We will see out of our five final contenders. Who will be the ultimate champion!" He yells and the crowd cheers.

"No,  we are fighting eachother." I heard Squeak say and I look at them all. They all looked down and then around as they look at all of the faces that soon will be lifeless.

"No, no we won't." I say with lower as they all look at me.

"Because we are escaping tonight."

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