War Storm FanFic

By DontBlameMeTS

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Mare is pregnant. Nobody knows, not even Mare herself. Will the child be a newblood? or will it be a Burner? ... More

Chapter 1-Recovery
Chapter 2-Little Clara
Chapter 3-Maven Against The World
Chapter 4 -Prisoner
Chapter 5-wait WHAT!
Chapter 6 -Announcement to the SG ONLY
Chapter 7-Doomed
Chatper 8 -Revealation
Chapter 9 -From Now On
Chapter 10-Missed Me?
Chapter 12 -Althea
Chapter 13 -Chess Pieces
Chapter 14 -You Made A Mistake Buddy
Chapter 15 -Movement
Chapter 16: Death Rides On A Lightning Bolt
10 Years Later 1/2
10 Years Later 2/2

Chapter 11 -Welcoming the Dawn

2.3K 23 27
By DontBlameMeTS

*Mare POV*

Evangeline was debriefed by the Colonel on what she knew about the Silvers. She wasn't able to tell him much but she was able to tell him what side, what weapons and planning methods her Father favoured. We now knew his weaknesses. 

I got a runner unknown to the Silvers to go and get some Silver and Blue hair dye for Evangeline. It now sat next to me in the infirmary. Evangeline was on a chair in front of me, her hair lying on top of a towel. Her hair was already quite silvery but she wanted it to be pure silver. 

I was watching from another seat, Gisa was actually dyeing her hair. I didn't trust myself to and Gisa was much better at this sort of thing. Before the silver dye was applied Evangeline took a pair of scissors to her hair. "Father never let me cut it." Her hair now sat at her shoulders and I could tell she took great pleasure in it. She was cutting off all the chains of her past life.

A few hours later it was done. Evangeline Samos now had silver hair with blue ends and she looked dead good. The memories of what she'd left behind crashed in at once. I could tell she was thinking of her brother and Elane. Her jaw set as she remebered why she left.

Another broadcast went out that night. Evangeline starred in it showing how even Silvers were joining us. And Evangeline was an extremely powerful Silver. Her new hair made her eyes seem particularly piercing. At the end of it, she included an extra message for father. 

"So Father I think this is the time for you to listen to me. I don't want to be a Queen. I have listened to everything you have told me since I was born. Everything. And I followed it. And you still want more. Threatening to destroy the Scarlet Guard was the final straw. I hope all of you Silvers are now listening. If you lay one finger on Mare or Althea, I will fill your body with so much metal you die. Touch my goddaughter, and I will not be responsible for my actions. You have been warned."

She calmly hit the power button killing the screens afterwards. Whilst she was making that speech, I saw another side of Evangeline. Similar to her old self except she was speaking with a razor-sharp voice. I reckon that when the Silvers hear that, they will quake in their shoes. 

And so they should.

*Evangeline POV*

This Scarlet Guard is very very well run. No wonder they are such a pain for Maven and my Father. I smiled at this. Myself and the others aren't found unless we want to be. Like Farley was the other day. 

The blonde-haired general still scares me sometimes. Especially when she carried out her last plan. The foolishness and recklessness of it made me debate how mentally sane she was. She wanted to "collect information" on the Silvers by going into the Rift. Surprisingly, no-one else went with her. 

She made it back alive. Barely. It seemed she had been recognised whilst escaping. She did have some useful information though. Like whispers of a possible alliance between the Rift and Maven. Farley looked to my opinion on that. I laughed at the irony.  I explained to Farley how Silvers only make alliances to get rid of someone and the minute they are ended, they turn on each other. And my father and Maven will certainly do that.

When I spoke in today's broadcast, the added message at the end was truly me. I was sick of being threatened, pushed around and I was tired of fearing my father. So I threatened to kill a lot of people. Silver in the head, Silver in the heart. 

You've taught me a lot haven't you father? Now watch as it is used against you.

This world will burn and I will be on the victorious side.

<Somewhere in a forest>

"This world will burn. But whether anyone survives is another story. I see Mare, lying unmoving on the ground, Tiberas Calore unmoving next to her. Everything is burning, including them. Cal's powers aren't working. A small girl walks through the flames and spots the two figures on the ground. She cries out, sinking to her knees. The flames flicker and die, the smoke vanishes. Now I see thousands of people lying on the ground. Scarlet Guard fighters and Silvers alike. The young girl, Althea straightens and screams before hurling a powerful blast of blue fire at figures that hide behind a metal wall. 

I will beat you you fucking bastards." And with that, she sets the world on fire"

I woke up delirious. Collecting my thoughts I felt the cool cloth pressed against my forehead. I was in a runaway camp living in the forest. They were calling me delirious from a fever.

But that future could be true.

It depends on a lot of things.

One step that Mare makes whilst fighting could change it.

What Tiberas Calore eats for dinner could change it.

The future is never sure.

Somewhere far away, thunder rumbles.

(Hmmmm guess who that was -love me)

*Cal's POV*

The Rift is not a happy place. Another broadcast was sent from the Scarlet Guard. They had Evangeline. At first Volo thought she had been kidnapped by them but she had gone willingly. He raged for hours. Her message at the end shook me in more than one way. Goddaughter? Mare had given my daughter godparents. However, thanks to Evangeline, we all now knew her name. Althea.

My daughter had a name. A mother. Godparents. Had she said her first word yet? Would Mare tell her who her father is? Would I ever get to meet my daughter?

I cried for hours that night. Why did I choose this? I could've chosen Mare. I could've chose for myself. But I was blinded by power. I thought I was a strong man, immune to the temptations of power but I am the opposite. 

Volo and Maven have sealed an alliance. They weren't going to make the information public because the Scarlet Guard would exploit it just like they had in the past. Volo had nearly caught Farley the other week. His angry descriptions of her were enough for me to figure out who she was. Apparently she had been snooping around looking for something. We don't know what and it's making everyone nervous.

Even though Volo tries to hide it, people are starting to figure out how good the Scarlet Guard are. How they easily slip through the cracks and how they are much much bigger than they were told.

Congratulations Mare. You win this round.

A stinging sensation overtook me. Fire. But Maven wasn't around. There were two streams of it snaking round the place. I heard a hissed "uh-oh". It was Mare's voice. Coming from the ceiling? The air vents. Of course.

I shook my head and I heard the screams start. People had noticed. I tried to put it out before Mare was caught but I had no control over it. I couldn't touch it. I heard Maven yell for everyone to get out. It seems he couldn't control it either. But why?

I jumped out of the window down to where I last saw Mare. She was stood there panting. There was some sort of contraption attached to her. And held against her chest within the contraption was a baby. Althea. And Mare was sweating heavily.

Althea's hands were glowing. Mare noticed I was there and bolted for it, hiding Althea's hands from me. I looped her in a ring of fire. She panicked and I could see her lips saying cuss words. A lot of them.

I stepped in it and leaned over my daughter. I kissed her forehead gently before turning to Mare. She was watching me warily but I was more confused as to why she wasn't using her lightning against me. Her eyes were full of water. But why? Her purple hair really did suit her.

"Why are Althea's hands glowing Mare?" She jumped, not expecting me too speak. No reply.

Rain fell from the sky suddenly. It came down hard and fast, drenching us all. But still the fire blazed strong enveloping the building. The entire thing was engulfed in flames. Mare caught a handful and wrapped Althea's hands in it.

The fire flickered and was extinguished. The smoke vanished. My fire faded. And so did Mare and Althea. The last thing I felt was metal wrapping around me before blackness overtook me.

*Mare POV*

I legged it with Evangeline cursing madly. He had seen.

And I didn't even get what I came for. However after that, I don't think I need it.

We kept our heads down and ran. 

An echo from the behind startled us. Volo was yelling. Footsteps crashed behind us and we were enveloped in light.

Ptolemus and Elane. They joined us without a word. I let them because I knew it wasn't safe for either of them to remain with Volo.

We made it back to the base and I blacked out. Again.

A/N So next chap we find out why Mare was at the Rift and why it isn't safe Elane and Ptolemus anymore. Also something about Althea is discovered. Oh and, I wonder why Cal and Maven couldn't control that fire? hahahahahahahaha

Who do you think the mysterious person in the forest was?

Until next time xx

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